
Exshia, my family found out I am a sunni, might be gettin kicked outta house.

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salam alaikum, All praise be to Allah.
I have recently posted my conversion story, give it a read if you haven’t yet.
So last night 2 brothers from the mosque turned at my door n my elder brother whose house im living at opened the door and he got shocked as he saw two brothers with beard and shaved moustache are at door and asking for me.
My brother told them off and reacted every disgracefully n emotionally.
Not forget to mention my mother already knew I’m sunni a while back as she had seen me praying folded hands and not makin sajda on thurba. She didnt care much as she knew I wasn’t practicing before n now that I do she didn’t wanted to object, tho she did say not to bring shame to the family which is understandable as how conservative and narrow minded my community is.
So when last night my brother told mum about brothers from masjid were here askin for me, she said I already knew of all these haha.
And I tried a lot to talk to my brother, man to man and tell him everything, he just didn’t wanted to talk so I left him alone.
I don’t know what’s next, but what ever is goin to happen next I’m ready to embrace it with full heart and rely on Allah. he alone is the sustainer and protector of all things.
Make dua everything goes well and Allah give hidaya to my family and if things go wrong for me n get kicked out, may Allah make it easy for me.

PS, I’m just keeping it here so if any brother is in same shoes as me don’t feel alone and allah help and guide us all.
« Last Edit: September 26, 2019, 08:45:12 AM by ali.exrafidhi »

Qamar Farooq

salam alaikum, All praise be to Allah.
I have recently posted my conversion story, give it a read if you haven’t yet.
So last night 2 brothers from the mosque turned at my door n my elder brother whose house im living at opened the door and he got shocked as he saw two brothers with beard and shaved moustache are at door and asking for me.
My brother told them off and reacted every disgracefully n emotionally.
Not forget to mention my mother already knew I’m sunni a while back as she had seen me praying folded hands and not makin sajda on thurba. She didnt care much as she knew I wasn’t practicing before n now that I do she didn’t wanted to object, tho she did say not to bring shame to the family which is understandable as how conservative and narrow minded my community is.
So when last night my brother told mum about brothers from masjid were here askin for me, she said I already knew of all these haha.
And I tried a lot to talk to my brother, man to man and tell him everything, he just didn’t wanted to talk so I left him alone.
I don’t know what’s next, but what ever is goin to happen next I’m ready to embrace it with full heart and rely on Allah. he alone is the sustainer and protector of all things.
Make dua everything goes well and Allah give hidaya to my family and if things go wrong for me n get kicked out, may Allah make it easy for me.

PS, I’m just keeping it here so if any brother is in same shoes as me don’t feel alone and allah help and guide us all.

I guranttee that when you start discussing with your brother and father, they will undoubtedly throw the guilt card at you and say "why dont you love the Ahlul Bayt!? why are you betraying them? why do you hate them?". There is another sister on this forum who is about to leave Shiaism and i made a post on this issue. The jist of the argument is, the people narrating content form the Ahlul Bayt in shia books are a bunch of liars and extremely weak narrators. I will copy paste what i wrote, but if you get the time, do read the entire thread and the links i shared (

The best article to read is this ( and all the Part in the links. Each part deals with a separate Sahabi and has AUTHENTIC hadith from the Ahlul Bayt where the praised sahaba like there is no tomorrow. Other than that, i wish you all the best. I will remember you in my duas. Ask Allah for help and make it easier for you inshaAllah!

Also sister, i find that in the heat of Sunni-Shia discussions, sometimes we loose sight of the most important thing there is, which is AUTHENTICATING sources. The common Shia slogan against Ahlus Sunnah that you hear is that "we shias follow Ahlul Bayt, and you dont, therefore you are evil".

(1) Firstly, this is a fallacy called the fallacy of false dichotomy. There is nothing in the Quran or the Sunnah that says that you shoud ONLY take knowledege from Ahlul Bayt. We have narrations from Ahlul Bayt and also from other sahabas as well(by that i mean AUTHENTIC narration, not made up nonsense). There is an EXCELLENT article on on this topic ( which i highly recommend you read. The author did an analysis on the number of narration from Ahlul Bayt(provided they are athentic) in Sunni books, and the results are quite interesting. Some snippets from the article are quoted below

Muhammad Al baqir(ra)

Narration of Imam Muhammad Abi Jafar Al-Baqir (ra), according to the AhleSunnah a reliable greats scholar of the Salaf from Ahl Al bait, accrding to the Imamites, the “5th infallible” Imam.

There are 240 narrations in the kuttub-tis’a (nine major books of the sunnah)

To make it clearer let us compare his narrations to those of Abu Bakr Al Siddiq(ra):

Al-Baqirs narrations in Sahih of Muslim = 19
Abu Bakrs narrations in Sahih of Muslim = 9

Al-Baqirs narrations in Sunan of Al-Nisai = 56
Abu Bakrs narrations in Sunan of Al-Nisai = 22

Al-Baqirs narrations in Sunan of Abi Dawud = 7
Abu Bakrs narrations in Sunan of Abi Dawud = 11

Al-Baqirs narrations in Sunan of Al-Tirmidhi = 23
Abu Bakrs narrations inSunan of Al-Tirmidhi = 22

Al-Baqirs narrations in Sunan of Ibni Majah = 24
Abu Bakrs narrations in Sunan of Ibni Majah = 16

To make it even clearer let us tell you the number of ALL the narrations by Abu Bakr in the SIX (kutub sitta) books of Ahadith with those of Al Baqir:
Al-Baqir = 229
Abu Bakr = 210

Jafar bin Muhammad(ra)

Narration of Imam Jafar bin Muhammad Abi Abdallah Al-Sadiq (ra) according to AhleSunnah a reliable great scholar of the Salaf from Ahl Al bait, According to the Imamites, the “6th infallible” Imam.

