
How TSD Documentary exposed the Rafida! - Rafida humiliating Rafida!

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  • إن الرافضة قوم لا عقل لهم ولا نقل
  • Religion: Sunni

As many of you might be aware, our brothers from the Sunni Defense have released a devastating (for the Rafida) documentary (super successful with over 17k views as we are speaking!) exposing Rafidism to the max, proving to every Muslim (including many fooled ones) that the Khomeinist type of Shias and the Shirazis are two sides of the same coin, their differences are irrelevant to us as Muslims, what is relevant is that their kufr, shirk and hatred for the Sahaba (their mass-takfir on them) is a shared belief among both camps, the only difference is that each camp shares a different methodology as in HOW to convey their filthy Rafidi beliefs (Khomeinists employ more taqiyyah in order to lure innocent and gullible Sunnis into their ranks whereas Shirazis are blunt, and to be honest, the Shirazis are in a way a blessing for this Ummah, as they expose Rafidi filth in their stupidity, the same filth Khomeinists try to hide or at least dilute as they know that no sane Muslim would except raw pagan Rafidism).

If you haven't watched it, do so and don't miss a second:


Initially one could tell that the Rafida wanted to ignore it, but the pressure got to them, the popularity of the documentary forced the Khomeinists of the cursed city of Shrik, Majoosiyyah and other Zandaqat which is Qom to send their deluded minions to do the job, they had one job but failed, so bad that their own people criticized them before we even got the chance to do so. Imagine that!

In the initial TSD documentary, a Neo-Safawi to-be Tire-head named Muzaffer Hyder (who calls for the death of Saudis and accuses every Sunni critic of Rafidism of being a Daeshi/Saudi/Zionist pawn, typical Rafidi Khomeinists rhetoric, similar to actual Zionists who try to silence their opponents with the Anti-Semitism accusation) who is a terrorist (Hizbullat, IRGC) sympathizer and his "Islamic Pulse" team were quoted many times (excerpts from one of their typical "unity" farce videos full of lies and deception) so he decided to come back with a 30 min clip full of blunders and mistakes (not to mention that he ignored like 90% of the evidences of the Sunni Defense documentary, even shamefully bluring the faces of all those NON-SHIRAZI Ayatullats and Shia priests who curse just like Shirazi, just a bit more in seclusion style, idiots did not think of the internet, social media etc.).

This Muzaffer Hyder who is a textbook Khomeinist type of a Rafidi, an absolutely cringy fanboy of the Khamenai (LA), Khomeini (LA) and the Khomeinist revolution has been apparently studying for half a decade in Qom (that he praises for its good Arabic LOL) and has had over 50 teachers, yet he made shocking blunders in a professionally edited video, blunders that will haunt him till Qiyamah!

This evil zindeeq (who calls the the Russian criminal Putin/Russia as his Orthodox brothers!) did such a bad and embarrassing job that even Khomeinist type of Shias on Shiatchat rebuked him for it! Imagine how bad it is! Imagine his own people basically testifying that THE SUNNI DEFENSE has merely exposed what Shia scholars say behind curtains anyway!

Here some comments on Sh!tchat about this clown Muzaffer Hyder and his "Islamic" (Neo-Safawi) Pulse:

All of their Arabic speakers confirm that their kafir Khomeini indeed considered the mother of the Believers Aisha and other Sahaba (who acc to Sahih narrations did not intend to fight Ali, neither did Ali intend to fight them, it was a fitnah!) as filthier than pigs! Exposing the twistings of the spin doctor called Muzaffer Hyder!
« Last Edit: May 15, 2019, 02:11:18 AM by ANTI-MAJOS - Kas-SAHEL! »


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  • إن الرافضة قوم لا عقل لهم ولا نقل
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Our brother Bu Noor Al-Bahraini rubbed a turbah sized amount of salt in their wounds  ;D


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  • إن الرافضة قوم لا عقل لهم ولا نقل
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Check this deluded Rafidi (one of their top guns), he knows very well that (as usual) one of their Hawzat (cesspools of shirk and khurafat) students (Muzaffer) - who is studying for over half a decade now - is nothing but a failure in Arabic, but to maintain some damage limitation he assures the dumb Shias (who have probably never seen their crap Hawzat) that it's actually not that bad (LOL) at their Hawzat.

Well, let's see what Mullah Allatyari says, the zindeeq who studied in Qom AND Najaf:

(Notice how this vile Sabaite Majoosi son of Ghengis Khan literally advises others to whisper and pray to his buried Persian-womanish drawn deities, like a Sabaite Yahoodi)

And here you have "Ayatollah" khamenai confessing that Sunnis are way superior in Arabic and Tajweed than Shia SCHOLARS in their top religious institutes (Hawzat):

The Rafida are a humiliated nation, in dunya and akhira. Allah bless Ibn Taymiyyah who had so much insight and described them like that.
« Last Edit: May 15, 2019, 02:39:49 AM by ANTI-MAJOS - Kas-SAHEL! »


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  • إن الرافضة قوم لا عقل لهم ولا نقل
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This Rafidi here admits what all of us know, the Shirazis have come with nothing new, it's just raw pagan Rafidism minus extreme forms of Taqiyyah.

He even correctly states that Iran has chosen to abuse Taqiyyah as it has a large Sunni minority (not to forget it's a loner in a Sunni Muslim world). What this idiot doesn't understand is that arguably Iran's extreme form of Taqiyyah has worked (at least before Iran and Hizbul-Satan exposed themselves completely, especially in the Arab world by siding with Bashar) as it managed to fool many Sunnis, making many gullible and simple minded Sunnis having a good opinion of Iran and Shias in general (whereas Shirazi type of da'wa might work on some freaks of nature, most Sunnis however will hate Rafidism even more after witnessing their rhetoric).

