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Re: Iran
« Reply #20 on: June 19, 2019, 09:02:59 PM »
I attack you and your dumbness don’t make it out as if I attack all Shias, if I do say anything it’s only a REACTION/REPLY to .......YOU......DUMBO!😜

Don't use me as an excuse to hide your personal grudge, hatred and vendetta that you have about the Shia faith and the community 😊😊


Re: Iran
« Reply #21 on: June 19, 2019, 09:05:43 PM »
Is that it? Come on the biggest shia nation and all it can do is send some aid and a few rockets to help Hamas?

In the meantime it will send troops and firepower, jets and missiles to Sunni Arab Muslim nations to kill, maim and rape!

HYPOCRITES supported by a dumb hypocrite!

You haven’t said anything bad about Iran even if it’s true.......hypocrite.

Would the Saudis ever help Hezbollah against Israel 😊?  More like the other way around 😊


Re: Iran
« Reply #22 on: June 20, 2019, 12:52:10 AM »
Don't use me as an excuse to hide your personal grudge, hatred and vendetta that you have about the Shia faith and the community 😊😊

You are the biggest joke coming out of shiism and it’s fun to attack a denying fool who lies be it shia or Sunni😂😂😂
Your hypocrisy shines bright 😂😂😂


Re: Iran
« Reply #23 on: June 20, 2019, 12:54:03 AM »
Would the Saudis ever help Hezbollah against Israel 😊?  More like the other way around 😊

Well hizbullat are killing Sunni Muslims in Syria so why would you side with killers??
Come on dumbo couldn’t you think of something better?😂😉


Re: Iran
« Reply #24 on: June 20, 2019, 09:25:43 AM »
Well hizbullat are killing Sunni Muslims in Syria so why would you side with killers??
Come on dumbo couldn’t you think of something better?😂😉

"Well hizbullat are killing Sunni Muslims in Syria"

No they're not. Get your facts right. Don't talk air and wind. The government of Syria is fighting terrorist extremists. The government is protecting its country and people from these extremists. Just because Assad is Shia you want to play with facts. Is that how sick you've become from the grudge and hatred you have 😊


Re: Iran
« Reply #25 on: June 20, 2019, 12:08:02 PM »
"Well hizbullat are killing Sunni Muslims in Syria"

No they're not. Get your facts right. Don't talk air and wind. The government of Syria is fighting terrorist extremists. The government is protecting its country and people from these extremists. Just because Assad is Shia you want to play with facts. Is that how sick you've become from the grudge and hatred you have 😊

Yes they are, learn the truth and don’t listen to heresay.
You lie and you deny what else am I supposed to expect from a liar?
Is hizbullat there for fun? The Syrians liked hizbullat but they found out how 2 faced Shias are just like you defending the dog Assad the killer of innocents.
How did it start? There was an uprising against a totalitarian leader who killed opponents just like his father, the dog then sent snipers to kill innocent protestors there by creating havoc and chaos, the Muslims started to uprise against the killers but didn’t have enough power or weapons so you got loosely based groups coming together fighting an army in the process the dog created millions of refugees hundreds and thousands of deaths and ruined his own cities by barrel bombing and using chemical weapons.
He was losing the battle until he called putin and Iran whom the latter made it a religious rallying cry by involving shia militias hizbullat included to help the killer dog.
Be truthful and don’t be biased just because he is shia even tho he is an alawite.

When the world turned against saddam were there any Sunni militias created to protect him? He was a Baathist too, saddam played the Muslim card but did we Sunnis start to join him? Did we have groups come into iraq and kill and maim Shias?

A killer is a killer whether shia or Sunni stop being stubborn just because a killer is shia and the murderers are shia.

You don’t half talk crap.😂


Re: Iran
« Reply #26 on: June 25, 2019, 12:58:08 AM »
Yes they are, learn the truth and don’t listen to heresay.
You lie and you deny what else am I supposed to expect from a liar?
Is hizbullat there for fun? The Syrians liked hizbullat but they found out how 2 faced Shias are just like you defending the dog Assad the killer of innocents.
How did it start? There was an uprising against a totalitarian leader who killed opponents just like his father, the dog then sent snipers to kill innocent protestors there by creating havoc and chaos, the Muslims started to uprise against the killers but didn’t have enough power or weapons so you got loosely based groups coming together fighting an army in the process the dog created millions of refugees hundreds and thousands of deaths and ruined his own cities by barrel bombing and using chemical weapons.
He was losing the battle until he called putin and Iran whom the latter made it a religious rallying cry by involving shia militias hizbullat included to help the killer dog.
Be truthful and don’t be biased just because he is shia even tho he is an alawite.