His narrations in the books of the Ahle sunnah:

Sahih of Muslim: (17) Ahadith via Imam Al-Sadiq and only (9) via Abu Bakr.
Sunan of Abi Dawud: (11) via Al-Sadiq and (11) via Abu Bakr and (15) via Othman.

Sunan of Al-Tirmidhi: (20) via Al-Sadiq and only (22) via Abu Bakr and (19) via Othman.
Sunan of Al-Nisai: (44) Ahadith via Al-Sadiq and only (22) via Abu Bakr and (27) via Othman

Sunan of Ibn Majah: 19 via Al-Sadiq and 16 via Abu Bakr.

Note: In the Main(9) books of ahlul Sunnah Imam Ja’afar al Sadiq RAA narrated 2032 Hadiths

Zayn Al Abidin(ra)

Narrations of Imam Ali Ibnu Al-Hussayn Zayn Al-Abidin Al-Sajjad (ra), according to the AhleSunnah a reliable great scholar of the Salaf from Ahl Al Bait, and according to the Imamite the “4th Infallible” Imam.

Sahih Al-Bukhari: (25) narrations via Zayn Al-Abdidin and (25) narration via Khalifatu-Rasulullah Othman bin Affaan.

Sahih Muslim: (15) narrations via Zayn Al-Abidin and only (9) via Abu Bakr(first caliph).

Abu Dawud: (11) via Zayn Al-Abidin, (11) via Abu Bakr(first caliph).

Who narrated greater number of narrations from Hassan(ra) and Hussain(ra)?

Narrations from Hassan(ra) and Hussain(ra) in shia book:

Narration from Al Hussein (ra) in Al-Kafi: There is exactly ONE narration by Al Hussein and one By Al Hassan

Narrations from Hassan(ra) and Hussain(ra) in Sunni books:

Narration from Al Hussein (ra) in the Sahihayn: There are four narrations from Al Hussein in the Sahihayn. And it is not just random story, rather Hussein narrates from ALI (no. 1127 in the book of the five wajibat, no.3091), same in Sahih Muslim. (Remember there is ONE narration of Al Hussein in AL Kafi)

Who narrated greater number of narrations from Fatima(ra)?

Narrations from Fatima(ra) in shia book:

Narrations of Fatimah Bint Muhammad(ra): In Al-Kafi there are, or shall we say there IS exactly ZERO (0) narration in Al-Kafi! Keep in mind: Al Kafi contains more narration than Al Bukhari and Muslim altogether it has NINE volumes, yet there is not one narration in the shia book.

Narrations from Fatima(ra) in Sunni books:

Narrations of Fatimah Bint Muhammad(ra) in the sahihayn: In Sahih Al-Bukhari, there is one narration(No. 4462) from Fatimah (ra).

Who narrated greater number of narrations from Ali(ra)?

Narrations from Ali(ra) in shia book:

The narrations of the commander of the faithful, Ali Ibn Abi Talib (ra) in Al kafi: In Al-Kafi (as we said it contains more narrations than Bukhari and Muslim altogether), there are 66 narration from Ali only! (and since according to some shias 2/3 of Kafi is weak so Allah knows how many among the 66 are true!)

Narrations from Ali(ra) in authentic books of Ahlesunnah:

The narrations of the commander of the faithful, Ali Ibn Abi Talib (ra) in the two Sahihs: Ali Ibn Abi Talib narrated (more than Abu Bakr and Othman altogether, though Omar might have one narration more) 98 narrations, including repetitions, without repetitions 34. So basically he narrated 72 narrations (Fiqh etc.) in the two most authentic books of AhleSunnah (remember he narrated in the shia book Alkafi which contains more narrations than bukhari and muslim altogether only 66 narrations!). He narrated more than Abu Bakr(ra) AND Othman(ra) in the two sahihs.

Note: 8 Books of Ahl Al-Sunnah[bukhari, sahih muslim, sunan al tirmidhi, sunan al nasaai, sunan Abi dawood, ibn maajah, musnad ahmad and musnad al daarimi] have 1583 narrations narrated by ALI IBN ABI TALIB (ra). After all of that, who dares to claim that the Ahl Al-Sunnah are “followers of Bani Umayyah”? Did the Umavid Caliphs felt asleep and didn’t recognize over 1500 narrations narrated by the one they hated so much?.


(2) Secondly, even if i were to give it to you that we should take knowledege ONLY from Ahlul Bayt, the next question that logically follows is, who are the people narrating content from the Ahlul Bayt in shia books? are they reliable trust worthy narrators? the answer is a RESOUNDING NO. The Quran clearly says 49:6 (Yusuf Ali) "O ye who believe! If a wicked person comes to you with any news, ascertain the truth, lest ye harm people unwittingly, and afterwards become full of repentance for what ye have done.". This is the biggest blunder that shias have fallen into. They have taken information from totally unreliable people who attributed absolute lies and garbage to the Ahlul Bayt and RASIED them above their station. This is EXACTLY what happened with the christians. The christians took knowledge from unknown idiots like the liar Pual, and the 4 gospel writers and they turned Jesus(pbuh) from a prophet to God himself. What is the proof? The sunni defense have written two EXCELLENT articles on this topic ( | Do read them if you get the time, but the jist of the article can be summarized as  follows. There are a number of people who narrate content in both shia books and sunni books. You could call them common links. What is REALLY INTERESTING is that when sunni muhadithun talk about them, they say that these people are liars and weak transmitters, yet Shia muhadithun, say that these people are reliable. Obvi they cant both be right, there is a huge problem here. Below is the list of these people, and what muhadithun from each school say about each person.

1. ‘Abbad b. Suhayb Al-Kulaybi Al-Basri
Sunni Authorities:    (Lisan Al-Mizan 4/390)
Ibn Al-Madini (d. 234): “His hadith has been ejected.”
Al-Bukhari (d. 256), Al-Nasa’i (d. 303) and others said: “He is abandoned (matruk).”
Ibn Hibban (d. 354): “He was a Qadari propagator. With that being said, he also transmitted things, which even a beginner in hadith would attest to its fabrication.” He then listed a few of his fabrications.

