
15000 Sunni Masaajids in Iran and 9 in Tehran alone?

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Re: 15000 Sunni Masaajids in Iran and 9 in Tehran alone?
« Reply #60 on: April 06, 2020, 01:40:50 AM »
Ustaad dimwit if it wasn’t saqifa or sahabas rule then the way was paved for divine Imamate hence your HATE for saqifa and sahabas because divine Imamate NEVER saw light of day so yes it’s always been a problem and still is and it shows in almost all your posts to me or other brothers.
You are stuck in this conundrum for a millennia just look at your posts.😁

The thing is it’s past and in the past no ahlubaith ra mentioned they were divine or ruled as a divine imam no mention in Quran or sunnah not even for a second did divine Imamate EVER have any rule or followers until after the demise of the imams the ghuluw followers started making this divinity thing up and left it to their off spring like you to explain to us the irrationality of such you are ustaad dimwit.😂

Yes you can oppose a khaliph when did I say that is wrong? As long as you don’t oppose rules of the Quran like not paying zakah and joining forces with kaafir prophetesses to  fight your own Muslim brothers.
2 different situations ustaad.😆

I’ve noticed so far in your responses that when cornered your come back is ......hater! And now you’ve added a new word to your vocabulary “prejudice” lol whatever it is in your small feeble mind any FACTS is hate or prejudice, Iran can’t do no wrong!😂

Don’t blame the sahabas for the false idea of divine Imamate that was Saba’s forte and now you believing in that nonsense ASSUME it was sahabas wanting power and creating the event of saqifa and you have no proof of sahabas usurping power not of any ahlu baith ra mentioning that they are godly chosen/divine rulers.😂
This is what keeps me in stitches lol that normal humans overpowered divinely chosen beings and your only comeback hate your prejudiced you don’t think rational blah blah blah.😂

There is no divine Imamate concept in Quran or sunnah nor did any ahlu baith ra mention such a thing. Keep dreaming and using ambiguous verses to keep yourself strong in falsehood.😁👍

Alhamdulillah I will stick with the event of saqifa yes just like imam Ali ra agreed with it too and gave bayah.......only you modern day 12’rs know more than the chosen ones themselves.😂👍

Ustaad dimwit and his answers 😂😂😂

This is shiism me a nobody goes to work don’t study much have basic knowledge on Islam that’s it I am not knowledgeable but I got this Shiite ustaad dimwit an ustaad a teacher who cannot fathom facts or reality and cannot give me any proof/evidence of divine rule clearly being mentioned in Quran or sunnah honestly this is how EASY shiism is.😂😂😂

It’s saqifa and sahabas fault for us Sunni according to shiite thought as portrayed by a syed ustaad named dimwit.😂😜

Saqifa sahaba = trouble 😂😂😂

Grow up and give us some rational answers.

Men can overpower Allah swt’s CHOSEN people........yea in Shiism!!😂😂😂

This is syed ustaad dimwits rationality!😂😂😂

You hate the sahaba by sending takfeer on them. You accuse the sahaba of becoming apostates by joining and siding with sajjah. You cheer on their execution and not me. 😊

Divine imamah has been proven many times over and here it is again just for your eyes only. Was Abraham promoted, demoted or given a title of a similar nature by being made an Imam of the people which he wasn't before ? 😊

It's not Saqifa and sahaba's fault but those who followed it blindly just like you. A coincidental, immature and illegitimate decision. 😊

If that's how easy Shiaism is then why are you struggling and why have your ancestors struggled with it for 1400 years.  😊


Re: 15000 Sunni Masaajids in Iran and 9 in Tehran alone?
« Reply #61 on: April 07, 2020, 02:45:04 PM »
You hate the sahaba by sending takfeer on them. You accuse the sahaba of becoming apostates by joining and siding with sajjah. You cheer on their execution and not me. 😊

Divine imamah has been proven many times over and here it is again just for your eyes only. Was Abraham promoted, demoted or given a title of a similar nature by being made an Imam of the people which he wasn't before ? 😊

It's not Saqifa and sahaba's fault but those who followed it blindly just like you. A coincidental, immature and illegitimate decision. 😊

If that's how easy Shiaism is then why are you struggling and why have your ancestors struggled with it for 1400 years.  😊

I do hate and detest Nuwera who left Islam and followed a new prophet just like you shiites left the ahlu baith and started following a new concept alien to Islam.
It’s no surprise then why you are defending him.😂👍

Answered many times here it is again NO!! He wasn’t appointed nor does the Quran say He was appointed its only YOU who says He was appointed proving my point how you ADD concepts and ideas yourself so it corresponds with your view. That’s how simple you and your argument is.😜😂

Lol your 3rd statement doesn’t make no sense whatsoever I will put that down to your intelligence which is mixed with all the nonsense of divine imams it’s confusing your mushy brain.
If it wasn’t saqifas or sahabas fault but US followers at fault is it coz we followed an illegitimate decision? Please do ask questions which a layman understands.😁

