
ShiaChat is Back!!!

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Re: ShiaChat is Back!!!
« Reply #20 on: July 30, 2016, 02:21:51 AM »
Unfortunately for you, ShiaPen (your source for most of your material) turned on you.  We have a famous saying in Afghanistan which goes, "a liar has bad memory" in the sense that when he makes his case for A, he ends up refuting his own claim B.  In an attempt to prove that the Prophet [saw] would prostrate on soil, ShiaPen quoted narrations which clearly say that he [saw] had mud on his forehead and nose.  Doing so hurts the Shia side of the argument since Shias barely touch anything with their noses.  At best, their nose comes in contact with the prayer rug (like all Muslims); at worse, it stays dangling in the air.

“The Prophet (s) had the sign of Mud on his forehead and Nose, due to prostration on Mud”. (Sunan Abu Dawud)

“From Umm Attiya it is narrated that the Salat of one who does not place his nose right on the EARTH is not accepted”. (Kanz Ul Ammal Vol 7 Tradition No. 19804)

And here is one from our side:
The Prophet (saw) said, “There is no prayer for the one whose nose does not feel as much of the ground as the forehead". (Daaraqutni, Tabaraani (3/140/1) & Abu Nu`aim in Akhbaar Isbahaan)

Imam Abu AbdAllah (as) said, ‘Salat (prayer) does not come into being until one’s nose touches what his forehead has touched.’”(Shia books, Al-kafi, vol 3, page 334; Wasa’el ashi’a, Vol 4)

By the way, you have not accounted for your own references backfiring on you.  Please re-visit that thread and see if you can reconcile between what your reference says and what you want us to believe it says.
Like I said, nose is not wajib but mustahab for us. as it is for at least 1 Sunni school. I am trying to find out exactly which one.

In Afghanistan, they also like to penetrate little boys. Just FYI since you were referring to Afghanistan.

Wait a minute!  You do not set the criteria; the Prophet [saw] does and he already did.  But your double-standards is amusing when we hear you say "one must prostrate on anything that comes from earth" and make a case for paper but then reject cotton.  It takes a pathetic turn when we read that the Prophet [saw] never forbade anyone to prostrate on their clothing.

Narrated Anas bin Malik: We used to pray with the Prophet (saw) in scorching heat, and if someone of us could not put his face on the earth (because of the heat) then he would spread his clothes and prostrate over them.( Sahih al-Bukhari 1208)
There is also a narration that the Prophet prostrated on straw mats. Do you?

I can honestly say that I consider myself to be the least knowledgeable person in the world. I know nothing about nothing.
I appreciate your humility but if you know nothing then say nothing.  For someone who claims to know nothing, you say a lot.
Least knowledgeable but better than most on this site of course :)

Unlike shitchat, I can only remember 2 or maybe 1 shia that was banned in this forum. Most of the time they just can't take academical discussion then started cursing hoping they would be banned, but when nothing happen they just went to occultation. You can tell it is not this forum which is afraid of shia whereas shitchat is defnitely afraid of sunni
Well I got banned from sunniforum and also ummah. Those who know me, know that I do not use foul language.
ShiaChat is strict with Shias and Sunnis.

I made the longest running thread in shiachat but they still banned me!lol
What UserName?


Re: ShiaChat is Back!!!
« Reply #21 on: July 30, 2016, 06:56:47 AM »
In Afghanistan, they also like to penetrate little boys. Just FYI since you were referring to Afghanistan.

...and they like to penetrate Hazara boys most.  Would you guess if they (Hazaras) are Shia or Sunni?  Since you know so much about this, are you Hazara?

There is also a narration that the Prophet prostrated on straw mats. Do you?

I have!  There is an imam in our local area that rents out a party hall for Friday prayers and Taraweeh.  Guess what they spread over the party hall floor?  Straw mats! 

By the way, I liked how you employed the word "also".  It should tell you, if you had a brain, that all of these (straw mat, clothing/prayer rug, soil) are okay to prostrate upon.  And I have prostrated on all of them.  What is troubling for you, and you keep running away from it like your scholars did from Al-Mustakillah debates, is how come you don't touch the soil with your palms, knees and toes?  Might I suggest utilizing 7 turbahs in total?  Also, among the things that the Prophet [saw] prostrated upon, paper was not one of them. 

