
The story of how a seyyid became sunni!

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The story of how a seyyid became sunni!
« on: June 17, 2019, 03:10:38 AM »
What is your religious background?
I come from a mixed background, as do my parents. My father was a shiite and my mom a sufi, but neither of them were religious and were supporters of the marxist groups in the Middle East. During the wars and civil wars in the area (50's-80's) the muslim movements were generally indifferent, so marxism became popular and islam was people hiding in mosques not trying to defend their homeland. After Khomeini came to power and Hezbollah fought against the israelis, my parents became supporters of theirs, as did I. So my support of shiites and shiism was never for their religion, it was due to their politics, they were anti imperialists, or so I thought.

How did you view sunnis and sunnism before your conversion?
I saw sunni movement as the cowards, much because of the Saudi stance, so I was negative to sunnis in general and salafism in particular. My heart was always with the muslims and Palestine in particular, whoever supported them had my support (including those who faked it)

What caused you to doubt shism?
As I grew older (late teens) and wanted to practice Islam on a deeper and more spiritual level, i read the Quran, the Seerah and started to see all the debates between all the factions. Who was right? they have different sources of ahadeeth, how do you know which one is correct? And it became clear, shias have no leg to stand on, their narrations are based on donkeys and fulan saying this or that is sahih with no isnaad attached to it. I was still bothered about the fitan between the sahabah, I had and still have immense love for Ali RA. I read a lot about the fitan and felt that Ali RA did not get the satatus he deserved, until i read the books of ibn Taymiyyah, Ibn Kathir, As-Suyuti, Ibn Qayyim etc. Sunnis today, try to not talk too much about ahlulbayt, which in my opinion is wrong and does shiites a favour, when I read about Ali RA from the ulema of past, It was obvious, the shiites lied.

How did your family and friends react to you becoming sunni?
I countinued to read the books of ulema an Najd and ibn Abdal Wahhab RH (because everyone kept warning me about them), I taught my family and they all accepted it, except my father who does not live with my mother and siblings (they got a divorce when I was a young child). He does not speak with me today. And AlhamdeliLah, we all try to follow salaf as much as we can, so my family was not a hurdle for me.

Do you have any message to shias?
My message to the shias are, your stories have no isnaad and if you do not believe the isnaad of the sunnis, know that your ulema did and copied the sunni method. You are only emotionally attached to your religion, not based on any islamic evidence, they trick you with muharram and you buy it. If you were only to compare the tawheed of ahl ul sunnah to the "tawheed" of shia... everything would fall in to place. Your marjaa talks about Ali RA and the fitan between sahabah 24/7 so you DONT educate yourself about what the Quran describes as tawheed and what the marjaa claims is tawheed - they are in clear contrast!

Dont die in shirk because of your stubborness.

Qamar Farooq

Re: The story of how a seyyid became sunni!
« Reply #1 on: June 19, 2019, 07:35:07 AM »
I also noticed the same problem that you noticed. It basically boils down to RADICALLY different source materials. If you take all of Sahih Sunni hadith as a whole it is next to impossible to walk away with the concept of imamah. Sure, you can cherry pick hadith here and there, but there are countless hadith in the Sunni tradition that goes against this narrative. But if you take all of shia hadith as a whole, you obviously start believing in the concept of imamah. So my next logical question was, who are the people narrating content from the Ahlul Bayt in Shia books? what are the methodologies of the shia hadith collectors? how did they know if someone was lying or telling the truth. And when you look into topics like these in more depth, it becomes painfully obvious what the problem is. The shia are taking hadith from KNOWN LIARS who falsely ascribed nonsense and exaggerations regrading the Ahlul Bayt. The article below lists several transmitters who are found in both Sunni and Shia books, and it lists what Sunni Muhadithun said about them, and what Shia muhadithun said about them. The comparison are quite shocking, see for yourself. My personal favorite example is #25 and his name is Muhammad b. Muhammad b. Al-Ash’ath. This guy was caught RED HANDED forging reports in excessive praise of Ahlul Bayt and ascribing absolute nonsense to them, YET najashi who comes CENTURIES later suddenly declares this idiot reliable.