 It's all politics at the end of the day, the Rafida are still Rafida, may Allah increase the infighting between them.
« Last Edit: May 15, 2019, 03:10:23 AM by ANTI-MAJOS - Kas-SAHEL! »


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  • إن الرافضة قوم لا عقل لهم ولا نقل
  • Religion: Sunni
^The same Rafidi is so brainwashed that he thinks Sunnis believe that the killer of Umar (ra) is a kafir simply for killing Umar! The simpleton even thinks that's a "Wahabi" thing, not realizing that all Sunnis hate the killers of the 3 rightly guided caliphs.

We are not Umar worshippers, if a believer killed Umar than that would have been a sin, not kufr, as neither Umar nor Ali are Prophets or infallible Imams or any other Rafidi nonsense. Umar himself enquired about his killers and none other than a Hashimi (Abdullah ibn Abbas) informed him that his killer was a Persian kafir (Shia saint). Desperate Rafidis cite the difference of opinion about the Din of Abu Lu'lu'ah (some say Majoosi, some say Christian etc.) completely missing the crux of the matter namely that he was certainly a kafir. As for Ibn Muljim (may Allah curse him), he was a Khariji and Ali is known to have abstained from takfir on the kharijis (although some Salaf did takfir on them).

All three caliphs (after Abu Bakr) were asassinated (Umar while leading Salah, Uthman while reading the Qur'an and Ali while praying Salah) either by rebels, kafirs or even kuffar.
« Last Edit: May 15, 2019, 03:25:58 AM by ANTI-MAJOS - Kas-SAHEL! »


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  • إن الرافضة قوم لا عقل لهم ولا نقل
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This one is hilarious, sometimes you can't but feel sorry for Rafidi laymen.

They don't realize that the reason the useless Sistani doesn't lead a single Salah, nor give a khutbah (despite living for decades in an Arabic speaking city and over a decade under Shia rule and protection) is because his Arabic is crap! We challenge the Rafida to prove otherwise:

No Rafidi would have any chance against a learned Sunni who is specialized in Shi'ism, let alone against Farid (this is why the likes of Hassan Al Qadri, Shia Park Runner, Naqi, Taqvi and other vis all run away from a debate).

« Last Edit: May 15, 2019, 03:40:59 AM by ANTI-MAJOS - Kas-SAHEL! »


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  • إن الرافضة قوم لا عقل لهم ولا نقل
  • Religion: Sunni
The following Rafidi is regarded as the (or one of the) most knowledgable Rafidi on Shia chat. Look what a shallow minded simpleton he is and how khabeeth (wretched he) is:

Let's comment on all his main points:

1. The typical Rafidi trick is to accuse every Sunni opponent as a "Takfiri-Wahhabi-Salafi-Nasibi (and recently Daeshi), we have witnessed Sufis being called Wahhabis by Rawafid! It's a lame accusations that nobody buys anymore.

2. Petro-Dollars is another favourite of these simpletons. They believe in all the stereotypes, like how all mosques in the west and in the Arab world are funded by Saudi lol ANTI-MAJOS never got a single cent from the Saudis, nor did the Sunni Defense, as a matter of fact we (at ANTI-MAJOS) despise the useless Saudi regime for their transgressions against the Ummah AND their leniency towards the Rawafid (we covered how they give all sorts of freedom to Rafida mushrikeen, including letting them run massive self-flagellation/Hussainiyyat temples inside Madina!


3. "Petty cultural practices" like mud-bathing, tomb crawling and other pagan nonsense in the name of Ahul Bayt!

4."Disguising themselves" That's the audacity of the Rafida, who are they to determine who is a Sunni and who is not? The alleged majority (Ash'ari school) makes one a "real" Sunni? What happened about majority not being a determiner,huh? Besides, TSD had people from all backrounds, including Ash'ari (or inclined ones) on their shows, all refuting Rafidism and defending Ahlul-Sunnah!

5. " A response to them would be a video showcasing how as a matter of fact there are many Ahl al-Sunnah schools of thought who are very much against the Takfiri/Salafi/Wahhabi mentality, both in the East and as well as in the West - including very reputable and credible Sunni scholars. This should be highlighted very much so in polemics."

This is not new, Rafida have always used the biggest munafiqs, sell-outs and zindeeqs and presented them as "true and great Sunnis". We are well aware of this method, and now how to respond, for every zindeeq or sell-out or let's even say genuine non-Salafi scholar they quote, we will bring 12 non-Salafi scholars from the past and today who strongly oppose Rafidism and have written entire books against their heretical sect.

6. From the horse's mouth. Every learned person is aware that Yasser al-Khabeeth and Shirazis are clowns and their lectures and books filled with fabrications and weak reports from Sunni books.

7. The liar states that ritual cursings have died out after the Safavids! Nothing could be further from the truth, as cursing and takfir (worse than cursing) of the Sahaba is an essential part of Shi'ism, hence it was easy even for TSD to find more than a dozen of Non-Shirazi scholars who were busy cursing left, right and center.

8. He says that "Salafis live in the past" like as if quoting scholars of the past doesn't represent their sect! The reality is that Muslims can easily quote the likes of al-Mufid who narrated a consensus (!) among the Rafidis that whoever fought Ali (ra) is a kafir. Takfir and hatred for the Sahaba is deeply grounded in their sect and any official state policy is nothing but a tool to fool gullible Sunnis around the world. Iran's "official" stance means nothing let alone the asssumptions that Khomeini (la)  might have changed his opinion! Assumptions mean nothing, and the same person (ibn al-Hussain) admitted that Khomeini quote (the wive of the Prophet being najis, filthier than a dog etc.) is nothing but classical Shia belief!

