
my story and 4 crucial points that gave me no choice but to follow the sunnah.

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salam alaikum, i tried to make a brief explaination but it was impossible as i thinks all of these are important to mention. im from a very conservative afghani-shia ethnic group, Hazara. almost 98% of hazara are shia with very small number of sunnis, tho i personally have never met a sunni hazara.
growing up as a shia you will constantly be hearing and learning about the supernaturality of the "Imams." whether one will be sitting down or standing up u will hear or just carrying out simple tasks you will hear "ya ali madad". i assure you, you'll never hear, ya Allah madad from a shia. all the other weird rituals like self hitting in muharam etc was common practise growing up. cursing the sahaba (ra) is normal ritual among the majority too but not all. as a kid all this things seemed normal to me as i had never known anything but this.
from a very young age i was interested in religion. i was visiting mosque quite often, during the early age first thing that triggered my Iman was the "Alam" (they say its the flag of hussain from karbala) every shia mosque has this large flag posted, and people pray to it and make dua to it and kiss it and burn candles around it. i was like this ritual is very similar to what hindus do.
during the whole year the shia mosques are empty and only handful of people go to mosques for prayer and during the 1 month of muharam all of them wakes like zombies and do their savage, pagan rituals.
during my mid teens we moved to australia and i made a sunni friend, uthman, he was a pashtun, typically hazara and pashtuns dont get along at all. however me n him became best friends. he wasnt a super religious guy, tho i noticed uthman will never miss his prayers no matter the circumstances, he would pray in the school play ground, parks and any anywhere possible. this really touched me and i started to join him in prayers. tho me and him never talked about religion we were just regular friends. we moved to another city later. this friendship cleared my negative presumption about sunnis.
from my late teens til 22yo i started drifting away from deen and fall into the dunya and had completely abandoned islam, but alhamdulilah, during this time nothing went right, i went through some trails and tribulation my life started going down words, one night i broke down into tears as nothing was going well and alhamdulilah i got of my bed at late at night around 1 am and prayed to Allah and asked him if you are true then show me the truth. by allahs will it was during this time that i got in contact with couple of my school friends who were sunni. and i attended couple of jumah prayers with them wallah the prayer at sunni mosques are so lively and pure prayer to the only creater, this was my main turning point.
(*****if you have a shia friend i strongly recommend to take them for a jummah prayer wallah if they were genuine it will change them. i recently took one shia family friend for a jummah, he was also touched and he said this all seemed so alien to him coz he had never been in that type of praying environment, and he wants to come with me for jummah again. only prayer shia knows is chanting ya ali madad and crying****)
so i decided if i am going to follow the religion i will do it the proper way. i started non biased research as at this point i had completely abandon deen. so i researched about the core shia sunni beliefs and their differences. i always thought sunni and shia matter would be really complicated and hard to find the truth between the 2. well i was shocked that only few weeks of research had made it so clear that shiaism is not even islam. wallah when i say this i know it because i have lived and still living among these people. their rituals are non islamic and most of it is completely shirk.

anyways after finding out about these 4 points it became impossible for me to follow shia.
1. tawheed, worship and call upon Allah alone and dont associate any creation to the creater. (quran, 40:14, 72:18, 46:5-6, 26:213, 10:106-107, 39:3) and many other verses in quran Allah explicitly says to worship allah alone and dont call upon other beings.
2. Quran, as a kid i have been hearing about tahreef of quran but i never believed them, but after i came across shia hadeeths that actually says quran is fabricated it was just shocking.
3. sahaba (ra), shia actually do believe that only a handful of sahabas (ra) are muslim and rest are murtads, there are 100s if not 1000s of hadeeths about it and if any shia comes with a different view i guarantee his is doing taqiyah or is ignorant about his books. this point was really important for me because if the sahaba (ra) did sabotage the prophet (saw) that means that allah has failed in delivering his message to the people, and how can it be for people who hated islam to spread islam to the world. if there are over 2.5 billion muslims in the worlds its all because of the effort of shabas (ra) and help of allah. and in the quran allah explicitly stats he is content with the shabas (ra) and they will be granted jannah. (quran 48:18, 9:100)
4. concept of imamah, even as a kid i could never fully accept the divinity of imams, shia actually do believe imams are all knowing, all hearing, all seeing and controller of the universe, astaghfirullah that is the highest level of shirk. while quran completely contradicts the concept of imam's divinity, (quran, 6:59, 27:65) and many other verses.

i hope this will help or at least motivate people who are one the same path.