Shi’ite Authorities:    (Mo’jam Rijal Al-Hadith 10/232)
Al-Najashi (d. 450): “A reliable Basran.”
Al-Barqi (274): “He is a Kufan ‘Ammi (Sunni).”

2. Aban b. ‘Uthman Al-Ahmar
Sunni Authorities:    (Lisan Al-Mizan 1/226
Al-‘Uqayli (d. 322) weakened him.
Ibn Hibban (d. 354): “He errs in transmission and makes delusions in transmission.”

Shi’ite Authorities:   (Mo’jam Rijal Al-Hadith  1/146)
Al-Kashi (d. 350): “The sect has agreed upon the authentication of everything that is authentic to them, and believing them in what they say.’  He then listed six transmitters, one of them being Aban b. ‘Uthman.

3. ‘Abbas b. ‘Umar Al-Kaludhani
Sunni Authorities:    (Tarikh Baghdad 14/57)
Al-Khatib Al-Baghdadi (d. 463): “I wrote hadith from him, and he was a Rafidi. He was unreliable in hadith. He gave me a book of hadith which he claimed to have heard from his father’s uncle, from Humayd b. Al-Rabi’, Al-Hasan b. ‘Arafah and similar transmitters. I copied several papers from it, but it then became apparent to me, so I returned the book to him. I then tore what I had copied from it. Near the end of his life, Al-‘Abbas claimed to have heard hadith from the qadhi, Abu ‘Abdillah Al-Mahamili. He went to the disapproved reports Ibn ‘Uqdah had transmitted in the fada’il, and he then ascribed them to Al-Mahamili and transmitted them from him.”

Shi’ite Authorities:    (Mo’jam Rijal Al-Hadith 10/256)
Al-Khoei (d. 1413): “He is reliable because he is from the teachers of Al-Najashi (d. 450).”

4. ‘Abdul’A’la b. A’yan Al-Kufi
Sunni Authorities:    (Tahdhib Al-Tahdhib 6/93)
Al-‘Uqayli (d. 322): “He transmitted disapproved things, none of which are confirmed.”
Ibn Hibban (d. 354): “It is not permissible to rely upon him. He is disapproved (munkar).”
Al-Daraqutni (d. 385): “He is not reliable.”
Abu Nu’aym Al-Asbahani (d. 430): “He transmitted disapproved reports from Yahya b. Abi Kathir. He transmitted from ‘Ubaydillah b. Musa. He is worthless.”

Shi’ite Authorities:    (Mo’jam Rijal Al-Hadith 10/276)
Al-Mufid (d. 413) endorsed his reliability.

5. ‘Abdulghaffar b. Al-Qassem Al-Ansari, Abu Maryam
Sunni Authorities:    (Lisan Al-Mizan 5/226-228)
Yahya b. Ma’in (d. 233): “He’s worthless.”
Ibn Al-Madini (d. 234): “He used to fabricate hadiths.”
Ahmed b. Hanbal (d. 241): “He used to transmit blunders regarding ‘Uthman. Most of his hadiths are lies.”
Al-Bukhari (d. 256): “He is not strong according to them.”
Abu Dawud (d. 275) quoted a few critics accusing him of forgery. Then, Abu Dawud said: “And I bear witness that Abu Maryam is a liar, for I have met him and heard from him. His name is ‘Abdulghaffar b. Al-Qassem.”
Abu Hatem (d. 277) and Al-Nasa’i (d. 303) said: “He is abandoned (matruk).”
Al-Saji (d. 307), Al-‘Uqayli (d. 307), and Ibn Al-Jarud (d. 307) weakened him.
Al-Daraqutni (d. 385): “He is abandoned (matruk), and he is the sheikh of Shu’bah. Shu’bah praised him, but his true status did not become apparent to him. He lived after Shu’bah transmitting distorted content.”

Shi’ite Authorities:    (Mo’jam Rijal Al-Hadith 11/60)
Al-Najashi (d. 450): “He is reliable.”
The Sunni critic, Ibn ‘Adiyy, said: “I heard Ibn ‘Uqdah praise Abu Maryam, complement him and exaggerate in his status.” Ibn ‘Adiyy then said: “Ibn ‘Uqdah [d. 322] merely leaned towards him in this manner due to his extremism in Shi’ism.” (Lisan Al-Mizan 5/228)

6. ‘Abdullah b. Maymun Al-Qaddah Al-Makhzumi
Sunni Authorities:    (Tahdib Al-Tahdhib 6/49)
Al-Bukhari (d. 256): “He is ejected in hadith.”
Abu Zur’ah (d. 264): “He is extremely weak in hadith.”
Abu Hatem (d. 277) and Al-Tirmidhi (d. 279) said: “He is disapproved (munkar) in hadith.”
Al-Nasa’i (d. 303): “He is weak.”
Ibn Hibban (d. 354): “He transmits blunderous reports from reliable transmitters. He cannot be relied upon whenever he exclusively transmits a report.”
Ibn ‘Adiyy (d. 365): “Most of what he transmits is not is not corroborated.”
Al-Hakem (d. 405): “He transmitted fabricated reports from ‘Ubaydillah from Ibn ‘Umar.”
Abu Nu’aym (d. 430): “He trnasmitted disapproved reports (manakir).”

Shi’ite Authorities:    (Mo’jam Rijal Al-Hadith 11/378)
Al-Najashi (d. 450): “He was reliable.”

7. ‘AbdulMu’min b. Al-Qassem Al-Ansari
Sunni Authorities:    (Lisan Al-Mizan 5/284)
Al-‘Uqayli (d. 322): “A Shi’ite who is not corroborated in most of his transmission.”

Shi’ite Authorities:    (Mo’jam Rijal Al-Hadith 12/11)
Al-Najashi (d. 450): “He is reliable, him and his brother.

