
(Question for Sunnies) What is the thing that you dislike about ahlul sunnah?

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Assalam o Alaikum all respected forum users and guests,

This is very important, i realy want to know your personal opinion about this.


I will also share my opinion on this later.

Jazak Allah Khairan.
إِنَّ أَصْدَقَ الْحَدِيثِ كِتَابُ اللَّهِ وَأَحْسَنَ الْهَدْىِ هَدْىُ مُحَمَّدٍ وَشَرَّ الأُمُورِ مُحْدَثَاتُهَا وَكُلَّ مُحْدَثَةٍ بِدْعَةٌ وَكُلَّ بِدْعَةٍ ضَلاَلَةٌ وَكُلَّ ضَلاَلَةٍ فِي النَّارِ

May Allah guide us to the true teachings of Quran and Sunnah of His beloved Prophet (s.a.w.w). Ameen


As a whole, Ahlus-Sunnah wal Jama'ah strives to stay upon the Qur'an and Sunnah.  How is it then possible to dislike anything about it?
"Our coward ran from those in authority" - Iceman (admitting the truth regarding his 12th Imam)

Ibn Yahya

I can never dislike anyone who is truly a person of the Sunnah and the Jama'ah


This is a very tough question because Sunnis are over 1.5 billion in population. So its very difficult to generalize an opinion about Ahle Sunnah.


I  will give an example. Lets take Hinduism. I met a few Gujaratis who I felt were very racist toward Muslims, but I didn't see this level of racism from Hindus that are from other parts of India. Does this mean I can generalize on the entire Hindu religion or population? Likewise, the majority people in all schools are muqalids. They just want to follow basic pillars and live an easy life, so this makes it hard to pass a judgement.


I don't like false sunnis (meaning shias who do taqiyya trying to fool real sunnis).


Finally I got one. Ahle Sunnah do not spend time and emphasis on researching the 12er Shia sect. Whereas 12ers its part of their aqeeda to antagonize Ahle Sunnah.


There are few things. The major one is that when sometimes they come up with weak evidences to defend against strong and established evidences among themselves and thus reject those facts. And this habbit is adopted from shias, who applied that principle on true companions of Prophet (s.a.w.w). It was not originally part of Ahlul Sunnah manhaj.

Other thing -- they speak and write less about Ahlebait as compared to shias. Not so many books are available on Ahlebait. Here I am not talking about any particular town/area, but about sunnies as a whole. As a result people (ignorant sunnies) go to shia mosques and majalis and learn about ahlebait through them. Till 2012 I was also among those ignorant sunnies. As a result most of them fall into the trap of their lies and deceptions. Ahlul Sunnah have true merits of Ahlebait in their authentic hadith books. If they narrate and propagate only those merits from their mosques and events regularly then you will see more people will come to ahlul sunnah even from shias to listen the authentic and true merits of ahlebait. Their events will become empty and less attractive. Their main weapon is love of ahlebait, through which they are controlling the minds of laymen from both shias and sunnies.
إِنَّ أَصْدَقَ الْحَدِيثِ كِتَابُ اللَّهِ وَأَحْسَنَ الْهَدْىِ هَدْىُ مُحَمَّدٍ وَشَرَّ الأُمُورِ مُحْدَثَاتُهَا وَكُلَّ مُحْدَثَةٍ بِدْعَةٌ وَكُلَّ بِدْعَةٍ ضَلاَلَةٌ وَكُلَّ ضَلاَلَةٍ فِي النَّارِ

May Allah guide us to the true teachings of Quran and Sunnah of His beloved Prophet (s.a.w.w). Ameen


I don't like false sunnis (meaning shias who do taqiyya trying to fool real sunnis).
Then you must really like me - my name gives away my faith.

Finally I got one. Ahle Sunnah do not spend time and emphasis on researching the 12er Shia sect. Whereas 12ers its part of their aqeeda to antagonize Ahle Sunnah.
News to me. So this site has been create to refute and dare I say mislead about the shia and you say part of our faith is to antagonize the Ahle Sunnah. When and where does this happen?

Please dont quote Yasir Al-Habib or his kind. I don't consider him shia.

Bolani Muslim

News to me. So this site has been create to refute and dare I say mislead about the shia and you say part of our faith is to antagonize the Ahle Sunnah. When and where does this happen?

Please dont quote Yasir Al-Habib or his kind. I don't consider him shia.
Watch Shia TV channels and read any Shia website and tell me with a straight face that they don't misrepresent the vast majority of the ummah and our views.

You're saying that you don't consider Yassir a Shia, in another comment you related extremism (suicide bombings) to Sunnis. I hope you realize your inconsistency :)


Watch Shia TV channels and read any Shia website and tell me with a straight face that they don't misrepresent the vast majority of the ummah and our views.
No they do not misrepresent the vast majority's views. They (we) simply present our point of view and leave it to the viewers to discern the truth.

