
Another Ex-Shia

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Qamar Farooq

Another Ex-Shia
« on: December 18, 2019, 03:35:32 AM »
Another brother with youtube name 'Ex Shia' who left the pagan Ali worshipping sect of Shiaism and embraced Islam. I told him to make an account on this website but there was some technical difficulties. So instead, i am posting his story here. You can find his story on the youtube comments section of this video

Salam Alaikom,

Brothers, I had to overcome, not one, not two but at least three obstacles on my way to find true Islam.

The first of these obstacles was Twelver Shiism. I was born in a country where they were forming the majority (including my own family), but like in today's Syria were ruled by a minority dictator (Saddam). The victim mentality was strong. "They" are killing us for our faith. "They" have been doing this since the time of Hussain (ra).

The second obstacle was Kurdish nationalism. We are the largest ethnic group in the world without a country. "They" are killing us for our ethnicity. Kurdish nationalist and Rafidi, just great.

The third obstacle came in the form of Saddam's Baathist regime during the Iran-Iraq war in the 80's. His regime took all our properties and belongings (we lived in Baghdad) and deported my family to Iran, while others with the same background were put in massgraves. The victim mentality here was stronger than ever. "They" did this to us because of our faith and ethnicity combined, the victomhood now became reality and not just words.

So, as you can imagine, when the time came for the U.S. invasion of Iraq in 2003 when I was 18, it was clear on which side I was. Even though I was not the dumbest kid on the block, and had read about the violent and despicable history of the U.S. regimes, I could never ever side with the Baathist tyrants in Iraq, especially not as a Kurdish Shia who was actually directly harmed by that regime.

And this is how history placed me side by side with the crusaders. I did not actually fought alongside them, alhamdulillah, and I was not in Iraq during the conflict, because as I said, our family was deported in the 80's to Iran. Ironically, Iraqi Shias had no equal rights in Rafidi Iran like the Iranian people, for example, you were not allowed to go to the university there, so our family left Iran for the West where I grew up.

During the war in Iraq in 2003 and beyond, things turned ugly. Civil war broke out, many car bombs, Shia masses were being targeted, Shia shrine blown to pieces in 2006, etc. Saddam was executed later that year. So here you have "them again" killing us for our faith, while at the same time the ignorant Arab masses were calling Saddam a Shaheed of the Ummah. In the meantime amidst the chaos, the Americans did not know what the hell they were doing there and were mismanaging the entire country. 2006 is also when the war in Lebanon broke out, and the "Shia Mujahideen of Hezbol-lat were fighting back", while some in Saudi Arabia were siding with Israel or against "the Muslims", which added to my confusion.

As I was growing older, I was doing my religious research, I also watched a lot of Muslim-Christian debates, by Ahmad Deedat (rahimullah), so I knew that Islam was the true religion of God. But when it came to Sunni-Shia debates, it remained vague for me, especially with my background and the events that were unfolding at the time.

This continued until the Arab Spring came late in 2010, I hated the dictators with a passion due to my historical personal hatred for the Baathists in my own country, so I sided with the mass uprisings, regardless of whether they were Sunni or Shia (like in Bahrain). In the meantime I was also coming across rightheous Sunni shuyookh (who were doing kufr bit taghut), and they really clarified a lot for me and gave me a great tool to judge others by it.

By this time, the revolution had reached Libya in 2011. Iran sided against Qaddafi because in the past a Shia priest (Musa al-Sadr) had dissappeared while visiting Libya. But when the revolution reached the blessed land of Shaam, Iran and its mouthpieces everywhere suddenly were speaking about a Zionist Conspiracy in Syria, while at the same time cheering for the Uprising in Bahrain. I disliked this hypocrisy from Iran very much.

By this time I had listened to thousands of hours of Islamic lessons by the righteous shuyookh who were anti-tawagheet, this in combination with the revolutions in the Arab world, especially the one in the blessed land of Shaam which crushed Iran's image (idol) in my eyes, and the martyrdom of several shuyookh who were on the haqq in 2011, which made me revert back to true Islam, more than 500 years after Ismail Safavi the dog had converted my ancestors from Sunnism to Shiism by the sword (my forefathers migrated from Persia to the Ottoman empire, this is why we as Kurdish Shias lived in Baghdad and not in Iraqi Kurdistan in the North of Iraq).