9. As for Palestine: Iran has done not more than the treacherous Saudis. In fact Saudi has pumped more money and help to Palestine than Iran has, Iran just shouts louder and provides the corrupt Hamas with useless rockets. When it comes to actually fighting, then Iran is only good at fighting and killing Sunnis, from Iraq (Iranian backed Shia militias) to Syria. In the words of a wise and national hero in Palestine who has always warned against Iran and the Rafida:

"It is not possible for al-Quds to be freed from the Zionist occupation at the hand of those who curse its conqueror (Umar)..." - Shaykh Raed Salah al-Falastini

10. This "Talib E Ilm" then makes blanket statements about Salafis, how they do "taqiyyah" when living in the west. He's such an simpleton, probably thinking that fiqh books of Sunnis are like infallible text to them, or that fringe opinions by Daesh and their likes are majority opinions. It is well known that most Salafi scholars do not believe that the blood and wealth of every kafir is halal to be shed, that's not taqiyyah but a legit and correct fiqhi stance. All big Salafi scholars emphazise that everyone living in the west has a contract with the country he is living in i.e. one must abide by the law. Who will this Rafidi quote to refute that? Daesh "scholars"?!?! Also the issue of befriending non-Muslims is more nuanced than many Muslims think, at least this alleged "Talib E Ilm" could have done more research and find out that there are it is not an absolute rule, in fact the scholars stipulate that even loving people of kufr is natural in certain cases (like ones mother if she's a kafira etc.). Taking a non-Muslim as a friend and Wali is different, but these Rafida know nothing, they are almost as shallow as some extreme elements amongst the Salafis.

In either case, no Muslim would hide his belief in order to lure Rafidis into their ranks, but this is exactly what the Khomeinist type of Rafidis do and what TSD exposed well, this video (also used by TSD) here proves it well, as it illustrates that Rafidi Taqiyyah of the Khomeinist type is to literally hide ones true beliefs in order to LURE (ignorant and gullible Sunnis) into their ranks:

« Last Edit: May 15, 2019, 04:56:16 AM by ANTI-MAJOS - Kas-SAHEL! »


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  • إن الرافضة قوم لا عقل لهم ولا نقل
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I will leave the part about Sunnis in Iran for the Iranian Sunni brothers to comment on, as for his shallow understanding of contracts and baseless accusations:

This jahil has probably read a few books on the fiqh of dhimmis, 'ahd etc. and thinks he knows everything! We don't follow infallible Imams (there has never been such a thing anyway), a scholar's fatwa can be accepted or be rejected, the vast majority of Salafi/Sunni scholars do not do taqiyyah, heck those hardcore Jihadis openly state in their fatwas that there is no 'ahd between us and the kafirs in the west, however, this is not the stance of major Salafi scholar, only a fool would argue like that. The reality is that whoever enters western lands is bound to their laws, that's his 'ahd between him and the country he resides in, the fatawa of scholars are clear on this matter, there is no taqiyyah, it's simple a legit and majority Sunni-Salafi position, yet this khabeeth makes it seems as if every Salafi is a Daeshi, the idiot even accuses Muhammad Hijab of such a position, saying that Muhammad Hijab believes that every random kafir can be killed (technicaly speaking)!

La'natullahi on the Rafida, they are deprived of 'aql and naql, even their top scholars and "Talib E Elms"!

PS: His whole analogy is flawed: From a Sunni point of view, no Sunni is allowed to deny that slavery was practiced by the Prophet (saws) and the Sahaba (ra), however, in Rafidism one can simply LIE and completely deny that there is such a thing as cursing the Sahaba, all in order to lure the opponent in ones rank, this is what Khomeini explained and this is the official wretched policy of Iran (la).
« Last Edit: May 15, 2019, 05:31:21 AM by ANTI-MAJOS - Kas-SAHEL! »


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  • إن الرافضة قوم لا عقل لهم ولا نقل
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Here the Rafidis tries to convince everyone that Rafidi taqiyyah is basically the same as Sunni taqiyyah, it's just taqiyyah is more discussed in Shia circles due to the history of Rafidis i.e. being humiliated for the zanadiqah they are. Other jahils quoted al-Razi and what not...

yet all of them fail to understand that no respected Sunni authority every stated that one can literally lie about ones blief (to non-Muslims or Ahlul bid'ah) in order to lure the opposition to ones camp! This is a pure Rafidi belief, this is what Khomeini stated and what TSD beautifully exposed:

« Last Edit: May 15, 2019, 05:37:55 AM by ANTI-MAJOS - Kas-SAHEL! »


Excellent post. I knew that Khomeini's quote wasn't misquoted. I hope a counter video is made to expose IP. His sugar coating needs to be challenged.


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  • إن الرافضة قوم لا عقل لهم ولا نقل
  • Religion: Sunni
Re: How TSD Documentary exposed the Rafida! - Rafida humiliating Rafida!
« Reply #10 on: May 15, 2019, 05:59:24 AM »
Excellent post. I knew that Khomeini's quote wasn't misquoted. I hope a counter video is made to expose IP. His sugar coating needs to be challenged.

Are you on sh!tchat? Post our response to these people, and yes, a response is on its way, and it will be even more devastating for the Rafida than the intitial documentary, bi'ithnillah.