Shiism is that easy that our ancestors buried your ancestors with solid arguments to this day our ancestors asked a simple question proof your concept from Quran and sunnah with clear evidence.👍

You have NO clear evidence at all.😁


Re: 15000 Sunni Masaajids in Iran and 9 in Tehran alone?
« Reply #62 on: April 07, 2020, 06:18:36 PM »
I do hate and detest Nuwera who left Islam and followed a new prophet just like you shiites left the ahlu baith and started following a new concept alien to Islam.
It’s no surprise then why you are defending him.😂👍

Answered many times here it is again NO!! He wasn’t appointed nor does the Quran say He was appointed its only YOU who says He was appointed proving my point how you ADD concepts and ideas yourself so it corresponds with your view. That’s how simple you and your argument is.😜😂

Lol your 3rd statement doesn’t make no sense whatsoever I will put that down to your intelligence which is mixed with all the nonsense of divine imams it’s confusing your mushy brain.
If it wasn’t saqifas or sahabas fault but US followers at fault is it coz we followed an illegitimate decision? Please do ask questions which a layman understands.😁

Shiism is that easy that our ancestors buried your ancestors with solid arguments to this day our ancestors asked a simple question proof your concept from Quran and sunnah with clear evidence.👍

You have NO clear evidence at all.😁

"I do hate and detest Nuwera who left Islam and followed a new prophet"

So you do believe that a popular and well known companion can go astray infact as far as becoming an apostate.

So Malik bin Nuwayrah according to you not only believed that Muhammad s.a.w was the final and last Prophet bit was also a companion of the Prophet s.a.w.

Then according to you he believed in and followed another self proclaimed Prophet by the name of Sajjah after the demise of Muhammad s.a.w.

So therefore according to you he really or fully didn't believe in Muhammad s.a.w being the last and final Prophet.

OK, so according to you companions can go astray after the death of Muhammad s.a.w. But only for you. If someone else accuses or believes that a companion went astray then there's a who haa of takfeer on sahaba from you. And you will accuse them of hate towards sahaba 😊

:just like you shiites left the ahlu baith and started following a new concept alien to Islam"

Nope. Our belief is based entirely on Qur'an and Sunnah. Yours is based on the immature, illegitimate and coincidental decision made in saqifa by a handful of people. Or on double standards on just about every matter.

:It’s no surprise then why you are defending him"

I'm not defending him just making a point. He doesn't need defending. You're accusing him without any thought, consideration or proper evidence.

"Lol your 3rd statement doesn’t make no sense whatsoever I will put that down to your intelligence which is mixed with all the nonsense of divine imams"

Abraham was divine and was made an Imam after succeeding a trail. You call the words and decision of Allah nonsense.

"Shiism is that easy that our ancestors buried your ancestors with solid arguments to this day our ancestors asked a simple question proof your concept from Quran and sunnah with clear evidence"

Your ancestors along with you have always been very frightened by the Shia faith that they had to indulge in false accusations about Shias to keep people away from this Qur'anic belief just as you indulge in painting a bad picture about Shias just to keep people away. It didn't work then nor is it working now. 😊


Re: 15000 Sunni Masaajids in Iran and 9 in Tehran alone?
« Reply #63 on: April 08, 2020, 12:44:13 PM »
"I do hate and detest Nuwera who left Islam and followed a new prophet"

So you do believe that a popular and well known companion can go astray infact as far as becoming an apostate.

So Malik bin Nuwayrah according to you not only believed that Muhammad s.a.w was the final and last Prophet bit was also a companion of the Prophet s.a.w.

Then according to you he believed in and followed another self proclaimed Prophet by the name of Sajjah after the demise of Muhammad s.a.w.

So therefore according to you he really or fully didn't believe in Muhammad s.a.w being the last and final Prophet.

OK, so according to you companions can go astray after the death of Muhammad s.a.w. But only for you. If someone else accuses or believes that a companion went astray then there's a who haa of takfeer on sahaba from you. And you will accuse them of hate towards sahaba 😊

:just like you shiites left the ahlu baith and started following a new concept alien to Islam"

Nope. Our belief is based entirely on Qur'an and Sunnah. Yours is based on the immature, illegitimate and coincidental decision made in saqifa by a handful of people. Or on double standards on just about every matter.

:It’s no surprise then why you are defending him"

I'm not defending him just making a point. He doesn't need defending. You're accusing him without any thought, consideration or proper evidence.

"Lol your 3rd statement doesn’t make no sense whatsoever I will put that down to your intelligence which is mixed with all the nonsense of divine imams"

Abraham was divine and was made an Imam after succeeding a trail. You call the words and decision of Allah nonsense.

