this is my story,
The weirdest situation that has happened to me...people have just been rude, cashiers, everybody, people dont walk properly alongside me, this happened a lot, every day, any where i go, this rudeness or weirdness happened for 2 years, with classmates with people i would meet, just suddenly being annoyed and even if i blamed myself , i jsut didi nt understand why ppl were being this way,i dont act weird or sa weird things, i am not an introvert or extrovert and i speak and approach people properly,so this is not me... i thought this was happening with everyone else until i realised no it was just my mom and me, why was this happening? and how can i stop it, i even consider christianity because i dont understand how to get out of this situation, and muslims and non muslims have been rude to me, i had been forced to take off my hijab and even if i was wearing the same clothes they would respect me, for the past 6 months it got worse, the rudeness , in my internship etc, why was i going thru this? for what? for what? and how can i get rid of it, what is Allah making me go thru,yes i have been to the psychotherapist but they dont help...and im not cynical or rude ,nothing....
the reason it happened was because i was walking down the street and when i said or thought jesus it seemed that that feeling of being treated rudely or weirdly lessened, yes i even considered it could be shaitan doing this, but i still remember that day ,and the way people walked properly and didnt avoid eye contact with me and this was with m hijab on, so i got confused, im still in a state of confusion, no i dont consider christianity i want islam to be the right truth, i unfortunately after much horror had to take off my hijab and now now whats next, what does God want from me.....