Ibn Taymiyya

Re: How TSD Documentary exposed the Rafida! - Rafida humiliating Rafida!
« Reply #11 on: May 15, 2019, 02:21:56 PM »
Are you on sh!tchat? Post our response to these people, and yes, a response is on its way, and it will be even more devastating for the Rafida than the intitial documentary, bi'ithnillah.
jazakallaha khyaran, was waiting for this desperatly
wasn't it for umar r.a , that islam entered persia ?


Re: How TSD Documentary exposed the Rafida! - Rafida humiliating Rafida!
« Reply #12 on: May 15, 2019, 05:05:10 PM »
Are you on sh!tchat? Post our response to these people, and yes, a response is on its way, and it will be even more devastating for the Rafida than the intitial documentary, bi'ithnillah.

They banned me in 2010. The reason was not because I broke the rules on the site, but because what I said outside Shiachat.


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  • إن الرافضة قوم لا عقل لهم ولا نقل
  • Religion: Sunni
Re: How TSD Documentary exposed the Rafida! - Rafida humiliating Rafida!
« Reply #13 on: May 16, 2019, 04:48:16 PM »
They are reading and following this forum and have commented on our posts here.

Here the comments of that Jahil Ibn al-Hussain the "Talib E Ilm" (whatever that means, I guess, Rafidi/Hawza lingo).

This is what happens when you destroy these mushrikeen and their lies, they are not into "polemics" they say, they just like to throw around accusations (reminds one of their retarded Neo-Safawi Khomeinist buddy Muzaffer who simple accuses every Sunni who happens to detest his favourite regime and sect as a Wahabi-Zionist-Takfiri etc.), like accusing M Hijab to be upon the manhaj of Daesh/Al-Qaeda (is just Hijab is doing "Taqiyyah", says a Rafidi   ;D).

What's their hujjah/evidence? Books of fiqh on specific matters! Look what he says:

Look at the conditions he put, as if they are wahyi (revelation) or as if Ibn Tamiyyah (rh) is an infallible Imam. So my Muslim brothers who live in the west have no 'ahd with kuffar because the 'ahd wasn't done by "a Wali Amr and the Imam of the Muslims on behalf of the Muslim". This statement alone proves what a jahil this person is, as even the Sahaba were told by the Prophet (saws) that there will be times were one might have no Imam (which completely destroys Rafidism/Imamah), particularly the ahadith of Hudhayfa Ibn Al-Yaman), so now what?

Salafi/Sunni scholars are not hypocrites like Khomeinists (who literally state you can hide ANY Shia belief that a Sunni may dislike just in order to lure him into your sect!), they openly state WHY in our complicated modern world with nation states, a muslim will have an 'ahd (when entering that country, holding papers etc.) with the country he resides in. Anyone doubting our words can read detailed fatawa on these issues that don't include any form of taqiyyah, rather new ijtihad (it's a matter of fiqh after all) considering all dynamics of the new world we are living in. So emotional nonsense like this:

"you have to follow the law of the land" (:hahaha:) are said due to maslaha,

By the Rafidi is good for him, as he's the one eyed among the blind Rafidis, so he can make them feel good. A student of knowledge knows that this has nothing to do with maslaha.

On the other hand, the matter of cursing, despising (and other filthy Raifdi rituals that these mushrikeen brush away by referring to them as "traditional/cultural" practices such as tomb crawling, mud bathing and many other pagan practices that these devilish Rawafid, Shirazis and Non-Shirazis have attributed to Islam/Ahlul-Bayt/Imam Hussain) major Sahaba are not simple matters of fiqh, this is 'Aqeedah, theology, and 'Aqeedah doesn't change, hence it was so easy for TSD to find a dozen and more of WTF (Wilayatul-Faqih i.e. Non-Shirazi) Shia Rabbis and singers cursing and slandering the Sahaba, including mass-takfir (Behjat, repeating normatice Rafidi beliefs such as all Sahaba except a few being murtadds).

This zindeeq is accusing US of living in the past, yet it is HIM and his sect that does exactly that, he has no prove for Khomeini having changed his opinion (referring to the wife of the Prophet as a dog and pig!), yet whished Muzaffer would had argued like that instead (the khabeeth knows that the weak minded - especially dumb Rafidis/Khomeinists would more likely fall for it), this is because he KNOWS that these matters are matter of Aqeedah, Khomeini (la) came with nothing new, it's the ijma' (consensus) stated by their scholars (based on lies they have attributed to the Ahlul Bayt) that whoever fought Ali (as if Ali is God or a Prophet, well he's both and more to them, practically speaking) is an kafir nasisbi, especially Abu Bakr, Umar and the people of Jamal and Siffin etc.!

As for their madhab changing stances on such crucial matters (at least from the dhahir, like Khomeinists), then this is the history of their madhab from they one, it is a religion from other than Allah so it's gradually changing (like one of their scholars said, that what was considered as Ghuluww in the past among the Rawafid is now considered the norm!):

The Rafida are the real Takfiris, they have beat the worst khawarij in takfiri (who spared most the major Ansar and Muhajirs from takfir), yet these hypocrites and their Majoosi Iran have the audacity going around and labelling others as takfiris! What an Upside Down World we live in, absolutely surreal!

