
How TSD Documentary exposed the Rafida! - Rafida humiliating Rafida!

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Re: How TSD Documentary exposed the Rafida! - Rafida humiliating Rafida!
« Reply #20 on: May 17, 2019, 02:53:19 PM »
What I am on about? Your religion teaches that all Sahaba except 3 (some narrations are slightly more generous) apostated!

Renowned Shia scholar `Ali al-Namazi a-Shahroudi says in his book "Mustadrakat `Ilm-ul-Rijal" 1/67:

We conclude from the big quantity of [Shia]narrations declaring that all companions are apostates except three or four, that the general rule for every companion who remained alive after the Prophet (saw) and did not become a martyr in his time, is that they are apostates for placing the non-chosen leader (means Abu Bakr) in authority over the chosen leader (means `Ali), or impious sinners for their short comings when it came to supporting him (means `Ali), thus it is not possible to assume the reliability of any of them except through a specific divine text.

^This disgusting mass-takfir belief is based on a plethora of Shia narrations that declare the Sahaba as kuffar, then you wonder why you, a bunch of tomb crawling and Imam invoking deviants are called kuffar?! You deserve that and much more!

“The people all became apostates after the Prophet’s death except for three.” When asked who they were, he replied, “al-Miqdad ibn al-Aswad, Abu Dharr, and Salman...” (Rijal al-Kashshi pp12-13)”.

This is mass takfir of the vast majority of the Sahaba! This is why the scholars state that the Rawafilth (Rawafid i.e. your kind) are worse and more extreme in takfir than the Khawarij! As for takfir on the Shia:

Many Shias are Muslims. Zaydi Shias are Muslims, early (political) Shias in the time (many of them narrators in Bukhari) were Muslim, however, Ismailis, Twelvers and every other extreme sect that holds kufri beliefs is out of the fold of Islam.

That's the problem with you Rafida, you have been brainwashed, fallen for a narrative and build principles based on that false narrative and premise. Sahih narrations do not prove that people simply took up arms against Ali, yes certain groups did, like the Khawarij (and even on them Ali didn't make Takfir), other Sahaba were involved in a Fitnah, Ali was on the truth, Ali never accused them of kufr and even cursed their killers (like how Ali cursed the killer of al-Zubayr), end of the story. It is your backwarded takfir sect that treats Ali like a god and declares everyone a kafir who happened to had an issue with him! Those who opposed any of the three are not by necessity kafirs to us. Sa'd ibn Ubadah didn't give bay'ah to Abu Bakr, doesn't make him a kafir! We are not emotional Imam worshippers like you.

And your problem is that you go around looking for things within in books to paint your desired picture of my faith, belief and community. And you do it with what ever bits and pieces you can find and then take them out of context. This is exactly what is called PROPAGANDA. Ever heard of it.
People have difference in thought, opinion and point of view. Are Sunnis not the same.

Some Sunnis send takfir on others. Some (Deobandi) are not willing to give funeral prayers to a deceased of another (Barelvi). As far as books are concerned what ever is in that book is down to the author and writer of that book. No one can impose anything from that book and hold any sect, faith or community at ransom or accountable for what's in that book. Do I make myself clear. Obviously not because you're a PROPAGANDIST!


Re: How TSD Documentary exposed the Rafida! - Rafida humiliating Rafida!
« Reply #21 on: May 17, 2019, 03:46:50 PM »
With long commute between work and home, I played the clip in my car and watched - actually listened - to Islamic Pulse's response.  The overuse of the phrase "takfeeri Wahhabis" to describe anyone who challenges Shi'i beliefs was quite original (not).  The guy featured in the video did not even touch the subject matter.  I do not care what he says their scholars say; according to the Shia madhhab, the words of their Imams (ra) encapsulated in their books trump everyone and everything.  And it is clear to everyone what (their scholars say) the Imams (ra) said regarding the Companions (ra) and those who disbelieved in Imamah.
"Our coward ran from those in authority" - Iceman (admitting the truth regarding his 12th Imam)


Re: How TSD Documentary exposed the Rafida! - Rafida humiliating Rafida!
« Reply #22 on: May 17, 2019, 04:45:16 PM »
And your problem is that you go around looking for things within in books to paint your desired picture of my faith, belief and community. And you do it with what ever bits and pieces you can find and then take them out of context. This is exactly what is called PROPAGANDA. Ever heard of it.
People have difference in thought, opinion and point of view. Are Sunnis not the same.

