
Leaving Shiaism

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Leaving Shiaism
« on: April 03, 2017, 08:21:58 AM »
Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem

Salam Alaykoum Wa Rahmatullah

Where to begin ?

I came from christiannity to Shiism . It may sounds strange as most people go from sunni then shia but for me i entered shiism at first. Ali Ibn Abi Talib and the spirituality that seemed to come from shiism attracted me. I always had been fascinated by Islam in my life and i really was longing for monotheism and the pure worship of Allah(SWT) without anyone besides him. Boy was i wrong lol ... Initially i was very sunni minded , not interessed in tawassul or anything like that. Time passed and i saw myself not really accepted until i agree with those views. So i started doing it too. Besides that the thing that shocked me the most as someone from a Eastern european background who is used too see people partying and being agressive was ashura. i assisted to Ashura and the whole muharram and at one point a voice inside my head went : Bro these people are either possessed or under the influence. i could not believe the violence with which they hit themselves, and it wasnt in iraq or any middle eastern countries it was in canada ! This troubled me a lot but i decided to get over it and move on . I always had some doubts in my mind but at one point i really became endoctrinated . I was against tatbir and cursing and then i started promoting both those issues ,i bought al Kafi , started having only shi3 friends on fb etc. Then funny enough i stumbled upon hadiths from Jafar As Sadiq from Al majlisi the Safavid Scholar who said that Nowrooz is a blessed eid and that Ghadir was on that day , that Allah(Azj) took the covenant from the creation on that day.. I had big doubts and i could see even though i wasnt ready to admit it that this was some persian bid3a. I then forgot about this and stumbled a week later on a video of Yasser al habib where he mentions a narration about Aisha that Allah Tested people to see if they would obey Him or Her. But he did not mention the end of the hadith which says that Aisha is his wife in this world AND in the hereafter. I was shocked. My faith crumbled. Because when you see that one of the sahaba is not bad then you start seeing that nor are the other ones . But i have to say that the biggest point for me was the belief in the Tahreef from Kulayni,Majlisi,Amili etc. Whatever point any shi3 will bring does not matter because they take hadiths from people who believed in Tahrif of the Holy Book of Allah(SWT) !!

With all that being said there are other points that made me want to leave shiism but i will not discuss them all here. But i do have some questions for the learned sunnis in this forum who can provide me some answers InshaAllah

1-Did Hazrat Aisha really order Arrows to be shot at the Janaza of Imam al Hassan ?
2-What is this story of Khalid ibn al Waleed killing Malik and raping his wife ?
3-What did RasoulAllah(SAWS) mean by Im leaving behind Quran And Ahlulbayt ?
4-was Ibn Taymiyyah a nasibi like the shi3 claim ?
5-This is a more personnal question . I always wanted to study Islam and i wanted to go to Hawza but Elhamdulilah Allah had better plans . Is it possible for me to apply for islamic studies ?

Jazakhallah and Sorry for the long post


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    • Refuting Shia allegations everywhere
  • Religion: Sunni
Re: Leaving Shiaism
« Reply #1 on: April 03, 2017, 01:09:26 PM »
Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem

Salam Alaykoum Wa Rahmatullah

Where to begin ?