"Shiism is that easy that our ancestors buried your ancestors with solid arguments to this day our ancestors asked a simple question proof your concept from Quran and sunnah with clear evidence"

Your ancestors along with you have always been very frightened by the Shia faith that they had to indulge in false accusations about Shias to keep people away from this Qur'anic belief just as you indulge in painting a bad picture about Shias just to keep people away. It didn't work then nor is it working now. 😊

Syed ustaad dimwit erm you want me to put you a bib on and bottle feed you myself??

Any ONE!!! Even sahaba, who believed in and followed or helped a fake prophet AFTER believing and following prophet Muhammed pbuh is wrong!!

You have nothing ustaad dimwit you know Nuwera was wrong yet you will defend the cursed sod blindly just to make sahaba look bad but instead it’s making a fool out of you😂😂

Syed ustaad dimwits belief (12’r belief) = as long as you say kalima you can follow ANY person even if that person says I AM A PROPHET.
So their is no difference between qadianis and dimwits Shiite sect, THANKYOU for pointing that out syed ustaad dimwit.👍


Re: 15000 Sunni Masaajids in Iran and 9 in Tehran alone?
« Reply #64 on: April 08, 2020, 01:19:29 PM »
"I do hate and detest Nuwera who left Islam and followed a new prophet"

So you do believe that a popular and well known companion can go astray infact as far as becoming an apostate.

So Malik bin Nuwayrah according to you not only believed that Muhammad s.a.w was the final and last Prophet bit was also a companion of the Prophet s.a.w.

Then according to you he believed in and followed another self proclaimed Prophet by the name of Sajjah after the demise of Muhammad s.a.w.

So therefore according to you he really or fully didn't believe in Muhammad s.a.w being the last and final Prophet.

OK, so according to you companions can go astray after the death of Muhammad s.a.w. But only for you. If someone else accuses or believes that a companion went astray then there's a who haa of takfeer on sahaba from you. And you will accuse them of hate towards sahaba 😊

:just like you shiites left the ahlu baith and started following a new concept alien to Islam"

Nope. Our belief is based entirely on Qur'an and Sunnah. Yours is based on the immature, illegitimate and coincidental decision made in saqifa by a handful of people. Or on double standards on just about every matter.

:It’s no surprise then why you are defending him"

I'm not defending him just making a point. He doesn't need defending. You're accusing him without any thought, consideration or proper evidence.

"Lol your 3rd statement doesn’t make no sense whatsoever I will put that down to your intelligence which is mixed with all the nonsense of divine imams"

Abraham was divine and was made an Imam after succeeding a trail. You call the words and decision of Allah nonsense.

"Shiism is that easy that our ancestors buried your ancestors with solid arguments to this day our ancestors asked a simple question proof your concept from Quran and sunnah with clear evidence"

Your ancestors along with you have always been very frightened by the Shia faith that they had to indulge in false accusations about Shias to keep people away from this Qur'anic belief just as you indulge in painting a bad picture about Shias just to keep people away. It didn't work then nor is it working now. 😊

Shura yes in the Quran proof clear in Quran!

Divine Imamate no proof clear in Quran!

Shura clear in sunnah

Divine Imamate NOWHERE in sunnah

Shura, immature,illegitimate and coincidental decision ruled and spread Islam

Yet the god given divinity Imamate got done over by something immature and illegitimate and NEVER ruled to the point the last one is in hiding because of fear of.......MEN!!.....COWARD!!
Only in shiism where failure equals victory and where mans words are worth more than the words of Quran.

You are defending a murtad who followed another prophet and you have no comeback from that. Sahaba ra got rid of murtads like that and made shaytaans minions angry like yourself without any intelligent reasoning.

Here we go again ACCUSATIONS it’s either taqiya or just straight up lies from this syed, you are proud of being syed yet you LIE?!?

Name/post the statement where I ASTAGHFIRULLAH said Allah swt is wrong ASTAGHFIRULLAH PLEASE DO

Yes, I don’t believe your nonsense formula/idea/assumption and yes you are wrong as well as answering YOU that Ibrahim as wasn’t promoted!!

Not believing your nonsense doesn’t equal to Allah swt is wrong ASTAGHFIRULLAH!

Every time you get backed into a corner you come out with nonsense and lies, EVERYTIME!😁

Now look at this dimwit he says we are scared of shiism yet I have never LIED about shiism because we have the truth and we don’t need to lie it’s all clear, yet this Shiite LIES on Umar ra by using words that were NEVER used and by using the same tactic he is sayin I/ME ASTAGHFIRULLAH call the words of Allah swt nonsense.

My theory on shiism is true, if you keep telling the truth shiites will then turn against you and will start accusing and abusing as is the case here....I don’t believe syed ustaad dimwits theory on PROMOTION, Syed ustaad dimwit then says I am astaghfirullah calling Allah swt as a liar!

Promotion idea is his but it’s a lie against Allah swt if you don’t believe it?!?!?!?!?