As for Daesh:

Also they make it sound like as if Da'esh scholars had some different Fiqh revealed to them from the heavens. Da'esh scholars and their Fiqh is primarily based on classical opinions in Sunni Fiqh, derived from the same traditions and verses of the Qur'an. It would be absurd (I.e. taqiyyah) for a Sunni to say that Da'esh ijtihad is not valid, justified and hujjah

Yes, many of their practices are based on the Qur'an too, like amputating limbs of certain criminals, even crucifying them:


 Heck, when it comes to burning ones opponent, they are actually pretty much upon the methodology of Ali (ra) was was very fond on burning opponents, he even encouraged those "evil Sahaba" like the "bloodthirsty" Abu Bakr and Khalid (ra) to burn others:

Of course not everything that Daesh (or even Rafidis) do in the name of Islam is wrong, we are not emotional wrecks, following our hawa like accursed modernist zanaadiqah, however, Daesh has been caught more than once misusing Islamic text (like Rafida), exaggerating in their practices (like Rafida), so it's not absurd to say that Daesh ijtihad is absurd or rejected, the problem lies in the mindset of a Rafidi. He believes in the myth of "infallible Imams" (yet he is guided by fallible Iranian Ayatullats who can't get a fatihah right), so he assumes we somehow must accept the Ijtihad of group X because it's based on a certain ijtihad of Sunni Madhab Y. Newsflash: We even reject statements or actions of Sahaba, like Ibn Abbas rejected Ali's burning of Sabaites and Ali rejecting (and rebuking) Ibn Abbas for allowing Mut'ah (under extreme circumstances, not Rafidi Mut'ah which is a sex marathon with all sorts of alleged rewards). So if we can rejects fatawa/itjihad of Sahaba, what about people who followed them? There is no ma'soom in matters of the religion except the Rasool (saws), period.

« Last Edit: May 16, 2019, 04:50:08 PM by ANTI-MAJOS - Kas-SAHEL! »


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  • إن الرافضة قوم لا عقل لهم ولا نقل
  • Religion: Sunni
Re: How TSD Documentary exposed the Rafida! - Rafida humiliating Rafida!
« Reply #14 on: May 16, 2019, 05:04:49 PM »
The Rafidi says:

I could care less what Majlisi or Ne'matullah Jazairi had to say about the Sunnis - it is very clear their living contexts and as well as Akhbari methodology heavily influenced their opinions and comments on this subject.

Previously he said:
If you notice, the Salafis live foremost in history. Majority of their quotes from influential Shia scholars go back to what scholars had said centuries ago - particularly the Safavid era (like what Majlisi says, or what Karaki says or Ne'matullah Jaza'iri said, or what Mufid said, or what Saduq said and so on), or at the very earliest they rely on material from the middle of the last century (like this quote from Imam Khomeini). But, because they are engaged in propaganda, they strip these quotes and present them, and the audience has no idea about the different notions that dominated the world at those times or what were the scholarly backgrounds of these scholars (for example if you understand the era and personalities of Majlisi, Ne'matullah Jaza'iri or Karaki you will realize that what they were saying was not absurd at all for their times and the type of interpretation they were doing from the religious texts). You can very easily do the same with their scholarship if the game is being played dirty. This is similar to Islamophobes taking out laws and narrations that talk about slavery and present them - they have to resort to works written centuries ago generally to argue their case. This is polemics for you.

This is inaccurate and TSD documentary alone disproves his claims. For every Safawi "scholar" we can bring 5 living scholars of them, including non-Shirazis who openly do takfir and curse the Sahaba just as the Safawi "scholars" did, so who is living in the past? Why isn't he blaming his own cursed "scholars" of today?

"They are living in the past" is such a pathetic and almost modernist argument, after all, the likes of Majlisi (who is revered among ALL their scholars) didn't make anything up, they weren't even pure Akhbaris, people at their times could have also accused them of living in the past, the reality is, the root of all the evil, which is Rafidism, IS evil, the plethora of narrations of cursing and takfir makes even the "unity aspiring" Ayatullat slip and curse the Sahaba whilst being recorded on tape!

The Rafidi "scholars" during the Safavid time just expressed more openly what was in Shia book for centuries anyway, what their Salaf believed in anyway, a plethora of narrations, mass-takfir against anyone who happened to be in the opposing camp, other than the camp of Ali (reality: Ali never accused his brothers who fought him of kufr, he was well aware it was a fitna!)

^As you can see, mass-takfir is part and parcel of their religion, and we are not obsessed with their crazy and pagan religion, it is their religion that for centuries is breeding on polemics (it's says enough that most Shia da'wa activities are aimed at gullible and ignorant Sunnis not non-Muslims!), it is their regime that has lunched tons of satellite channels in various languages targetting our beliefs! If it wasn't for that, we would ignore them as we mostly ignore Ibadhis, Zaydis or even Qadyanis! They have opened the gates of hell for themselves and have to pay the consequences, no wailing will help this time.


Re: How TSD Documentary exposed the Rafida! - Rafida humiliating Rafida!
« Reply #15 on: May 16, 2019, 09:35:42 PM »
The Rafidi says:

Previously he said:

This is inaccurate and TSD documentary alone disproves his claims. For every Safawi "scholar" we can bring 5 living scholars of them, including non-Shirazis who openly do takfir and curse the Sahaba just as the Safawi "scholars" did, so who is living in the past? Why isn't he blaming his own cursed "scholars" of today?

"They are living in the past" is such a pathetic and almost modernist argument, after all, the likes of Majlisi (who is revered among ALL their scholars) didn't make anything up, they weren't even pure Akhbaris, people at their times could have also accused them of living in the past, the reality is, the root of all the evil, which is Rafidism, IS evil, the plethora of narrations of cursing and takfir makes even the "unity aspiring" Ayatullat slip and curse the Sahaba whilst being recorded on tape!