I came from christiannity to Shiism . It may sounds strange as most people go from sunni then shia but for me i entered shiism at first. Ali Ibn Abi Talib and the spirituality that seemed to come from shiism attracted me. I always had been fascinated by Islam in my life and i really was longing for monotheism and the pure worship of Allah(SWT) without anyone besides him. Boy was i wrong lol ... Initially i was very sunni minded , not interessed in tawassul or anything like that. Time passed and i saw myself not really accepted until i agree with those views. So i started doing it too. Besides that the thing that shocked me the most as someone from a Eastern european background who is used too see people partying and being agressive was ashura. i assisted to Ashura and the whole muharram and at one point a voice inside my head went : Bro these people are either possessed or under the influence. i could not believe the violence with which they hit themselves, and it wasnt in iraq or any middle eastern countries it was in canada ! This troubled me a lot but i decided to get over it and move on . I always had some doubts in my mind but at one point i really became endoctrinated . I was against tatbir and cursing and then i started promoting both those issues ,i bought al Kafi , started having only shi3 friends on fb etc. Then funny enough i stumbled upon hadiths from Jafar As Sadiq from Al majlisi the Safavid Scholar who said that Nowrooz is a blessed eid and that Ghadir was on that day , that Allah(Azj) took the covenant from the creation on that day.. I had big doubts and i could see even though i wasnt ready to admit it that this was some persian bid3a. I then forgot about this and stumbled a week later on a video of Yasser al habib where he mentions a narration about Aisha that Allah Tested people to see if they would obey Him or Her. But he did not mention the end of the hadith which says that Aisha is his wife in this world AND in the hereafter. I was shocked. My faith crumbled. Because when you see that one of the sahaba is not bad then you start seeing that nor are the other ones . But i have to say that the biggest point for me was the belief in the Tahreef from Kulayni,Majlisi,Amili etc. Whatever point any shi3 will bring does not matter because they take hadiths from people who believed in Tahrif of the Holy Book of Allah(SWT) !!

Walaikum Salam wr wb brother,

Praise be to Allah for bringing you out of darkness. Welcome to the forum. Insha'Allah other brothers will provide more helpful answers. That is so true brother - half quoting and misquoting Sunnis Hadiths is something that Shia propagandists are notorious for.

With all that being said there are other points that made me want to leave shiism but i will not discuss them all here. But i do have some questions for the learned sunnis in this forum who can provide me some answers InshaAllah

1-Did Hazrat Aisha really order Arrows to be shot at the Janaza of Imam al Hassan ?
2-What is this story of Khalid ibn al Waleed killing Malik and raping his wife ?
3-What did RasoulAllah(SAWS) mean by Im leaving behind Quran And Ahlulbayt ?
4-was Ibn Taymiyyah a nasibi like the shi3 claim ?
5-This is a more personnal question . I always wanted to study Islam and i wanted to go to Hawza but Elhamdulilah Allah had better plans . Is it possible for me to apply for islamic studies ?

Jazakhallah and Sorry for the long post

1 - There is not a single authentic evidence about the story.
2 - Please see this link as it defends Khalid from the accusations:
3 - Rasoulallah (saw) said in the most authentic hadith in Sahih Muslim that he is leaving behind two things - one is the Quran in which is guidance - the other is my Ahlulbayt I ask you to take care of my Ahlulbayt. So the Prophet (saw) meant to say to the Muslims to follow the Quran which is a guidance and you will not go astray and also take care of his Ahlulbayt when he dies.
4 - Here you can read Ibn Taymiyyah's opinion about Ahlulbayt:

5 - You want to study in Canada? Or abroad? Maybe other brothers can help as I don't know the process. 

« Last Edit: April 03, 2017, 01:29:01 PM by MuslimK »
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میل کی آید ز بوبکر و عمر
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هر دو کردندی پسر را پیشوا

عطار نِیشابوری | |


Re: Leaving Shiaism
« Reply #2 on: April 03, 2017, 03:39:25 PM »

L1-Did Hazrat Aisha really order Arrows to be shot at the Janaza of Imam al Hassan ?
Even Majalisi said this narration is weak. On the contrary, the 12ers still believe she joined forces with Marwan and stopped Imam al Hassan's burrial. Sunni narration say she gave Imam Hassan permission then Marwan came and said it can only happen if Uthmaan gets buried there. Therefore, Ayesha then said nobody is going to be buried here to avoid fitna.

2-What is this story of Khalid ibn al Waleed killing Malik and raping his wife ?
12ers assume its rape because Khalid didn't wait for an iddah, and married her.
3-What did RasoulAllah(SAWS) mean by Im leaving behind Quran And Ahlulbayt ?
They were left to guide the ummah. It does not mean they were divinely appointed. Also Ahlul bayt are the the 5 and not 12 in this hadith.
4-was Ibn Taymiyyah a nasibi like the shi3 claim ?
Sometimes he went overboard.