Shiism at its best!😂👍


Re: 15000 Sunni Masaajids in Iran and 9 in Tehran alone?
« Reply #65 on: April 08, 2020, 03:35:28 PM »
Syed ustaad dimwit erm you want me to put you a bib on and bottle feed you myself??

Any ONE!!! Even sahaba, who believed in and followed or helped a fake prophet AFTER believing and following prophet Muhammed pbuh is wrong!!

You have nothing ustaad dimwit you know Nuwera was wrong yet you will defend the cursed sod blindly just to make sahaba look bad but instead it’s making a fool out of you😂😂

Syed ustaad dimwits belief (12’r belief) = as long as you say kalima you can follow ANY person even if that person says I AM A PROPHET.
So their is no difference between qadianis and dimwits Shiite sect, THANKYOU for pointing that out syed ustaad dimwit.👍

Syed ustaad dimwit erm you want me to put you a bib on and bottle feed you myself??"

Lol. Yes please. That would be nice. 😊 Don't tell me you can't or won't do it now. 😊 I'm very much looking forward to it. 😊

"Any ONE!!! Even sahaba, who believed in and followed or helped a fake prophet AFTER believing and following prophet Muhammed pbuh is wrong!!"

There are two points here,; 1, you accuse Malik of following or helping a fake Prophet. Can you back this up. Provide clear evidence of this. You accuse so you provide. Lets hear it.

2, So a sahabi can go astray after following Muhammad s.a.w. like Malik who either followed or helped a fake prophet.

Now what about him (Umar) who raised objection that a pen and paper shouldn't be offered to the Prophet s.a.w, not fake but the real and original Prophet and reminded people that they had the book of Allah with them and told them that the book of Allah is sufficient for us therefore clearly rejecting what the Prophet s.a.w had to offer.

Now if some people believe that Umar and those who sided with him on this actually went astray and see them as you see Malik bin Nuwayrah and his tribes men then why all of a sudden is this takfeer on sahaba but regarding Malik and his tribes men it isn't. Tell me the difference. 😊

"You have nothing ustaad dimwit you know Nuwera was wrong yet you will defend the cursed sod blindly just to make sahaba look bad but instead it’s making a fool out of you"

I'm not defending Malik and his tribes men. You're defending Umar and his merry men. 😊 I'm just asking you to explain this. I'm not defending the cursed so blindly. You are actually defending the cursed by some so blindly. 😊 I'm just pointing out your double standards. 😊

Once again explain to me why Malik is cursed when you don't believe in cursing and constantly yapp on about one shouldn't curse especially the sahaba and keep telling the Shias that why do they do it.

"Syed ustaad dimwits belief (12’r belief) = as long as you say kalima you can follow ANY person even if that person says I AM A PROPHET"

Nope. That is not true. Prove it by backing it up by putting some evidence forward. Our belief is based on the Qur'an. And the accusations on Malik haven't been proven.  There are mixed reports on the situation and case of Malik bin Nuwayrah.

"So their is no difference between qadianis and dimwits Shiite sect, THANKYOU for pointing that out syed ustaad dimwit"

Lol. I know your game. You're trying to move away from the subject at hand and what is being discussed. 😊


Re: 15000 Sunni Masaajids in Iran and 9 in Tehran alone?
« Reply #66 on: April 08, 2020, 04:18:56 PM »
Shura yes in the Quran proof clear in Quran!

Divine Imamate no proof clear in Quran!

Shura clear in sunnah

Divine Imamate NOWHERE in sunnah

Shura, immature,illegitimate and coincidental decision ruled and spread Islam

Yet the god given divinity Imamate got done over by something immature and illegitimate and NEVER ruled to the point the last one is in hiding because of fear of.......MEN!!.....COWARD!!
Only in shiism where failure equals victory and where mans words are worth more than the words of Quran.

You are defending a murtad who followed another prophet and you have no comeback from that. Sahaba ra got rid of murtads like that and made shaytaans minions angry like yourself without any intelligent reasoning.

Here we go again ACCUSATIONS it’s either taqiya or just straight up lies from this syed, you are proud of being syed yet you LIE?!?

Name/post the statement where I ASTAGHFIRULLAH said Allah swt is wrong ASTAGHFIRULLAH PLEASE DO

Yes, I don’t believe your nonsense formula/idea/assumption and yes you are wrong as well as answering YOU that Ibrahim as wasn’t promoted!!

Not believing your nonsense doesn’t equal to Allah swt is wrong ASTAGHFIRULLAH!

Every time you get backed into a corner you come out with nonsense and lies, EVERYTIME!😁

Now look at this dimwit he says we are scared of shiism yet I have never LIED about shiism because we have the truth and we don’t need to lie it’s all clear, yet this Shiite LIES on Umar ra by using words that were NEVER used and by using the same tactic he is sayin I/ME ASTAGHFIRULLAH call the words of Allah swt nonsense.

