
Trump Bombs Syrian Base

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Re: Trump Bombs Syrian Base
« Reply #60 on: April 27, 2017, 09:20:55 PM »
I posted this before:

I have been from the start against him and still am. And I didn't believe in the false dichotomy that either 1. ISIS rules 2. Asad stays.

There is alternatives way of going about this.  But both the west and Iran way of dealing with it was not the way. Supporting militants that were chained to Al-Qaeda who was chained to ISIS was not the way. Supplying weapons that you know will eventually get into the hands of ISIS was not right either.

Assad doesn't justify doing such things and neither does the presences of such militants justify the stance Iran took.

I am without a community that I see officially, my anti-taqleed stance (not to blindly follow scholars) has left me without a community to be part of.

The fact the end has been bad and the solution people sought has not worked,  is telling of our state.

We are hard headed and not willing to compromise, while we have an example of Imam Hassan who gave up power though those given power by that treaty, continued to oppress his followers, the damage would be no way as close as if he continued to fight.

Israel was an and is an oppressive stated founded on oppression. But we got to give it up, Palestinian won't get it back, at least not by our hands through confortation. Really. It's not worth the whole world being turned to flames. The only way it will happen is there is a healing process by which they are integrated back to their homeland and the apartheid state ends to be what it is, but comprehensive of embracing Palestinians.  I don't know if this will happen or won't but it's time to heal and move on.

Compromise doesn't mean you are saying you are wrong.  It's to move on. This is not the first time land was conquered wrongly and probably won't be the last time.

The fact is West wants to stop Hezbollah, because it's last stance resistance that keeps their agenda from taking place.   This whole conflict in Syria they tried to hijack it by supporting groups that would be against Hezbollah, but that has backfired to everyone.

Dangerous game they played and they pigeoned hole Iran and Hezbollah to either watch as their link get's severed or play a dangerous game themselves and support Asaad.

All played the cards wrong, and the outcome is a loss for everyone. A beautiful country destroyed and no good outcome in the long road.

What could have been done differently? The west should of kept their noses out and not try to hijack and support the wrong groups like they always do. The groups that are hostile to Shiites.   And Iran should of just pushed Asad to have elections and step down despite the chaos.  They could of had limited elections, true, but it would be better. 

If Syrian people would have chosen to be hostile towards Hezbollah and Iran, that's a sacrifice we have to make. The reason being is that this is what the west does, they support every dictator that supports their interest?

We here should have made the sacrifice...and even if it would be very difficult to strengthen hezbollah without Syria as an ally,  it can still be done though yes, it would detriment the flow big time.

And it would be easier to have tried to negotiate with even Al-Nusra in government, than to endlessly fight.....  And perhaps another revolution after giving power to Al-Nusra could of have been pushed, that would be non-violent.

The point is, there were many more options.

Both played their hands wrong.... but I hope if anything, a lesson will be learned.
Love of the family of Yaseen is the light of the heavens and the earth.


Re: Trump Bombs Syrian Base
« Reply #61 on: April 28, 2017, 12:31:25 AM »
I posted this before:

I have been from the start against him and still am. And I didn't believe in the false dichotomy that either 1. ISIS rules 2. Asad stays.

There is alternatives way of going about this.  But both the west and Iran way of dealing with it was not the way. Supporting militants that were chained to Al-Qaeda who was chained to ISIS was not the way. Supplying weapons that you know will eventually get into the hands of ISIS was not right either.

Assad doesn't justify doing such things and neither does the presences of such militants justify the stance Iran took.

I am without a community that I see officially, my anti-taqleed stance (not to blindly follow scholars) has left me without a community to be part of.

The fact the end has been bad and the solution people sought has not worked,  is telling of our state.

We are hard headed and not willing to compromise, while we have an example of Imam Hassan who gave up power though those given power by that treaty, continued to oppress his followers, the damage would be no way as close as if he continued to fight.

Israel was an and is an oppressive stated founded on oppression. But we got to give it up, Palestinian won't get it back, at least not by our hands through confortation. Really. It's not worth the whole world being turned to flames. The only way it will happen is there is a healing process by which they are integrated back to their homeland and the apartheid state ends to be what it is, but comprehensive of embracing Palestinians.  I don't know if this will happen or won't but it's time to heal and move on.

Compromise doesn't mean you are saying you are wrong.  It's to move on. This is not the first time land was conquered wrongly and probably won't be the last time.