5-This is a more personnal question . I always wanted to study Islam and i wanted to go to Hawza but Elhamdulilah Allah had better plans . Is it possible for me to apply for islamic studies ?

Jazakhallah and Sorry for the long post

Are you in Canada? I can recommend you to a school.


Re: Leaving Shiaism
« Reply #3 on: April 03, 2017, 05:27:15 PM »
Wa alaykumsalam wrwb, welcome bro, you're at the right place. At first i thought you were a bosnian who were a shia.

But i have to say that the biggest point for me was the belief in the Tahreef from Kulayni,Majlisi,Amili etc. Whatever point any shi3 will bring does not matter because they take hadiths from people who believed in Tahrif of the Holy Book of Allah(SWT) !!
Yep, this should be enough for normal people to be put off by shiaism.

1-Did Hazrat Aisha really order Arrows to be shot at the Janaza of Imam al Hassan ?

2-What is this story of Khalid ibn al Waleed killing Malik and raping his wife ?
unfortunately dont have this in english

3-What did RasoulAllah(SAWS) mean by Im leaving behind Quran And Ahlulbayt ?

4-was Ibn Taymiyyah a nasibi like the shi3 claim ?
shia said the best of companion, Abu Bakar RA was a nasibi, let alone someone of lesser status than him. Shia will slander everyone -

5-This is a more personnal question . I always wanted to study Islam and i wanted to go to Hawza but Elhamdulilah Allah had better plans . Is it possible for me to apply for islamic studies ?
maybe try your local sunni masjid, they prob will have some info


Re: Leaving Shiaism
« Reply #4 on: April 03, 2017, 05:39:39 PM »
Bismillhair Rahmanir Raheem

Salam Alaykoum Wa Rahmatullah

JazakhAllah brothers for your responses and especially for the links !

You see as a Shi3a , at some point you will arrive at a dilemna.. Either The Holy Prophet (SAWAS) failed his mission and was not a Prophet (AudhuBillah) or Shi3as are not right about the whole of Sahaba being apopstates. When i came from christiannity i was not aware of all this but now after these 2 years in shiism i noticed that i had developped an habit of cursing and condemning anyone who does not agree with me . Funny enough i was proud to call myself rafidhi and i was against shia-sunni unity and all that hypocritical nonsense (at least i was honest unlike those khomeini-khamenei fan boys). But you see as a convert some of them said to me :oh youre a zionist puppet ,  youre a m16 agent etc .. Mashallah is that a way to treat someone who converted to your madhab ? Anyways that is behind me now and i dont hate shias as a whole but this minority inferiority complex makes them people who are very enclined to curse anyone who disagrees and btw they even curse and send l3nas on fellow shi3as and other mar3jas they do not agree with . Wallah i can tell you guys a lot of what is hidden under taqqiya and again i am not doing this out of hatred but just so that people do not fall in the same trap i fell in

With that being said i wanted to say that i Testify that Allah(SWT) is pleased with Hazrat Abu bakr (RA) ,  Hazrat Umar(RA) , Hazrat Uthman(RA) , Hazrat Aisha(RA) , Hazrat Hafsa(RA) and Hazrat Khalid ibn al Waleed (RA)


Re: Leaving Shiaism
« Reply #5 on: April 03, 2017, 05:43:10 PM »
Wa alaykumsalam wrwb, welcome bro, you're at the right place. At first i thought you were a bosnian who were a shia.

But i have to say that the biggest point for me was the belief in the Tahreef from Kulayni,Majlisi,Amili etc. Whatever point any shi3 will bring does not matter because they take hadiths from people who believed in Tahrif of the Holy Book of Allah(SWT) !!
Yep, this should be enough for normal people to be put off by shiaism.

1-Did Hazrat Aisha really order Arrows to be shot at the Janaza of Imam al Hassan ?