My theory on shiism is true, if you keep telling the truth shiites will then turn against you and will start accusing and abusing as is the case here....I don’t believe syed ustaad dimwits theory on PROMOTION, Syed ustaad dimwit then says I am astaghfirullah calling Allah swt as a liar!

Promotion idea is his but it’s a lie against Allah swt if you don’t believe it?!?!?!?!?

Shiism at its best!😂👍

"Shura yes in the Quran proof clear in Quran!"

Absolutely. But no shura in Saqifa. Neither was it left to the Ummah. A handful of people decided to take the matter into their own hands without anyone else's knowledge let alone permission.

Abu Bakr didn't bother with consultation and leaving it to the ummah. He named and appointed his successor by grabbing his wrist and raising his arm. Umar didn't bother with consultation sura either nor left it to the ummah.

Umar took a totally different and separate route by arranging a  five member committee. Andurahman ibn Auff, his vote was equal to two people. God knows why and what for. How and why Umar made that decision and for what reason and on what basis.

"Divine Imamate no proof clear in Quran!"

Was Abraham promoted or was he demoted or given a title or grade of a similar nature and worth. You haven't been able to answer this and you never ever will by the nature and mindset you have.

Allah has put someone third in line in authority after himself and his Messenger s.a.w. This is proven from the Qur'an in black and white.

"Shura clear in sunnah"

Why wasn't it followed in Saqifa. And why didn't Abu Bakr and Umar follow it.

"Divine Imamate NOWHERE in sunnah:

Absolutely clear in the Sunnah. There will be 12 Imams after Muhammad s.a.w. And the final saviour who even the Sunnis believe in by the name of Al Mahdi will be from the progeny of the Prophet s.a.w. And his first name will also be Muhammad. In one hadith the word Imam has been used and in other there will be 12 caliphs after Muhammad s.a.w.

"Shura, immature,illegitimate and coincidental decision ruled and spread Islam"

No shura there I'm afraid. No where to be seen or heard of. They didn't gather there to select a leader and successor to Muhammad s.a.w. The Ansar gathered there to select THIER OWN LEADER. And just only three muhajir rushed off to saqifa to stop this from happening. No assembly or gathering to select a leader on behalf of the Ummah. No one knew what was going on or what they were up to.

"Yet the god given divinity Imamate got done over by something immature and illegitimate and NEVER ruled to the point the last one is in hiding because of fear of.......MEN!!.....COWARD!!"

Divine guidance was there for the Ummah after the demise of the Prophet s.a.w. If some companions weren't interested and decided to take the matter into their own hands then "la ikraha fideen' meaning their is no compulsion with in Islam. Allah decides and makes the rules and how things should go. Nothing been done here or overruled. Your loss. The companions loss. The ummah's loss. No harm to the Imams, Islam or Allah.

"Only in shiism where failure equals victory and where mans words are worth more than the words of Quran"

Nope. Just lies based on propaganda to keep people confused and away from Shia Islam. Been going on for 1400 years. Hasn't worked and never will. You might fool a few. But the majority are wise.

"You are defending a murtad who followed another prophet and you have no comeback from that. Sahaba ra got rid of murtads like that and made shaytaans minions angry like yourself without any intelligent reasoning"

Again you accuse a Sahabi of becoming murtad with no clear evidence what do ever. And if there was clear evidence then it means that a Sahabi can go astray proving a point again like certain Sahaba did by refusing the Prophet s.a.w pen and paper and not being interested in what he had to write and offer. I win the case either way.


Re: 15000 Sunni Masaajids in Iran and 9 in Tehran alone?
« Reply #67 on: April 09, 2020, 01:09:04 AM »
"Shura yes in the Quran proof clear in Quran!"

Absolutely. But no shura in Saqifa. Neither was it left to the Ummah. A handful of people decided to take the matter into their own hands without anyone else's knowledge let alone permission.

Abu Bakr didn't bother with consultation and leaving it to the ummah. He named and appointed his successor by grabbing his wrist and raising his arm. Umar didn't bother with consultation sura either nor left it to the ummah.

Umar took a totally different and separate route by arranging a  five member committee. Andurahman ibn Auff, his vote was equal to two people. God knows why and what for. How and why Umar made that decision and for what reason and on what basis.

"Divine Imamate no proof clear in Quran!"

Was Abraham promoted or was he demoted or given a title or grade of a similar nature and worth. You haven't been able to answer this and you never ever will by the nature and mindset you have.

Allah has put someone third in line in authority after himself and his Messenger s.a.w. This is proven from the Qur'an in black and white.

"Shura clear in sunnah"

Why wasn't it followed in Saqifa. And why didn't Abu Bakr and Umar follow it.

"Divine Imamate NOWHERE in sunnah:

Absolutely clear in the Sunnah. There will be 12 Imams after Muhammad s.a.w. And the final saviour who even the Sunnis believe in by the name of Al Mahdi will be from the progeny of the Prophet s.a.w. And his first name will also be Muhammad. In one hadith the word Imam has been used and in other there will be 12 caliphs after Muhammad s.a.w.