Brothers, continue with striving on the straigth path, your kufr bit taghut is destroying idols and bringing many people to Islam. Those who slander you as khawaarij are despicable bootlickers of the tawagheet. Only Allah truly knows the major benefits that have come out of the tribulations in Shaam. All praise belongs to Allah (swt).

« Last Edit: December 18, 2019, 03:36:40 AM by Qamar Farooq »


Re: Another Ex-Shia
« Reply #1 on: December 18, 2019, 11:39:46 AM »
Another brother with youtube name 'Ex Shia' who left the pagan Ali worshipping sect of Shiaism and embraced Islam. I told him to make an account on this website but there was some technical difficulties. So instead, i am posting his story here. You can find his story on the youtube comments section of this video

Salam Alaikom,

Brothers, I had to overcome, not one, not two but at least three obstacles on my way to find true Islam.

The first of these obstacles was Twelver Shiism. I was born in a country where they were forming the majority (including my own family), but like in today's Syria were ruled by a minority dictator (Saddam). The victim mentality was strong. "They" are killing us for our faith. "They" have been doing this since the time of Hussain (ra).

The second obstacle was Kurdish nationalism. We are the largest ethnic group in the world without a country. "They" are killing us for our ethnicity. Kurdish nationalist and Rafidi, just great.

The third obstacle came in the form of Saddam's Baathist regime during the Iran-Iraq war in the 80's. His regime took all our properties and belongings (we lived in Baghdad) and deported my family to Iran, while others with the same background were put in massgraves. The victim mentality here was stronger than ever. "They" did this to us because of our faith and ethnicity combined, the victomhood now became reality and not just words.

So, as you can imagine, when the time came for the U.S. invasion of Iraq in 2003 when I was 18, it was clear on which side I was. Even though I was not the dumbest kid on the block, and had read about the violent and despicable history of the U.S. regimes, I could never ever side with the Baathist tyrants in Iraq, especially not as a Kurdish Shia who was actually directly harmed by that regime.

And this is how history placed me side by side with the crusaders. I did not actually fought alongside them, alhamdulillah, and I was not in Iraq during the conflict, because as I said, our family was deported in the 80's to Iran. Ironically, Iraqi Shias had no equal rights in Rafidi Iran like the Iranian people, for example, you were not allowed to go to the university there, so our family left Iran for the West where I grew up.

During the war in Iraq in 2003 and beyond, things turned ugly. Civil war broke out, many car bombs, Shia masses were being targeted, Shia shrine blown to pieces in 2006, etc. Saddam was executed later that year. So here you have "them again" killing us for our faith, while at the same time the ignorant Arab masses were calling Saddam a Shaheed of the Ummah. In the meantime amidst the chaos, the Americans did not know what the hell they were doing there and were mismanaging the entire country. 2006 is also when the war in Lebanon broke out, and the "Shia Mujahideen of Hezbol-lat were fighting back", while some in Saudi Arabia were siding with Israel or against "the Muslims", which added to my confusion.

As I was growing older, I was doing my religious research, I also watched a lot of Muslim-Christian debates, by Ahmad Deedat (rahimullah), so I knew that Islam was the true religion of God. But when it came to Sunni-Shia debates, it remained vague for me, especially with my background and the events that were unfolding at the time.

This continued until the Arab Spring came late in 2010, I hated the dictators with a passion due to my historical personal hatred for the Baathists in my own country, so I sided with the mass uprisings, regardless of whether they were Sunni or Shia (like in Bahrain). In the meantime I was also coming across rightheous Sunni shuyookh (who were doing kufr bit taghut), and they really clarified a lot for me and gave me a great tool to judge others by it.

By this time, the revolution had reached Libya in 2011. Iran sided against Qaddafi because in the past a Shia priest (Musa al-Sadr) had dissappeared while visiting Libya. But when the revolution reached the blessed land of Shaam, Iran and its mouthpieces everywhere suddenly were speaking about a Zionist Conspiracy in Syria, while at the same time cheering for the Uprising in Bahrain. I disliked this hypocrisy from Iran very much.