2-What is this story of Khalid ibn al Waleed killing Malik and raping his wife ?
unfortunately dont have this in english

3-What did RasoulAllah(SAWS) mean by Im leaving behind Quran And Ahlulbayt ?

4-was Ibn Taymiyyah a nasibi like the shi3 claim ?
shia said the best of companion, Abu Bakar RA was a nasibi, let alone someone of lesser status than him. Shia will slander everyone -

5-This is a more personnal question . I always wanted to study Islam and i wanted to go to Hawza but Elhamdulilah Allah had better plans . Is it possible for me to apply for islamic studies ?
maybe try your local sunni masjid, they prob will have some info

Salam brother ! I just wanted to add that even if Ibn Taymiyyah had shortcomings concerning AhlulBayt lets say it does not matter because he is not infaillible ! he is not like the shi3a mar3jas where their word is considered the same as the Quran or the Sunnah !


Re: Leaving Shiaism
« Reply #6 on: April 04, 2017, 04:47:16 AM »
Salam brother ! I just wanted to add that even if Ibn Taymiyyah had shortcomings concerning AhlulBayt lets say it does not matter because he is not infaillible ! he is not like the shi3a mar3jas where their word is considered the same as the Quran or the Sunnah !

of course, even the companions who were million times better than him are not infallible :D


Re: Leaving Shiaism
« Reply #7 on: April 04, 2017, 04:53:09 AM »
With all that being said there are other points that made me want to leave shiism

I don't see any good reasons that you mentioned.

What would be only possible reasons that could of the potential of being good is if you go through all various proofs and arguments for Shiism and refute those. Show you've understood the arguments, the counter-arguments to them, and counter to counter arguments, and so on and so forth, till you show a conclusion.

Start with why you understand the two legacies the Prophet left the nation differently then Shias. Talk about hadithal thaqalain etc.

The fact is, you stated things that are all irrelevant to whether one should be Shiite or not. They are all irrelevant.

May God save us from following our caprice and make us enjoin the truth.
« Last Edit: April 04, 2017, 05:04:26 AM by Hadrami »
Love of the family of Yaseen is the light of the heavens and the earth.


Re: Leaving Shiaism
« Reply #8 on: April 04, 2017, 05:03:19 AM »
With all that being said there are other points that made me want to leave shiism

I don't see any good reasons that you mentioned.

What would be only possible reasons that could of the potential of being good is if you go through all various proofs and arguments for Shiism and refute those. Show you've understood the arguments, the counter-arguments to them, and counter to counter arguments, and so on and so forth, till you show a conclusion.

Start with why you understand the two legacies the Prophet left the nation differently then Shias. Talk about hadithal thaqalain etc.

The fact is, you stated things that are all irrelevant to whether one should be Shiite or not. They are all irrelevant.

May God save us from following our caprice and make us enjoin the truth.

Of course because your biggest Sheikhs believing in Tahrif is not a good reason .. yeah i forgot Shias dont care about Quran only about <<the walking and talking qurans >> lol just like the ismailis


Re: Leaving Shiaism
« Reply #9 on: April 04, 2017, 05:07:00 AM »
With all that being said there are other points that made me want to leave shiism

I don't see any good reasons that you mentioned.

What would be only possible reasons that could of the potential of being good is if you go through all various proofs and arguments for Shiism and refute those. Show you've understood the arguments, the counter-arguments to them, and counter to counter arguments, and so on and so forth, till you show a conclusion.

Start with why you understand the two legacies the Prophet left the nation differently then Shias. Talk about hadithal thaqalain etc.

The fact is, you stated things that are all irrelevant to whether one should be Shiite or not. They are all irrelevant.

May God save us from following our caprice and make us enjoin the truth.