Some Sunnis send takfir on others. Some (Deobandi) are not willing to give funeral prayers to a deceased of another (Barelvi). As far as books are concerned what ever is in that book is down to the author and writer of that book. No one can impose anything from that book and hold any sect, faith or community at ransom or accountable for what's in that book. Do I make myself clear. Obviously not because you're a PROPAGANDIST!

Says the guy who uses FALSE PROPAGANDA against certain friends of the prophet saw......without authentic proof....,.ICEMAN you are a true hypocrite how can you possibly call others propagandists when YOU yourself are doing EXACTLY that.

You still haven’t provided authentic evidence of Umar ra saying ......”don’t listen to him”......YET!

You propagandist😂😂


Re: How TSD Documentary exposed the Rafida! - Rafida humiliating Rafida!
« Reply #23 on: May 17, 2019, 06:12:35 PM »
Says the guy who uses FALSE PROPAGANDA against certain friends of the prophet saw......without authentic proof....,.ICEMAN you are a true hypocrite how can you possibly call others propagandists when YOU yourself are doing EXACTLY that.

You still haven’t provided authentic evidence of Umar ra saying ......”don’t listen to him”......YET!

You propagandist😂😂

I use propaganda against certain friends of the Prophet s.a.w., can you prove this chuck. What kind of friends were they that the likes of you so desperately need to protect and defend them and their clear intentions here there and everywhere 😅


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  • إن الرافضة قوم لا عقل لهم ولا نقل
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Re: How TSD Documentary exposed the Rafida! - Rafida humiliating Rafida!
« Reply #24 on: May 18, 2019, 06:11:47 PM »
And your problem is that you go around looking for things within in books to paint your desired picture of my faith, belief and community. And you do it with what ever bits and pieces you can find and then take them out of context. This is exactly what is called PROPAGANDA. Ever heard of it.
People have difference in thought, opinion and point of view. Are Sunnis not the same.

Some Sunnis send takfir on others. Some (Deobandi) are not willing to give funeral prayers to a deceased of another (Barelvi). As far as books are concerned what ever is in that book is down to the author and writer of that book. No one can impose anything from that book and hold any sect, faith or community at ransom or accountable for what's in that book. Do I make myself clear. Obviously not because you're a PROPAGANDIST!

Nonsense, give it a rest Ya Rafidi, these damage control rants used to work a decade or so, not in this age anymore, trust me. ANTI-MAJOS has been accused of anything except mistranslations (or things being taken out of context) or things out of context, in fact many mushrik Shias were proud of all the shirk we have exposed, others who had some braincelss left were so disturbed, they openly admitted that ANTI-MAJOS made them doubt Shi'ism (hence RafidaORG felt the need to respond, but failed miserably).

So don't chat rubbish my friend. The TSD documentary itself made all ya blood boil so hard because it did expose your grand Ayatullats, those non-Shirazis who just like Shirazis curse and do mass-takfir against Sahaba, just a little bit more behind the curtains. So no, i's not propaganda or taking things out of context, it's your filthy religion in raw form.


Re: How TSD Documentary exposed the Rafida! - Rafida humiliating Rafida!
« Reply #25 on: May 19, 2019, 06:25:02 AM »
Nonsense, give it a rest Ya Rafidi, these damage control rants used to work a decade or so, not in this age anymore, trust me. ANTI-MAJOS has been accused of anything except mistranslations (or things being taken out of context) or things out of context, in fact many mushrik Shias were proud of all the shirk we have exposed, others who had some braincelss left were so disturbed, they openly admitted that ANTI-MAJOS made them doubt Shi'ism (hence RafidaORG felt the need to respond, but failed miserably).