The Rafidi "scholars" during the Safavid time just expressed more openly what was in Shia book for centuries anyway, what their Salaf believed in anyway, a plethora of narrations, mass-takfir against anyone who happened to be in the opposing camp, other than the camp of Ali (reality: Ali never accused his brothers who fought him of kufr, he was well aware it was a fitna!)

^As you can see, mass-takfir is part and parcel of their religion, and we are not obsessed with their crazy and pagan religion, it is their religion that for centuries is breeding on polemics (it's says enough that most Shia da'wa activities are aimed at gullible and ignorant Sunnis not non-Muslims!), it is their regime that has lunched tons of satellite channels in various languages targetting our beliefs! If it wasn't for that, we would ignore them as we mostly ignore Ibadhis, Zaydis or even Qadyanis! They have opened the gates of hell for themselves and have to pay the consequences, no wailing will help this time.

You're emotionally getting yourself twisted up. It's like talking to yourself or your own kind and want an applause from your own kind and want to pat yourself on your own back.

"^As you can see, mass-takfir is part and parcel of their religion,"

What are you on about, mass takfir. Those who accuse Shias of takfir, isn't that mass takfir.

"Ali never accused his brothers who fought him of kufr, he was well aware it was a fitna!"

And why don't you do it. They took up arms and fought your 4th rightly guided Caliph and Ulul Amre of the time. At least accuse them of fitna and being the cause of it. Raising arms, fighting and killing and spilling blood is worse than verbal abuse or takfir. Open your eyes man and see clearly. Those who opposed any of the first three are considered what by you?


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  • إن الرافضة قوم لا عقل لهم ولا نقل
  • Religion: Sunni
Re: How TSD Documentary exposed the Rafida! - Rafida humiliating Rafida!
« Reply #16 on: May 17, 2019, 02:26:54 AM »

What are you on about, mass takfir. Those who accuse Shias of takfir, isn't that mass takfir.

What I am on about? Your religion teaches that all Sahaba except 3 (some narrations are slightly more generous) apostated!

Renowned Shia scholar `Ali al-Namazi a-Shahroudi says in his book "Mustadrakat `Ilm-ul-Rijal" 1/67:

We conclude from the big quantity of [Shia]narrations declaring that all companions are apostates except three or four, that the general rule for every companion who remained alive after the Prophet (saw) and did not become a martyr in his time, is that they are apostates for placing the non-chosen leader (means Abu Bakr) in authority over the chosen leader (means `Ali), or impious sinners for their short comings when it came to supporting him (means `Ali), thus it is not possible to assume the reliability of any of them except through a specific divine text.

^This disgusting mass-takfir belief is based on a plethora of Shia narrations that declare the Sahaba as kuffar, then you wonder why you, a bunch of tomb crawling and Imam invoking deviants are called kuffar?! You deserve that and much more!

“The people all became apostates after the Prophet’s death except for three.” When asked who they were, he replied, “al-Miqdad ibn al-Aswad, Abu Dharr, and Salman...” (Rijal al-Kashshi pp12-13)”.

This is mass takfir of the vast majority of the Sahaba! This is why the scholars state that the Rawafilth (Rawafid i.e. your kind) are worse and more extreme in takfir than the Khawarij! As for takfir on the Shia:

Many Shias are Muslims. Zaydi Shias are Muslims, early (political) Shias in the time (many of them narrators in Bukhari) were Muslim, however, Ismailis, Twelvers and every other extreme sect that holds kufri beliefs is out of the fold of Islam.

"Ali never accused his brothers who fought him of kufr, he was well aware it was a fitna!"

And why don't you do it. They took up arms and fought your 4th rightly guided Caliph and Ulul Amre of the time. At least accuse them of fitna and being the cause of it. Raising arms, fighting and killing and spilling blood is worse than verbal abuse or takfir. Open your eyes man and see clearly. Those who opposed any of the first three are considered what by you?

That's the problem with you Rafida, you have been brainwashed, fallen for a narrative and build principles based on that false narrative and premise. Sahih narrations do not prove that people simply took up arms against Ali, yes certain groups did, like the Khawarij (and even on them Ali didn't make Takfir), other Sahaba were involved in a Fitnah, Ali was on the truth, Ali never accused them of kufr and even cursed their killers (like how Ali cursed the killer of al-Zubayr), end of the story. It is your backwarded takfir sect that treats Ali like a god and declares everyone a kafir who happened to had an issue with him! Those who opposed any of the three are not by necessity kafirs to us. Sa'd ibn Ubadah didn't give bay'ah to Abu Bakr, doesn't make him a kafir! We are not emotional Imam worshippers like you.


Ebn Hussein

Re: How TSD Documentary exposed the Rafida! - Rafida humiliating Rafida!
« Reply #17 on: May 17, 2019, 04:16:06 AM »
This "Ibn al-Hussain" and his kind are deluded and obviously on some hardcore damage limitation/control trip.

Firstly, there is no obsession with regard to the refutation of Rafidi Shi'ism, that's a simplistic observation from their part, subjective and far from the truth and the reason for such a false judgement is because they see people/projects like the Sunni Defence as only that i.e. a project targetting Shi'ism. They don't realise that it's simply a matter of dividing work, it's fardh kifayah for the Ummah to defend the beliefs of Ahlul-Sunnah wa Al-Jama'ah and refute all sorts of heretics like the Rafidah. So you will have a group refuting modernist and liberal shubuhat and then a group that is specialised in refuting Qadyani or Rafidi shubuhat.