and whats even more ironic is that Al-Najashi (d. 450) and Al-Tusi (d.460) Al-Kashi (d. 350), Al-Mufid (d. 413) and Ibn Al-Ghada’iri etc never encountered many of these people. These people didnt even MEET the people who they are passing judgement on. They came centuries after. This dilemma is highlighted in an excellent article the Twelvershia team wrote. It is a masterpiece. The article is titled "the mohseni dilema". The link for that article is below

And what is even worse is the fact that Shia muhadithun did not even highlight what methodology they used to test the reliability of a person. This point is highlited under point 6 titled "The Lack of a Transparently Objective Methodology Behind the Evaluation of Transmitters in Shi’ite Sources" in the article below. Whereas the Sunni muhadithun were very transparent and clear on what their methodologies were in determining if someone is a liar or not. It basically boils down to corroborations from other students of the same teacher. For more detail, there is an excellent book written by Abdullah Moataz titled "In Defense of the Hadith Method" that you can read which outlines the methodology the sunni muhadithun employed. It is very clear and transparrent and has nothing to do with theology, which is why they caught sunnis and shias lying. (

The Quran clearly says in 49:6 "O ye who believe! If a wicked person comes to you with any news, ascertain the truth, lest ye harm people unwittingly, and afterwards become full of repentance for what ye have done".

Before we even talk about if Ahlul bayt are infallible or not, we should at least verify if people transmitting from them in shia books are a bunch of liars or not. This is exactly what happened with Christianity. Christians took  their teachings from the liar Paul without verifying if he actually was a disciple of Jesus or not. And Paul, the liar, ascribed absolute nonsense to Jesus(pbuh) and turned him into a God in human flesh. Same with what happened with the imams of Ahlul Bayt. Idiot people turned the imams into imams, claiming they are infallible and divinely chosen, and that obedience to them is mandatory, which the imams themselves never claimed, just like in the case with Jesus(pbuh) where he never claimed divinity, it was Paul and later fanatics that ascribed divinity to Jesus(pbuh). May the curse of Allah be on the liar Paul and the liars in the shia books who the shia take their knowledge from. La'nah of Allah on all of them. May they be thrown in the darkest most deepest pits of the hellfire. Ameen!
« Last Edit: June 19, 2019, 07:46:14 AM by Qamar Farooq »


Re: The story of how a seyyid became sunni!
« Reply #2 on: June 19, 2019, 08:05:29 AM »
What is your religious background?
I come from a mixed background, as do my parents. My father was a shiite and my mom a sufi, but neither of them were religious and were supporters of the marxist groups in the Middle East. During the wars and civil wars in the area (50's-80's) the muslim movements were generally indifferent, so marxism became popular and islam was people hiding in mosques not trying to defend their homeland. After Khomeini came to power and Hezbollah fought against the israelis, my parents became supporters of theirs, as did I. So my support of shiites and shiism was never for their religion, it was due to their politics, they were anti imperialists, or so I thought.

How did you view sunnis and sunnism before your conversion?
I saw sunni movement as the cowards, much because of the Saudi stance, so I was negative to sunnis in general and salafism in particular. My heart was always with the muslims and Palestine in particular, whoever supported them had my support (including those who faked it)

What caused you to doubt shism?
As I grew older (late teens) and wanted to practice Islam on a deeper and more spiritual level, i read the Quran, the Seerah and started to see all the debates between all the factions. Who was right? they have different sources of ahadeeth, how do you know which one is correct? And it became clear, shias have no leg to stand on, their narrations are based on donkeys and fulan saying this or that is sahih with no isnaad attached to it. I was still bothered about the fitan between the sahabah, I had and still have immense love for Ali RA. I read a lot about the fitan and felt that Ali RA did not get the satatus he deserved, until i read the books of ibn Taymiyyah, Ibn Kathir, As-Suyuti, Ibn Qayyim etc. Sunnis today, try to not talk too much about ahlulbayt, which in my opinion is wrong and does shiites a favour, when I read about Ali RA from the ulema of past, It was obvious, the shiites lied.