By this time I had listened to thousands of hours of Islamic lessons by the righteous shuyookh who were anti-tawagheet, this in combination with the revolutions in the Arab world, especially the one in the blessed land of Shaam which crushed Iran's image (idol) in my eyes, and the martyrdom of several shuyookh who were on the haqq in 2011, which made me revert back to true Islam, more than 500 years after Ismail Safavi the dog had converted my ancestors from Sunnism to Shiism by the sword (my forefathers migrated from Persia to the Ottoman empire, this is why we as Kurdish Shias lived in Baghdad and not in Iraqi Kurdistan in the North of Iraq).

Brothers, continue with striving on the straigth path, your kufr bit taghut is destroying idols and bringing many people to Islam. Those who slander you as khawaarij are despicable bootlickers of the tawagheet. Only Allah truly knows the major benefits that have come out of the tribulations in Shaam. All praise belongs to Allah (swt).

May Allah bless him.

Pretty interesting too to see his thought process.


Re: Another Ex-Shia
« Reply #2 on: December 18, 2019, 11:48:50 AM »
May Allah bless him.

Pretty interesting too to see his thought process.

Wow. We got Shias converting to Sunnis at a major scale. But why be a Sunni or become one? This would be interesting. Then which Sunni? Hanafi for example. Why Hanafi? Why not Maliki etc? Then would you be Barelvi or Deobandi.... This would be interesting.😊😊😊


Re: Another Ex-Shia
« Reply #3 on: December 18, 2019, 12:02:46 PM »
Wow. We got Shias converting to Sunnis at a major scale. But why be a Sunni or become one? This would be interesting. Then which Sunni? Hanafi for example. Why Hanafi? Why not Maliki etc? Then would you be Barelvi or Deobandi.... This would be interesting.😊😊😊

For someone who claims to have many converts, you seem insecure.


Re: Another Ex-Shia
« Reply #4 on: December 18, 2019, 12:59:57 PM »
For someone who claims to have many converts, you seem insecure.

Very insecure and absolutely unsure of conversion stories from Shia to God knows which Sunni on here 😊 There's contradiction within the tales. 😊

Abu Muhammad

Re: Another Ex-Shia
« Reply #5 on: December 18, 2019, 02:09:58 PM »
Wow. We got Shias converting to Sunnis at a major scale. But why be a Sunni or become one? This would be interesting. Then which Sunni? Hanafi for example. Why Hanafi? Why not Maliki etc? Then would you be Barelvi or Deobandi.... This would be interesting.😊😊😊

Just curiuos. Why did you ask which Sunni?


Re: Another Ex-Shia
« Reply #6 on: December 20, 2019, 01:05:25 AM »
I know this ex-Shia, it's u/alilami on reddit. He has his story on this reddit thread.


Re: Another Ex-Shia
« Reply #7 on: December 20, 2019, 01:42:25 AM »
Just curiuos. Why did you ask which Sunni?

Because there are different types of sunnis. Or is it that you can pick at random.

Abu Muhammad

Re: Another Ex-Shia
« Reply #8 on: December 20, 2019, 03:08:41 AM »
Because there are different types of sunnis. Or is it that you can pick at random.

Then, what the different from you when you pick and choose your Marja at random?

bla blu

Re: Another Ex-Shia
« Reply #9 on: December 20, 2019, 04:45:22 AM »
Because there are different types of sunnis. Or is it that you can pick at random.

Then, what the different from you when you pick and choose your Marja at random?

Too bad a poor convert to shi'ism will have to be confused about choosing from 66 different "types" of shi'ism if you go by his definition of "type", because apparently there are 66 different "types" of shi'ism if you define "type" based on fiqh preference (e.g, for sunnis hanafi, maliki etc.):
« Last Edit: December 20, 2019, 04:54:30 AM by bla blu »


Re: Another Ex-Shia
« Reply #10 on: December 20, 2019, 11:20:24 AM »
Because there are different types of sunnis. Or is it that you can pick at random.

They all belong to the exact and same school of thought. And yours. What's your excuse.


Re: Another Ex-Shia
« Reply #11 on: December 20, 2019, 11:41:54 AM »
Too bad a poor convert to shi'ism will have to be confused about choosing from 66 different "types" of shi'ism if you go by his definition of "type", because apparently there are 66 different "types" of shi'ism if you define "type" based on fiqh preference (e.g, for sunnis hanafi, maliki etc.):

Name those 66 different "types" of shi'ism and tell me that those 66 different types consider and see everyone equal and the same but still hold grudge on following and praying behind one or the other. Obviously you won't be able to explain yourself and what ever you put forward. Your kind never can. Because you speak in retaliation rather than explanation. And this doesn't give you time to think.

