
Why lSisterl left Shiaism for the Sunnah!

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Re: Why lSisterl left Shiaism for the Sunnah!
« Reply #40 on: March 12, 2015, 04:48:43 PM »
I was going to like your post, but you sent Tardih on Hind. She's unforgivable.

Otherwise, very nice post and response. But stay away from Ummah forum. They're a bunch of Daesh wannabes. When I first became a Muslim, a bloke on there named Uncle Umar was my mentor. He ended up "martyred" in Syria while fighting with Daesh.
JzakAllah khayr, but She(ra) was a Muslim and once a person accepts Islaam it is required for the rest of us to accept it without question. There are multiple hadiths on this and the Prophet (Saw) scolded people for not doing it and told them that they cannot see into the hearts of people. I cannot see her heart (ra) and I believe as required upon me that her conversion was sincere. And there are many sahaba(ra) who fought against the Prophet Muhammad(saw) and eventually changed their mind and converted, so she is not unique at all. And inshaAllah she is in jannah along with the slave (Ra) who helped her and then also later converted. And Allah is the Most Forgiving. And Muslims are supposed to ask forgiveness for all the ummah anyway during our duas. This includes criminals.

And Uncle Umar, may Allah forgive him any mistakes he made, was a kind brother who helped many of us on ummah, I only have good memories of his posts. I don't know what was in his heart so I won't judge him. And many other brothers and sisters also helped me as well. Actually I don't know when you left, but I would say there are just as many sufis as there are strict salafis now in 2014/2015. The only reason I left ummah is because the moderators keep allowing racism against whites while many users are white europeans or reverts who keep getting ignored when we complain. I don't think this is Islamic at all.

I hope the thread doesn't get locked again for derailment.

Ahlamdullilah I too saved a sunni sister who used to go to university from falling in the muta trap. These filthy shia target the innocent sunni girls. May Allah protect our youth!
Yes they do and the shi'a I knew were always trying to convince me that muta and (excuse my bluntness) "back door" relations were halal and fine, and they got angry when I questioned it.


Re: Why lSisterl left Shiaism for the Sunnah!
« Reply #41 on: March 12, 2015, 04:51:13 PM »
Sister plz edit the last part.
Before Qazî Mihemed, President of the first kurdish Republic Mahabad was hanged the iranian judge asked:

“last words?”

Qazî: “I thank Allah: even in death he put my shoes above your heads”

Optimus Prime

Re: Why lSisterl left Shiaism for the Sunnah!
« Reply #42 on: March 12, 2015, 05:01:17 PM »
Just to add to what brother Hadrami is saying. We should remember that Hind (RA) was pleasantly surprised when Makkah was conquered that the Sahabas (RA) didn't go on a killing spree to extract revenge for the humiliation they faced at the hands of Quraish a decade earlier. She was overly surprised how the Prophet (SAW) forgave everyone. This act of mercy was more than sufficient for them to embrace the truth.

Furthermore, the Qur'an testifies and by researcing the Seerah the Quraish knew in the core of their hearts that the Prophet (SAW) was genuine in his mission and always spoke the truth. They chose not to face the facts. Abu Sufyan (RA) was no exception to this. Let's not forget his encounter with the King of Abyssinia, Najashi who quizzed him about the Prophet (SAW) and foretold a prophecy himself that he will be successful in the very end. Aby Sufyan (RA) knew more than ever at this point as the one final leaders of the Quraish that the Prophet (SAW) was indeed the last Prophet beyond doubt, and Allah (SWT) will grant him victory. This is why before the Muslims even step foot in Makkah he surrendered, but in the most beautiful and ideal manner by taking up the Shahadah. This is qualities of a true leader and winner because he went from being a companion of the Shaitan who's accredited of being cursed of the highest degree to becoming a companion of the Prophet (SAW) who is accredited as the best of creation of mankind. :)

Abu Sufyan (RA) and his wife are champions in my book. :D
« Last Edit: March 12, 2015, 05:04:20 PM by Imam Ali »

Optimus Prime

Re: Why lSisterl left Shiaism for the Sunnah!
« Reply #43 on: March 12, 2015, 05:02:15 PM »
Sister plz edit the last part.

Why? She's making a truthful point. It has to come out.