The mere existence of these brothers/projects is no proof of them being obsessed, it is their religious duty (if they are capable of doing what others can't) to work in these fields, thus I myself, as an Ex-Shia have worked in several languages refuting and exposing the Rafidi religion, I see it as a duty, people don't know my personal life, I even keep all the Rafidi stuff away from my family as much as I can, but that's the problem of a world where people judge others based on social media and other online platforms. Fighting the people of Bid'ah with the pen is of the greatest of Jihad, never will and should we stop, and the latest TSD documentary has certainly hit a nerve, otherwise trust me, they wouldn't care.

I wanted to comment on some lame claims on this thread that are from Shiachat:

If you notice, the Salafis live foremost in history. Majority of their quotes from influential Shia scholars go back to what scholars had said centuries ago - particularly the Safavid era (like what Majlisi says, or what Karaki says or Ne'matullah Jaza'iri said, or what Mufid said, or what Saduq said and so on), or at the very earliest they rely on material from the middle of the last century (like this quote from Imam Khomeini). But, because they are engaged in propaganda, they strip these quotes and present them, and the audience has no idea about the different notions that dominated the world at those times or what were the scholarly backgrounds of these scholars (for example if you understand the era and personalities of Majlisi, Ne'matullah Jaza'iri or Karaki you will realize that what they were saying was not absurd at all for their times and the type of interpretation they were doing from the religious texts). You can very easily do the same with their scholarship if the game is being played dirty. This is similar to Islamophobes taking out laws and narrations that talk about slavery and present them - they have to resort to works written centuries ago generally to argue their case. This is polemics for you.

This one's my favourite, that's some next level apologetics. First of all, Non-Salafi scholars in the past and present have written extensively in refutation of the Rafidah, Ash'ari Shafi'is and Hanafi Maturidis, it's an old Shia trick to present their modern day opponents or Shia opposition as some Salafi-Wahabi thing (or Ibn Taymiyyah one). Secondly, as stated earlier in this thread:

This is inaccurate and TSD documentary alone disproves his claims. For every Safawi "scholar" we can bring 5 living scholars of them, including non-Shirazis who openly do takfir and curse the Sahaba just as the Safawi "scholars" did, so who is living in the past? Why isn't he blaming his own cursed "scholars" of today?

So it has nothing to do with living in the past, for Rafidi Shi'ism is based on the takfir on the Sahaba and their cursing, that hasn't changed a bit and this is why it is so easy to prove, not just by providing decade old quotes, but actually footage of their jurists doing exactly what their book carry of kufr and takfir (thus, the analogy with Islamophobes and them quoting old books is nonsensical).

As for the filthiest of filth, the likes of Majlisi and N. Al-Jaza'iri (Safavid palace/court scholars)...

(for example if you understand the era and personalities of Majlisi, Ne'matullah Jaza'iri or Karaki you will realize that what they were saying was not absurd at all for their times and the type of interpretation they were doing from the religious texts).

I agree in a sense, for the first time in history the Rafidah (not just moderate Shias or half-baked Rafifah like the early Buyids) during the Safavid were able to live and express Imamism thoroughly, with no fear and compromise, no more Taqiyyah, all years of (rightfully) being humiliated for their Zandaqah were over, things that were not discussed in open in the past (or at best metioned vaguely like replacing Sahaba names with "1, 2, 3.." were now propagated on state level, and all of that is of course not "absurd", it's perfectly reasonable if you contextualise things. So the following Safawi kufr makes sense to the Rafidah:

- N. Al-Jaza'iri (revered Safawi scholar by the Twelvers) believing in the distortion of the Qur'an (based on mass-transmitted narrations in Shia books and not some flimsy narrations of shadh readings, mansukhat and what not that Shia polemicists love to quote from Sunni books in order to try to turn the table) and making mass takfir on Sahaba and Sunnis.

- Majlisi (revered Safawi scholar by the Twelvers) the kafir not just believing in the distortion of the Qur'an but for the first time in Shia Imami history making it clear that logic itself dictates that the Qur’an has been distorted:

...after all it was compiled and transmitted by apostate Sahaba! He was simply being consistent with the Shia narrative and as a reward, they built him a big golden shrine and he even received the Shia knighthood by being given the title of "the seal of all Muhaddithun"! Imagine, such a wretched kafir being the top hadithisist and Shaykh Al-Islam of a sect that claims to represent the Ahlul-Bayt (A)!

So basically all of the above and more is perfectly understandable and not absurd to all, it's just us 'shallow Wahabi-Nasibi-Takfiris' who have failed to contextualise these statements of Kufr and Zandaqah as we are 'living in the past' Poor us really.

Anyway, politics and agenda do indeed change, although Iran is strong, it is nonetheless a loner in a Sunni world and Imamism and Iran (especially its clergy) have never been hated so much as of today, be it outside or even inside Iran, so it just makes sense for the Mullahs of Qom and Khomeini to play the Taqiyyah card to the max, they have learnt from the mistakes of the past ever since Sunni Persia has become majority Shia Persia. Their Safawi Salaf received heavy blows and backlashes, like the siege of Isfahan by the Iranic Pashtun Sunnis; the loss of many Persian territories like Sunni Herat/Khorasan, wars with Ottomans and not to forget the huge number of remaining Sunnis inside Iran who have a much higher birthrate than the average super-secular Iranian Shia family and to add to the dilemma (for the Shia clergy and regime) they inhabit most border regions of Iran (that are majority Sunni) i.e. the most sensitive parts of the country! Iran has alot of domestic problems most of the Muslim world is not aware of, from secession movements in non-Persian regions (especially Arab Ahwazis who even according to regime voices have seen large conversions to Sunnism) to the growing demands of the native Sunnis.