Of course because your biggest Sheikhs believing in Tahrif is not a good reason .. yeah i forgot Shias dont care about Quran only about <<the walking and talking qurans >> lol just like the ismailis

they do care about qur'an, its just the one hidden by the hidden one. No qur'an no imam around. Poor shia


Re: Leaving Shiaism
« Reply #10 on: April 04, 2017, 05:20:22 AM »
With all that being said there are other points that made me want to leave shiism

I don't see any good reasons that you mentioned.

What would be only possible reasons that could of the potential of being good is if you go through all various proofs and arguments for Shiism and refute those. Show you've understood the arguments, the counter-arguments to them, and counter to counter arguments, and so on and so forth, till you show a conclusion.

Start with why you understand the two legacies the Prophet left the nation differently then Shias. Talk about hadithal thaqalain etc.

The fact is, you stated things that are all irrelevant to whether one should be Shiite or not. They are all irrelevant.

May God save us from following our caprice and make us enjoin the truth.

Of course because your biggest Sheikhs believing in Tahrif is not a good reason .. yeah i forgot Shias dont care about Quran only about <<the walking and talking qurans >> lol just like the ismailis

they do care about qur'an, its just the one hidden by the hidden one. No qur'an no imam around. Poor shia

Funny thing brother Wallah Al Adheem i am not lying i knew some shias who believed in tahrif and one of them asked me :who do you prefer Quran or AhlulBayt ? I said Quran and he said nah you should have said the Imam because the Quran is not complete and that the true Quran is with the Mahdi what kind of religion is this where Allah Hides  the Imam and lets his book get corrupted May Allah forgive me for believing in this


Re: Leaving Shiaism
« Reply #11 on: April 04, 2017, 08:38:11 AM »
With all that being said there are other points that made me want to leave shiism

I don't see any good reasons that you mentioned.

What would be only possible reasons that could of the potential of being good is if you go through all various proofs and arguments for Shiism and refute those. Show you've understood the arguments, the counter-arguments to them, and counter to counter arguments, and so on and so forth, till you show a conclusion.

Start with why you understand the two legacies the Prophet left the nation differently then Shias. Talk about hadithal thaqalain etc.

The fact is, you stated things that are all irrelevant to whether one should be Shiite or not. They are all irrelevant.

May God save us from following our caprice and make us enjoin the truth.

Of course because your biggest Sheikhs believing in Tahrif is not a good reason .. yeah i forgot Shias dont care about Quran only about <<the walking and talking qurans >> lol just like the ismailis

It is precisely not a good reason because our "biggest" Sheikhs are not an authority.  The ones that passed hadiths passed hadiths, the ones who teach teach what they teach, but at the end of the day, the two things the Prophet told us to hold on to is his book and his family.

Secondly, while I don't believe in Tahreef, I don't believe in bullying people in believing in the Quran is uncorrupted by threatening their state of faith. Indeed revelations before us all corrupted, so why Quran is an exception, has to be something to be found out.

To say anything like Prophethood ended or its states it's protected, is circular reasoning. The Prophethood ending assumes there is no Authority that safeguarded and is going to bring it back, and stating it states it's protected assuming it means protected in the sense no tahreef takes places among the people, would have to rely on the fact no tahreef has taken place in it in the first place.

Naturally, witnessing the superior nature of Quran and guidance of whole Quran with respect to all it's parts is no easy task, and not something anyone should be bullied into.

I believe the subtle nature of it's verses, it's flow, etc, all proves it to be a miracle.

However when you say things like "What kind of God let's his book be corrupted, and his leader hidden", I think you yourself don't believe in Quran, because Quran shows that has happened in the past many times.

One could say God could of protected all his revelations. But then you can say, it's only necessary to protect his last revelation.

Then you would have to argue why it's necessary and not protect it in the sense of being able to bring it back by Imam Mahdi alongside its interpretation.

And I believe there is good arguments as to why God would protect it before the coming of the Imam Mahdi and all the way up to that and after, but I believe they are subtle arguments.

And Sunnis are far removed from understanding those subtle arguments as they don't even understand basic premilaries to it.