Sister, I say leave it.


Re: Why lSisterl left Shiaism for the Sunnah!
« Reply #44 on: March 12, 2015, 05:42:16 PM »
Yeah, leave it. You would be shocked, honestly. I have heard stories from all of my female Shia friends about being harassed for muta ... All the time. It's sickening and people need to know.


Re: Why lSisterl left Shiaism for the Sunnah!
« Reply #45 on: March 12, 2015, 05:45:18 PM »
Thank you to Hani and |Sister| for the explanations :)

I left Ummah forum in/around 2011ish when I became a Shia. There were no Sufis back then. A big part of my conversion to Shiism is that everyone on Ummah forum hated them and made up lies about them. I honestly may have never been a Shia if it wasn't for the Ummah Salafis lying about Shiism. When you're lied to, you feel betrayed and think that everything they ever told you was a lie. Bad tactic.

Optimus Prime

Re: Why lSisterl left Shiaism for the Sunnah!
« Reply #46 on: March 12, 2015, 07:13:41 PM »
Thank you to Hani and |Sister| for the explanations :)

I left Ummah forum in/around 2011ish when I became a Shia. There were no Sufis back then. A big part of my conversion to Shiism is that everyone on Ummah forum hated them and made up lies about them. I honestly may have never been a Shia if it wasn't for the Ummah Salafis lying about Shiism. When you're lied to, you feel betrayed and think that everything they ever told you was a lie. Bad tactic.

You should be changing once you discover and embrace the truth. Just like Abu Sufyan (RA) did. ;)


Re: Why lSisterl left Shiaism for the Sunnah!
« Reply #47 on: March 12, 2015, 09:54:33 PM »
She went to war with Muhammad...
Who is that?

Hind, the wife of Abu Sufyan, went to war against Abu'l Qassim Muhammad b. `Abd Allah, the Messenger of Allah.

Aqil bin Abi Talib RA was on Hind RA side and also went to war against Rasulullah shallallahu alaihi wasallam

Taha, whats your excuse to that fact?
Do you not forget & forgive Aqil bin Abi Talib RA too for the evil things he did? Cant wait for the excuse :P
« Last Edit: March 12, 2015, 09:57:25 PM by Hadrami »


Re: Why lSisterl left Shiaism for the Sunnah!
« Reply #48 on: March 13, 2015, 06:48:31 AM »
Thank you to Hani and |Sister| for the explanations :)

I left Ummah forum in/around 2011ish when I became a Shia. There were no Sufis back then. A big part of my conversion to Shiism is that everyone on Ummah forum hated them and made up lies about them. I honestly may have never been a Shia if it wasn't for the Ummah Salafis lying about Shiism. When you're lied to, you feel betrayed and think that everything they ever told you was a lie. Bad tactic.
Forgive me for sounding rude Akhi, but I will say here what I said there. Joining or leaving a faith for any reason other than Allah alone is misguidance. We worship Allah, not our desires.

Muslims have treated me badly, especially by people who worship strictness and rules instead of practicing the mandatory mercy and forgiveness of Islam. Insults, racism, rejection for marriage because my blood was 'impure' or 'all americans are whores', ect. On ummah there are trolls who don't fear Allah, but I don't let that affect my imaan because I know that they are going against the words of Allah.

But even if the entire world treated me like garbage, I know that the deen is only for Allah. Even as a christian I knew that religion is worthless unless it's done for the Creator alone with no other motivations behind it. I didn't leave christianity because christians were mean to me, I left it because the trinity made no sense. A person cannot be on the correct path unless they choose that path because of it's truthfulness, even if that truthfulness is bitter and we dislike it or the people who practice it.

If I had chosen my religion by how nice people were being to me, I would have chosen to become a pagan. Almost none of them have ever been negative towards me because it's part of their belief to have a positive attitude in order to receive positiveness themselves. But I chose my religion because of it's truthfulness even though "Muslims" have lied to me, insulted me and ignored me when I needed help. Because I know what Allah says is the truth, and I know that mainstream Islaam is the truth even if a nutcase who claims to be a muslim does everything against Islaam he can possibly do.