You're saying that you don't consider Yassir a Shia, in another comment you related extremism (suicide bombings) to Sunnis. I hope you realize your inconsistency :)
I didnt mean to sound that I consider Yasir to be a Sunni. He is just a fitna-monger and nothing more.

Also, salafi and wahabis who form the basis of all terror in the name of Islam call themselves Sunnis. I think it is about time the followers of the 4 great Imams take issue with these guys spoiling the name of Islam, Allah and the Prophet for their political agendas.


Also, salafi and wahabis who form the basis of all terror in the name of Islam call themselves Sunnis. I think it is about time the followers of the 4 great Imams take issue with these guys spoiling the name of Islam, Allah and the Prophet for their political agendas.

You did not understand Bolani Muslim's point or like to feign ignorance.  Yasser Al-Habib is just as Shia as ISIS is Sunni, perhaps more!  Somehow you cut the former slack (and conveniently distance your school from him) while you hold us responsible to renounce and condemn the latter (which majority of our scholars have, save those "scholars" who benefit from ISIS).

ISIS is not even a Muslim group, let alone Sunni.
"Our coward ran from those in authority" - Iceman (admitting the truth regarding his 12th Imam)


Also, salafi and wahabis who form the basis of all terror in the name of Islam call themselves Sunnis. I think it is about time the followers of the 4 great Imams take issue with these guys spoiling the name of Islam, Allah and the Prophet for their political agendas.

You did not understand Bolani Muslim's point or like to feign ignorance.  Yasser Al-Habib is just as Shia as ISIS is Sunni, perhaps more!  Somehow you cut the former slack (and conveniently distance your school from him) while you hold us responsible to renounce and condemn the latter (which majority of our scholars have, save those "scholars" who benefit from ISIS).

ISIS is not even a Muslim group, let alone Sunni.

But I am condemning Yasir Al-Habib. I have condemned him here, on Shia-Chat and really whenever his name is brought up. I present no excuses for him.

And I agree with what you say about ISIS. But are they not spoiling the image of Islam. All I am saying is that more needs to be done than simply 'distancing' ourselves from ISIS. They need to be condemned in every juma khutba, in every article, everywhere.

I asked this question on ShiaChat and will ask here too. How many people who visit this forum regularly spent the same amount of time fighting the scourge of ISIS on other social media sites?

To you specifically - what was the last salafi/wahabi site you visited and condemned them or tried to rectify their beliefs? When did you do this?


News to me. So this site has been create to refute and dare I say mislead about the shia and you say part of our faith is to antagonize the Ahle Sunnah.
Every person can be correct and wrong after Prophets. Let's not be blind muqalids.

When and where does this happen?
Through Tabarra. Your sect believes that only the 12ers are Momins, and that  the rest of the Ummah are non-Momin.

Please dont quote Yasir Al-Habib or his kind. I don't consider him shia.
Yes he is a Rafidi Shia. Naskhawani blamed Ahle Sunnah for ISIS is doing.


I asked this question on ShiaChat and will ask here too. How many people who visit this forum regularly spent the same amount of time fighting the scourge of ISIS on other social media sites?

To you specifically - what was the last salafi/wahabi site you visited and condemned them or tried to rectify their beliefs? When did you do this?

Cute!  Our Shia brothers are now adopting the tactics of the West.  When a cowardly attack takes place at the hands of ISIS, they want us to condemn the barbaric group whereas we are like, "we (Muslims) are the biggest victims of ISIS, literally, for they have killed far many Muslims than non-Muslims".  Not to mention the parallel religion they have inaugurated and given it the title, "Islam" thereby tarnishing our beautiful religion.

But allow me to answer you specifically, clearly and very directly (with evidence).  Please visit 

In their own words, "The World Organization for Resource Development and Education [WORDE] is a nonprofit, educational organization whose mission is to enhance communication and understanding between communities to mitigate social and political conflict."  They hold regular seminars for Muslims and non-Muslims (attended by police, local politicians, et cetera) educating them about ISIS and their remoteness from Islam or anything Islamic for that matter.  In fact, their whole outlook is to offer an alternate viewpoint to the Wahabi/Salafi paradigm.  Guess what?  I am a member of that community and go there almost every Saturday.  So to answer your question, the last time I condemned a Kharijite group (like ISIS), or blinded Wahabi filth, was over the weekend.
"Our coward ran from those in authority" - Iceman (admitting the truth regarding his 12th Imam)


Through Tabarra. Your sect believes that only the 12ers are Momins, and that  the rest of the Ummah are non-Momin.
All tabarra is sending la'an on the enemies of the AhlulBayt. One would think every Muslim would do so.