PS, there is a very important tip i would like to share on dealing with a shia, typically shia are very emotionally drived individuals, never slander their beliefs coz it will make things worse rather first talk to them and tell them sunni loves ahlulbayt too and we show this love by following their path and worship allah as they worshiped, but we dont give them allahs attribute, show them verses of quran where allah says its only him that has knowledge of unseen and he doesnt share it with anyone, also show them the hadiths about the ahlulbayt from sunni hadith books to make them feel that sunni actually do love ahlulbayt. majority of laymen shias dont belief quran is currupted show them the shia hadiths that stats curruption of quran, and most importantly try to take them to a jummah prayer and let them experience the difference. if allah willed they will be guided, put your effort for ur friend and tawakul on allah, at end of the day its Allah who guides people not us. 

i want to end with a beautiful statement from a exshia scholar (forgot his name) who said,"i have found the sahaba without losing the ahlulbayt"

Shia not Rafidi

Wa Alaykum salam bro, congratulations for choosing the right path.
May Allah make you steadfast in your religion Amin..
Ok i want some clarification about some events when you were shia :
1 - how did you believe that Fadak wasn't the right of Fatima RA, i mean most of the times, shia are just like "how dare you question the character of Syeda tun-Nisa, can she be wrong, can she be blah blah blah".. i say it's impossible for a shi'i to come over this bitter reality that Fatima RA didn't know about the hadith of inheritance..
2 - how did you believe that Tye Beoken Rib is just a myth whereas 90% of shia actually believe that this did happen..even though Shia can't prove that Umar RA actually attacked Fatima RA, but still at the end, they be like "It definitely happened, who did this is another case. You just send lanat on whoever did this"
3 - how do you see Hadith e Qirtas where Prophet PBUH was allegedly prevented by Umar RA from writing down the wilayah of Ali RA and called him delirious (as oer shia).
4 - your stance on Ayesha RA when she went to war with Ali RA..
5 - Mutah, matam, self hitting are classed as Ibadat and source of hasanah. These things are attributed to Aimma Ahlebayt, so for a shi'i, it's almost impossible to go against his imam by denying these rituals as it's obvious that in Shia POV, leaving these Khurafat would mean leaving Ahlebayt..
« Last Edit: September 22, 2019, 06:27:11 AM by Shia not Rafidi »
#__Shia of Ali__#
#__Sunni of Prophet Muhammad__#

Abu Muhammad

i want to end with a beautiful statement from a exshia scholar (forgot his name) who said,"i have found the sahaba without losing the ahlulbayt"

Wa'alaikumussalam wa rahmatullah.

Alhamdulillah... praise be to Allah alone who guided you the right path. It melts my heart whenever I hear this kind story.

Also, the statement of that ex-shia scholar you quoted above. So true and beautiful too. That's the true Ahlus Sunnah as opposed to what Twelvers trying to potray us as haters of Ahlul Bayt.


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  • یا مقلب القلوب ثبت قلبی علی دینک
    • Refuting Shia allegations everywhere
  • Religion: Sunni
i want to end with a beautiful statement from a exshia scholar (forgot his name) who said,"i have found the sahaba without losing the ahlulbayt"

Walaikum Salam and welcome to the forum dear brother. Praise be to Allah! Beautiful post!

This is the book of the ex-Shia scholar you are talking about.

P.S. Was it you who sent a message to facebook page?

در خلافت میل نیست ای بی‌خبر
میل کی آید ز بوبکر و عمر
میل اگر بودی در آن دو مقتدا
هر دو کردندی پسر را پیشوا

عطار نِیشابوری | |


Walaikum Salam and welcome to the forum dear brother. Praise be to Allah! Beautiful post!

This is the book of the ex-Shia scholar you are talking about.

P.S. Was it you who sent a message to facebook page?

salam alaikm, all praise to allah,
yes brother it was me, haha its really nice that u remembered. and thanks alot for the book, i was looking for it.


