
Shi'a power centralisation vs Sunnis

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Zlatan Ibrahimovic

Shi'a power centralisation vs Sunnis
« on: October 08, 2017, 08:06:19 AM »
One reason I believe the Sunni world is in a mess is due to the fact that Sunnis are so quick to turn on each other compared to the Shi'a. In many of the conflicts in the Muslim world it is actually Sunnis vs Sunnis fighting. While the Shi'a world is moving forward, just look at Iran.

The reason for the Shi'a world having very little infighting is because there is a power centralisation and there is no major conflict between the Shi'a authorities, at least to the extent where it would reach violence.

I believe Sunni leaders and groups have easily sold out to other powers, and we know major powers world wide have different interests. And when the interests clash, Sunnis are used as cannon fodder in a global chess game.

This is not me mocking Sunnis, I would like the Muslim world to be more united politically, this is actually what some Sunnis have said in their own criticism of the Sunni world.

What do you guys think?
محور المقاومة والممانعة


Re: Shi'a power centralisation vs Sunnis
« Reply #1 on: October 08, 2017, 10:56:17 AM »
Sunni's are the overwhelming majority so its natural to have such issues over greater geographical areas.
The shia only have one completely shia dominated country of any real size & that is Iran.
Shia part of Iraq isn't exactly in order.
Not to mention countries where shia are meddling in sunni affairs like syria, yemen.


Re: Shi'a power centralisation vs Sunnis
« Reply #2 on: October 08, 2017, 11:23:35 AM »
When did power centralization in Shia world came into being for the non-infallibles. ?  Which year?


Re: Shi'a power centralisation vs Sunnis
« Reply #3 on: October 08, 2017, 02:20:32 PM »
Yea Shiite world has been in a mess from the day they tried finding divine imamah over 1400 years ago till today, that's what's playing out and yet still no divine leader. Snap out of that thinking and it's a first step to unification.

Shiite leaders of Iran have also sold out to kaafir power too or is that something else? Russia and putin the hero of populism and alt right, yes that Russian muppet who wanted Trump in power(hates Muslims).
I think it's you Shiites that need to take step back and ponder at your own hypocrisy.
It is Iran doing deals with Hindu India against Pakistan, its Iran sending proxy fighters in Syria with the help of kaafir putin to kill Syrians, it is Iran who kept quiet while Shiites of Iraq called on Satan usa to overthrow a Muslim Arab leader......hypocrites and then they blame sunni arabs for following USA???, they usa are in Iraq helping Shiite army and Shiite Iranian proxy army in fight against the Syrian population.

Don't talk hypocritical and we haven't started in the religious hate you lot spew....yet.


Re: Shi'a power centralisation vs Sunnis
« Reply #4 on: October 08, 2017, 02:49:37 PM »
While the Shi'a world is moving forward, just look at Iran.
so after different imam and 1000+yr of trying,  shia at last has an example of power centralisation you can be proud of. Well done to khomeini & khamenei who could do what the majority of infallibles couldnt do. Again well done 😆

Zlatan Ibrahimovic

Re: Shi'a power centralisation vs Sunnis
« Reply #5 on: October 08, 2017, 04:21:31 PM »
Sunni's are the overwhelming majority so its natural to have such issues over greater geographical areas.
The shia only have one completely shia dominated country of any real size & that is Iran.
Shia part of Iraq isn't exactly in order.
Not to mention countries where shia are meddling in sunni affairs like syria, yemen.

No, it's not natural. There have been many times in history where the Sunni world was united, however the difference now is that instead of 1 or 2 Sunni leaders, you have 50+. And these Sunni leaders have different interests, and are sold out to opposing groups and factions. So they fight each other.

As for Syria and Yemen, Iran is not meddling in their affairs. First of all Yemen, there are no Iranian fighters in the ground, there is an alliance between the Houthi group and former Yemenu dictator Ali Abdullah Saleh (who also controlled the Yemeni Army) and his party (nationalists) against the failed Muslim Brotherhood that was ruling the country. The Muslim Brotherhood government was one of the most incompetent governments around and did not respond well to mass protests, so it was taken down by the previously mentioned alliance. This was no a Shi'a-Sunni issue, it was the Saudis who intervened (NOT Iran) with their planes and ground forces to try and attempt to bring back a failed president, so far their attempts have been met with stiff resistance. The Houthis have millions of supporters in Yemen, as does Ali Abdullah Saleh. The Muslim Brotherhood's government has very little support in comparison.

As for Syria, yes it is a majority Sunni country but Iran did not intervene because of a sectarian bias, Iran intervened because it did not want to see the Syrian Government fall.