So don't chat rubbish my friend. The TSD documentary itself made all ya blood boil so hard because it did expose your grand Ayatullats, those non-Shirazis who just like Shirazis curse and do mass-takfir against Sahaba, just a little bit more behind the curtains. So no, i's not propaganda or taking things out of context, it's your filthy religion in raw form.

No need to address this fool!  He is the lowlife degenerate who did not see any issues with a video showing Shia zakirs uttering pure kufr.
"Our coward ran from those in authority" - Iceman (admitting the truth regarding his 12th Imam)


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  • Total likes: 18
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  • إن الرافضة قوم لا عقل لهم ولا نقل
  • Religion: Sunni
Re: How TSD Documentary exposed the Rafida! - Rafida humiliating Rafida!
« Reply #26 on: June 19, 2019, 02:29:17 PM »
And the humiliation continuous, this is indeed the era where Rafidism gets exposed to the masses like never before in all of its humiliated and vile history. Years of "unity" crap propaganda and the demonization of Sunnis who oppose Rafidism under the pretext of "combating Wahhabism" (later Daesh/Isis) were wasted, nobody is believing their empty slogans anymore, whether Shirazi Majoos or Khomeinists Majoos, both of them are enemies of Ahlus-sunnah, united in their hatred for the Sahaba.

Muzaffer that whiny beta male might as well start hiding forever like his non-existing and non-guiding "Imam".


Re: How TSD Documentary exposed the Rafida! - Rafida humiliating Rafida!
« Reply #27 on: June 19, 2019, 02:39:46 PM »
And the humiliation continuous, this is indeed the era where Rafidism gets exposed to the masses like never before in all of its humiliated and vile history.

Watched, more like listened to, it during my morning commute. 

While watching Islamic Pulse's "fiery response", I thought Muzaffer's constant "takfeeri Wahhabis" phrase was appalling until I watched his tweet, featured on the latest TSD video, in which Muzaffer used the hashtag "DeathToSaudis" (watch 36:54).

Never will I ever criticize the Saudi regime in front of a Shia nor will I allow a Shia to do so in my presence.
"Our coward ran from those in authority" - Iceman (admitting the truth regarding his 12th Imam)


Re: How TSD Documentary exposed the Rafida! - Rafida humiliating Rafida!
« Reply #28 on: June 19, 2019, 09:25:27 PM »
Nonsense, give it a rest Ya Rafidi, these damage control rants used to work a decade or so, not in this age anymore, trust me. ANTI-MAJOS has been accused of anything except mistranslations (or things being taken out of context) or things out of context, in fact many mushrik Shias were proud of all the shirk we have exposed, others who had some braincelss left were so disturbed, they openly admitted that ANTI-MAJOS made them doubt Shi'ism (hence RafidaORG felt the need to respond, but failed miserably).

So don't chat rubbish my friend. The TSD documentary itself made all ya blood boil so hard because it did expose your grand Ayatullats, those non-Shirazis who just like Shirazis curse and do mass-takfir against Sahaba, just a little bit more behind the curtains. So no, i's not propaganda or taking things out of context, it's your filthy religion in raw form.

So which part of the sky did you all of a sudden fall out from. This site has got enough anti Shia jokers and clowns. There is no such thing as MASS TAKFIR AGAINST THE SAHABA. Your kind created this nonsense out of the blue. The companions aren't saints. Take a look at your own takfir against Malik bin Nuwayrah and the other companions killed on the orders of Khalid.There is no clear evidence of apostasy.

And even if there was then you have it there right in front of your eyes that the Sahaba aren't mehfooz after the Prophet’s saw death. If some can be accused of apostasy then why can't others be accused of going astray or deviation? 😊😊😊 Enjoy!