8. ‘Abdurrahman b. Muhammad Al-‘Irzami
Sunni Authorities:    (Lisan Al-Mizan 5/124)
Abu Hatem Al-Razi (d. 277): “He is not strong.”
Ibn Hibban (d. 354): “His transmission can be cited as a corroboration as long as he does not transmit from his father.”
Al-Daraqutni (d. 385) weakened him.

Shi’ite Authorities:    (Mo’jam Rijal Al-Hadith 10/379)
Al-Najashi (d. 450): “He is reliable.”

9. Ahmed b. ‘Ali b. Mahdi b. Sadaqah
Sunni Authorities:    (Lisan Al-Mizan 1/539)
Al-Daraqutni (d. 385) accused him of fabricating hadiths.
Ibn Taher Al-Maqdisi (d. 507): “He transmitted a fabricated trasncription from his father, from ‘Ali b. Musa Al-Rida, and it contains reports he had stolen.” (Ibn Al-Jawzi 1/81)

Shi’ite Authorities:   (Al-Mufid min Mo’jam Rijal Al-Hadith 35)
Al-Jawaheri: “He is the teacher of Ibn Qulawayh [d. 368] in Kamlil Al-Ziyarat; therefore, he is reliable.”

10. Ahmed b. Maytham b. Abi Nu’aym
Sunni Authorities:    (Lisan Al-Mizan 1/682)
Ibn Hibban (d. 354): “He transmitted distorted reports” and “he transmitted disapproved reports from ‘Ali b. Qadim”.
Al-Daraqutni (d. 385) weakened him.

Shi’ite Authorities:    (Mo’jam Rijal Al-Hadith 3/140-141)
Al-Najashi (d. 450): “He was among the reliable transmitters of our Kufan companions and their jurists. He authored books, none of which I have seen.”
Al-Tusi (d. 460): “He was among the reliable transmitters of our Kufan companions and their jurists. He has several works etc.”

11. ‘Amr b. Khaled Al-Wasiti
Sunni Authorities:   (Tahdhib Al-Tahdhib 8/26-27)
Waki’ b. Al-Jarrah (d. 196): “He used to be our neighbor. When we exposed him for his lies, he moved to Wasit.”
Yahya b. Ma’in (d. 233): “He is a liar. He is not reliable nor is he trustworthy.”
Ishaq b. Rahuyah (d. 238) and Abu Zur’ah (d. 265): “He used to fabricate hadiths.”
Ahmed b. Hanbal (d. 241): “He is abandoned in hadith. He is worthless.” Al-Athram also quoted Ahmed saying: “He is a liar. He transmits fabricated reports from Zayd b. ‘Ali, from his fathers.”
Ibn Al-Barqi (d. 249) accused him of forgery.
Al-Bukhari (d. 256): “He is disapproved in hadith.”
Al-Jawzajani (d. 259): “He is not reliable.”
Abu Dawud (d. 275): “He is a liar.”
Abu Hatem Al-Razi (d. 277): “He is abandoned in hadith, ejected in hadith. He should not be worked with.”
Al-Nasa’i (d. 303): “He is not reliable, and his hadith should not be written.”
Ibn Sa’id (d. 318): “His hadith should not be written.”
Al-Daraqutni (d. 385): “He is abandoned (matruk).”
Al-Hakem (d. 405): “He transmits fabricated reports from Zaid b. ‘Ali.”
Abu Nu’aym (d. 430): “He is worthless.”

Shi’ite Authorities:   (Mo’jam Rijal Al-Hadith 14/103)
Ibn Faddal (d. 224) endorsed his reliability.

12. ‘Amr b. ‘Uthman Al-Thaqafi
Sunni Authorities:   (Lisan Al-Mizan 6/218)
Al-‘Uqayli (d. 322): “There is delusion in his transmission. He is not corroborated in it.”

Shi’ite Authorities:   (Mo’jam Rijal Al-Hadith 14/128)
Al-Najashi (d. 450): “A reliable Kufan.”

13. Al-Hareth b. ‘Imran Al-Ja’fari
Sunni Authorities:    (Tahdhib Al-Tahdhib 2/152)
Abu Zur’ah Al-Razi (d. 264): “He is weak in hadith, extremely weak.”
Abu Hatem Al-Razi (d. 277): “He is not strong in hadith.”
Ibn Hibban (d. 354): “He fabricates reports and ascribes them to reliable transmitters.”
Ibn ‘Adiyy (d.365): “Al-Hareth has other reports he transmitted from Ja’far b. Muhammad, none of which are corroborated by reliable transmitters. The weakness is apparent in his reports.”
Al-Daraqutni (d. 385): “He is abandoned (matruk).”

Shi’ite Authorities:    (Mo’jam Rijal Al-Hadith 5/176)
Al-Najashi (d. 450): “A reliable Kufan transmitter.”

14. Al-Hussain b. ‘Ulwan Al-Kalbi
Sunni Authorities:    (Lisan Al-Mizan 3/189-191)
Yahya b. Ma’in (d. 233): “He is a liar.”
‘Ali b. AL-Madini (d. 234): “He is very weak.”
Mahmud b. Ghaylan (d. 239): “Ahmed b. Hanbal, Ibn Ma’in, and Abu Khaythamah ejected his hadith.”
Muhammad b. ‘Abdurrahim Sa’iqah (d. 255): “Ibn ‘Ulwan used to transmit fabricated reports from Hisham and Ibn ‘Ajlan.”
Abu Hatem (d. 277) and Al-Daraqutni (d. 385) said: “He is abandoned (matruk).”
Saleh Jazarah (d. 293): “He used to fabricate reports.”
Al-Nasa’i (d. 303): “He is extremely weak, weak and abandoned in hadith.”
Ibn Abi Hatem (d. 327): “He is a liar.”
Ibn Hibban (d. 354): “He used to fabricate reports and ascribe them to Hisham and others in a manner that makes it impermissible to write his hadith except in the context of amazement.” Ibn Hibban then listed several of his forgeries.