And Quran is clear guidance with clear proofs, because it has clear proofs for all that it asserts and manifests.

You haven't even understood is most repeated clear proofs with regards to it's essential structure, so let a lone more subtle things like as to why it would be safeguarded outwardly and inwardly.

Love of the family of Yaseen is the light of the heavens and the earth.


Re: Leaving Shiaism
« Reply #12 on: April 04, 2017, 12:41:00 PM »

You seem to have some denial complex. Seems like you always make desperate attempts to convince yourself that shi'ism can't be wrong, please no it can't be wrong, etc.
A lot of the time you seem to be posting just to make your self feel better. Which shows you are very insecure about your beliefs. Any chance you get to reassure yourself you post to make your self feel better.
Sad really.


Re: Leaving Shiaism
« Reply #13 on: April 04, 2017, 05:05:54 PM »

You seem to have some denial complex. Seems like you always make desperate attempts to convince yourself that shi'ism can't be wrong, please no it can't be wrong, etc.
A lot of the time you seem to be posting just to make your self feel better. Which shows you are very insecure about your beliefs. Any chance you get to reassure yourself you post to make your self feel better.
Sad really.

Wallah i did not even read a line of his long post lol


Re: Leaving Shiaism
« Reply #14 on: April 04, 2017, 11:32:31 PM »
Brother Ali al-Balqani, please tell us more about yourself, wasn't Christianity spiritual enough for you? and what's your family's take on all of this?

Other than their incorrect belief on Tahreef and polytheism, what did you think of their views about leadership, early Islamic politics, did you find any emphasis on the prophet's (saw) family in the Qur'an and that they are the source of knowledge we must follow?
عَلامَةُ أَهْلِ الْبِدَعِ الْوَقِيعَةُ فِي أَهْلِ الأَثَرِ. وَعَلامَةُ الْجَهْمِيَّةِ أَنْ يُسَمُّوا أَهْلَ السُّنَّةِ مُشَبِّهَةً. وَعَلامَةُ الْقَدَرِيَّةِ أَنْ يُسَمُّوا أَهْلَ السُّنَّةِ مُجَبِّرَةً. وَعَلامَةُ الزَّنَادِقَةِ أَنْ يُسَمُّوا أَهْلَ الأَثَرِ حَشْوِيَّةً

Religion = simple & clear

Sayyed Ali

Re: Leaving Shiaism
« Reply #15 on: April 05, 2017, 12:35:47 AM »
It took him less than 24hours to convert from shiasm to sunnism and to mock shias in salafi style.
Fake news!


Re: Leaving Shiaism
« Reply #16 on: April 05, 2017, 12:58:07 AM »
It took him less than 24hours to convert from shiasm to sunnism and to mock shias in salafi style.
Fake news!

lol ive been in it for 2 years why do you have such a minority complex ? i always hated that when i was shi3a. even between yourselves you fight (shirazi vs khomeini etc ). Wallah i never mocked you you just make a mockery of yourself by such threads


Re: Leaving Shiaism
« Reply #17 on: April 05, 2017, 01:09:11 AM »
Brother Ali al-Balqani, please tell us more about yourself, wasn't Christianity spiritual enough for you? and what's your family's take on all of this?

Other than their incorrect belief on Tahreef and polytheism, what did you think of their views about leadership, early Islamic politics, did you find any emphasis on the prophet's (saw) family in the Qur'an and that they are the source of knowledge we must follow?
i really like the name Ali Al Balqani haha i will use it from now on thanks lol !