Wa Alaykum salam bro, congratulations for choosing the right path.
May Allah make you steadfast in your religion Amin..
Ok i want some clarification about some events when you were shia :

Salam alaikm, all praise is for Allah alone.
1.Fadak is a very interesting one for me, it actually debunks 2 topics,
(a), grudges of sahaba against ahlulbayt and (b), that Fatima (ra) wasn’t divine and didn’t had knowledge of unseen,
Grudges of sahaba (ra) against ahlulbayt:
 it was told by prophet himself that prophets don’t leave inheritance and everything that prophets leave is for charity and they only leave behind knowledge. (Sahih Muslim, 19:4355, 19:4356, 19:4357) for arguments sake Lets say the khulafa (ra) had deprived Fatima (ra) of her rights, then we can also say they deprived their daughters. (aisha (ra) and hafsa (ra)) and other wives of the prophet (saw) too. if one studies the event in full context they will find that it was merely just a misunderstanding between Fatima (ra) and khulafa (ra). And abubakr (ra) did clear the issue on Fatima (ra) death bed and also after her death abubakr (ra) further cleared the fadak issue with ali (ra) and they both agreed that prophet (saw) did actually say he (saw) don’t leave inheritance. If shia would still stick to this issue, a sunni can refute it just by simply asking when ali (RA) became the caliph why didn’t he gave the fadak to ahlulbayt. And also the ahlulbayt were taken care of by giving them payments by all 3 khulafa (RA).
Fatima (ra) wasn’t divine and didn’t had knowledge of unseen:
The issue of fadak also shows that Fatima (ra) wasn’t divine and didn’t had knowledge of unseen. Because she wasn’t aware of prophets (saw) teachings about his inheritance. If she was on truth and abubakar (ra) was in wrong, she wouldn’t have permitted abubakr (ra) to visit her in her death bed. I think this also answers the fabricated broken rib issue, coz if the khulafa had burned down her house just few months back why would she and ali (ra) let him enter their house. I swear if anyone look the Islamic history from every angle the shia narratives wouldn’t make sense.
2. broken rib,
Again this is just ridiculous, I swear reading the shia side of this story just would make you think that ali (ra) was coward, (may allah forgive me even just for saying this) who could not defend his own wife from fear, and later serving the killers of his wife just make Ali (ra) look bad. The ali (ra) that sunnis know is a brave, courageous sahabi who showed his bravery from a very young age. I just cant accept that ali (ra) would just sit and watch his wife get beat by others and later go and serve them, this is embarrassing, I think even non muslims wouldn’t buy this crap if they read the and know who ali (ra) was. LOL and funny thing is shia call ya ali madad 1000 times a day, im like from ur stories I read ali couldn’t help his own wife, so now how do u expect he will be able to help you. And the tawasul excuse is just a blunt lie, I have heard from their scholars that ali can actually physically help you, its just crazy.
3, hadith qirtas,
Yes omar (ra) did prevent to not give pen and paper by saying prophet is already in much pain lets not make him suffer no more and we have quran the book of allah it is sufficient for us. Lets say if omar (ra) interntionally didn’t give prophet pen and paper to avoid prophet (saw) writing the wilayah of ali (ra). it shows that omar was able to stop a divine rule from allah, I have this very clear and strong belief that if allah wills he will do something noting can stop him, neither omar (ra) or anyone else. And also this incident wasn’t the last day of prophet (saw) so then why did he (saw) not write the wilayah of ali later that day or the next day, and shia believe that prophet and all imam knows everything that’s in peoples hearts then why did prophet not order to get rid of omar (ra) if he was corrupt man. I will leave a link from Yasir qadhi regarding this incident wallah this makes perfect sense.[ Invalid YouTube link ]
4,mother aisha (ra),
I love mother aisha (ra), and I love her name so much that inshalah if allah grant me a daughter I’ll name her aisha. As for the incident of camel, if we see what happened after the battle it is very clear that this incident was a dark moment in our history, which all happened because of many mis understanding and emotions of the sahaba about the lose of uthman (ra). After the battle both shia and sunni agree that ali (ra) personally took mother aisha (ra) to her house and they both apologised from each other. And if she had apostatised (may allah for give me for saying this) then why did ali not punish her. Again another link of the incident from yasir qadhi

5. mutah, matam other khurafat,
For mutah my response is always very simple, I think no man of honour and dignity will ever accept this for his own daughters and sister. Although this may be subjective view there are numerous hadiths from sunnah books that it’s said it was a practice of jahaliya and was permitted at beginning of islam and it was later baned after battle of khaibar. Also There are hadiths from other shia branches like ismailis who reject mutha too.
Matam, its just a pagan, hindu ritual which is adopted by their brother in faith shia, islam has nothing to do with self-harm and self-humiliation. During this muharam I talked to few teenager shia family friends to reflect on the rituals that shias do like matam and other khurafats and asked them to go and question the shaikh in husainia that whether the matam and their other rituals has any bases from hadith and imams. Haha they actually went and did ask the shaikh ahahah and they shaikh said said when prophet died Fatima (ra) wailed and beat her chest, and when the kid ask him but that could be a onetime emotional reaction the shaikh got pissed off at them for asking such question lol, tho I personally did do matam at first but later I stopped it even when I was shia,
And this khurafat are not ibadat, its savagery. They classify self hurting and bloodsheding as ibadat while most of them not pray the obligatory prayers, the ones who pray does it in 3 settings coz they can’t make time for allah. the only ibadat we know is what prophet himself has taught us.