Re: How TSD Documentary exposed the Rafida! - Rafida humiliating Rafida!
« Reply #29 on: June 19, 2019, 09:36:01 PM »
And the humiliation continuous, this is indeed the era where Rafidism gets exposed to the masses like never before in all of its humiliated and vile history. Years of "unity" crap propaganda and the demonization of Sunnis who oppose Rafidism under the pretext of "combating Wahhabism" (later Daesh/Isis) were wasted, nobody is believing their empty slogans anymore, whether Shirazi Majoos or Khomeinists Majoos, both of them are enemies of Ahlus-sunnah, united in their hatred for the Sahaba.

Muzaffer that whiny beta male might as well start hiding forever like his non-existing and non-guiding "Imam".

When the time of the death of the Prophet approached while there were some men in the house, and among them was 'Umar Ibn al-Khattab, the Prophet said: "Come near let me write for you a writing after which you will never go astray." 'Umar said: "The Prophet is seriously ill, and you have the Qur'an, so Allah's Book is sufficient for us." The people in the house differed and disputed. Some of them said, "Come near so that Allah's Apostle may write for you a writing after which you will not go astray," while the others said what 'Umar said. When they made much noise and quarreled greatly in front of the Prophet, he said to them, "Go away and leave me." Ibn 'Abbas used to say, "It was a great disaster that their quarrel and noise prevented Allah's Apostle from writing a statement for them.
Sahih al Bukhari Arabic-English Volume 9 hadith number 468 and Volume 7 hadith 573

So the will of the Prophet s.a.w (the writing) was never written, prevented by Umar and his clan. So this means they went ASTRAY after the Prophet s.a.w. That's according to the prophet saw. DIG THIS. EXPOSE AND HIGHLIGHT THIS AS WELL 😊


Re: How TSD Documentary exposed the Rafida! - Rafida humiliating Rafida!
« Reply #30 on: June 19, 2019, 09:45:01 PM »
Watched, more like listened to, it during my morning commute. 

While watching Islamic Pulse's "fiery response", I thought Muzaffer's constant "takfeeri Wahhabis" phrase was appalling until I watched his tweet, featured on the latest TSD video, in which Muzaffer used the hashtag "DeathToSaudis" (watch 36:54).

Never will I ever criticize the Saudi regime in front of a Shia nor will I allow a Shia to do so in my presence.

The Middle East has a long tradition of being awash with conspiracy theories from the sublime to the ridiculous – so much so that long held perceptions have become a reality on the ground.

One such assumption on the Arab street has been that Saudi Arabia has never really pulled its weight behind the Palestinian cause. Some have gone even further to suggest that Saudi Arabia is in bed with Israel: this was a claim held by former Iraqi President Saddam Hussein when he threatened to attack both the Saudis and Israelis in the first Gulf war.

Similarly the former head of Al Qaeda, Osama bin Laden and more recently his son Hamza accused the Saudis of supporting American-Israeli hegemony over Palestine.

The streets of Cairo and the souks of Damascus have been abuzz since the announcement of President Donald Trump’s unilateral decision to announce Jerusalem as the capital of Israel by moving the US Embassy there.

There were not many things that the secular Saddam Hussein agreed on with the radical Osama bin Laden – so what is it that unites these two worldviews in alleging Saudi support for Israel?


Re: How TSD Documentary exposed the Rafida! - Rafida humiliating Rafida!
« Reply #31 on: June 19, 2019, 09:48:44 PM »
China wages relentless crackdowns on its Muslims. But Saudi Arabia stays quiet as it bolsters ties with Beijing.

BEIJING — In China, the current Islamic holy month of Ramadan can bring even more struggles for Muslims already under relentless pressures.

Chinese authorities are bullying members of the Muslim minority Uighur community to eat and drink before sundown — in violation of Islamic rules for Ramadan — with the implicit threat of punishment if they do not, activists say.

“It’s distressing, and it’s insulting to our dignity,” said Dolkun Isa, president of the World Uyghur Congress, an advocacy organization based in Munich.