The fact is West wants to stop Hezbollah, because it's last stance resistance that keeps their agenda from taking place.   This whole conflict in Syria they tried to hijack it by supporting groups that would be against Hezbollah, but that has backfired to everyone.

Dangerous game they played and they pigeoned hole Iran and Hezbollah to either watch as their link get's severed or play a dangerous game themselves and support Asaad.

All played the cards wrong, and the outcome is a loss for everyone. A beautiful country destroyed and no good outcome in the long road.

What could have been done differently? The west should of kept their noses out and not try to hijack and support the wrong groups like they always do. The groups that are hostile to Shiites.   And Iran should of just pushed Asad to have elections and step down despite the chaos.  They could of had limited elections, true, but it would be better. 

If Syrian people would have chosen to be hostile towards Hezbollah and Iran, that's a sacrifice we have to make. The reason being is that this is what the west does, they support every dictator that supports their interest?

We here should have made the sacrifice...and even if it would be very difficult to strengthen hezbollah without Syria as an ally,  it can still be done though yes, it would detriment the flow big time.

And it would be easier to have tried to negotiate with even Al-Nusra in government, than to endlessly fight.....  And perhaps another revolution after giving power to Al-Nusra could of have been pushed, that would be non-violent.

The point is, there were many more options.

Both played their hands wrong.... but I hope if anything, a lesson will be learned.

I agree with most of the above except the part about Hezbulla, as a Shia I can see where you were coming from, I was a big fan years ago. However, the biggest evidence that Hezbulla is not a resistance against western "Imperialism" and is no more than an Iranian tool, controlled and funded by them, is that the West and Israel can do WHATEVER they heck they want, like Israel can literally bomb the west bank tomorrow, kick Palestinians out of Jerusalem, bomb Syria (like they've been doing regularly for the past couple of years) and they will get absolutely ZERO resistance from Hezbulla/Iran. If the US tomorrow decides to invade Afghanistan all over again, ZERO resistance from Iran and Hezb, that I guarantee you. You take them as people of honor and principals, they're not, it's a oil producing aggressive state and a puppet militia, end of story.
عَلامَةُ أَهْلِ الْبِدَعِ الْوَقِيعَةُ فِي أَهْلِ الأَثَرِ. وَعَلامَةُ الْجَهْمِيَّةِ أَنْ يُسَمُّوا أَهْلَ السُّنَّةِ مُشَبِّهَةً. وَعَلامَةُ الْقَدَرِيَّةِ أَنْ يُسَمُّوا أَهْلَ السُّنَّةِ مُجَبِّرَةً. وَعَلامَةُ الزَّنَادِقَةِ أَنْ يُسَمُّوا أَهْلَ الأَثَرِ حَشْوِيَّةً

Religion = simple & clear


Re: Trump Bombs Syrian Base
« Reply #62 on: April 28, 2017, 02:28:27 AM »
I am not in the position to know what Hezbollah and Iran can do resist Israel and US, all I know is this time they played their hands wrong and the sought unity with Muslims and heightening stance they had, was lost as well.

It was a bad move. 

We are going to go through rough times ahead perhaps, like believers in the past, as they await the savior and help from God.

I hope we can make the transition to a victory an easy means and hasten the victory, but the way we all are foolishly playing in the hands of Satan, it seems the victory will be more delayed than hastened by the actions we are taking.

It is like Nasrallah said, they are the last stance, and the umma, if the resistance is lost, will face a dark period.

I don't know what we will face, but we got to calm our minds and begin to resist and plan smartly.

No more just resisting with harsh words and no action is ever put to the promises.

I got to figure out what I can do as well. What can I do to hasten the victory of God and his Messenger?

Quran and Ahlulbayt are the greatest favor one can be given since they are perfect means towards God and lead to an honorable relationship with God.

I will do my best to help spread the truth and awaken a culture of enjoining truth, till the world unites on it and clings to the rope from God and rope from humans which is the rope of God.
Love of the family of Yaseen is the light of the heavens and the earth.

Zlatan Ibrahimovic

Re: Trump Bombs Syrian Base
« Reply #63 on: April 28, 2017, 01:58:46 PM »
I have a life you know.

No doubt!

But I don't know what should I reply to in this post, do you have a question/statement that you want me to address/discuss?