I hope this helped you with your questions.
« Last Edit: September 22, 2019, 09:23:35 PM by MuslimK »


Salam alaikm, all praise is for Allah alone.
1.Fadak is a very interesting one for me, it actually debunks 2 topics,
(a), grudges of sahaba against ahlulbayt and (b), that Fatima (ra) wasn’t divine and didn’t had knowledge of unseen,
Grudges of sahaba (ra) against ahlulbayt:
 it was told by prophet himself that prophets don’t leave inheritance and everything that prophets leave is for charity and they only leave behind knowledge. (Sahih Muslim, 19:4355, 19:4356, 19:4357) for arguments sake Lets say the khulafa (ra) had deprived Fatima (ra) of her rights, then we can also say they deprived their daughters. (aisha (ra) and hafsa (ra)) and other wives of the prophet (saw) too. if one studies the event in full context they will find that it was merely just a misunderstanding between Fatima (ra) and khulafa (ra). And abubakr (ra) did clear the issue on Fatima (ra) death bed and also after her death abubakr (ra) further cleared the fadak issue with ali (ra) and they both agreed that prophet (saw) did actually say he (saw) don’t leave inheritance. If shia would still stick to this issue, a sunni can refute it just by simply asking when ali (RA) became the caliph why didn’t he gave the fadak to ahlulbayt. And also the ahlulbayt were taken care of by giving them payments by all 3 khulafa (RA).
Fatima (ra) wasn’t divine and didn’t had knowledge of unseen:
The issue of fadak also shows that Fatima (ra) wasn’t divine and didn’t had knowledge of unseen. Because she wasn’t aware of prophets (saw) teachings about his inheritance. If she was on truth and abubakar (ra) was in wrong, she wouldn’t have permitted abubakr (ra) to visit her in her death bed. I think this also answers the fabricated broken rib issue, coz if the khulafa had burned down her house just few months back why would she and ali (ra) let him enter their house. I swear if anyone look the Islamic history from every angle the shia narratives wouldn’t make sense.
2. broken rib,
Again this is just ridiculous, I swear reading the shia side of this story just would make you think that ali (ra) was coward, (may allah forgive me even just for saying this) who could not defend his own wife from fear, and later serving the killers of his wife just make Ali (ra) look bad. The ali (ra) that sunnis know is a brave, courageous sahabi who showed his bravery from a very young age. I just cant accept that ali (ra) would just sit and watch his wife get beat by others and later go and serve them, this is embarrassing, I think even non muslims wouldn’t buy this crap if they read the and know who ali (ra) was. LOL and funny thing is shia call ya ali madad 1000 times a day, im like from ur stories I read ali couldn’t help his own wife, so now how do u expect he will be able to help you. And the tawasul excuse is just a blunt lie, I have heard from their scholars that ali can actually physically help you, its just crazy.
3, hadith qirtas,
Yes omar (ra) did prevent to not give pen and paper by saying prophet is already in much pain lets not make him suffer no more and we have quran the book of allah it is sufficient for us. Lets say if omar (ra) interntionally didn’t give prophet pen and paper to avoid prophet (saw) writing the wilayah of ali (ra). it shows that omar was able to stop a divine rule from allah, I have this very clear and strong belief that if allah wills he will do something noting can stop him, neither omar (ra) or anyone else. And also this incident wasn’t the last day of prophet (saw) so then why did he (saw) not write the wilayah of ali later that day or the next day, and shia believe that prophet and all imam knows everything that’s in peoples hearts then why did prophet not order to get rid of omar (ra) if he was corrupt man. I will leave a link from Yasir qadhi regarding this incident wallah this makes perfect sense. [ Invalid YouTube link ]
4,mother aisha (ra),
I love mother aisha (ra), and I love her name so much that inshalah if allah grant me a daughter I’ll name her aisha. As for the incident of camel, if we see what happened after the battle it is very clear that this incident was a dark moment in our history, which all happened because of many mis understanding and emotions of the sahaba about the lose of uthman (ra). After the battle both shia and sunni agree that ali (ra) personally took mother aisha (ra) to her house and they both apologised from each other. And if she had apostatised (may allah for give me for saying this) then why did ali not punish her. Again another link of the incident from yasir qadhi
5. mutah, matam other khurafat,
For mutah my response is always very simple, I think no man of honour and dignity will ever accept this for his own daughters and sister. Although this may be subjective view there are numerous hadiths from sunnah books that it’s said it was a practice of jahaliya and was permitted at beginning of islam and it was later baned after battle of khaibar. Also There are hadiths from other shia branches like ismailis who reject mutha too.
Matam, its just a pagan, hindu ritual which is adopted by their brother in faith shia, islam has nothing to do with self-harm and self-humiliation. During this muharam I talked to few teenager shia family friends to reflect on the rituals that shias do like matam and other khurafats and asked them to go and question the shaikh in husainia that whether the matam and their other rituals has any bases from hadith and imams. Haha they actually went and did ask the shaikh ahahah and they shaikh said said when prophet died Fatima (ra) wailed and beat her chest, and when the kid ask him but that could be a onetime emotional reaction the shaikh got pissed off at them for asking such question lol, tho I personally did do matam at first but later I stopped it even when I was shia,
And this khurafat are not ibadat, its savagery. They classify self hurting and bloodsheding as ibadat while most of them not pray the obligatory prayers, the ones who pray does it in 3 settings coz they can’t make time for allah. the only ibadat we know is what prophet himself has taught us.