"Shura, immature,illegitimate and coincidental decision ruled and spread Islam"

No shura there I'm afraid. No where to be seen or heard of. They didn't gather there to select a leader and successor to Muhammad s.a.w. The Ansar gathered there to select THIER OWN LEADER. And just only three muhajir rushed off to saqifa to stop this from happening. No assembly or gathering to select a leader on behalf of the Ummah. No one knew what was going on or what they were up to.

"Yet the god given divinity Imamate got done over by something immature and illegitimate and NEVER ruled to the point the last one is in hiding because of fear of.......MEN!!.....COWARD!!"

Divine guidance was there for the Ummah after the demise of the Prophet s.a.w. If some companions weren't interested and decided to take the matter into their own hands then "la ikraha fideen' meaning their is no compulsion with in Islam. Allah decides and makes the rules and how things should go. Nothing been done here or overruled. Your loss. The companions loss. The ummah's loss. No harm to the Imams, Islam or Allah.

"Only in shiism where failure equals victory and where mans words are worth more than the words of Quran"

Nope. Just lies based on propaganda to keep people confused and away from Shia Islam. Been going on for 1400 years. Hasn't worked and never will. You might fool a few. But the majority are wise.

"You are defending a murtad who followed another prophet and you have no comeback from that. Sahaba ra got rid of murtads like that and made shaytaans minions angry like yourself without any intelligent reasoning"

Again you accuse a Sahabi of becoming murtad with no clear evidence what do ever. And if there was clear evidence then it means that a Sahabi can go astray proving a point again like certain Sahaba did by refusing the Prophet s.a.w pen and paper and not being interested in what he had to write and offer. I win the case either way.

Well even Ali ra gave bayah so He believed it was right, He followed through with other khaliphs and pledged allegiance. It says a lot about you being a follower of imams, it must be a case of you know better than them........centuries later.😁

Have answered and it’s littered nearly on EVERY post where you asked me this question It’s there in black and white,are you dumb or just plain stupid?

12 imams from Quraish yes who will RULE, no divine imam EVER ruled! So it’s not in the sunna,again it’s YOU who is deriving divine imams out of a hadith that’s clearly stating rulers without any hint of divinity in it, another prime example of shiism using Sunni hadith to promote their theory 😂👍

You are 110% RIGHT about no one being interested in a fake made up idea that didn’t even exist in their minds at the time I mean come on think about it:

Quran - no divine Imamate
Sunnah - no divine Imamate
Ali/Hassan ra - not divine (they never mentioned such )

So you really can’t blame Them ra for not being interested in something that NEVER existed.
I really do agree with you on this point.👍

Lol we might fool a few? Hahaha it’s the other way around you dummy we are more, it’s you lot who have been fooling the few and they are basically our mentally deranged brothers who are like you just arguing for the sake of it even after posting lie after lie.😁

Ustaad dimwit your sahabi followed another prophet and fought muslims! He was the only one in history who did unless you can give me any other sahaba that did, and if you did then he won’t be sahaba trust me it’s a simple thing, unlike you who will still respect a murtad who followed another prophet.

So then you use Black Thursday hadith to help you coz the murtad ting ain’t working and now the hadith states prophet pbuh told them to get out but your HATE translates that to Umar ra.

Syed ustaad dimwit you make my day😂👍


Re: 15000 Sunni Masaajids in Iran and 9 in Tehran alone?
« Reply #68 on: April 09, 2020, 11:15:38 AM »
Well even Ali ra gave bayah so He believed it was right, He followed through with other khaliphs and pledged allegiance. It says a lot about you being a follower of imams, it must be a case of you know better than them........centuries later.😁

Have answered and it’s littered nearly on EVERY post where you asked me this question It’s there in black and white,are you dumb or just plain stupid?

12 imams from Quraish yes who will RULE, no divine imam EVER ruled! So it’s not in the sunna,again it’s YOU who is deriving divine imams out of a hadith that’s clearly stating rulers without any hint of divinity in it, another prime example of shiism using Sunni hadith to promote their theory 😂👍

You are 110% RIGHT about no one being interested in a fake made up idea that didn’t even exist in their minds at the time I mean come on think about it:

Quran - no divine Imamate
Sunnah - no divine Imamate
Ali/Hassan ra - not divine (they never mentioned such )

So you really can’t blame Them ra for not being interested in something that NEVER existed.
I really do agree with you on this point.👍

Lol we might fool a few? Hahaha it’s the other way around you dummy we are more, it’s you lot who have been fooling the few and they are basically our mentally deranged brothers who are like you just arguing for the sake of it even after posting lie after lie.😁

Ustaad dimwit your sahabi followed another prophet and fought muslims! He was the only one in history who did unless you can give me any other sahaba that did, and if you did then he won’t be sahaba trust me it’s a simple thing, unlike you who will still respect a murtad who followed another prophet.