And Allah guides whoever He wants and misguides whoever He wants. No person can remove the imaan or ilm from another person's heart.
« Last Edit: March 13, 2015, 06:52:33 AM by |Sister| »


Re: Why lSisterl left Shiaism for the Sunnah!
« Reply #49 on: March 13, 2015, 09:26:11 AM »
mashaAllah what a reply. By the way, when you say you were shia. Which country are you from? Did you become shia because the majority of muslim you met were shia in your area?


Re: Why lSisterl left Shiaism for the Sunnah!
« Reply #50 on: March 13, 2015, 10:43:29 AM »
mashaAllah what a reply. By the way, when you say you were shia. Which country are you from? Did you become shia because the majority of muslim you met were shia in your area?
I'm american. At first I didn't know I was shi'a. I only liked what I read of Qur'an and believed in it. My shi'a friends were giving me books and I read them to learn more about Islaam.. I had no idea there were sects because Allah condemns sects in the qur'an.

I was very naive and thought that islaam is practiced the way that Allah ordered it to be practiced, so it didn't occur to me that there are denominations in islaam like there are in other religions. So I studied "islaam" (ithna ashariyya sources) because I wanted to learn as much about islaam as possible. I only knew shi'as at the time and thought that islaam was just one big religion. I was shocked to be called a shi'a pig by one girl because I had no idea why she was upset at me.

After four years of learning and sending in lengthy questions to scholars, I started doubting many of the fatawa and hadiths I read and nearly became a quranist (astaghfirullah) because I just couldn't consolidate some of these vulgar and/or contradictory quotes with the beauty in the Qur'an. On top of that, they rarely if ever give references to how they came to a certain conclusion. We're just supposed to take their word for it and I was discouraged from gaining ilm by one student of a scholar because of my gender (he answered instead of his mentor apparently because he was too busy), he told me there was no need for female 'scholars' (I was just seeking info) and learning the basics is enough to be a good mother, that I shouldn't waste my time learning about matters that do not concern me.

Not that this stopped me, of course, but I just felt it was the same thing my pastors told me when I was a christian questioning the trinity. I was told that I don't need to understand the trinity and that it won't stop me from being a good christian and I should just stop wasting his time asking about it. I asked him about seminary school and he said there is no point in me learning my religion that deeply if I wasn't planning on becoming a pastor. As if laymen have no right to or use for ilm.

On paltalk I joined muslim chatrooms and started meeting other Muslims from other schools of thought who gave me resources that contradicted and refuted things that I had learned. I was given the emails of scholars from all four madhabs and books from every sect and philosophy from ghazali to ibn taymiyya. As a user (brother husayn) said on a different thread, I am a self-educated layman. I don't claim to know a lot but alhamdulillah this was enough to convince me that shi'aism was a separate religion from what I read in Qur'an. I cannot explain the relief I had after read the real seerah with references to sahih hadith I had never seen before. I downloaded every english sahih and hasan hadith book I could find and sat through and read them all (although I didn't understand the context of most of them).

My shi'a friends steered me away from it, and 'sunnis' insulted me a lot and didn't help me very much (I kept getting called a troll on forums), but I didn't listen because I wanted to find out the truth. I have no shi'a friends left because they all stopped talking to me after I said I don't believe in that anymore. We haven't spoken since '07/'08.

But Allah guides us the way He wants.


Re: Why lSisterl left Shiaism for the Sunnah!
« Reply #51 on: March 13, 2015, 12:11:44 PM »
Ma sha Allah, you are strong, a true believer.

Our Mawla is Allah and that's enough for us. Difficulties in this world will be followed up by easiness in the next world.
Muslims in general are actually good, but on the internet you can come across jahils.

For example:

Malcolm X was a rascist Muslim (only black people are Muslim) when he was in NOI. Later on he went to Muslim counties and hajj. He became a Sunni Muslim because of the attitude of other Muslims. He especially liked people from Sudan, since they were very welcoming. He changed his name to " Al hajj malik el shabbaz" . May Allah bless him and have mercy with him
« Last Edit: March 13, 2015, 12:14:22 PM by Furkan »
Before Qazî Mihemed, President of the first kurdish Republic Mahabad was hanged the iranian judge asked:

“last words?”

Qazî: “I thank Allah: even in death he put my shoes above your heads”


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