Shi’ite Authorities:    (Mo’jam Rijal Al-Hadith 5/376)
Al-Najashi (d. 450): “A Kufan ‘Ammi (Sunni). His brother, Al-Hassan, who is nicknamed Abu Muhammad, is of greater proximity to us. He is a reliable transmitter.”
Ibn ‘Uqdah (d. 332) allegedly endorsed him as well.

15. ‘Asem b. Sulayman Al-Kuzi
Sunni Authorities:    (Lisan Al-Mizan 4/368-370)
Abu Dawud Al-Tayalisi (d. 204): “He is a liar.”
Al-Fallas (d. 249): “He used to fabricate hadiths. I have never seen anyone like him.” Al-Fallas then listed several of his fabrications.
Abu Hatem Al-Razi (d. 277) and Al-Nasa’i (d. 303) said: “He is abandoned (matruk).”
Al-Saji (d. 307): “An abandoned transmitter who fabricates hadiths.”
Al-‘Uqayli (d. 322): “His transmission has been overwhelmed by delusion.”
Ibn Hibban (d. 354): “It is not permissible to write his hadiths except in the context of amazement.” He then listed several fabrications of his.
Ibn ‘Adiyy (d. 365): “He is among those who fabricate hadiths.”
Al-Daraqutni (d. 385): “He is a liar.”

Shi’ite Authorities:    (Mo’jam Rijal Al-Hadith 10/201)
Al-Najashi (d. 450): “A reliable transmitter.”

16. Asram b. Hawshab
Sunni Authorities:    (Lisan Al-Mizan 2/210-212)
Yahya b. Ma’in (d. 233) said: “He was a vile liar.”
Ibn Al-Madini (d. 234) said: “I wrote hadith from him in Hamadhan, and I then ejected it.”
Al-Fallas (d. 249) said: “An abandoned transmitter who espoused irjaa’.”
Al-Bukhari (d. 256), Muslim (d. 261), and Al-Nasa’i (d. 303) said: “He is abandoned (matruk).”
Al-Jawzajani (d. 259) said: “I wrote hadith from him in Hamadhan in 230, and he was weak.”
Abu Hatem Al-Razi (d. 277) said: “He is abandoned (matruk) in hadith. He claimed to have heard hadith from Ziyad b. Sa’d, so he was condemned. Yahya b. Ma’in criticized him.”
Ibn Hibban (d. 354) said: “He fabricates reports and ascribes them to reliable transmitters.”
Al-Daraqutni (d. 385) said: “He is disapproved (munkar) in hadith.”
Al-Hakem(d. 405) and Al-Naqqash (d. 414) said: “He transmits fabricated reports.”
Al-Khalili (d. 446) said: “He transmitted disapproved reports from Nahshal, from Al-Dahhak, from Ibn ‘Abbas. The imams initially transmitted hadith from him, but they then recognized his weakness, so they abandoned him.”

Shi’ite Authorities:    (Mo’jam Rijal Al-Hadith 4/136)
Al-Najashi (d. 450) said: “A  reliable ‘Ammi (Sunni) transmitter. He transmitted a transcription from Abu ‘Abdillah.”

17. Hammad b. ‘Isa Al-Juhani
Sunni Authorities:    (Tahdhib Al-Tahdhib 3/19)
Ibn Ma’in (d. 233): “A pious sheikh.”
Abu Hatem (d. 277): “He is weak in hadith.”
Abu Dawud (d. 275): “He is weak; he transmitted disapproved reports.”
Ibn Hibban (d. 354): “He transmits distorted things from Ibn Jurayj and ‘Abdulaziz b. ‘Umar b. ‘Abdulaziz which any expert in hadith would assume are fabricated. He cannot be relied upon.”
Al-Daraqutni (d. 385) weakened him.
Al-Hakem (d. 404) and Al-Naqqash (d. 414): “He transmitted fabricated reports from Ibn Jurayj and Ja’far Al-Sadeq.”
Ibn Makula (d. 475): “They weakened his hadith.”

Shi’ite Authorities:    (Mo’jam Rijal Al-Hadith 7/236-239)
Al-Kashi (d. 350): “The sect has unanimously agreed upon authenticating what is authentic to them, and they believe them in what they say.” He then mentioned Hammad among them.
Al-Najashi (d. 450): “He was reliable in his hadith, truthful.”
Al-Tusi (d. 460): “He is reliable.”

18. Harun b. Al-Jahm b. Thuwayr
Sunni Authorities:    (Lisan Al-Mizan 8/303)
Al-‘Uqayli (d. 322): “He conflicts with others in his transmission, and he is not well known for the transmission of hadith.”

Shi’ite Authorities:    (Mo’jam Rijal Al-Hadith 20/241)
Al-Najashi (d. 450): “A reliable Kufan.”

19. Ishaq b. Bishr, Abu Hudhayfah
Sunni Authorities:    (Lisan Al-Mizan 2/44-46)
Ibn Al-Madini (d. 234) accused him of forgery.
Abu Bakr b. Abi Shaybah (d. 235): “He is a liar.”
Ishaq Al-Kawsaj (d. 251): “Abu Hudhayfah once visited us, and he transmitted from Ibn Tawus and other major tabi’in who had died prior to Humayd Al-Tawil.” We asked him: “Have you written hadith from Humayd Al-Tawil?” He became anxious and said: “Have you come here to mock me?! My grandfather never saw Humayd!”  We then told him: “You are transmitting reports from transmitters who died before Humayd!” We then recognized his weakness and that he did not understand what he was saying.
Muslim (d. 261): “The people have abandoned his hadith.”
Al-‘Uqayli (d. 322): “An unknown transmitter who transmitted disapproved reports that have no basis.”
Ibn Hibban (d. 354): “It is not permissible to write his hadith except in the context of amazement.”
Ibn ‘Adiyy (d. 365): “His hadiths are disapproved, either in their isnad or in their matn, no one corroborates him in any of them.”
Al-Azdi (d. 374): “An abandoned and debased transmitter who was accused of forgery.”
Al-Daraqutni (d. 385): “An abandoned liar.”
Al-Naqqash (d. 414): ‘He fabricates hadith.”
Al-Khalili (d. 446): “He was accused of fabricating reports.”
Al-Khatib (d. 464): “He was not reliable.”