So then you use Black Thursday hadith to help you coz the murtad ting ain’t working and now the hadith states prophet pbuh told them to get out but your HATE translates that to Umar ra.

Syed ustaad dimwit you make my day😂👍

"Well even Ali ra gave bayah so He believed it was right, He followed through with other khaliphs and pledged allegiance"

I don't believe in and accept that. I don't believe he gave allegiance to Abu Bakr or accepted the wrong and false decision made in saqifa and how it was conducted.

"It says a lot about you being a follower of imams, it must be a case of you know better than them........centuries later"

Oh I am a follower of Imam Ali. I will look into to every detail rather than accepting things blindly. I know certain people believe that he didn't give allegiance to Abu Bakr for 6 months. And after that he decided to do. And his intentions were just to keep the peace.

There was no need to take a stand anymore because people started to give in and eventually accept what happened at Saqifa because putting up a confrontational stance over it wouldn't serve a purpose anymore.

And if you continued to oppose then heavy handed tactics were used against people and even persecution. That's what governments did. Those who didn't accept the decision made in saqifa threats were made and heavy handed tactics were used to get people on the same platform.

A decision was made that from now onwards Zakah money needs to be handed over to the government to the treasury. Those who didn't obey and follow the ridda wars were brought upon them.


Re: 15000 Sunni Masaajids in Iran and 9 in Tehran alone?
« Reply #69 on: April 09, 2020, 12:03:53 PM »
Wilayat, prove Wilayat from the Qur'an. Wilayat e Ali, prove this from the Qur'an. First of all I say Wilayat isn't something new. Nor does it start from Ali. Nor does it end on Ali. Lets go directly and straight to the Qur'an because the people on this site are already anti shia and they're already groomed and engineered with ifs and buts to raise suspicion and cast doubt.

إِنَّمَا وَلِيُّكُمُ اللَّهُ وَرَسُولُهُ وَالَّذِينَ آمَنُوا الَّذِينَ يُقِيمُونَ الصَّلَاةَ وَيُؤْتُونَ الزَّكَاةَ وَهُمْ رَاكِعُونَ

Innamā waliyyukumu-llāhu warasūluhu walladhīna āmanū-lladhīnā yuqīmūnas-salāta wayu’tunaz-zakāta wahum rāki‘ūn

Your guardian is only Allah, His Apostle, and the faithful who maintain the prayer and give the zakāt while bowing down.
(Sūratul Mā’idah, No.5, Āyat 55)

This is absolute and clear proof straight and direct from the Qur'an that; 1 There is such thing as Wilayat and Wali. 2, Wilayat doesn't start from Ali but starts from Allah himself moving on to the Prophet s.a.w. 3, After Allah and his Messenger s.a.w Allah himself has made a group of believers wali again after himself and his Messenger s.a.w.

We Shias believe that the group of believers who Allah has put forward has wali after himself and his Messenger s.a.w are the Ahlul Bayt the progeny of the Prophet s.a.w. There is someone third in line in authority after Allah and his Messenger s.a.w.

Some companions knew this but weren't comfortable with it and decided to take matters into their own hands and therefore led themselves and some others astray after the demise of the Prophet s.a.w.

And so do these Shaykhain loyalists, they also know about these straightforward facts. Those who don't because of arrogance or ignorance or just because of lack of knowledge and information or because of how they were raised and groomed will know.

And what I've said isn't takfeer on sahaba because there is no such thing as takfeer on sahaba or about sahaba not going astray or can't go astray. This is the perspective of some Shaykhain loyalists who bring out takfeer on sahaba from the Pandora box to use it against certain Shias and their opinion.

But those who are knowledgeable and aware of Islamic history or who have the technical ability will bring about the case of Malik bin Nuwayrah and his tribes men to them and then question them on takfeer on sahaba and if the sahaba were really granted immunity. And how truly these sahaba loyalists truly believe in and really follow takfeer on sahaba.


Re: 15000 Sunni Masaajids in Iran and 9 in Tehran alone?
« Reply #70 on: April 09, 2020, 12:21:19 PM »
Well even Ali ra gave bayah so He believed it was right, He followed through with other khaliphs and pledged allegiance. It says a lot about you being a follower of imams, it must be a case of you know better than them........centuries later.😁

Have answered and it’s littered nearly on EVERY post where you asked me this question It’s there in black and white,are you dumb or just plain stupid?