I hope this helped you with your question.

Qamar Farooq

The incident of the broken rib is a total joke. Read the book "Deconstructing Kitab Sulaym bin Qays" on this website. It traces that stupid story down to one man, and shows without a shadow of a doubt that this idiot fabricated this nonsensical story to support the shia narrative. The link to the book is here ( it is just 100 pages long and can be finished it in just an hour. It is worth reading!

Shia not Rafidi

Ahsanat bro Ali.. very helpful and interesting ,
Jazak Allah brother
#__Shia of Ali__#
#__Sunni of Prophet Muhammad__#

Bolani Muslim

Salaam brother, it feels good to meet a fellow Afghan ex-Shia. May Allah swt bless you and help you to guide your loved ones. Dawah takes time, it took my mom four years to accept I'm Sunni. Hopefully, you will set an example for the Hazara community and show the people that being Hazara doesn't mean one must also be Shia.

Currently I'm discussing with a Shia friend. You gave a good idea to take him to jumah, I didn't think of it before.


Hopefully, you will set an example for the Hazara community and show the people that being Hazara doesn't mean one must also be Shia.

Salam watandar, tashakur for u dua, i have been sunni for a year now, i have just started the dawah, the Shia family friend I mentioned in my 1st post called me last night and and officially left Shi’ism for good alhamdulilah and I have another hazara friend who is still 50/50. Make due he find the truth too. Inshalah.
« Last Edit: September 23, 2019, 03:04:12 PM by MuslimK »


  • *****
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  • یا مقلب القلوب ثبت قلبی علی دینک
    • Refuting Shia allegations everywhere
  • Religion: Sunni

Salaam brother, it feels good to meet a fellow Afghan ex-Shia. May Allah swt bless you and help you to guide your loved ones. Dawah takes time, it took my mom four years to accept I'm Sunni. Hopefully, you will set an example for the Hazara community and show the people that being Hazara doesn't mean one must also be Shia.

Currently I'm discussing with a Shia friend. You gave a good idea to take him to jumah, I didn't think of it before.

Walaikum Salam,


Salam watandar, tashakur for u dua, i have been sunni for a year now, i have just started the dawah, the Shia family friend I mentioned in my 1st post called me last night and and officially left Shi’ism for good alhamdulilah and I have another hazara friend who is still 50/50. Make due he find the truth too. Inshalah.

Alhamdulellah! great to hear this. May Allah reward you.

Insha'Allah, your other friend will be guided through your dawah.
در خلافت میل نیست ای بی‌خبر
میل کی آید ز بوبکر و عمر
میل اگر بودی در آن دو مقتدا
هر دو کردندی پسر را پیشوا

عطار نِیشابوری | |


salam alaikum, i tried to make a brief explaination but it was impossible as i thinks all of these are important to mention.

Wa alaykum as salaam wa rahmatullah!