Yes he is a Rafidi Shia. Naskhawani blamed Ahle Sunnah for ISIS is doing.
Let's be specific. Nakshwani blames Ibn Taymiyah and Ibn Abdul Wahab for ISIS and their ideology.

Cute!  Our Shia brothers are now adopting the tactics of the West.  When a cowardly attack takes place at the hands of ISIS, they want us to condemn the barbaric group whereas we are like, "we (Muslims) are the biggest victims of ISIS, literally, for they have killed far many Muslims than non-Muslims".  Not to mention the parallel religion they have inaugurated and given it the title, "Islam" thereby tarnishing our beautiful religion.

But allow me to answer you specifically, clearly and very directly (with evidence).  Please visit 

In their own words, "The World Organization for Resource Development and Education [WORDE] is a nonprofit, educational organization whose mission is to enhance communication and understanding between communities to mitigate social and political conflict."  They hold regular seminars for Muslims and non-Muslims (attended by police, local politicians, et cetera) educating them about ISIS and their remoteness from Islam or anything Islamic for that matter.  In fact, their whole outlook is to offer an alternate viewpoint to the Wahabi/Salafi paradigm.  Guess what?  I am a member of that community and go there almost every Saturday.  So to answer your question, the last time I condemned a Kharijite group (like ISIS), or blinded Wahabi filth, was over the weekend.
How can you say I am using Western tactics when you are doing exactly what I am asking if anyone is doing? And kudos to you for stepping up.


All tabarra is sending la'an on the enemies of the AhlulBayt.
We differ on who those enemies are.

One would think every Muslim would do so.
Would you send lana on those who say the Quran is incomplete? One would think every Muslim would declare such a person to be a non-Muslim.

Let's be specific. Nakshwani blames Ibn Taymiyah and Ibn Abdul Wahab for ISIS and their ideology.
He said he wishes he can name another person who I am sure is Umar. However, he couldn't due to taqiyyah. This is why Yassir Habib is good. He explains the 12er Shia views openly.
Also he said Ahle Sunnah and not only those two.

« Last Edit: July 20, 2016, 12:41:42 AM by Rationalist »


We differ on who those enemies are.
we most surely do but I am sure we can agree on some. For example Yazid???

Would you send lana on those who say the Quran is incomplete? One would think every Muslim would declare such a person to be a non-Muslim.
Absolutely. I send la'an on all those who believe in the incompleteness of the Quran. Now your turn to say la'an on the enemies of the AhlulBayt whoever they may be.

He said he wishes he can name another person who I am sure is Umar. However, he couldn't due to taqiyyah. This is why Yassir Habib is good. He explains the 12er Shia views openly.
Also he said Ahle Sunnah and not only those two.
you assuming the 3rd person is Umar is only conjecture. Why not Muawiya or Yazid, etc?

I have not heard him say Ahle-Sunnah. What I have heard is him saying that "any ahle-sunnah is 1 sermon away from becoming a terrorist if they read or here sermons about Ibn Taymiyah and Ibn Abdul Wahab's teachings." He is still talking about Ibn Taymiyah and Ibn Abdul Wahab


we most surely do but I am sure we can agree on some. For example Yazid???

Absolutely. I send la'an on all those who believe in the incompleteness of the Quran.
So this includes al Kuylani and Mullah Majlisi?

Now your turn to say la'an on the enemies of the AhlulBayt whoever they may be.
La'na on whoever Ali, Fatima, Hassan and Hussain send la'na on. Is this good enough?

you assuming the 3rd person is Umar is only conjecture. Why not Muawiya or Yazid, etc?
The reason is 12ers do no do taqiyyah against Muawiyah and Yazid. So it has to be Umar.

I have not heard him say Ahle-Sunnah. What I have heard is him saying that "any ahle-sunnah is 1 sermon away from becoming a terrorist if they read or here sermons about Ibn Taymiyah and Ibn Abdul Wahab's teachings." He is still talking about Ibn Taymiyah and Ibn Abdul Wahab
Do you have detail about Ibn Taymiyah and his fatwa to kill the 12er Shia? I would like detail.


How can you say I am using Western tactics when you are doing exactly what I am asking if anyone is doing? And kudos to you for stepping up.

You want us to condemn ISIS because they make your kind out to be their enemy.  You play victim and want compensation.  That is a Western tactic.  The West expects Muslims to condemn a non-Muslim entity just because it (once in a while) attacks their kind.  We, on the other hand, condemn ISIS because they are contradict Islamic principles of peace, justice and humanity.

Don't need your approval!  I do it as my service towards Islam, not to please the Shia or the West.
"Our coward ran from those in authority" - Iceman (admitting the truth regarding his 12th Imam)


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