Yea Shiite world has been in a mess from the day they tried finding divine imamah over 1400 years ago till today, that's what's playing out and yet still no divine leader. Snap out of that thinking and it's a first step to unification.

Shiite leaders of Iran have also sold out to kaafir power too or is that something else? Russia and putin the hero of populism and alt right, yes that Russian muppet who wanted Trump in power(hates Muslims).
I think it's you Shiites that need to take step back and ponder at your own hypocrisy.
It is Iran doing deals with Hindu India against Pakistan, its Iran sending proxy fighters in Syria with the help of kaafir putin to kill Syrians, it is Iran who kept quiet while Shiites of Iraq called on Satan usa to overthrow a Muslim Arab leader......hypocrites and then they blame sunni arabs for following USA???, they usa are in Iraq helping Shiite army and Shiite Iranian proxy army in fight against the Syrian population.

Don't talk hypocritical and we haven't started in the religious hate you lot spew....yet.

This is another example at trying to blame your failings on the Shi'a. It's funny, really.  Iran has not sold out to Russia - it seems your understanding of geopolitics is that of a beginner. Russia in fact had sanctions on Iran only 2 years ago, due to the nuclear issue. The Iranian-Russian relationship is based on a mutual interest and a strategic partnership against Western-backed regime change policies in the Middle East. Iranian leaders are not Putin's puppets you clown. Next you're going to tell me Putin is a convert to Shi'ism lol.

Iran does deals with India just as it does deals with Pakistan. Pakistan and Iran are actually closer than you think.

Yes, many Shi'i Iraqis were sell outs. But might I also add the US was also blaming Iran for it's problems in Iraq? The US was blaming Iran for backing "Shi'a militias" against it. In anyway, this is all nonsense talk. You are diverting the issue. Explain why your Sunni world is so fractured. Tell me why Sunnis are at each other's faces in Libya, for example.

While the Shi'a world is moving forward, just look at Iran.
so after different imam and 1000+yr of trying,  shia at last has an example of power centralisation you can be proud of. Well done to khomeini & khamenei who could do what the majority of infallibles couldnt do. Again well done 😆

You need to take history classes again. Also, when ever you comment I just have the urge to ask you if you're on some sort of Class A substance drugs.
محور المقاومة والممانعة


Re: Shi'a power centralisation vs Sunnis
« Reply #6 on: October 08, 2017, 06:00:34 PM »
One reason I believe the Sunni world is in a mess is due to the fact that Sunnis are so quick to turn on each other compared to the Shi'a. In many of the conflicts in the Muslim world it is actually Sunnis vs Sunnis fighting. While the Shi'a world is moving forward, just look at Iran.
Sunnis have no Islamic state. This was the same case with 12er Shia before the existence of the Iranian revolution. Also, in Iran Khamenei has too much power. If anyone tries to question him he puts them on house arrest. There were journalist who where tortured for speaking against him. Akbar Ganji is one example who was put in prison.  On top of that when Norman Finkelstein went to Iran the 12er Shia told him that Khamenei wants people to treat him to be an infallible person. Anyone who questions him is in trouble.

The reason for the Shi'a world having very little infighting is because there is a power centralisation and there is no major conflict between the Shi'a authorities, at least to the extent where it would reach violence.
I believe Sunni leaders and groups have easily sold out to other powers, and we know major powers world wide have different interests. And when the interests clash, Sunnis are used as cannon fodder in a global chess game
In another words Iran controls a lot of wealth. They can buy out anyone who opposed them. Remember when Al Hussain rose against Yazid, the Yazidi forced bought out the people of Kufa. Also, the same happened to Imam Ali (as) and Imam Hassan (as). However, today the 12er Shia also have khumms. Sunnis have no such resource, and sadly a lot the resources are controlled by secular powers.

Also, recall the Iran-Iraq war. Sadaam manage to force a Iraqi 12er Shia to fight against Iran. This is a historical fact.

This is not me mocking Sunnis, I would like the Muslim world to be more united politically, this is actually what some Sunnis have said in their own criticism of the Sunni world.

What do you guys think?

The sad part is when it comes to wanting to form an Islamic state we have idiots like the Shirajis who only want to flow negative energy with anyone who disagrees with them.

Just imagine if power were handed over to these type of 12er Shia.

« Last Edit: October 08, 2017, 06:07:58 PM by Rationalist »


Re: Shi'a power centralisation vs Sunnis
« Reply #7 on: October 09, 2017, 09:46:41 AM »
zlatan if you miss your meds......the men in white suits will come knocking on your door.😊

Unless you've been under sedation for the last few years your understanding of Russian/Iran relations is abysmal to say the least, the whole point of Russia backing Iran is against USA its simple, Russia v USA and to be honest BOTH arabs and Iranians are being played but CLOWNS like you make it one sided and push your own agenda, look at you posting here with no understanding but straight blame games of what you have been taught, thats just Shiism for you.