Shi’ite Authorities:   (Mo’jam Rijal Al-hadith 3/198)
Al-Najashi (d. 450): “He is reliable. He transmitted from Abu ‘Abdillah (as). He is from the Ammah (A Sunni).”

20. Isma’il b. Abi Ziyad Al-Sukuni
Sunni Authorities:    (Lisan Al-Mizan 2/126-127)
Yahya b. Ma’in (d. 233): “He is a liar.”
Abu Hatem (d. 277): “He is unknown.”
Al-Azdi (d. 377): “He is a vile liar.”

Shi’ite Authorities:    (Mo’jam Rijal Al-hadith 4/21-22)
Al-Barqi (d. 274): “A Kufan. The name of Abu Ziyad is Muslim. He transmitted hadith from the ‘Awamm (Sunnis).”
Al-Tusi (d. 460) stated that the sect has acted upon his transmission. Al-Khoei thus concluded that he was reliable.
Al-Hilli (d. 726): “He was a ‘Ammi (Sunni).”

21. Lut b. Yahya, Abu Mikhnaf
Sunni Authorities:   (Lisan Al-Mizan 6/430)
Ibn Ma’in (d. 233): “He is not reliable.”
Abu Hatem (d. 277) and others abandoned his transmission.
Al-‘Uqayli (d. 322) weakened him.
Ibn ‘Adiyy (d. 365): “A flaming Shi’ite who is the transmitter of their reports.”
Al-Daraqutni (d. 385): “He is weak.”

Shi’ite Authorities:   (Mo’jam Rijal Al-hadith 15/140)
Al-Najashi (d. 450): “He was trusted in what he transmitted.”

22. Ma’tab, the Mawla of Ja’far
Sunni Authorities:    (Lisan Al-Mizan 8/105, 127)
Yahya b Ma’in (d. 233): “If reliable transmitters transmit hadith from Ja’far Al-Sadiq, then his [Ja’far’s] hadith is steadfast; but if the likes of Ma’tab and Hammad b. ‘Isa transmit from him, then it is worthless.”
Al-Saji (d. 307) weakened him.
Al-Azdi (d. 374): “He is a liar. It is said that his name was Mughith. He has a false hadith.”

Shi’ite Authorities:    (Mo’jam Rijal Al-Hadith 19/248)
Al-Tusi (d. 460): “He is a a reliable transmitter.”

23. Muhammad b. Al-Qassem b. Zakariyya Al-Muharibi
Sunni Authorities:    (Lisan Al-Mizan 7/449)
Abu Al-Hassan b. Hammad (d. 384): “He used believe in the raj’ah, and he never had an Asl (notes) to be seen. He transmitted Kitab Al-Nahr from Hussain b. Nasr b. Muzahem, while not having heard it.”

Shi’ite Authorities:    (Mo’jam Rijal Al-Hadith 18/165)
Al-Najashi (d. 450): “A reliable transmitter from among our companions.”

24. Muhammad b. Hammad b. Zaid Al-Harithi
Sunni Authorities:    (Lisan Al-Mizan 7/102)
Ibn Mandah (d. 470): “He has disapproved reports.”

Shi’ite Authorities:    (Mo’jam Rijal Al-Hadith 17/41)
Al-Najashi (d. 450): “He is reliable.”

25. Muhammad b. Muhammad b. Al-Ash’ath
Sunni Authorities:    (Lisan Al-Mizan 7/476-477)
Ibn ‘Adiyy (d. 365):  I transcribed hadith from him. His staunchness in Shi’ism led him to disseminate a transcription that consisted of around 1000 reports transmitted from Musa b. Isma’il b. Musa b. Ja’far, from his father, from his grandfather, from his fathers, with a soft handwriting and new parchment. Most of it consisted of disapproved reports (مناكير).We then brought this up to Al-Husain b. ‘Ali b. Al-Husain b. ‘Umar b. ‘Ali b. Al-Husain Al-‘Alawi, the sheikh of Ahlulbait in Egypt. He stated that Musa was his neighbor in the city for 40 years and that he never mentioned that he had transmission from his father or anyone else.
Al-Daraqutni (d. 385): “He was a wonder among Allah’s wonders. He fabricated that book, Al-‘Alawiyyat.”

Shi’ite Authorities:    (Mo’jam Rijal Al-Hadtth 18/200)
Al-Najashi (d. 450): “He is reliable and among our companions in Egypt. “
We have written an article that further analyzes how this liar was exposed.

26. Muhammad b. ‘Uthman b. Al-Hasan Al-Nasibi
Sunni Authorities:   (Lisan Al-Mizan 7/343)
Al-Khatib Al-Baghdadi (d. 464): “I asked Al-Azhari [d. 435] about Al-Nasib.” He said: “He is a liar. He presented the books of Ibn Al-Munadi to us. On them, he wrote his sama’ (claim of transmission) with his own handwriting.” So I asked him: “When did you hear this book?” He said: “In 435.” I then told him: “But you only came to Baghdad after 440 !” and he did not respond with anything. His transmission was initially steadfast, and he had reliably transmitted from the Shamis.
Ibn Al-Bada (d. 420): “I took hadith from him until the people of hadith prohibited me from doing so, so I stopped transmitting from him.”
Al-Saymari (d. 436): “He was weak in his transmission and his judicial testimonies.”
Ibn Al-Thallaj (d. 387): “He was weak in his transmission, but trusted in his judicial testimonies.”
Hamzah Al-Daqqaq (d. 424): “He transmitted and fabricated disapproved reports for the Shia.”

Shi’ite Authorities:   (Mo’jam Rijal Al-Hadith 17/294)
Al-Khoei (d. 1413): “He is reliable because he is from the teachers of Al-Najashi [d. 450].”

