
A short interview with a sister on why she left shism and became sunni!

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Some of the activities of whoaretheshia on TSR (the student room forum)

A thread he made as sunnis were being slaughtered in Aleppo - even some of the non-Muslims call him out for his Assadist shill behaviour

A thread he made calling Abu Esa an extremist because Abu Esa has common sense and sees what the Iranian regime (the inheritors of the Saffavids) are doing to sunnis -

A thread he made where he tries to compares Iran to Saudi Arabia, conveniently Iran is portrayed a peace loving non sectarian society, guess he hasn't seen TSD's Iran videos eh? -

A thread he made where he tries for shill for Iran in Syria and tries to make it look like Iran want free and fair elections amongst other false things -

A thread he made about unity week that Iran holds, which we all know is conference just for PR & Taqiyya purposes -

Oh he also loved to post Ammar Nakshwani videos too in the Islamic society too but he stopped after Nakshwani went on that infamous rant of his and we sunnis on there started to bring it up each time he mentioned nakshwani.

These are things that I could quickly copy and paste from his profile there, If I took a good amount of time to gather more things about him, I could probably make him look far worst.

You are good people on here, may Allah bless you, and for the most part you do not require me ousting this person. But he is quite good at putting on an act of politeness and brotherhood and I'd rather not take a risk and allow people to fall for his charm. I assure you that he is a hardcore khameinist and not to be trusted. He has repeatedly again and again teamed up with the very worst people, people who insult Allah, people who insult the Prophet (pbuh) and people who insult Islam, against us Sunnis just so he could get more freedom to corrupt the young Muslims on there. He has even tried to get some of us banned from that site, he would show us smiles in public but behind the scenes he was speaking ill about us to the moderation team (they gave a warning to one of us and so we learnt of what he was telling them).  Alhamdulillah that I met him and I fully discarded foolish naive ideas of unity with such people.

Treat him justly and be polite but never trust this guy. He will sell anyone out as soon he sees the first chance of furthering the cause of twelverism.

« Last Edit: June 16, 2019, 07:31:39 AM by Adil »


It’s to see individuals joining and contributing in refuting and exposing the Shia propaganda. I know It’s hard for people to take interest and involve in this effort,  due to their busy lives, but those do that , wil surely get a good reward from Allah.


It’s to see individuals joining and contributing in refuting and exposing the Shia propaganda. I know It’s hard for people to take interest and involve in this effort,  due to their busy lives, but those do that , wil surely get a good reward from Allah.

What Shia propaganda 😀 Care to give an example and discuss it 😊 Or are you another one who just throws a comment and rushes off to the next thing. 😀


What Shia propaganda 😀 Care to give an example and discuss it 😊 Or are you another one who just throws a comment and rushes off to the next thing. 😀

“Umar said don’t listen to him” and DENYING that Iran is helps terrorists and kills Muslims, what else do you want? There are others but these 2 are sufficient enough as your lying shia propaganda portraying lies and denying the truth.😉


What Shia propaganda 😀 Care to give an example and discuss it 😊 Or are you another one who just throws a comment and rushes off to the next thing. 😀

The examples are spread all over the forum where you were humiliated by multiple members for your shameless lies. Any unbiased person can see that.


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