To answers your question brother politically you cannot really put shiism into a category . Because they say that no one is better than Ahlul-Bayt so there is no possibility of anything but a M3sumeen to rule. But this brings a challenge because the twelve imam is supposedly in ghayba so what do we do ? so they fight between themselves on wilayat al faqih and how to apply it . They are even more hateful of people who do not agree with it . Very racist. They called me  an agent of the west because i did not agree with khomeini . You have to basically be a slave to persia or else youre an outcast . This is their big problem because what would happen after 12 imams ? they say when he comes back he will appoint other 12 people after him etc until Qayama (i still have al kafi at home ) . No there is no  clear proof in Quran of Imamah not at all and this has always been a problem to me . Yes there are some ayas who refer to Ahlulbayt but nothing of what the shi3as imply . I do think there was a conflict at Saqifa but not in the way shias say . They just all (muhajireen,ansar, ) made their point but Abu bakr (RA) was the wisest and the oldest . And Ali (KW) accepted it after because if Imamah was so important that you cannot go to heaven without it Ali as the brave lion he is would have told the whole ummah without no fear of death but he did not so either its shias lying or Ali was a coward who lived in taqqiya for all his life (Audhubillah) .
No brother christiannity is a pretty dead religion ,you go one hour to the church on sunday and thats it the rest of the week you drink ,fornicate etc


Re: Leaving Shiaism
« Reply #18 on: April 05, 2017, 01:30:26 AM »
I guess God never intended that the Prophets of the people of Moses be supported nor had intention for them to rule Bani-Israel, because they were opposed.

I guess when the rebelled against them and Allah took away the manifest presence of his witness and guide among them, all that guidance and command to obey the Prophets was for nothing.

I guess when the divine books before Quran, disappear they were never meant to have been protected.

I guess Allah [swt] didn't want people to obey his Messengers but rather destroy each nation in reality.

I guess Allah [swt] never intended to rule humanity because if he wanted to he would of forced them all to obey him.

I guess Allah [swt] is a coward too since he watched Prophets die and did nothing to stop the people from destroying the truth, when he could of easily stopped them.

I guess Allah [swt] revealed the Quran so the Taghut and Jibt could believed in and obeyed. I guess he was being sarcastic to Abraham when he told him his covenant never includes the unjust.

I guess Allah [swt] is only guide in theory while he doesn't provide direct guidance from him, but rather we have to submit to scholars who are not appointed by God and take their collective words as the guidance of God!

I guess people who can't be sure are the way,  we are at their mercy to guide us, as God doesn't provide direct guidance.

I guess we have to rely on ourselves and people we aren't sure are guided for the true interpretation of Quran.

I guess everyone is allowed to influence us including devils and Shayateen, except a leader and guide from God, who for some reason it is impossible for him to guide us and teach us the ways of ascension.

Love of the family of Yaseen is the light of the heavens and the earth.


Re: Leaving Shiaism
« Reply #19 on: April 05, 2017, 01:29:32 PM »
I guess God never intended that the Prophets of the people of Moses be supported nor had intention for them to rule Bani-Israel, because they were opposed.

I guess when the rebelled against them and Allah took away the manifest presence of his witness and guide among them, all that guidance and command to obey the Prophets was for nothing.

I guess when the divine books before Quran, disappear they were never meant to have been protected.

I guess Allah [swt] didn't want people to obey his Messengers but rather destroy each nation in reality.

I guess Allah [swt] never intended to rule humanity because if he wanted to he would of forced them all to obey him.

I guess Allah [swt] is a coward too since he watched Prophets die and did nothing to stop the people from destroying the truth, when he could of easily stopped them.

I guess Allah [swt] revealed the Quran so the Taghut and Jibt could believed in and obeyed. I guess he was being sarcastic to Abraham when he told him his covenant never includes the unjust.

I guess Allah [swt] is only guide in theory while he doesn't provide direct guidance from him, but rather we have to submit to scholars who are not appointed by God and take their collective words as the guidance of God!

I guess people who can't be sure are the way,  we are at their mercy to guide us, as God doesn't provide direct guidance.

I guess we have to rely on ourselves and people we aren't sure are guided for the true interpretation of Quran.

I guess everyone is allowed to influence us including devils and Shayateen, except a leader and guide from God, who for some reason it is impossible for him to guide us and teach us the ways of ascension.

Yeah you keep guessing like the Shiite Mahdi will appear from amongst the clouds.....CAPTAIN LINK😊


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