Marja e taqleed is a scholar who has reached that level where you can follow him in matters of fiqh. This is not a molvi or a Maulana or an Imam of a mosque. Marja e taqleed is right at the very top. Just like in your case Muftis. You will have many Muftis and people will choose which mufti to follow but will not oppose the other mufti.

The only difference is our marja e taqleed are and belong to one and the same shool of thought only. And that is fiqh e jafferia. It's just the same as you have your school of thought which is the fiqa e Hanafia. And you have many Muftis which are and belong to the same school of thought.

But you also have other Muftis who have differed with the hanafia school of thought and went of and created and started a very different school of thought. It's happened on three occasions. And there has been a lot of rivalry between them in history. It's obvious there would be when someone differs and starts something new against the other.

Abu Muhammad

Re: Another Ex-Shia
« Reply #12 on: December 20, 2019, 12:25:16 PM »
Then, what the different from you when you pick and choose your Marja at random?
They all belong to the exact and same school of thought. And yours. What's your excuse.

Belong to the same "school of thought"? Really? Don't be fooled by the word "school of thought". Each of your Marja, in reality, is "the school of tought" by itself i.e. their own madzhab. It was't me saying this. Your scholars.

Let's hear what Grand Ayatullah Fadlullah said this his book “al-Ma`alim al-Jadidah lil Marji`iyah al-Shi`iyah” pg.117:

إن المشكلة التي نواجهها في تعدد المرجعيات هي المشكلة التي نواجهها في تعدد المذاهب الفقهية لأن المرجعيات هي مذاهب فقهية متعددة من خلال طبيعة تنوع الفتاوى، وتنوع النظريات في هذا المجال

The problem that we are facing in having numerous Marja`iyat (plural of Marji`) is the same as that of having numerous Fiqhi Madhabs, because the Marji`iyat are numerous Fiqhi Madhabs in their natural variety of Fatwas and  views.

Still thinking that the Maraji' belong to "the same school of thought"?


Re: Another Ex-Shia
« Reply #13 on: December 20, 2019, 12:55:55 PM »
Belong to the same "school of thought"? Really? Don't be fooled by the word "school of thought". Each of your Marja, in reality, is "the school of tought" by itself i.e. their own madzhab. It was't me saying this. Your scholars.

Let's hear what Grand Ayatullah Fadlullah said this his book “al-Ma`alim al-Jadidah lil Marji`iyah al-Shi`iyah” pg.117:

إن المشكلة التي نواجهها في تعدد المرجعيات هي المشكلة التي نواجهها في تعدد المذاهب الفقهية لأن المرجعيات هي مذاهب فقهية متعددة من خلال طبيعة تنوع الفتاوى، وتنوع النظريات في هذا المجال

The problem that we are facing in having numerous Marja`iyat (plural of Marji`) is the same as that of having numerous Fiqhi Madhabs, because the Marji`iyat are numerous Fiqhi Madhabs in their natural variety of Fatwas and  views.

Still thinking that the Maraji' belong to "the same school of thought"?

"Still thinking that the Maraji' belong to "the same school of thought"

I go by reality and facts, not by the opinion of one person. All marja e taqleed are and belong to the same school of thought. And that is the jafferia school of thought. I go by this fact. Not by you mentioning the opinion of one person and what ever he meant by it. Don't twist the facts around or disregard absolute facts and chase opinions.
« Last Edit: December 20, 2019, 01:00:08 PM by iceman »

Abu Muhammad

Re: Another Ex-Shia
« Reply #14 on: December 20, 2019, 01:25:34 PM »
"Still thinking that the Maraji' belong to "the same school of thought"

I go by reality and facts, not by the opinion of one person. All marja e taqleed are and belong to the same school of thought. And that is the jafferia school of thought. I go by this fact. Not by you mentioning the opinion of one person and what ever he meant by it. There are other schools of thought who also claim to be shia. We don't consider them to be equal or the same. Don't twist the facts around or disregard absolute facts and chase opinions.