He described how restaurants run by Muslims in the western Chinese region of Xinjiang have been forced to open during the day and how Uighur workers have been harassed to eat and drink during lunch breaks at their Chinese-run places of work.

And what does the Crown prince of Saudi Arabia do when he visited China.

Mohammad bin Salman, Saudi Arabia’’s crown prince, on Friday defended China’s use of concentration camps for Muslims, saying it was Beijing’s “right”. 😐😑
« Last Edit: June 19, 2019, 09:54:41 PM by iceman »


Re: How TSD Documentary exposed the Rafida! - Rafida humiliating Rafida!
« Reply #32 on: June 19, 2019, 10:10:06 PM »
China wages relentless crackdowns on its Muslims. But Saudi Arabia stays quiet as it bolsters ties with Beijing.

BEIJING — In China, the current Islamic holy month of Ramadan can bring even more struggles for Muslims already under relentless pressures.

Chinese authorities are bullying members of the Muslim minority Uighur community to eat and drink before sundown — in violation of Islamic rules for Ramadan — with the implicit threat of punishment if they do not, activists say.

“It’s distressing, and it’s insulting to our dignity,” said Dolkun Isa, president of the World Uyghur Congress, an advocacy organization based in Munich.

He described how restaurants run by Muslims in the western Chinese region of Xinjiang have been forced to open during the day and how Uighur workers have been harassed to eat and drink during lunch breaks at their Chinese-run places of work.

And what does the Crown prince of Saudi Arabia do when he visited China.

Mohammad bin Salman, Saudi Arabia’’s crown prince, on Friday defended China’s use of concentration camps for Muslims, saying it was Beijing’s “right”. 😐😑

MBS is a tyrant. Most sunnis do not like Saudi royal family.

Shias need to stop thinking that we view the saudi royals like they view khamenei and co. Most of us happily criticise our leaders, whereas shias go to excessive means to defend Iran/Khamenei's regime.


Re: How TSD Documentary exposed the Rafida! - Rafida humiliating Rafida!
« Reply #33 on: June 19, 2019, 10:22:17 PM »
Oh is iceman trying to bait muslim720 with the saudi post?


Re: How TSD Documentary exposed the Rafida! - Rafida humiliating Rafida!
« Reply #34 on: June 19, 2019, 11:17:07 PM »
Oh is iceman trying to bait muslim720 with the saudi post?

😊☺😁😂 Nice one! 😃😂


Re: How TSD Documentary exposed the Rafida! - Rafida humiliating Rafida!
« Reply #35 on: June 20, 2019, 12:30:33 AM »
China wages relentless crackdowns on its Muslims. But Saudi Arabia stays quiet as it bolsters ties with Beijing.

BEIJING — In China, the current Islamic holy month of Ramadan can bring even more struggles for Muslims already under relentless pressures.

Chinese authorities are bullying members of the Muslim minority Uighur community to eat and drink before sundown — in violation of Islamic rules for Ramadan — with the implicit threat of punishment if they do not, activists say.

“It’s distressing, and it’s insulting to our dignity,” said Dolkun Isa, president of the World Uyghur Congress, an advocacy organization based in Munich.

He described how restaurants run by Muslims in the western Chinese region of Xinjiang have been forced to open during the day and how Uighur workers have been harassed to eat and drink during lunch breaks at their Chinese-run places of work.

And what does the Crown prince of Saudi Arabia do when he visited China.

Mohammad bin Salman, Saudi Arabia’’s crown prince, on Friday defended China’s use of concentration camps for Muslims, saying it was Beijing’s “right”. 😐😑

Dumbo are you brain dead or are you just stupid........we told you we don’t like Saudi regime that INCLUDES MBS!!!

As for your Irani leader he was sat with Xi Jingping at the SCO meeting greeting him and dining with him as well as taking pics together, why don’t you call him out you hypocrite? Or is it because he is a shia and he is divinely chosen?