Yes, you should address why it was okay to dispose of Saddam, Mubaarak, Gadhafi, et cetera - and almost all of these were seen as positive developments among Shias - but now that it is Assad's turn, why are the Shias so worked up?  Keep in mind that I stand neutral; I want people to live and prosper whether it be Iraq, Egypt, Libya or anywhere else for that matter.

Any Shi'i should condemn all invasions everywhere

Not until the same fate befell Assad and I checked your double-standards.

Let me make myself clear, I oppose any foreign invasion and foreign attempts to change governments, even if that means getting rid of the enemies of the Shi'a (Saddam Hussein) or the allies of the Shi'a (Bashar Al-Assad).
محور المقاومة والممانعة

Kaveh Darius

Re: Trump Bombs Syrian Base
« Reply #64 on: June 09, 2017, 02:30:25 AM »
Anyone with primary  comprehension of Middle-east, are able to see that youre all a bunch of loathful Wahabi working for your overlords in Riyadh. And no, you are not restricted to be from Saudi Barbaria to be their wahabi instrument. And to those who claim to oppose all dictators including the Saudis, and assert these regimes do not represent the Arab majority aspiration, as these regimes have been supporting dictators like Sissi ( supported by gulf countries) or other dictators to be in power rather than the general majority made of MB and other moderate Islamists working for better political alternative than the regimes in the region, ill say you are still a wahhabi and a Saudi puppet.

Whats more notably, must of you often focus on Syria, and hypocriticaly assert to be against all dictators. In spite of frequently posting of false news like the  orchestrated fake toxic attack in Syria, so the terrorist could buy themselves more time,  Still Yemen, in comparison to Syria, are less talked about and are more of a shadow of Syria. The largest terrorist and despot in the globe, the Saudi barbaria,  are orchestrating the must EXTENSIVE MASS MURDER in the world right now in Yemen, starving and murdering 100 000 of innocent people .You're all a bunch of wahabi cowards, HYPOCRITES and PHONIES, like your pimps in Saudi barbaria.
« Last Edit: June 09, 2017, 02:44:48 AM by Kaveh Darius »


Re: Trump Bombs Syrian Base
« Reply #65 on: June 09, 2017, 10:30:20 AM »
If only saudi barbaria regime has 1/10 of the brain of iran neo majoosi regime, we wont have this much of a mess in the middle east. ME need another king faisal who didnt care what USA&Israel think. He did more for palestine in his few years than 38 years of iranian neo majoosi regime with their empty "death to israel" slogan & current spineless arab royals could ever dream of


Re: Trump Bombs Syrian Base
« Reply #66 on: June 09, 2017, 10:45:20 PM »
Anyone with primary  comprehension of Middle-east, are able to see that youre all a bunch of loathful Wahabi working for your overlords in Riyadh. And no, you are not restricted to be from Saudi Barbaria to be their wahabi instrument. And to those who claim to oppose all dictators including the Saudis, and assert these regimes do not represent the Arab majority aspiration, as these regimes have been supporting dictators like Sissi ( supported by gulf countries) or other dictators to be in power rather than the general majority made of MB and other moderate Islamists working for better political alternative than the regimes in the region, ill say you are still a wahhabi and a Saudi puppet.

Whats more notably, must of you often focus on Syria, and hypocriticaly assert to be against all dictators. In spite of frequently posting of false news like the  orchestrated fake toxic attack in Syria, so the terrorist could buy themselves more time,  Still Yemen, in comparison to Syria, are less talked about and are more of a shadow of Syria. The largest terrorist and despot in the globe, the Saudi barbaria,  are orchestrating the must EXTENSIVE MASS MURDER in the world right now in Yemen, starving and murdering 100 000 of innocent people .You're all a bunch of wahabi cowards, HYPOCRITES and PHONIES, like your pimps in Saudi barbaria.

lol another brainwashed Shiite with a Russian finger up the part where the sun don't shine

I ain't wahabi you brain dead JOEY,and there are a few in here that aren't, our unity is Islam, this is the reality if SHITISM your ancestors LIED your PARENTS LIED and now your throwing LIES in here......wahabi this wahabi got screwed by a bunch of thugs in Iraq and you asked amreeka to bail you out ( Mosul Iraqi army ran away from a few thugs), the same 3/4 thugs took over your SHITTY parliament your secret agents lol shitite agents couldn't do squat your police your army couldn't even prevent it or stop it YOU COWARDS, your nothing Iran is a nation of shits who follow shitism