27. Sabbah b. Yahya Al-Muzani
Sunni Authorities:    (Lisan Al-Mizan 4/303 & Al-Majruhin 1/377)
Al-Bukhari (d. 256): “fihi nazar”, which is indicative of his severe weakness.
Ibn Hibban (d. 354): “He used to err in transmission such that he cannot be relied upon when he exclusively transmits a report.”

Shi’ite Authorities:    (Mo’jam Rijal Al-Hadith 10/104)
Al-Najashi (d. 450): “A reliable Kufan.”
Ibn Al-Ghada’iri (d. 5th century): “A Zaidi Kufan. His hadith among our companions is weak. It can be cited as corroborating evidence.”

28. Sallam b. Abi ‘Amrah Al-Khurasani
Sunni Authorities:    (Tahdhib Al-Tahdhib 4/286)
Yahya b. Ma’in (d. 233): “He is worthless.”
Ibn Hibban (d. 354) : “He transmits distorted reports from reliable transmitters. His transmission cannot be relied upon.”
Al-Azdi (d. 374): “He is extremely weak in hadith.”

Shi’ite Authorities:    (Mo’jam Rijal Al-Hadith 9/178)
Al-Najashi (d. 450): “He is a reliable transmitter.”

29. Sariyy b. ‘Abdillah b. Ya’qub Al-Kufi
Sunni Authorities:    (Lisan Al-Mizan 4/23)
Ibn ‘Adiyy (d. 365): “He has reports, and he is not well-known. He is criticized for some of his reports.”

Shi’ite Authorities:    (Mo’jam Rijal Al-Hadith 9/44)
Al-Najashi (d. 450): “A reliable Kufan.

30.  Thabit b. Dinar, Abu Hamzah Al-Thumali
Sunni Authorities:    (Tahdib Al-Tahdhib 2/7-8)
‘Umar b. Hafs b. Ghiyath (d. 222): “My father abandoned the hadith of Abu Hamzah Al-Thumali.”
Ibn Sa’d (d. 230): “He was weak.”
Yahya b. Ma’in (d. 233): “He is worthless.”
Ahmed b. Hanbal (d. 241): “He is weak, he is worthless.”
‘Amr Al-Fallas (d. 249): “He is not reliable.”
Al-Jawzajani (d. 259): “He was extremely weak (wahi) in hadith.”
Abu Zur’ah (d. 265): “He is weak.”
Abu Hatem (d. 277): “He is weak in hadith. His hadith should be written but it cannot be relied upon.”
Ya’qub b. Sufyan (d. 277): “He is weak.”
Al-Nasa’i (d. 303): “He is not reliable.”
Al-‘Uqayli (d. 322), Al-Dulabi (d. 310), and Ibn Al-Jarud (d. 307) and others weakened him.
Ibn Hibban (d. 354): “He was very delusional in his transmission such that he cannot be relied upon whenever he exclusively transmits anything, along with his extremism in Shi’ism.”
Ibn ‘Adiyy (d. 365): “His weakness is apparent in his transmission, and he is closer to weakness.”
Al-Daraqutni (d. 385): “He is abandoned (matruk).”
Ibn ‘Abdilbarr (d. 463): “He is not strongaccording to them. There was weakness in his hadith.”

Shi’ite Authorities:    (Mo’jam Rijal Al-Hadith 4/293-295)
Hamdawayh b. Nasir (d. early 4th century) endorsed his reliability.
Ibn Al-Ji’abi (d. 355): “He was from our virtuous companions and reliable transmitters.”
Al-Saduq (d. 381): “His reliable. He met four of the Imams, ‘Ali b. Al-Hussain, Muhammad b. ‘Ali, Ja’far b. Muhammad, and Musa b. Ja’far (as).”
Al-Najasi (d. 460): “He is reliable.”
Al-Tusi (d. 460): “He is reliable.”

31. ‘Ubaydullah b. Al-Walid Al-Wassafi
Sunni Authorities:   (Tahdhib Al-Tahdhib 7/55-56)
Yahya b. Ma’in (d. 233), Abu Zur’ah (d. 265) and Abu Hatem (d. 277) said: “He is weak.”
On another occasion, Yahya (d. 233) said: “He is worthless.”
Ahmed b. Hanbal (d. 241) : “He is not strong. His hadith should be written for the sake of general acquaintance.”
‘Amr b. ‘Ali (d. 249) and Al-Nasa’i (d. 303): “He is abandoned in hadith.”
Al-Saji (d. 307): “He has disapproved reports. He is very weak in hadith.”
Al-‘Uqayli (d. 322): “There are disapproved reports in his transmission. He is not corroborated in most of his hadiths.”
Ibn Hibban (d. 354): “He transmits reports from reliable transmitters that do not resemble those of the reliable transmitters, such that one’s heart would conclude that he purposely forged them. Thus, he deserved to be abandoned.”
Ibn ‘Adiyy (d. 365): “He is very weak. His weakness is apparent in his transmission.”
Abu Ahmed Al-Hakem (d. 378): “He is not strong according to them.”
Abu ‘Abdillah Al-Hakem (d. 405): “He transmitted fabricated hadiths from Muharib.”
Abu Nu’aym (d. 430): “He transmits disapproved reports from Muharib. He is worthless.”

Shi’ite Authorities:    (Mo’jam Rijal Al-Hadith 12/96)
Al-Najashi (d. 450): “An Arabian reliable transmitter.”