Alhamdulilah, it was great reading your story.  I am an Afghan Sunni but because I have certain family members who married Shias, I tried to reach out to the Shia community at large here in Washington DC area.  Needless to say, you hit every single nail on the head.  What they present to us versus what they disclose in their own gatherings are very different than what they have in their books.  Reality has four sides in the Shi'i world: what they say to us, what they disclose in their own gatherings, what is written in their books and the actual truth.

Wallaahi, it is sad; their state is sad.

I have a good Iranian friend who used to be very neutral (pray like Sunnis coz he learned how to pray at a Sunni mosque) who is now leaning towards "Shiaism", as he put it.  I reminded him of an incident that happened a while back when he attended a Shi'i mosque during Muharram.  He approached the main cleric and questioned him on fasting during 'Ashura and how absurd it sounds for an Islamic act (fasting) to be haraam (fasting during 'Ashura).  The cleric, according to my friend, asked him, "Are you Sunni?"  My friend responded, "yes" and so the cleric just walked away.  Not a word!  When my friend told me that he's leaning more towards Shiaism these days, I reminded him of that incident and told him how at every Muharram lecture we attended together, there would be that one story, or many stories, of an Imam (ra), their Companions, even servants refuting tens of people (mostly Sunnis) single-handedly.  But this cleric, with all the noise he made on the mimbar, could not answer a simple question.  He did not even care to begin to answer it.....that's how scared they are!

Suffice to say, my friend did not like what I had to say, lol.
« Last Edit: September 23, 2019, 10:14:00 PM by muslim720 »
"Our coward ran from those in authority" - Iceman (admitting the truth regarding his 12th Imam)


growing up as a shia you will constantly be hearing and learning about the supernaturality of the "Imams." whether one will be sitting down or standing up u will hear or just carrying out simple tasks you will hear "ya ali madad". i assure you, you'll never hear, ya Allah madad from a shia.

I will repeat myself like a broken record but I am (more like used to be) a regular at three Shi'i mosques in our area.  Of the three, there is one that claims to be "non denominational", with their book shelves (by the entrance) featuring Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim.  So it is safe to say that this particular mosque is the least sectarian; yet, about three or four Muharrams ago, the imam there explicitly told me - and he repeated himself when he saw the shock on my face - that Imams (ra) are everything Allah (swt) is "but a notch lower".

during the whole year the shia mosques are empty and only handful of people go to mosques for prayer and during the 1 month of muharam all of them wakes like zombies and do their savage, pagan rituals.

Another accurate observation!  I am fortunate to live within a walking distance of a mosque; also, about 2.5 miles away, there is a Shi'i mosque.  More frequently in the past, I'd run from my place to this Shi'i mosque and back.  On the way, I'd pass by the Sunni mosque as well.  If it would be time for Asr or getting close to Maghrib, the Shi'i mosque would be a ghost town.  Literally no cars in the parking lot!  Whereas the Sunni mosque - 10 minutes before the salah - would be running out of parking spaces!

(*****if you have a shia friend i strongly recommend to take them for a jummah prayer wallah if they were genuine it will change them. i recently took one shia family friend for a jummah, he was also touched and he said this all seemed so alien to him coz he had never been in that type of praying environment, and he wants to come with me for jummah again. only prayer shia knows is chanting ya ali madad and crying****)

I have been to Shi'i mosques for Jummah prayers and it is quite safe to say that they are lagging in material.  Save oppression - be it from Ummayads, Yazeed, Israel, US and Saudi Arabia - there is nothing to discuss.

4. concept of imamah, even as a kid i could never fully accept the divinity of imams, shia actually do believe imams are all knowing, all hearing, all seeing and controller of the universe, astaghfirullah that is the highest level of shirk. while quran completely contradicts the concept of imam's divinity, (quran, 6:59, 27:65) and many other verses.

They are, naudhubillah, a "notch lower" than Allah (swt), according to the imam of the least sectarian and most open Shi'i mosque (in our area).

i want to end with a beautiful statement from a exshia scholar (forgot his name) who said,"i have found the sahaba without losing the ahlulbayt"

Reminds me of that one statement by Ayatollah Borqaei (if I am not mistaken)....the Shi'i ayatollah who forsook Shiaism.  He said that it is ironic that the Holy Prophet (saw) did not know the alleged treachery of his own Companions (ra) but "we" (the Iranians), 1400 years later, know better than him.
« Last Edit: September 24, 2019, 02:31:25 PM by muslim720 »
"Our coward ran from those in authority" - Iceman (admitting the truth regarding his 12th Imam)


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