Your hypocrisy runs deep dumbo!😜


Re: How TSD Documentary exposed the Rafida! - Rafida humiliating Rafida!
« Reply #36 on: June 20, 2019, 12:47:26 AM »
MBS is a tyrant. Most sunnis do not like Saudi royal family.

Shias need to stop thinking that we view the saudi royals like they view khamenei and co. Most of us happily criticise our leaders, whereas shias go to excessive means to defend Iran/Khamenei's regime.

Iceman is a pure hypocrite he won’t say anything bad about Iran’s leader who wants closer ties with China I have posted an image of the two sat together.

Yes we hate bin salman we admit it and call a spade a spade but this hypocrite even after being shown evidences will NEVER criticise Iran or its leaders instead the hypocrite will bang on about how we hate Iran and Shias even after evidence is put forth.

He has that much hate for Sunnis that he is blinded by it.


Re: How TSD Documentary exposed the Rafida! - Rafida humiliating Rafida!
« Reply #37 on: June 20, 2019, 01:51:36 AM »
Iceman is a pure hypocrite he won’t say anything bad about Iran’s leader who wants closer ties with China I have posted an image of the two sat together.

Yes we hate bin salman we admit it and call a spade a spade but this hypocrite even after being shown evidences will NEVER criticise Iran or its leaders instead the hypocrite will bang on about how we hate Iran and Shias even after evidence is put forth.

He has that much hate for Sunnis that he is blinded by it.

Twelver shia positions in this area of politics are weird and hypocritical in all honestly. They complain about Yazid 1400 years ago and Saudi now but in the present day they also support Bashar Al-Assad.

The user "whoaretheshia" on here, stated on shiachat before that he believes shias who dislike khamenei to be munafiqs. All the while, Khamenei is out there sitting cosy with Assad. Imagine holding such reverence for a guy who openly meets a tyrant under whose regime countless Muslim women have been raped and countless Muslim children have been murdered.

It's just crazy.

« Last Edit: June 20, 2019, 01:55:12 AM by Adil »


Re: How TSD Documentary exposed the Rafida! - Rafida humiliating Rafida!
« Reply #38 on: June 20, 2019, 08:09:00 AM »
Iceman is a pure hypocrite he won’t say anything bad about Iran’s leader who wants closer ties with China I have posted an image of the two sat together.

Yes we hate bin salman we admit it and call a spade a spade but this hypocrite even after being shown evidences will NEVER criticise Iran or its leaders instead the hypocrite will bang on about how we hate Iran and Shias even after evidence is put forth.

He has that much hate for Sunnis that he is blinded by it.

"He has that much hate for Sunnis that he is blinded by it"

😊 If I had hate for Sunnis I would be speaking in the same way, fashion and manner to you as you do to me. And I would treat you and others just as you see and treat me. My Ikhlaq shows how much hate I have for Sunnis 😊😊


Re: How TSD Documentary exposed the Rafida! - Rafida humiliating Rafida!
« Reply #39 on: June 20, 2019, 08:54:31 AM »
Twelver shia positions in this area of politics are weird and hypocritical in all honestly. They complain about Yazid 1400 years ago and Saudi now but in the present day they also support Bashar Al-Assad.

The user "whoaretheshia" on here, stated on shiachat before that he believes shias who dislike khamenei to be munafiqs. All the while, Khamenei is out there sitting cosy with Assad. Imagine holding such reverence for a guy who openly meets a tyrant under whose regime countless Muslim women have been raped and countless Muslim children have been murdered.

It's just crazy.

A clear accusation on the Assad regime. 😊 Assad is fighting terrorists and extremists armed by the west and the Saudis because of his relationship with Iran. It's all political. The west see Assad as ally of Iran therefore a threat to Israel. Because Iran supports Hezbollah through Assad and Syria  against Israel. This is why during the Arab spring the west and its eastern allies took the opportunity to topple Assad by arming terrorists and extremists in Syria during the Arab spring. Is all political. And since Assad is also Shia that stings you boys. 😊


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