When the world turned against saddam were there any Sunni militias created to protect him? He was a Baathist too, saddam played the Muslim card but did we Sunnis start to join him? Did we have groups come into iraq and kill and maim Shias?

A killer is a killer whether shia or Sunni stop being stubborn just because a killer is shia and the murderers are shia.

You don’t half talk crap.😂

There was also the same uprising in Bahrain, Egypt, Lybia, Yemen etc. The west just focused on Lybia and Syria because they didn't like the leadership. So they armed and supported groups with in Lybia and Syria against the governments. Just as simple as that. You don't like Assad because he's a Shia. That's the truth. You accuse someone of something like being a killer then you need to prove that.

"When the world turned against saddam were there any Sunni militias created to protect him? He was a Baathist too, saddam played the Muslim card but did we Sunnis start to join him? Did we have groups come into iraq and kill and maim Shias?"

Oh yes. Killings in Iraq have been going on since the topple of Saddam. Sunni militants have caused havoc in Iraq since Saddam went.

"The Syrians liked hizbullat"

😊 The Syrian conflict has to do with the west. They ignited it by using the Arab spring has an opportunity to topple Assad by arming and supporting terrorist and opponents of the government. Hizbullaah has got nothing to do with it. It's your Shia hatred that's getting the better of you. Just a figure of speech. There is noting better about you 😀

"Be truthful and don’t be biased just because he is shia even tho he is an alawite"

Yes be truthful and don't be bias. It's a coincidence that he happens to be a Shia and you hate him 😀


Re: Iran
« Reply #27 on: June 25, 2019, 02:35:49 PM »
There was also the same uprising in Bahrain, Egypt, Lybia, Yemen etc. The west just focused on Lybia and Syria because they didn't like the leadership. So they armed and supported groups with in Lybia and Syria against the governments. Just as simple as that. You don't like Assad because he's a Shia. That's the truth. You accuse someone of something like being a killer then you need to prove that.

"When the world turned against saddam were there any Sunni militias created to protect him? He was a Baathist too, saddam played the Muslim card but did we Sunnis start to join him? Did we have groups come into iraq and kill and maim Shias?"

Oh yes. Killings in Iraq have been going on since the topple of Saddam. Sunni militants have caused havoc in Iraq since Saddam went.

"The Syrians liked hizbullat"

😊 The Syrian conflict has to do with the west. They ignited it by using the Arab spring has an opportunity to topple Assad by arming and supporting terrorist and opponents of the government. Hizbullaah has got nothing to do with it. It's your Shia hatred that's getting the better of you. Just a figure of speech. There is noting better about you 😀

"Be truthful and don’t be biased just because he is shia even tho he is an alawite"

Yes be truthful and don't be bias. It's a coincidence that he happens to be a Shia and you hate him 😀

Honestly I do make you EAT your OWN words, so you want proof of the dog Assad being a killer........ok!
Notice how you want proof for ONLY shia leaders since you are so biased.

First of all the dog was put in charge after his killer father like it was a family heirarchy passed down through FAMILY ties.

Human Rights groups, such as Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International, have detailed how the Assad government's secret police allegedly tortured, imprisoned, and killed political opponents, and those who speak out against the government.In addition, some 600 Lebanese political prisoners are thought to be held in government prisons since the Syrian occupation of Lebanon, with some held for as long as over 30 years.Since 2006, the Assad government has expanded the use of travel bans against political dissidents.In an interview with ABC News in 2007, Assad stated: "We don't have such [things as] political prisoners," though The New York Times reported the arrest of 30 Syrian political dissidents who were organising a joint opposition front in December 2007, with 3 members of this group considered to be opposition leaders being remanded in custody.

Foreign policy watch:

During its decades of rule... the Assad family developed a strong political safety net by firmly integrating the military into the government. In 1970, Hafez al-Assad, Bashar's father, seized power after rising through the ranks of the Syrian armed forces, during which time he established a network of loyal Alawites by installing them in key posts. In fact, the military, ruling elite, and ruthless secret police are so intertwined that it is now impossible to separate the Assad government from the security establishment.... So... the government and its loyal forces have been able to deter all but the most resolute and fearless oppositional activists. In this respect, the situation in Syria is to a certain degree comparable to Saddam Hussein's strong Sunni minority rule in Iraq.

