
Al-Rumi the Sufi mocking the Rafida and their heretical beliefs and rituals

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  • إن الرافضة قوم لا عقل لهم ولا نقل
  • Religion: Sunni
The heterodox Al-Rumi was as Persian born in modern day Agfhanistan and died in modern day Turkey in 672. He was one of the famous Sufis who followed the path of Muhiuddin Ibn ‘Arabi – the Sufi – in his belief of Wahdat Al-Wujood (i.e. Allah and His creation are one being). Look how even this deviant couldn't but mock the hideous beliefs and rituals of the Rafida, appealing to their remaining braincells (if any left):

(Rafida claim it is "ignorance of Shia practices", yet we all know it's nothing but the bitter truth that they can't digest)


...Men who put off repentance till they are at the point of death are likened to the Shi’as of Aleppo (during Ibn 'Arabis time many Twelvers lived in Aleppo and the northern Syrian regions in general), who every year on Ashura, or tenth day of Muharram, meet at the Antioch gate to bewail the martyrdom of Hasan and Husain. Once, while they were thus engaged, a Sunni poet (Rumi) arrived at the city, and inquired the reason of this excessive grief and mourning*. The Shi’as rebuked him for his ignorance of sacred history, and he said, “This martyrdom happened a long time ago; but it would seem, from your excessive grief, that the news of it has only just reached you. You must have been sleeping all this time not to have heard it before, and now you are mourning for your own sleepiness!” To the truly spiritual, who have drunk of God’s wine and bear the “tokens of it on their fore- heads,” death is an occasion for rejoicing, not for wailing.
Source: Masnavi i Ma’navi. Book 6. Pg. # 422-423.

The Jahileen from the Rafida (back then and today) think that Rumi was ignornt of what the Rafida do, this is extremely unlikely as during and before Rumi's lifetime this very practice (heretical self-flagellation rituals and excessive wailing like Jews) was one of the HALLMARKS of Twelverism. It is obvious that Al-Rumi was MOCKING them. It's like us (being WELL aware of the reason why the Rafida wail like Jews on steroids) ask them on 'Ashura, "Why you whining? Who died today?" The question is a rhetorical one, exposing their lunacy as in the Shari'ah (even in the Jahiliyah of the Arabs) someone does not hold 'Aza (commemoration) for somebody who died over thousand years ago, let alone somebody who has been granted Jannah (the Shari3a hasn't prescribed such rituals for the final Messenger, let alone his grandson. What Shias do is to exploit his name, the "Madhloomiyyah" card is effective to mesmerize their own followers and gullible folks among the Sunnis).

« Last Edit: August 21, 2017, 02:42:18 AM by ANTI-MAJOS - Kas-SAHEL! »

Kaveh Darius

Why do Sunnis claim must of the early Sunni achievements in Iran? None of the Persian scientists, philosophers, poets  throughout the so called Islamic golden age associated or identified themselves with the religion of Islam let alone Sunni. Bear in mind, their parents and ancestors were still alive and they were Zoroastrianism. Omar khayyam dismissed the cult of Islam and advised Hassan al-Sabbah (assassins) to do the same. Zakaria Razi wrote in his memoirs he would have never accomplished his scientific achievements under the influence and doctrine of Islam. They all identified and praised their Persian heritage, culture, and traditions not Islam including Avicenna, Biruni, khwarizmi, Farabi, Tusi, etc.


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  • یا مقلب القلوب ثبت قلبی علی دینک
    • Refuting Shia allegations everywhere
  • Religion: Sunni
Why do Sunnis claim must of the early Sunni achievements in Iran? None of the Persian scientists, philosophers, poets  throughout the so called Islamic golden age associated or identified themselves with the religion of Islam let alone Sunni. Bear in mind, their parents and ancestors were still alive and they were Zoroastrianism. Omar khayyam dismissed the cult of Islam and advised Hassan al-Sabbah (assassins) to do the same. Zakaria Razi wrote in his memoirs he would have never accomplished his scientific achievements under the influence and doctrine of Islam. They all identified and praised their Persian heritage, culture, and traditions not Islam including Avicenna, Biruni, khwarizmi, Farabi, Tusi, etc.

در خلافت میل نیست ای بی‌خبر
میل کی آید ز بوبکر و عمر
میل اگر بودی در آن دو مقتدا
هر دو کردندی پسر را پیشوا

عطار نِیشابوری | |

Zlatan Ibrahimovic

As if Rumi's opinion is valuable enough to be mentioned, let alone mentioned. Lol. I am wondering what was the point of this thread? I bet was made so you can say "omg even that heretic Roomee mocks these rafiduh bro they're lost maaan".
محور المقاومة والممانعة


When the whole Quran is so God can lift the constraint on Mohammad's heart which was his beautiful name so there be no constraint on his heart, and indeed Mohammad's heart was only straightened due to what the ignorant people were saying regarding his holy station and doing propaganda from their Jinn Worshiping and choosing human and Jinn guides paradigms, and indeed God did untie the knot on Mohammad's tongue through his beautiful names: Ali and the Imams from his offspring, who were all from another sense just one path as the name of God is the same path, but divided into twelve paths... and their root was Mohammad, when this was the means for Mohammad to rule us, and be our judge in our disputes, and bring us from the shadows and darkness to the light, and make us reflect over what has been revealed, and make us understand the wisdom, and remind us of God's Signs, and remind us of who we are through the witness he appointed and manifested through his message, the leader and guide of time.  When the whole purpose of the message was to nominate the leaders who guide by God's command and inherit the earth, the True Kings, the teachers by which we are to know the way and be guided upon the path and see, by that giving authority to God and believing in God's guidance through him attributing purity to who he pleases and choosing who he pleases and giving the authority to who he pleases as the authority is his,  than indeed what is this junkyard who calls people to himself and people praise him and attribute purity to him,  what is worth compared to the family of Taha and Yaseen?

When the whole Quran is about manifesting the wisdom of appointing these leaders and explanation to Ghayba of the proof and hiddenness of the sign, while Mohammad was the Bayana succeeded by Twelve Proofs, you can tell how the Sufis are just a bunch of crooks using the name of Ahlulbayt to justify their illegitimate own taking of leadership and wanting people to follow them.

May God make believers council one another regarding what has been left of knowledge and wisdom for us from the family of Mohammad and Ali, and see in it all in the book, and unravel the knots that sorcerers mainly women (but men included) try to tie regarding Quran.

Make he make us destroy the red dragon woman, the shadow government by which sorcerers have been misguiding humanity and hiding the truth, and make the Green Mountain Man rule, by which the truth will become manifest and light spread and God the True King of humanity and Jinn will rule.

May he make us rely on his guidance and help, through the book he revealed and those he coupled with it, the wise exalted pure leaders who are its guardians and unlockers of its doors, and manifesters of its wonders and the means which the dark magic upon it is broken and it is the means which the dark magic blocking us from the way that guide to the truth and by it they establish justice is broken, the number of the Twelve Successors known, and the true tribe of those who gather and entrusted to protect the house of God become known, mainly the pious, and through the beautiful names of God, the Signs of God, the leaders who guide by God's command, the Captains of his ship, perhaps those mocked like the followers of Nuh were mocked, will be heightened, and the world turned right side up for once, and the true stars of guidance are relied on, and the truly enlightened become known.
Love of the family of Yaseen is the light of the heavens and the earth.


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