The Quran talks about how were it not for the right people who God defends by, Mosques, Synagogues, and Churches, and places of Worship are destroyed.
The fact is Satan and his forces are relentless. They are willing to manipulate the whole world to flames, just to achieve their plans, and delay the victory.
But I swear let Iblis and his forces come... I don't consider US or Israel or Europe a superpower, they are houses built on a stack of cards, and when their foundations and their interior deceptions get exposed, all will come crumbling down. They are like the arrogant nations before who say "Who is stronger than us" and could not see that God was stronger in power and has forces that can destroy them at any time and was involved in a world they wish to disconnect him from.
Remember the Lord who destroyed Pharaoh, remember the days of God in the past, when Aad and Thamood were destroyed.
The world will come to the family of the reminder and be reminded by the Quran of the truth and be lead by it to the true guides after they attempted to manipulate to justify their idols.
This is an excuse (the whole Syrian conflict was set up for this reason) and plan that was set to oppress the waiters of Imam Mahdi. But Satan doesn't know how to hide truth no more.
The false recitations of Quran are being unbroken, the magic on the hearts regarding is being destroyed, and the truth is being unveiled.
He is panicking. And the head is confused and so is the whole body.
I am not distressed by the plan of Satan and his forces because I know God plans and his Champion Lion King is the best one fit to destroy their plans and turn it against them.
Everyone who wishes to rally around other than the flag God has set up, that is up to them.