Nadim Shehadi, the director of The Fares Center for Eastern Mediterranean Studies, stated that "In the early 1990s, Saddam Hussein was massacring his people and we were worried about the weapons inspectors," and claimed that "Assad did that too. He kept us busy with chemical weapons when he massacred his people.“

Head of the UN Commission of Inquiry on Syria, Paulo Pinheiro, told reporters: "The mass scale of deaths of detainees suggests that the government of Syria is responsible for acts that amount to extermination as a crime against humanity." The UN Commission reported finding "unimaginable abuses", including women and children as young as seven perishing while being held by Syrian authorities. The report also stated: "There are reasonable grounds to believe that high-ranking officers—including the heads of branches and directorates—commanding these detention facilities, those in charge of the military police, as well as their civilian superiors, knew of the vast number of deaths occurring in detention facilities ... yet did not take action to prevent abuse, investigate allegations or prosecute those responsible".

I can carry on and you know it but you are in denial because he is a shia all be it an Alawite and We know what Alawites are.

If you want more proof just let me know.👍

The Sunnis stood up to FIGHT an occupying force being USA and its allies, it’s not our fault you follow theories of imams when being abused or tortured they didn’t do ANYTHING, we as Sunnis believe imams like Ali ra would stand up and fight for their rights hence you got Sunnis fighting the kaffirs all the while the Shias were in hiding and waiting slyly for the kaafirs to come and help them gain power in Shias were loving it, I know interpreters from Iraq living in uk whom loved the allies of kaafirs and helped them showering them with flowers.........AND NOW LOOK AT YOU just because Syria is led by a shia you are against America and the west ALL OF A SUDDEN!😂


Oh so the hizbullat didn’t enter the Syrian war to help Assad?
Hizbullat was securing shrines and helping a killer

On May 25, 2013, Nasrallah announced that Hezbollah is fighting in the Syrian Civil War against Islamic extremists and "pledged that his group will not allow Syrian militants to control areas that border Lebanon".He confirmed that Hezbollah was fighting in the strategic Syrian town of Al-Qusayr on the same side as Assad's forces.

I can add more but this should be sufficient for a biased mind like yours.

The truth/haq is hitting you hard on your face yet you are still denying it.

They are utterly deaf, dumb, and blind; they can no longer recover.
(Al-Baqarah 2:18)


Re: Iran
« Reply #28 on: June 26, 2019, 12:14:49 AM »
Honestly I do make you EAT your OWN words, so you want proof of the dog Assad being a killer........ok!
Notice how you want proof for ONLY shia leaders since you are so biased.

First of all the dog was put in charge after his killer father like it was a family heirarchy passed down through FAMILY ties.

Human Rights groups, such as Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International, have detailed how the Assad government's secret police allegedly tortured, imprisoned, and killed political opponents, and those who speak out against the government.In addition, some 600 Lebanese political prisoners are thought to be held in government prisons since the Syrian occupation of Lebanon, with some held for as long as over 30 years.Since 2006, the Assad government has expanded the use of travel bans against political dissidents.In an interview with ABC News in 2007, Assad stated: "We don't have such [things as] political prisoners," though The New York Times reported the arrest of 30 Syrian political dissidents who were organising a joint opposition front in December 2007, with 3 members of this group considered to be opposition leaders being remanded in custody.

Foreign policy watch:

During its decades of rule... the Assad family developed a strong political safety net by firmly integrating the military into the government. In 1970, Hafez al-Assad, Bashar's father, seized power after rising through the ranks of the Syrian armed forces, during which time he established a network of loyal Alawites by installing them in key posts. In fact, the military, ruling elite, and ruthless secret police are so intertwined that it is now impossible to separate the Assad government from the security establishment.... So... the government and its loyal forces have been able to deter all but the most resolute and fearless oppositional activists. In this respect, the situation in Syria is to a certain degree comparable to Saddam Hussein's strong Sunni minority rule in Iraq.

Nadim Shehadi, the director of The Fares Center for Eastern Mediterranean Studies, stated that "In the early 1990s, Saddam Hussein was massacring his people and we were worried about the weapons inspectors," and claimed that "Assad did that too. He kept us busy with chemical weapons when he massacred his people.“

Head of the UN Commission of Inquiry on Syria, Paulo Pinheiro, told reporters: "The mass scale of deaths of detainees suggests that the government of Syria is responsible for acts that amount to extermination as a crime against humanity." The UN Commission reported finding "unimaginable abuses", including women and children as young as seven perishing while being held by Syrian authorities. The report also stated: "There are reasonable grounds to believe that high-ranking officers—including the heads of branches and directorates—commanding these detention facilities, those in charge of the military police, as well as their civilian superiors, knew of the vast number of deaths occurring in detention facilities ... yet did not take action to prevent abuse, investigate allegations or prosecute those responsible".