We detest the the royals the leaders of Saudi Arabia you brainwashed turd of ibn Saba, your ayatollahs are WORSE, worse than the filth of dogs your hizbushaitaan is a faggot militia than can only attack weak Muslims, heck you need help either from France for Khomeini or you need Russia for Syrian war (cos you were losing and dying like dogs ) or amreeka to help you in Iraq

Your the FILTH of the Middle East it's you shitites who are adding fuel to the fire and believe in a shiity Shiite crescent, it's you who are invading Sunni villages with sectarian tendencies and flying a flag with a picture of some DICK WITH A BEARD and selling it off as a picture of you know who, it's your Iranian shitite government siding with cow piss drinker Hindus and attacking Pakistan and killing on borders

Your full of taqiyya never to be trusted and always against Muslim brotherhood we can see it from tusi till today

Now crawl back up that cretin putins crack and see if the hidden one is still hiding there coz you sure do need him right now all 313 of ya

Zlatan Ibrahimovic

Re: Trump Bombs Syrian Base
« Reply #67 on: January 19, 2018, 07:57:28 PM »
I return to this thread when ever I need a good laugh. The last comments are quite telling, masha Allah.

I swear this, and angry Arab Sunni political TV talkshow show hosts, best place for a good laugh.

Pssst everyone, in other news, Assad is still in power. More powerful than ever. Saudi is still failing everywhere. And the Sunni world is going to burst any minute now, as if it already hasn't...

Sunnis would be wise to align themselves with Iran politically, 😎
محور المقاومة والممانعة


Re: Trump Bombs Syrian Base
« Reply #68 on: January 19, 2018, 08:53:32 PM »
Pssst everyone, in other news, Assad is still in power. More powerful than ever. Saudi is still failing everywhere. And the Sunni world is going to burst any minute now, as if it already hasn't...

Sunnis would be wise to align themselves with Iran politically, 😎

It might be "wise", but just like we didn't align ourselves with Saudi Arabia (US puppet), we won't with Iran (Russian puppet).  The fact that you are happy that Bashar is still in power just shows why there isn't any sort of feeling of brotherhood that the Muslims ever feel with 12ers.  It's ironic that 12ers harp on and on about Karbala, but are the first people to align themselves with the oppressors.

May Allah protect us from the evil of Saudi Arabia and Iran and bring peace back to our lands without the need to rely on the US or Russia.  Inshallah our youth (such as yourself) will wake up from being willing soldiers in this current cold war between the US and Russia.
كلُّ سُلامى من الناس عليه صدقة كلَّ يوم تطلع فيه الشمس، تَعدلُ بين اثنين صدقة، وتعين الرَّجل في دابَّته فتحمله عليها أو ترفع له عليها متاعَه صدقة، والكلمةُ الطيِّبة صدقة، وبكلِّ خطوة تَمشيها إلى الصلاة صدقة، وتُميط الأذى عن الطريق صدقة


Re: Trump Bombs Syrian Base
« Reply #69 on: January 19, 2018, 10:49:11 PM »
I return to this thread when ever I need a good laugh. The last comments are quite telling, masha Allah.

I swear this, and angry Arab Sunni political TV talkshow show hosts, best place for a good laugh.

Pssst everyone, in other news, Assad is still in power. More powerful than ever. Saudi is still failing everywhere. And the Sunni world is going to burst any minute now, as if it already hasn't...

Sunnis would be wise to align themselves with Iran politically, 😎

Good luck with your Shia crescent alliance with Russia.
Be careful whom you choose as friends my friend.
In the long term, Russia and Iran diverge somewhat on Syria. Iran perceives Syria as within its sphere of influence, which is not very different from how Putin views the former Soviet Union countries that he does not consider real states. Iran is interested in exacerbating sectarian divisions in Syria so that the Assad regime becomes an Iranian client-state with no independent decision-making. Iran is also closer to Assad himself than Putin, who simply wants Assad or someone else like him to ensure his interests in Syria. He cares more about how he can leverage Syria in his relations with the West than Syria itself. At the same time, Putin also increasingly perceives the Middle East as falling within the Russian sphere of influence, albeit differently than Iran. Historically, Moscow always looked for buffer zones out of its sense of insecurity, and this is precisely how it feels now.

Shias would be wise to not align themselves with insecure Russians.😜


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