You go by reality and facts and GRAND AYATULLAH goes by his opinion... 👍👍👍

Claimed to be under one school of thought but in reality differs in fiqh more than Hanafi, Malik and Shafii combined? Not me saying this. It's At-Tusi:

The leader of the Twelver Imami Shia sect al-Tusi says in “al-`Iddah fi Usoul al-Fiqh” 1/138:

وقد ذكرت ما ورد عنهم عليهم السلام في الأحاديث المختلفة التي تخص الفقه في كتابي المعروف بالاستبصار وفي كتاب تهذيب الأحكام ما يزيد على خمسة آلاف حديث. وذكرت في أكثرها اختلاف الطائفة في العمل بها. وذلك أشهر من أن يخفى، حتى إنك لو تأملت اختلافاتهم في هذه الأحكام وجدته يزيد على اختلاف أبي حنيفة والشافعي ومالك

I (al-Tusi) have mentioned their narrations (as) in different Ahadith regarding Fiqh in my book “al-Istibsar” and “Tahdheeb al-Ahkam” and they number around five thousand (narrations). I have mentioned that the (Twelver) sect differed in following most of them. That is too popular and cannot be hidden. In fact, if you observe their difference in the rulings you would find that they differ more than the difference between Abu Hanifa, Malik and al-Shafi`i.

That's why I'm not suprise why your Grand Ayatullah Fadhlullah said each Maraji' are, in a way, Madzhab by itself. Each of them have their own way of deriving hukm AND THAT'S THE FACT.

bla blu

Re: Another Ex-Shia
« Reply #15 on: December 20, 2019, 08:27:10 PM »
You go by reality and facts and GRAND AYATULLAH goes by his opinion? .. thumbs up thumbs up thumbs up

Claimed to be under one school of thought but in reality differs in fiqh more than Hanafi, Malik and Shafii combined? Not me saying this. It's At-Tusi:

The leader of the Twelver Imami Shia sect al-Tusi says in “al-`Iddah fi Usoul al-Fiqh” 1/138:

وقد ذكرت ما ورد عنهم عليهم السلام في الأحاديث المختلفة التي تخص الفقه في كتابي المعروف بالاستبصار وفي كتاب تهذيب الأحكام ما يزيد على خمسة آلاف حديث. وذكرت في أكثرها اختلاف الطائفة في العمل بها. وذلك أشهر من أن يخفى، حتى إنك لو تأملت اختلافاتهم في هذه الأحكام وجدته يزيد على اختلاف أبي حنيفة والشافعي ومالك

I (al-Tusi) have mentioned their narrations (as) in different Ahadith regarding Fiqh in my book “al-Istibsar” and “Tahdheeb al-Ahkam” and they number around five thousand (narrations). I have mentioned that the (Twelver) sect differed in following most of them. That is too popular and cannot be hidden. In fact, if you observe their difference in the rulings you would find that they differ more than the difference between Abu Hanifa, Malik and al-Shafi`i.

That's why I'm not suprise why your Grand Ayatullah Fadhlullah said each Maraji' are, in a way, Madzhab by itself. Each of them have their own way of deriving hukm AND THAT'S THE FACT.

Mash'Allah brother. This is a classical dictionary case of demolition. Let the highest authorities from his own religion expose his naive arguments and response full of damage control, emotional outbursts, and personal opinions. Beautiful! I wonder what he will type in reply to this post I'm making now? Would it be yet another round of damage control, emotional outbursts, and personal opinions, or would it be a jump to another inanity? (not the same but similar to the one preceding (i.e, "different "types" of sunnis e.g., maliki, hanafi etc.""))?
« Last Edit: December 20, 2019, 08:31:12 PM by bla blu »


Re: Another Ex-Shia
« Reply #16 on: December 20, 2019, 10:03:43 PM »
Mash'Allah brother. This is a classical dictionary case of demolition. Let the highest authorities from his own religion expose his naive arguments and response full of damage control, emotional outbursts, and personal opinions. Beautiful! I wonder what he will type in reply to this post I'm making now? Would it be yet another round of damage control, emotional outbursts, and personal opinions, or would it be a jump to another inanity? (not the same but similar to the one preceding (i.e, "different "types" of sunnis e.g., maliki, hanafi etc.""))?

"damage control, emotional outbursts, and personal opinions"

The above is exactly what this site is all about and those who are let loose to roam it against the shia. Damage control, emotional outbursts, and personal opinions about the Shias. Go on, have it out. Release your emotions. They must be killing you in and out. We don't have the time of the day for you and your belief. You're very concerned about us.