I can carry on and you know it but you are in denial because he is a shia all be it an Alawite and We know what Alawites are.

If you want more proof just let me know.👍

The Sunnis stood up to FIGHT an occupying force being USA and its allies, it’s not our fault you follow theories of imams when being abused or tortured they didn’t do ANYTHING, we as Sunnis believe imams like Ali ra would stand up and fight for their rights hence you got Sunnis fighting the kaffirs all the while the Shias were in hiding and waiting slyly for the kaafirs to come and help them gain power in Shias were loving it, I know interpreters from Iraq living in uk whom loved the allies of kaafirs and helped them showering them with flowers.........AND NOW LOOK AT YOU just because Syria is led by a shia you are against America and the west ALL OF A SUDDEN!😂


Oh so the hizbullat didn’t enter the Syrian war to help Assad?
Hizbullat was securing shrines and helping a killer

On May 25, 2013, Nasrallah announced that Hezbollah is fighting in the Syrian Civil War against Islamic extremists and "pledged that his group will not allow Syrian militants to control areas that border Lebanon".He confirmed that Hezbollah was fighting in the strategic Syrian town of Al-Qusayr on the same side as Assad's forces.

I can add more but this should be sufficient for a biased mind like yours.

The truth/haq is hitting you hard on your face yet you are still denying it.

They are utterly deaf, dumb, and blind; they can no longer recover.
(Al-Baqarah 2:18)

What about the Bahrain leadership on treating its people and the Saudis on treating their people. You don't want to mention and talk about these and other dogs. Assad, Hizbullaah and Iran is all you can see. Are you that blind that you can't see anything else apart from them 😀


Re: Iran
« Reply #29 on: June 26, 2019, 01:04:08 PM »
If it's going to be short and pointless then that will prove and expose the grudge people have about Iran. And iceman has plenty to say since he's dealing with hate mongers. Saudi Arabia 😊 I'm not like you. First of all how many threads have I started against Saudi Arabia. Secondly Saudi Arabia is a great country and Saudis are great people. Not a big fan of the regime but I'll tell you this much, if Saudi Arabia was under attack by the west I would strongly condemn it. Would you say and feel the same about Iran 😀 I definitely know you wouldn't 😁
I don’t want any innocent people to die so what are you so sure about?


Re: Iran
« Reply #30 on: June 26, 2019, 01:30:31 PM »
What about the Bahrain leadership on treating its people and the Saudis on treating their people. You don't want to mention and talk about these and other dogs. Assad, Hizbullaah and Iran is all you can see. Are you that blind that you can't see anything else apart from them 😀

Is that it?

Did YOU not want proof of dogs (Assad) killings?

Why do you change the subject EVERYTIME I expose your Shias?

This tells a lot about a hypocrite (munafiq) like you.

Truth hurts we know as can be seen by your responses in changing subjects when confronted.

Look at mbs siding with China

So has Iran’s leader

Yea but......yea but....yeah but.........SILENCE.



Re: Iran
« Reply #31 on: June 30, 2019, 11:51:32 AM »
Is that it?

Did YOU not want proof of dogs (Assad) killings?

Why do you change the subject EVERYTIME I expose your Shias?

This tells a lot about a hypocrite (munafiq) like you.

Truth hurts we know as can be seen by your responses in changing subjects when confronted.

Look at mbs siding with China

So has Iran’s leader

Yea but......yea but....yeah but.........SILENCE.


"Did YOU not want proof of dogs (Assad) killings?"

What about the Saudi and Bahrain regimes etc. You not going to call them dogs 😊 Or do you just pick and choose based on who's a Shia and who isn't 😀

"Why do you change the subject"

I don't change the subject, you do.

"EVERYTIME I expose your Shias?"

That's my point. Why just try and pin one over the Shias. What about the others who are in majority. Why not expose them 😊 I told you that this was based on.grudge against the Shias. Nothing more to it.