How did your family and friends react to you becoming sunni?
I countinued to read the books of ulema an Najd and ibn Abdal Wahhab RH (because everyone kept warning me about them), I taught my family and they all accepted it, except my father who does not live with my mother and siblings (they got a divorce when I was a young child). He does not speak with me today. And AlhamdeliLah, we all try to follow salaf as much as we can, so my family was not a hurdle for me.

Do you have any message to shias?
My message to the shias are, your stories have no isnaad and if you do not believe the isnaad of the sunnis, know that your ulema did and copied the sunni method. You are only emotionally attached to your religion, not based on any islamic evidence, they trick you with muharram and you buy it. If you were only to compare the tawheed of ahl ul sunnah to the "tawheed" of shia... everything would fall in to place. Your marjaa talks about Ali RA and the fitan between sahabah 24/7 so you DONT educate yourself about what the Quran describes as tawheed and what the marjaa claims is tawheed - they are in clear contrast!

Dont die in shirk because of your stubborness.

All I have to say about this one is, very poorly made up. I could have made a better story than this.


Re: The story of how a seyyid became sunni!
« Reply #3 on: June 19, 2019, 11:40:07 AM »
All I have to say about this one is, very poorly made up. I could have made a better story than this.

You have and it involves being hidden for centuries and superhumans being subdued by normal humans.😂


Re: The story of how a seyyid became sunni!
« Reply #4 on: June 19, 2019, 09:27:14 PM »
You have and it involves being hidden for centuries and superhumans being subdued by normal humans.😂

😊😀😁 You're a great comic. You're on the wrong platform. 😃😂😅


Re: The story of how a seyyid became sunni!
« Reply #5 on: June 20, 2019, 12:33:47 AM »
😊😀😁 You're a great comic. You're on the wrong platform. 😃😂😅

Just as funny as the hidden Houdini hiding for over a thousand years.......cracks me up every time 😂😂😂😂


Re: The story of how a seyyid became sunni!
« Reply #6 on: June 20, 2019, 10:34:00 AM »
Just as funny as the hidden Houdini hiding for over a thousand years.......cracks me up every time 😂😂😂😂

He wasn't a companion of the Prophet s.a.w, and being a companion then fleeing from the battlefield from the enemy, abandoning the Prophet s.a.w and leaving him stranded 😊 This ain't funny but shocking and disturbing. At least you can't accuse him if this 😊😊😊😊


Re: The story of how a seyyid became sunni!
« Reply #7 on: June 20, 2019, 11:49:14 AM »
He wasn't a companion of the Prophet s.a.w, and being a companion then fleeing from the battlefield from the enemy, abandoning the Prophet s.a.w and leaving him stranded 😊 This ain't funny but shocking and disturbing. At least you can't accuse him if this 😊😊😊😊

Not really as now they are buried next to Him pbuh Alhamdulillah.

Where as your fictional superhuman atom mover ran when he was a kid and has been hiding ever since.😂😂

You can cry all you want, infact call out to your hidden one he maybe amongst you but you just don’t know it,he hears you man😂😂😂😂😂


Re: The story of how a seyyid became sunni!
« Reply #8 on: June 26, 2019, 12:45:01 AM »
Not really as now they are buried next to Him pbuh Alhamdulillah.

Where as your fictional superhuman atom mover ran when he was a kid and has been hiding ever since.😂😂

You can cry all you want, infact call out to your hidden one he maybe amongst you but you just don’t know it,he hears you man😂😂😂😂😂

"Not really as now they are buried next to Him pbuh Alhamdulillah"

There is a clear difference in being requested by him to be buried next to him or putting yourself next to him according to your desire. 😊

"Where as your fictional superhuman atom mover ran when he was a kid and has been hiding ever since"

And they ran from the battlefield as fully grown men. 😀 Can you see the difference. Can you dig it 😀

"You can cry all you want"