What, the opinion of one scholar. At the end it doesn't matter they all are and belong to the same school of thought. And that's a fact. A follower of one mujtahid would have any objection praying behind another. You are 4 absolutely separate and different schools of thought. The follower of one will have problems praying behind an Imam of a follower of another. Then you have further serious division. Are you sunni Barelvi or Deobandi. They hate each others guts. They have different and separate mosques. And even send takfeer on each other. Then you have Sunni Wahabi etc. The list is endless and hoes on. Worry about yourselves rather than us.
« Last Edit: December 20, 2019, 10:11:04 PM by iceman »


Re: Another Ex-Shia
« Reply #17 on: December 20, 2019, 10:11:39 PM »
You go by reality and facts and GRAND AYATULLAH goes by his opinion... 👍👍👍

Claimed to be under one school of thought but in reality differs in fiqh more than Hanafi, Malik and Shafii combined? Not me saying this. It's At-Tusi:

The leader of the Twelver Imami Shia sect al-Tusi says in “al-`Iddah fi Usoul al-Fiqh” 1/138:

وقد ذكرت ما ورد عنهم عليهم السلام في الأحاديث المختلفة التي تخص الفقه في كتابي المعروف بالاستبصار وفي كتاب تهذيب الأحكام ما يزيد على خمسة آلاف حديث. وذكرت في أكثرها اختلاف الطائفة في العمل بها. وذلك أشهر من أن يخفى، حتى إنك لو تأملت اختلافاتهم في هذه الأحكام وجدته يزيد على اختلاف أبي حنيفة والشافعي ومالك

I (al-Tusi) have mentioned their narrations (as) in different Ahadith regarding Fiqh in my book “al-Istibsar” and “Tahdheeb al-Ahkam” and they number around five thousand (narrations). I have mentioned that the (Twelver) sect differed in following most of them. That is too popular and cannot be hidden. In fact, if you observe their difference in the rulings you would find that they differ more than the difference between Abu Hanifa, Malik and al-Shafi`i.

That's why I'm not suprise why your Grand Ayatullah Fadhlullah said each Maraji' are, in a way, Madzhab by itself. Each of them have their own way of deriving hukm AND THAT'S THE FACT.

What, the opinion of one scholar. At the end it doesn't matter they all are and belong to the same school of thought. And that's a fact. A follower of one mujtahid would have any objection praying behind another. You are 4 absolutely separate and different schools of thought. The follower of one will have problems praying behind an Imam of a follower of another. Then you have further serious division. Are you sunni Barelvi or Deobandi. They hate each others guts. They have different and separate mosques. And even send takfeer on each other. Then you have Sunni Wahabi etc. The list is endless and hoes on. Worry about yourselves rather than us.

Abu Muhammad

Re: Another Ex-Shia
« Reply #18 on: December 21, 2019, 02:17:05 AM »
What, the opinion of one scholar. At the end it doesn't matter they all are and belong to the same school of thought.

Love it. It doesn't matter to you. Even though you are more divided in fiqh than us and differed in every single matter in fiqh, as long as you have only "one name", that's the only thing matter. Yeah... the mentality of looking at names and not contents. Haha...

Did I say you differed in every single matter in fiqh? Oh yes, definitely. But this time, I quote:

1) Al-Faydh al-Kashani. He describes the situation of the Ja`fari scholars in the introduction of his book “al-Wafi” 1/9:

تراهم يختلفون (أي علماء الشيعة) في المسألة الواحدة إلى عشرين قولاً أو ثلاثين قولاً أو أزيد. بل لو شئت أقول: لم تبق مسألة فرعية لم يختلفوا فيها أو في بعض متعلقاتها

You will see them (Shia scholars) differ in one issue with about twenty or thirty different opinions, or more. In fact I can even say: That there is not one single minor issue that they did not disagree on.