Iran does deals with India just like Pakistan? That shows your NAIVETY, Iran has been killing on our borders and have publicly stated so, Iran frequently objected to Pakistan's attempts to draft anti-India resolutions at international organisations such as the OIC and the Human Rights Commission. That's Iranian brotherhood for you. You have no clue have you?

Is that it? You have no answer on Iraqi Shiites toppling leaders and backing Satan? Yes there was people like muqtada al sadr who didn't want to fight against its own, but the majority followed Satan hook line and sinker to kill its own leader, whom do Shiites follow? Iraqi shiites are the same as Libyans who toppled their government and leader.......this shows your hypocrisy.

You Shiites aren't united yourselves and you know it, your question is hypocritical to say the least.


Re: Shi'a power centralisation vs Sunnis
« Reply #8 on: October 09, 2017, 07:54:23 PM »
One reason I believe the Sunni world is in a mess is due to the fact that Sunnis are so quick to turn on each other compared to the Shi'a. In many of the conflicts in the Muslim world it is actually Sunnis vs Sunnis fighting. While the Shi'a world is moving forward, just look at Iran.

The reason for the Shi'a world having very little infighting is because there is a power centralisation and there is no major conflict between the Shi'a authorities, at least to the extent where it would reach violence.

I believe Sunni leaders and groups have easily sold out to other powers, and we know major powers world wide have different interests. And when the interests clash, Sunnis are used as cannon fodder in a global chess game.

This is not me mocking Sunnis, I would like the Muslim world to be more united politically, this is actually what some Sunnis have said in their own criticism of the Sunni world.

What do you guys think?


I agree that the "Sunni" world is a mess right now, it's clear we're not in our best times. I wouldn't go as far as say the Shia world is successful, especially Iran based on my interaction with many Iranians.

I say time will show what's the degree of success that will be achieved by either party. Overall, not a good time for Muslims my hope is with God and then this coming generation.
عَلامَةُ أَهْلِ الْبِدَعِ الْوَقِيعَةُ فِي أَهْلِ الأَثَرِ. وَعَلامَةُ الْجَهْمِيَّةِ أَنْ يُسَمُّوا أَهْلَ السُّنَّةِ مُشَبِّهَةً. وَعَلامَةُ الْقَدَرِيَّةِ أَنْ يُسَمُّوا أَهْلَ السُّنَّةِ مُجَبِّرَةً. وَعَلامَةُ الزَّنَادِقَةِ أَنْ يُسَمُّوا أَهْلَ الأَثَرِ حَشْوِيَّةً

Religion = simple & clear


Re: Shi'a power centralisation vs Sunnis
« Reply #9 on: October 11, 2017, 11:18:55 AM »

You need to take history classes again. Also, when ever you comment I just have the urge to ask you if you're on some sort of Class A substance drugs.
haha im just stating a fact. Khomeini & khamenei did more in leading their nation more than shia mahdi has ever done. Truth hurts eh? Speaking about drugs, i didnt do mud bathing, cockroach crawling or chimp beating ashura in karbala :p

Zlatan Ibrahimovic

Re: Shi'a power centralisation vs Sunnis
« Reply #10 on: October 11, 2017, 01:11:15 PM »

You need to take history classes again. Also, when ever you comment I just have the urge to ask you if you're on some sort of Class A substance drugs.
haha im just stating a fact. Khomeini & khamenei did more in leading their nation more than shia mahdi has ever done. Truth hurts eh? Speaking about drugs, i didnt do mud bathing, cockroach crawling or chimp beating ashura in karbala :p

Sunnis can't get a hold of themselves they have to switch topics hahaha. Oh yeah, and whatever you mentioned, you should know one thing.

Adult ........... is worse. You can guess the word.
Hint: Milk.

محور المقاومة والممانعة


Re: Shi'a power centralisation vs Sunnis
« Reply #11 on: November 06, 2017, 03:41:32 PM »
sunni world is a joke based on lies and murder and kidnapping people dictatorship at it peak in sunni world its not stable at all its just like banu umayya leadership nowadays first gaddafi saddam housni saudi arabia yemen bahrain all are sunni extremis countries they have kingdom when its not allowed in Islam sunnis are hypocrites only and spread terrorism worldwide with usa and israel Shia world is much more better if had controlled the Muslim countries but sunnis ruined it and always joins the zionists and lie about Shias


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