32. Yahya b. Hashem Al-Kufi
Sunni Authorities:    (Lisan Al-Mizan 8/480-482)
Yahya b. Ma’in (d. 233) accused him of fogery.
Ahmed b. Hanbal (d. 241): “He is not realible, and his hadith must not be written.”
Abu Hatem (d. 288): “He used to lie, and he was not truthful. His hadith has been abandoned.”
Saleh Jazarah (d. 293): “I saw Yahya b. Hisham, and he used to lie in hadith.”
Al-Nasa’i (d. 303) and others said: “He is abandoned (matruk).”
Al-‘Uqayli (d. 322): “He used to fabricate reprots and ascribe them to reliable transmitters.”
Ibn ‘Adiyy (d. 365): “He transmitted disapproved reports from reliable transmitters, and he used to steal reports from reliable transmitters. He is accused of not even meeting those individuals. Most of his transmission consists of disapproved reports, fabrications and stolen reports.
Al-Naqqash (d. 414): “He transmitted fabricated reports from Al-A’mash, Mis’ar, Dawud b. Abi Hind and others.”

Shi’ite Authorities:   (Mo’jam Rijal Al-Hadtth 21/100)
Al-Najashi (d. 450): “A Kufan who is scarce in his transmission. He is reliable.”

33. Ziyad b. al-Mundhir, Abu Al-Jarud
Sunni Authorities:    (Tahdib Al-Tahdhib 3/386-387)
Yahya b. Yahya (d.226 AH) said: “He fabricates reports.”
Ahmed b. Hanbal (d. 241): “He is abandoned in hadith,” and he severely weakened him.
Yahya b. Ma’in (d. 233): “He was a liar and an enemy of Allah who was not worth a cent.”
Al-Bukhari (d. 256): “They have criticized him.”
Abu Dawud (d. 275): “He is a liar. I heard Yahya say that.”
Abu Hatem Al-Razi (d. 277): “He is weak.”
Al-Nasa’i (d. 303): “He is abandoned (matruk).” On another occasion, he said: “He is not reliable.”
Ibn Hibban (died 354 AH) said: “He was a Rafidi who used to fabricate reports in the blunders of the Sahaba, and he would transmit baseless reports in the virtues of Ahlulbait. It is not permissible to write his hadith.”
Ibn ‘Adiyy (d. 365): “Most of his transmission is unconfirmed, and most of what he transmitted was regarding the virtues of Ahlulbait, and he is regarded among the extremists in Kufah.”
Ibn ‘Abdilbarr (d. 463): “They have agreed upon his weakness in hadith and that he is disapproved in it. Some have even ascribed him to the forgery of reports.”

Shi’ite Authorities:    (Mo’jam Rijal Al-Hadith 8/333-335)
Ibn Al-Ghada’iri (d. 5th century): “Ziyad is a man of status. His transmission among our companions is greater than his transmission among the Zaidis. Our companions dislike what Muhammad b. Sinan transmitted from him, but they approve of what Muhammad b. Bakr Al-Arjani transmitted from him.”
Al-Mufid (d. 413) endorsed him in Al-Risalah al- ‘Adadiyyah.
Al-Khoei also claimed that Ziyad was endorsed by ‘Ali b. Ibrahim Al-Qommi (d. 329); however, the authenticity of the preface to his tafsir is contested.

As you can see, there is a HUGE discrepency of the reliability of these narrators. So the next time your family gives you crap about following Ahlul Bayt, ask them, are the narrators in our books even reliable people?! which leads me to my third and final point

(3) The Ahlul Bayt in Sunni books have preached THE TOTAL OPPOSITE of what the Ahlul Bayt preach in shia books. For example we have an authentic hadith from Hasan(RA) that Ghadir Khum was NOT an appointment by the prophet(pbuh) of Ali to be caliph. We also have authentic hadith from the Ahlul Bayt where they say not to build buildings over graves, and to level them even, but shias do the opposite. We have authentic hadith from ALI HIMSELF, where he praised tarawih prayer, but shias say tarawih is evil, also we dont have anything from the Ahlul Bayt in Sunni books where they preached imamah, or that they are divine and masum, or that they are higher than prophets, and the list goes on and on. the point being, the Ahlul Bayt in Sunni books is POLES APART from the Ahlul Bayt in shia books. So the question is, WHOSE NARRATORS are more reliable? As the Quran clearly says, VERIFY INFORMATION BEFORE YOU BELIEVE IT, b/c this is exactly what the Christians failed to do and ended up believing Jesus(pbuh) to be a God. And when you dont verify information, you end up believing in crap like in the video below, without even asking the question, did the Ahlul bayt even PREACH this nonsense to begin with?


How old are you?

You should make some back up plans for if you do end up getting kicked out of your house. You say you know some sunni bros in real life, ask them if they can help you out in this regard. You know just a temporary stay somewhere until you get everything sorted. You may need time to find work etc

May Allah make things easy for you.


How old are you?

You should make some back up plans for if you do end up getting kicked out of your house. You say you know some sunni bros in real life, ask them if they can help you out in this regard. You know just a temporary stay somewhere until you get everything sorted. You may need time to find work etc

May Allah make things easy for you.
I’m 22, I work part time, I think I’ll manage to find place to live, if things gets worse,
As of Rn it’s just annoying how my elder bro who is mid 30s, isn’t comin n talk to me man to man rather dragin my old mum into all these tho she got no issues with me being sunni. I feel like past 2 days he’s visiting parents of my Shia friends, probably telling them to not let them hang out with me. Lol


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  • یا مقلب القلوب ثبت قلبی علی دینک
    • Refuting Shia allegations everywhere
  • Religion: Sunni
Walaikum Salam,

Brother, I would just advise you to be patient and respectful to your family and brother even if they are bad to you.

Maybe also tell the brothers from the Masjid not to come to the house since it is your brother's house and he doesn't like them  showing up at the door.

May Allah make it easy for you.

"For indeed, with hardship [will be] ease." (Quran)
« Last Edit: September 27, 2019, 06:46:44 PM by MuslimK »
در خلافت میل نیست ای بی‌خبر
میل کی آید ز بوبکر و عمر
میل اگر بودی در آن دو مقتدا
هر دو کردندی پسر را پیشوا

عطار نِیشابوری | |


Wonder if he's okay. Been a while since he posted. May Allah keep him safe.


It happens on both sides. One thing I like about the West is the freedom to have your own views.


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