2) And At-Tusi again as he said in “al-`Iddah” 1/137 that not even one chapter of Fiqh is safe unless you find the scholars of the (Ja`fari) sect differing in it:

  ومما يدل أيضاً على جواز العمل بهذه الأخبار التي أشرنا إليها ما ظهر من الفرقة المحقة من الاختلاف الصادر عن العمل بها فإني وجدتها مختلفة المذاهب في الأحكام . ويفتي أحدهم بما لا يفتي صاحبه في جميع أبواب الفقه من الطهارة إلى باب الديات . من العبادات والأحكام والمعاملات والفرائض وغير ذلك. مثل اختلافهم في العدد والرؤية في الصوم . واختلافهم في أن التلفظ بثلاث تطليقات ان يقع واحدة أو لا . ومثل اختلافهم في باب الطهارة في مقدار الماء الذي لا ينجسه شيء. ونحو اختلافهم في حد الكر . ونحو اختلافهم في استئناف الماء الجديد لمسح الرأس والرجلين. واختلافهم في اعتبار أقصى مدة النفاس . واختلافهم في عدد فصول الأذان والإقامة . وغير ذلك في سائر أبواب الفقه حتى أن باباً منه لا يسلم إلا وجدت العلماء من الطائفة مختلفة في مسائل منه أو مسائل متفاوتة الفتاوى

You will see one (Shia scholar) making a Fatwa that his companion disagrees with, this is true to all matters of Fiqh from purity to blood-money. From worship to rulings to worldly issues to obligatory duties and others… such as their difference in the number and the seeing of the moon in fasting, and their difference about if uttering divorce three times is counted as one or more, and their difference about what quantity of water preserves its purity and the measurement of al-Karr, and their difference about using new water to wipe the head and feet, and their difference about the maximum period for post natal bleeding, and their difference about the number of words in the call to prayer and the Iqamah, and other differences in all matters of Fiqh. Not even one chapter of Fiqh is safe unless you find the scholars of the (Ja`fari) sect differing in it.

Another scholars of yours, Al-`Allamah al-Hilli wrote about the differences of the Shia up until his time, which is the eight century, and the result was a huge ten volume book called “Mukhtalaf al-Shi`ah”, and if anybody were to browse through those books, he would realize that al-Tusi was right when he said that the Ja`fari scholars differed on every single matter in Fiqh.

Great. One school of thought but divided more than Ahlus Sunnah.


A follower of one mujtahid would have any objection praying behind another. You are 4 absolutely separate and different schools of thought. The follower of one will have problems praying behind an Imam of a follower of another.

Really? I saw that everybody is okay praying behind each other in Makkah and Madinah. Hmm...

Do you think that you don't have problems amongst you in fiqh? You are dead wrong. In fact, some people even got killed in Twelver Shia due to fiqh differences. Shia scholar Yusuf al-Bahrani observed this and wrote in “Lu’lu’at ul-Bahrayn” pg.81:

أكثر المتأخرون التأليف. وفي مؤلفاتهم سقطات كثيرة عفا الله عنا وعنهم. وقد أدى ذلك إلى قتل جماعة منهم

The late scholars authored many works, and in those works are many slips may Allah forgive us all. And this has lead to a group of them being killed.

Yeah... you read it right. GOT KILLLED DUE TO FIQH DIFFERENCES.

Then you have further serious division. Are you sunni Barelvi or Deobandi. They hate each others guts. They have different and separate mosques. And even send takfeer on each other. Then you have Sunni Wahabi etc. The list is endless and hoes on.

Err... have you ever heard a group that dominated your sect 200 years ago called "Akhbari"? They are still here in this world today. Don't forget that lost brother of yours, bro...

Also, sending takfeer amongst you is a norm too. Ever heard of "Wilayatul Faqih" and "Shiraziyyun"?

Worry about yourselves rather than us.

Haha... you are trying to mock us in the first place. "Which Sunnis" here and "which Sunnis" there whereas you forgot that you also have "which Twelvers" amongst you. That's the main reason I responded to you.


Re: Another Ex-Shia
« Reply #19 on: December 21, 2019, 04:27:51 AM »
Love it. It doesn't matter to you. Even though you are more divided in fiqh than us and differed in every single matter in fiqh, as long as you have only "one name", that's the only thing matter. Yeah... the mentality of looking at names and not contents. Haha...

Did I say you differed in every single matter in fiqh? Oh yes, definitely. But this time, I quote:

1) Al-Faydh al-Kashani. He describes the situation of the Ja`fari scholars in the introduction of his book “al-Wafi” 1/9:

تراهم يختلفون (أي علماء الشيعة) في المسألة الواحدة إلى عشرين قولاً أو ثلاثين قولاً أو أزيد. بل لو شئت أقول: لم تبق مسألة فرعية لم يختلفوا فيها أو في بعض متعلقاتها

You will see them (Shia scholars) differ in one issue with about twenty or thirty different opinions, or more. In fact I can even say: That there is not one single minor issue that they did not disagree on.