"This tells a lot about a hypocrite (munafiq) like you"

😊 I didn't run from the battlefield. I'm not one out of those who refused to join Osama's army and fight under his command, in other words I didn't refuse to follow the instructions of the Prophet s.a.w. I didn't object and cause a fuss when the Prophet s.a.w wanted to write something. So how am I a hypocrite 😀

"Truth hurts we know as can be seen by your responses in changing subjects when confronted"

I'm sure it does hurt. I can tell from the amount of smiley faces you put on and on the basis of your sarcastic comments and remarkes. 😀

Iran has every right to build and better its relations with the international community. I know your jealous of its nuclear capability progress and it being Shia. It must be killing you 😀


Re: Iran
« Reply #32 on: June 30, 2019, 06:41:50 PM »
"Did YOU not want proof of dogs (Assad) killings?"

What about the Saudi and Bahrain regimes etc. You not going to call them dogs 😊 Or do you just pick and choose based on who's a Shia and who isn't 😀

"Why do you change the subject"

I don't change the subject, you do.

"EVERYTIME I expose your Shias?"

That's my point. Why just try and pin one over the Shias. What about the others who are in majority. Why not expose them 😊 I told you that this was based on.grudge against the Shias. Nothing more to it.

"This tells a lot about a hypocrite (munafiq) like you"

😊 I didn't run from the battlefield. I'm not one out of those who refused to join Osama's army and fight under his command, in other words I didn't refuse to follow the instructions of the Prophet s.a.w. I didn't object and cause a fuss when the Prophet s.a.w wanted to write something. So how am I a hypocrite 😀

"Truth hurts we know as can be seen by your responses in changing subjects when confronted"

I'm sure it does hurt. I can tell from the amount of smiley faces you put on and on the basis of your sarcastic comments and remarkes. 😀

Iran has every right to build and better its relations with the international community. I know your jealous of its nuclear capability progress and it being Shia. It must be killing you 😀

Lol sayyid 😂😂😂 I’ve posted what I think of these regimes yea they are dogs too now stop your barking as I have PROVIDED YOU PROOF when you asked of the dog killing Syrians and you call yourself a sayyid.....hahahahaha more like a moron.

Stop regurgitating the same argument mr sayyid😂😂😂 the proud shia😂😂😂
You have no comeback you are A hypocrite you will never condemn Shias even if they are wrong look at the posts mr sayid😂😂 is this what you call a sayyyid hahahahaha I swear by Allah swt you just kill me with laughter.........sayyid 😂😂😂👍👍

No you are a one man shia army ......a sayyid hahahaha😭😭😭😂😂😂😂 who is the biggest hypocrite who RUNS when confronted with evidence (Iran helping Taliban) (Iran sat with kaffir chinaman) (proof of dog Assad butchering muslims) and more, you run and run and run and then change the subject mr sayyid 😂😭😂😭😭😭hahahahaha.......mwhahahaha. Sayyid😂

Iran has no nuclear weapon yet, only Muslim nation that does is pakistan and it suffered the sanctions, Iran is weak it can’t suffer the sanctions it’s scared so it has to make deals with nations so it doesn’t build a bomb, here they tried buying nukes from us until we told them to JOG ON!.........don’t make me laaarrrfff, it will buying jf17 thunders from us soon......pakistan built unless the Indians give them their Tejas for oil lol.


Eat your words sayyid😂😂😂😂😂👍


Re: Iran
« Reply #33 on: July 01, 2019, 06:47:22 AM »
Lol sayyid 😂😂😂 I’ve posted what I think of these regimes yea they are dogs too now stop your barking as I have PROVIDED YOU PROOF when you asked of the dog killing Syrians and you call yourself a sayyid.....hahahahaha more like a moron.

Stop regurgitating the same argument mr sayyid😂😂😂 the proud shia😂😂😂
You have no comeback you are A hypocrite you will never condemn Shias even if they are wrong look at the posts mr sayid😂😂 is this what you call a sayyyid hahahahaha I swear by Allah swt you just kill me with laughter.........sayyid 😂😂😂👍👍

No you are a one man shia army ......a sayyid hahahaha😭😭😭😂😂😂😂 who is the biggest hypocrite who RUNS when confronted with evidence (Iran helping Taliban) (Iran sat with kaffir chinaman) (proof of dog Assad butchering muslims) and more, you run and run and run and then change the subject mr sayyid 😂😭😂😭😭😭hahahahaha.......mwhahahaha. Sayyid😂

Iran has no nuclear weapon yet, only Muslim nation that does is pakistan and it suffered the sanctions, Iran is weak it can’t suffer the sanctions it’s scared so it has to make deals with nations so it doesn’t build a bomb, here they tried buying nukes from us until we told them to JOG ON!.........don’t make me laaarrrfff, it will buying jf17 thunders from us soon......pakistan built unless the Indians give them their Tejas for oil lol.