Keeping all of that in mind, of course Iran doesn't follow a naive and moronic Shirazi method of spreading Imamism (i.e. abondening Taqiyyah), as an Ex-Shia I'm telling you from my own experience that although a few phychopaths and other die hard mushriks might fall for the Shirazi type of Da'wah, yet trust me, way more effective is what the Iranian regime/Khomeinists do, they are upon Khomeini's manhaj and creed that is nothing but mass-takfir on the Sahaba and the cursing of them, however they know that hiding these ugly beliefs or simply denying them in open will always appeal to some dumb Sunnis who will fall for empty slogans and the farce they call "unity conferences". I remember when I used to be a Shi'i, one Lebanese Khomeinist gave me a disgusting advice, he said:

"Don't curse Abu Bakr, Umar and their Sahaba at the first meeting, feed him with our Shia books and material then he will himself curse them before you get even the chance to advise him to do so!"

This is why people who prayed behind the Zindiq Kafir Khomeini proudly assured others that Khomeini used to curse Abu Bakr and Omar in every Salah, as he himself believed in 'Du'a Sanamay' Quraysh. Even as a Shia back then I was slightly irritated when I heared these things, the only thing they had issues with was the cursing *openly*, they are so shameless, on Iranian state TV and mouthpieces of Iran like Press TV they always add the clause علنی (openly) when speaking about cursing. Like once I saw this Shia priest saying:

"These Shias who curse are British or American agents, we don't curse, our scholars made it haram to curse openly"

I was shocked and amused at the same time, I even started to get why the Shirazis hate the Khomeinists so much, the sheer hypocracy is disgusting and vile, the Shia priest was not even denying that they curse, he just added the *openly* bit to make us Sunnis feel more comfortable, knowing that they curse what is more beloved to us than our own selves behind close doors of their unity conference of lies/dajjal and deception!

So behind the curtains the Khomeinists are no different from the Shirazis in terms of their hatred of the Sahaba and their takfir on them, this is why the Sunni Defence exposed them so easily in the first place, their 'unity' calls is nothing but a sham and nobody knows that better than us Sunni Iranians and our scholars, the real Iranian Sunni scholars who have chosen torture and death over humiliation (I personally know of some Iranian Sunni Shaykhs that I would not call Munafiqs, however, they are weak and broken compared to those who never compromised, one of them told me that they fear for their lifes and families, i.e. they have to do actual Islamic Taqiyyah. They told me that if they don't participate at those "unity conferences" and other ridiculous Rafidi events and anniversaries they will face all sorts of harassment by the regime, threatening letters are send to them in advance, so that is why I always tell other Sunni brothers to excuse the Sunni scholars inside Iran, they live and are ruled by the enemies of the Ahlul-Sunnah, if anyone is excused, it's them, and despite all of the pressure, here and there you will find those Sunni Iranian scholars who never submitted and have exposed the Rafidah of Qom and their regime like nobody else:

My only advice to these Khomeinists, these Neo-Safawis and Rafidis in general is that the age of fooling the Sunni masses is over, our Sunni Iranian satellite channels (launched from abroad as we Iranian Sunnis are deprived of running a single radio station in our majority Sunni provinces and cities, our lands for God's sake, forget about TV) have been broadcasting just over a decade ago, the Da'wah is still fresh and young, it's our age, our turn, every lie will be exposed, all the lies and hypocrisy in the name of Ahlul-Bayt and "unity" will be exposed, no matter how many forced or paid (sell outs) Iranian or non-Iranian Sunni scholars they will present in order to fool the gullible, no matter how many fake "unity conferences" they set up, actions speak louder than words.
الإمام الشافعي رحمه الله
لم أر أحداً من أهل الأهواء أشهد بالزور من الرافضة! - الخطيب في الكفاية والسوطي.

Imam Al-Shafi3i - may Allah have mercy upon him - said: "I have not seen among the heretics a people more famous for falsehood than the Rafidah." [narrated by Al-Khatib Al-Baghdadi/Al-Kifayah]

Ibn Taymiyya

Re: How TSD Documentary exposed the Rafida! - Rafida humiliating Rafida!
« Reply #18 on: May 17, 2019, 12:25:05 PM »
Are you on sh!tchat? Post our response to these people, and yes, a response is on its way, and it will be even more devastating for the Rafida than the intitial documentary, bi'ithnillah.
cant wait more, when is that coming

« Last Edit: May 17, 2019, 12:26:10 PM by Ibn Taymiyya »
wasn't it for umar r.a , that islam entered persia ?

Ibn Taymiyya

Re: How TSD Documentary exposed the Rafida! - Rafida humiliating Rafida!
« Reply #19 on: May 17, 2019, 12:30:26 PM »

My only advice to these Khomeinists, these Neo-Safawis and Rafidis in general is that the age of fooling the Sunni masses is over, our Sunni Iranian satellite channels (launched from abroad as we Iranian Sunnis are deprived of running a single radio station in our majority Sunni provinces and cities, our lands for God's sake, forget about TV) have been broadcasting just over a decade ago, the Da'wah is still fresh and young, it's our age, our turn, every lie will be exposed, all the lies and hypocrisy in the name of Ahlul-Bayt and "unity" will be exposed, no matter how many forced or paid (sell outs) Iranian or non-Iranian Sunni scholars they will present in order to fool the gullible, no matter how many fake "unity conferences" they set up, actions speak louder than words.

jazakallaha khyran
wasn't it for umar r.a , that islam entered persia ?


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