2) And At-Tusi again as he said in “al-`Iddah” 1/137 that not even one chapter of Fiqh is safe unless you find the scholars of the (Ja`fari) sect differing in it:

  ومما يدل أيضاً على جواز العمل بهذه الأخبار التي أشرنا إليها ما ظهر من الفرقة المحقة من الاختلاف الصادر عن العمل بها فإني وجدتها مختلفة المذاهب في الأحكام . ويفتي أحدهم بما لا يفتي صاحبه في جميع أبواب الفقه من الطهارة إلى باب الديات . من العبادات والأحكام والمعاملات والفرائض وغير ذلك. مثل اختلافهم في العدد والرؤية في الصوم . واختلافهم في أن التلفظ بثلاث تطليقات ان يقع واحدة أو لا . ومثل اختلافهم في باب الطهارة في مقدار الماء الذي لا ينجسه شيء. ونحو اختلافهم في حد الكر . ونحو اختلافهم في استئناف الماء الجديد لمسح الرأس والرجلين. واختلافهم في اعتبار أقصى مدة النفاس . واختلافهم في عدد فصول الأذان والإقامة . وغير ذلك في سائر أبواب الفقه حتى أن باباً منه لا يسلم إلا وجدت العلماء من الطائفة مختلفة في مسائل منه أو مسائل متفاوتة الفتاوى

You will see one (Shia scholar) making a Fatwa that his companion disagrees with, this is true to all matters of Fiqh from purity to blood-money. From worship to rulings to worldly issues to obligatory duties and others… such as their difference in the number and the seeing of the moon in fasting, and their difference about if uttering divorce three times is counted as one or more, and their difference about what quantity of water preserves its purity and the measurement of al-Karr, and their difference about using new water to wipe the head and feet, and their difference about the maximum period for post natal bleeding, and their difference about the number of words in the call to prayer and the Iqamah, and other differences in all matters of Fiqh. Not even one chapter of Fiqh is safe unless you find the scholars of the (Ja`fari) sect differing in it.

Another scholars of yours, Al-`Allamah al-Hilli wrote about the differences of the Shia up until his time, which is the eight century, and the result was a huge ten volume book called “Mukhtalaf al-Shi`ah”, and if anybody were to browse through those books, he would realize that al-Tusi was right when he said that the Ja`fari scholars differed on every single matter in Fiqh.

Great. One school of thought but divided more than Ahlus Sunnah.


Really? I saw that everybody is okay praying behind each other in Makkah and Madinah. Hmm...

Do you think that you don't have problems amongst you in fiqh? You are dead wrong. In fact, some people even got killed in Twelver Shia due to fiqh differences. Shia scholar Yusuf al-Bahrani observed this and wrote in “Lu’lu’at ul-Bahrayn” pg.81:

أكثر المتأخرون التأليف. وفي مؤلفاتهم سقطات كثيرة عفا الله عنا وعنهم. وقد أدى ذلك إلى قتل جماعة منهم

The late scholars authored many works, and in those works are many slips may Allah forgive us all. And this has lead to a group of them being killed.

Yeah... you read it right. GOT KILLLED DUE TO FIQH DIFFERENCES.

Err... have you ever heard a group that dominated your sect 200 years ago called "Akhbari"? They are still here in this world today. Don't forget that lost brother of yours, bro...

Also, sending takfeer amongst you is a norm too. Ever heard of "Wilayatul Faqih" and "Shiraziyyun"?

Haha... you are trying to mock us in the first place. "Which Sunnis" here and "which Sunnis" there whereas you forgot that you also have "which Twelvers" amongst you. That's the main reason I responded to you.

"It doesn't matter to you. Even though you are more divided in fiqh than us"

Now that's a cheap shot. How on earth are we more divided? Our Marjas belong to the same school of thought. Yours have a completely different and separate schools of thought. Make some sense. Don't behave that silly.

Read the rest of your post. Again those who differ in masail are they more different or the ones who absolutely and completely differ in schools of thought. It's like being in the same school and having difference in opinion and being in different schools to begin with. Who are you trying to fool. You're looking really silly now.


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