Don't need to cry. No one that I know and feel about that fled the battlefield 😀

"Infact call out to your hidden one he maybe amongst you but you just don’t know it,he hears you man"

Don't bother calling yours out, if they can abandon the Prophet s.a.w, God knows what they'll do with you 😂


Re: The story of how a seyyid became sunni!
« Reply #9 on: June 26, 2019, 01:41:56 PM »
"Not really as now they are buried next to Him pbuh Alhamdulillah"

There is a clear difference in being requested by him to be buried next to him or putting yourself next to him according to your desire. 😊

"Where as your fictional superhuman atom mover ran when he was a kid and has been hiding ever since"

And they ran from the battlefield as fully grown men. 😀 Can you see the difference. Can you dig it 😀

"You can cry all you want"

Don't need to cry. No one that I know and feel about that fled the battlefield 😀

"Infact call out to your hidden one he maybe amongst you but you just don’t know it,he hears you man"

Don't bother calling yours out, if they can abandon the Prophet s.a.w, God knows what they'll do with you 😂

Yes they asked and they was granted even Ali ra and His ahlebaith ra agreed with you have no argument apart from waffle.😜

You are crying you are crying 1400 years later why this why that when history has forgiven and Allah swt has forgiven (ayah posted in an another thread) we move on and you and your minions are still crying 😭😭😭

Lol we don’t call out to people who have left this earth Alhamdulillah they are in a better place as proven by Quran and the evidence of their burial next to A prophet pbuh...........unlike you calling out for the REAPPEARANCE of the fairytale superhuman al ajajaj the one hidden behind clouds who is down some well.😂😂


Re: The story of how a seyyid became sunni!
« Reply #10 on: June 30, 2019, 08:25:31 AM »
Yes they asked and they was granted even Ali ra and His ahlebaith ra agreed with you have no argument apart from waffle.😜

You are crying you are crying 1400 years later why this why that when history has forgiven and Allah swt has forgiven (ayah posted in an another thread) we move on and you and your minions are still crying 😭😭😭

Lol we don’t call out to people who have left this earth Alhamdulillah they are in a better place as proven by Quran and the evidence of their burial next to A prophet pbuh...........unlike you calling out for the REAPPEARANCE of the fairytale superhuman al ajajaj the one hidden behind clouds who is down some well.😂😂

"Yes they asked and they was granted even Ali ra and His ahlebaith ra agreed with you have no argument apart from waffle"

They asked, he pbuh didn't request. They got their daughters married to him pbuh. He pbuh didn't ask to be married to them. See the difference. There are no waffles here. Nor fishcakes or hash browns 😀

"You are crying you are crying 1400 years later why this why that when history has forgiven and Allah swt has forgiven (ayah posted in an another thread) we move on and you and your minions are still crying"

We ain't crying. The Ummah is crying because it's getting worse day by day. Until it finally screams out for a saviour. Because they will eventually realise that Caliphate has screwed things up. They won't be going for another Saqifa for sure 😀

And you are forgiven if you have sinned or committed a crime. There is no forgiveness or turning back from being a coward. Once a coward always a coward. No record of any performance or achievement in the battlefield. And that's for sure as well 😀

"Lol we don’t call out to people who have left this earth Alhamdulillah they are in a better place as proven by Quran and the evidence of their burial next to A prophet pbuh"

If you don't want to call out, then don't. Some of us call out to the alive and living. Learn the difference and get to know the facts first rather than shooting your mouth off at random 😊

They is no proof in the Qur'an for the ones you speak. If there is then show it to me. Being in authority and using that authority and putting yourself next to him in burial doesn't mean nothing. 😊

".unlike you calling out for the REAPPEARANCE of the fairytale superhuman al ajajaj the one hidden behind clouds who is down some well"

Both Shias as well as Sunnis believe in Mahdi, believe in this saviour and his appearance on the scene, when everything is screwed up and in a mess. Note, believe in him as a saviour.