Eat your words sayyid😂😂😂😂😂👍

You're getting all steamed up here 😊 All I can say is one thing to you, stop listening to FAKE NEWS or INVENTING IT when it comes to Iran. I didn’t know Iran scared you so much 😊 You're a Pakistani I believe. If you are then love your neighbour (Iran). 😊 You've got so much hatred filled in you from day one it seems. Get some psychiatric help. See someone. 😊

The Syrian government has every right to protect and defend its country and people from terrorist who are threatening the nation. They are killing terrorists and criminals. It doesn't matter who the outlaws are and what sect and belief they belong to, they are terrorists and criminals. And Assad has the right to deal with them.


Re: Iran
« Reply #34 on: July 01, 2019, 10:24:27 AM »
I don't think long drawn out arguments with iceman are worth the time. He'll use every excuse under the sun to defend the actions of any shia group or country whilst at the same he'll expect condemnations if sunni countries do the same. I don't see the benefit in debating him. It's better to use that energy in other methods to destroy shiaism as a belief system.


Re: Iran
« Reply #35 on: July 02, 2019, 12:51:29 PM »
You're getting all steamed up here 😊 All I can say is one thing to you, stop listening to FAKE NEWS or INVENTING IT when it comes to Iran. I didn’t know Iran scared you so much 😊 You're a Pakistani I believe. If you are then love your neighbour (Iran). 😊 You've got so much hatred filled in you from day one it seems. Get some psychiatric help. See someone. 😊

The Syrian government has every right to protect and defend its country and people from terrorist who are threatening the nation. They are killing terrorists and criminals. It doesn't matter who the outlaws are and what sect and belief they belong to, they are terrorists and criminals. And Assad has the right to deal with them.

Fake news? The pic of Khamenei sitting with xi?? What is it photo shopped? That just shows your arrogance and denial of facts and you claim to be a sheyyid lol you are joke you have NOTHING to do with sayyids your ancestory is probably Persians hence you won’t say anything about Iran.

I told you I don’t hate Iran infact my imam of our masjid took a trip recently to Iran and visited Tehran and enjoyed his stay and loved the people they were friendly, it’s the policies of the government just like Saudi government which at least I am honest to admit to but you are not,even after being shown evidence, and you call yourself a sayyid??

As for Iran being a neighbour we are pti and you know Imran Khan is friendly with that nation, you are just talking garbage half the time.

I’ve shown you about the dog but if you love and follow killer dogs well that’s your prerogative, it shows your bias for Shias even if they kill Muslims.


Re: Iran
« Reply #36 on: July 02, 2019, 12:54:50 PM »
I don't think long drawn out arguments with iceman are worth the time. He'll use every excuse under the sun to defend the actions of any shia group or country whilst at the same he'll expect condemnations if sunni countries do the same. I don't see the benefit in debating him. It's better to use that energy in other methods to destroy shiaism as a belief system.

To be honest he is a waste of time an arrogant shia who lies and denies facts.

“The moment you start arguing with an ignorant fool, you have already lost.”

Imam Ali RA


Re: Iran
« Reply #37 on: July 12, 2019, 03:30:06 PM »
A long time ago I made a thread criticizing Saudi Arabia because there was a user named Ameen going around claiming that all Sunnis are stooges of Ahle Saud and we pay them allegiance. Basically he thought Saudi was our Iran.

It doesn’t matter how much we complement Iran or criticize Saudi, these people will always say we are Saudi stooges that hate the Iran for no reason.

They’ve turned religion into a modern political game.
Little did naive, easily fooled, iran's slaves shias know that majority of sunni will never in their right mind support a regime like al saud, just because majority of shias support iran regima no matter what they do


Re: Iran
« Reply #38 on: July 12, 2019, 03:33:42 PM »
No I'm not. Don't know the fella. Never heard of him uptil now.
Oops someone just lied there. Yes you have heard "ameen" so many times, from me and other users. You didnt realise that obvious lie is a clue that you are ameen. I knew you were ameen only few weeks after you appeared, your writing style is too similar minus question mark 😂😂

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« Last Edit: July 12, 2019, 04:21:51 PM by Hadrami »


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