Least knowledgeable but better than most on this site of course :)

lol, last post, you were least knowledgeable but now you are better than most on this site.  Get your head out of your rectum.

"Our coward ran from those in authority" - Iceman (admitting the truth regarding his 12th Imam)


Re: ShiaChat is Back!!!
« Reply #22 on: July 30, 2016, 06:37:24 PM »
There is also a narration that the Prophet prostrated on straw mats. Do you?

I have!  There is an imam in our local area that rents out a party hall for Friday prayers and Taraweeh.  Guess what they spread over the party hall floor?  Straw mats! 

By the way, I liked how you employed the word "also".  It should tell you, if you had a brain, that all of these (straw mat, clothing/prayer rug, soil) are okay to prostrate upon.  And I have prostrated on all of them.  What is troubling for you, and you keep running away from it like your scholars did from Al-Mustakillah debates, is how come you don't touch the soil with your palms, knees and toes?  Might I suggest utilizing 7 turbahs in total?  Also, among the things that the Prophet [saw] prostrated upon, paper was not one of them. 

because paper is mostly made from wood pulp, does it mean many shias are prostrating on a tree?  ;D


Re: ShiaChat is Back!!!
« Reply #23 on: August 01, 2016, 10:10:27 PM »
In Afghanistan, they also like to penetrate little boys. Just FYI since you were referring to Afghanistan.

...and they like to penetrate Hazara boys most.  Would you guess if they (Hazaras) are Shia or Sunni?  Since you know so much about this, are you Hazara?
So what you are saying is you and your people rape Shia boys??? This is such a fantastic site.
One has a fascination with apes; one guy takes pleasure in the mass murder of shias; this guy takes pleasure in the rape of shiaboys.
You guys crack me up.

By the way, I liked how you employed the word "also".  It should tell you, if you had a brain, that all of these (straw mat, clothing/prayer rug, soil) are okay to prostrate upon.  And I have prostrated on all of them.  What is troubling for you, and you keep running away from it like your scholars did from Al-Mustakillah debates, is how come you don't touch the soil with your palms, knees and toes?  Might I suggest utilizing 7 turbahs in total?  Also, among the things that the Prophet [saw] prostrated upon, paper was not one of them. 

straw mats are perfectly fine since the Prophet used them. Didnt use carpet though.

lol, last post, you were least knowledgeable but now you are better than most on this site.  Get your head out of your rectum.
I am a quick learner.
and more fascination with shia rectum...


Re: ShiaChat is Back!!!
« Reply #24 on: August 02, 2016, 03:51:22 AM »
By the way, I liked how you employed the word "also".  It should tell you, if you had a brain, that all of these (straw mat, clothing/prayer rug, soil) are okay to prostrate upon.  And I have prostrated on all of them.  What is troubling for you, and you keep running away from it like your scholars did from Al-Mustakillah debates, is how come you don't touch the soil with your palms, knees and toes?  Might I suggest utilizing 7 turbahs in total?  Also, among the things that the Prophet [saw] prostrated upon, paper was not one of them. 

straw mats are perfectly fine since the Prophet used them. Didnt use carpet though.

That comment you quoted is not mine, but muslim 720. I said paper made of wood pulp. Most shia who prostrate on paper is like prostrating on a tree, not soil. Its also not a straw mat :P
« Last Edit: August 02, 2016, 03:52:48 AM by Hadrami »


Re: ShiaChat is Back!!!
« Reply #25 on: August 03, 2016, 08:17:33 PM »

I made the longest running thread in shiachat but they still banned me!lol
What UserName?

Disrespecting Sunni Sahaba by omar111 in shiachat.


Re: ShiaChat is Back!!!
« Reply #26 on: August 11, 2016, 11:26:55 PM »
Disrespecting Sunni Sahaba by omar111 in shiachat.
Apparently you got banned for using bad language.


Re: ShiaChat is Back!!!
« Reply #27 on: October 07, 2016, 10:47:39 AM »
Disrespecting Sunni Sahaba by omar111 in shiachat.
Apparently you got banned for using bad language.
What bad language? The Shia called me a son of Yazid.for which moderator never banned or admonish him. So I called him a son of 12th.But admins take swift action when a Sunni is involved, especially when he is destroying the Shia myth.


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