I've also briefly mentioned that Shia are good at marketing strategies, slogans such as "Following the school of Ahlul-Bayt" are almost as appealing as Salafi slogans "Worship God alone"
From their most recent strategies are the two following:
A- Link whatever certain terrorist or radical groups are doing to Sunni Islam then portray themselves as peaceful.
I say, anyone who reviewed their recent history is aware of their death squads in `Iraq, their murderous militias in Syria, and historically their brutal decimation of Ahlul-Sunnah in Persia which is recorded in the most horrendous details in MANY history books (worth compiling btw). Furthermore, their religious books also contain identical violent material and it was acted upon by their followers in their wars, refer to this website:
https://shiascans.com/I add, this conflicts with their other claims that Sunnies are subservient to the west and have sold out and made peace with Israel and stopped resisting the west while only the Shia are engaged in wars and arming groups to attack Israel.
B- Linking "Tawheed" with anthropomorphism (Tajsim/Tashbih) and claiming that Ahlul-Sunnah are not upon Tawheed.
Copying the example of Mu`tazillah, the Twelver Shia of our days began accusing Ahlul-Sunnah of attributing direction or body to God. This of course is inaccurate because it's mainly Salafis who affirm these attributes as God mentioned them whereas the the rest of Ahlul-Sunnah who are a majority don't really follow this method or share this view. In this sense it's sufficient for one to be a Maturidi or Habashi for instance to not be labeled as such.
I also feel that this argument confuses Tawheed with Tanzih (exaltation and transcendence). Any Sunni layperson can simply do Ta'weel or Tafweed if not weakening the text in the first place to avoid this altogether. I do get this a lot from Shia online when they assume by default I'm a Salafi.
Keep in mind the early Imami Shia were mainly Mujassimah and Mushabbihah who believed in a body.
PS. I've not seen a Sunni convert to Shiasm for the two reasons above but I wouldn't be surprised if that happens since the Shia are beginning to concentrate on these aspects.