Saviour for what and to save whom. The unfortunate Muslim Ummah who managed to screw things up from Saqifa onwards by taking things into their own hands. Who screwed things up. Those who took matters into their own hands. What screwed things up. Caliphate. I wonder where it's gone 😀
« Last Edit: June 30, 2019, 08:30:57 AM by iceman »


Re: The story of how a seyyid became sunni!
« Reply #11 on: June 30, 2019, 07:06:34 PM »
"Yes they asked and they was granted even Ali ra and His ahlebaith ra agreed with you have no argument apart from waffle"

They asked, he pbuh didn't request. They got their daughters married to him pbuh. He pbuh didn't ask to be married to them. See the difference. There are no waffles here. Nor fishcakes or hash browns 😀

"You are crying you are crying 1400 years later why this why that when history has forgiven and Allah swt has forgiven (ayah posted in an another thread) we move on and you and your minions are still crying"

We ain't crying. The Ummah is crying because it's getting worse day by day. Until it finally screams out for a saviour. Because they will eventually realise that Caliphate has screwed things up. They won't be going for another Saqifa for sure 😀

And you are forgiven if you have sinned or committed a crime. There is no forgiveness or turning back from being a coward. Once a coward always a coward. No record of any performance or achievement in the battlefield. And that's for sure as well 😀

"Lol we don’t call out to people who have left this earth Alhamdulillah they are in a better place as proven by Quran and the evidence of their burial next to A prophet pbuh"

If you don't want to call out, then don't. Some of us call out to the alive and living. Learn the difference and get to know the facts first rather than shooting your mouth off at random 😊

They is no proof in the Qur'an for the ones you speak. If there is then show it to me. Being in authority and using that authority and putting yourself next to him in burial doesn't mean nothing. 😊

".unlike you calling out for the REAPPEARANCE of the fairytale superhuman al ajajaj the one hidden behind clouds who is down some well"

Both Shias as well as Sunnis believe in Mahdi, believe in this saviour and his appearance on the scene, when everything is screwed up and in a mess. Note, believe in him as a saviour.

Saviour for what and to save whom. The unfortunate Muslim Ummah who managed to screw things up from Saqifa onwards by taking things into their own hands. Who screwed things up. Those who took matters into their own hands. What screwed things up. Caliphate. I wonder where it's gone 😀

We are talking about being buried and your talking about wives?
That is a whole new subject, you are at a loss to explain so you move on to other things😂😂

That’s your auqaad you in a state of numbness and now what comes out from you is sayyid hahahahahaha lol oh you kill me with your stupidity👍

Khilafat was abolished less than a hundered years ago mr shayyid lol before that we was fine we spread far and wide all over the world infact we are crying because WE MISS it we want it back but it’s all in the hands of Allah swt what happens in the future but we muslims KNOW for sure there is no hidden hero hiding and waiting for 313 warriors so he can pop out, just like you claiming to be a shayyid 😂 😂 L O L!

Lol you love cowards your hero is still in hiding like a coward numero uno he is the champ😜👍

You call out to a made up hidden hero the stuff of comics he can answer you he can see you but you can’t see him keep asking the coward keep your faith in a made up coward. LOL shayyid LOL😂😂😂

Muhajirs and ansars are blessed pick up the Quran and you will find it many a times unless you have never read it.....shayyid lol
You have no answer they are buried next to the greatest man pbuh you can only cry and make up stories to satisfy burns you as a shia we KNOW mr shayyid 😂😂😂😂

We muslims don’t believe in a 1400 year old living super human with atom moving powers.......that is DAJJAL you must be thinking of, imam Mahdi for Muslims is gonna be BORN nearing the time and will only know when He is at the age of 40!........not 1400!......and he won’t be needing or waiting for 313 warriors.
You keep waiting for dajjal mr shayyid😉

You screwed up since your ancestors thought up divine Imamate and you have been screwed since that day divine Imamate rulership never ruled and got screwed from left right and centre and now your divine Imamate believing nation of Shias has been getting screwed since 1979 the main Shiite powerhouse in other words you’ve been screwed from the start until the finish even the last hidden coward has screwed you and left you in your own mr shayyid😂😂😂👍


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