12 imams from Quraish yes who will RULE, no divine imam EVER ruled! So it’s not in the sunna,again it’s YOU who is deriving divine imams out of a hadith that’s clearly stating rulers without any hint of divinity in it, another prime example of shiism using Sunni hadith to promote their theory 😂👍

You are 110% RIGHT about no one being interested in a fake made up idea that didn’t even exist in their minds at the time I mean come on think about it:

Quran - no divine Imamate
Sunnah - no divine Imamate
Ali/Hassan ra - not divine (they never mentioned such )

So you really can’t blame Them ra for not being interested in something that NEVER existed.
I really do agree with you on this point.👍

Lol we might fool a few? Hahaha it’s the other way around you dummy we are more, it’s you lot who have been fooling the few and they are basically our mentally deranged brothers who are like you just arguing for the sake of it even after posting lie after lie.😁

Ustaad dimwit your sahabi followed another prophet and fought muslims! He was the only one in history who did unless you can give me any other sahaba that did, and if you did then he won’t be sahaba trust me it’s a simple thing, unlike you who will still respect a murtad who followed another prophet.

So then you use Black Thursday hadith to help you coz the murtad ting ain’t working and now the hadith states prophet pbuh told them to get out but your HATE translates that to Umar ra.

Syed ustaad dimwit you make my day😂👍

"Lol we might fool a few? Hahaha it’s the other way around you dummy we are more"

Don't use numbers or play the number game.


Re: 15000 Sunni Masaajids in Iran and 9 in Tehran alone?
« Reply #71 on: April 09, 2020, 12:52:33 PM »
Well even Ali ra gave bayah so He believed it was right, He followed through with other khaliphs and pledged allegiance. It says a lot about you being a follower of imams, it must be a case of you know better than them........centuries later.😁

Have answered and it’s littered nearly on EVERY post where you asked me this question It’s there in black and white,are you dumb or just plain stupid?

12 imams from Quraish yes who will RULE, no divine imam EVER ruled! So it’s not in the sunna,again it’s YOU who is deriving divine imams out of a hadith that’s clearly stating rulers without any hint of divinity in it, another prime example of shiism using Sunni hadith to promote their theory 😂👍

You are 110% RIGHT about no one being interested in a fake made up idea that didn’t even exist in their minds at the time I mean come on think about it:

Quran - no divine Imamate
Sunnah - no divine Imamate
Ali/Hassan ra - not divine (they never mentioned such )

So you really can’t blame Them ra for not being interested in something that NEVER existed.
I really do agree with you on this point.👍

Lol we might fool a few? Hahaha it’s the other way around you dummy we are more, it’s you lot who have been fooling the few and they are basically our mentally deranged brothers who are like you just arguing for the sake of it even after posting lie after lie.😁

Ustaad dimwit your sahabi followed another prophet and fought muslims! He was the only one in history who did unless you can give me any other sahaba that did, and if you did then he won’t be sahaba trust me it’s a simple thing, unlike you who will still respect a murtad who followed another prophet.

So then you use Black Thursday hadith to help you coz the murtad ting ain’t working and now the hadith states prophet pbuh told them to get out but your HATE translates that to Umar ra.

Syed ustaad dimwit you make my day😂👍

Lol we might fool a few? Hahaha it’s the other way around you dummy we are more"

Don't use numbers or play the number game. Allah says many will disbelieve or won't believe. And from those who believe you also have half hearted or those with weak faith as well as hypocrites. So numbers don't justify anything. 😊

"Ustaad dimwit your sahabi"

My sahabi, really? You accused me of hating sahaba. So how is he my sahabi 😊

"followed another prophet and fought muslims!"

Bring forward evidence and back it up. Lets discuss his case and give him a fair trial which Khalid and Abu Bakr refuse to deliver. Khalid denied him of a fair trial. Abu Bakr denied him justice. That's Caliphate for you. Look up in your own books and what your scholars have said. There are different reports. Contradiction  everywhere.

"He was the only one in history who did"

Again prove it.

"unless you can give me any other sahaba that did, and if you did then he won’t be sahaba trust me it’s a simple thing"

Hold on to something because here it comes again. The Prophet asked for a pen and paper so he may write something for them so they don't go astray after him. Umar objected and reminded the others that they had the book of Allah with them. He also told them that the book of Allah is sufficient for us. He wasn't even interested at all in what the Prophet s.a.w had to write and offer. Infact he undermined it. And those who sided with him.

Now you can keep looking for what ever excuse you want here but it's not going to help his case or yours. Clear conviction.

"unlike you who will still respect a murtad who followed another prophet"

I respect all companions of the Prophet s.a.w every single one of them because of their link with the Prophet s.a.w. But this doesn't cloud my mind or judgment. Respect has nothing to do with conviction based on violation of Allah and or his Messenger s.a.w. I know there is a lot in history which is concerning and worrying. There's a lot in history which is damning and damaging. There's a lot in history which is capable of criticism and condemnation. But this isn't disrespect or dishonour.

"So then you use Black Thursday hadith to help you"

I don't need help. You do. And believe me you need alot of it. Black Thursday, it's Thursday but not just any day of the weak. Why is it called Black Thursday. What's the reason for and behind it. That's when the some sahaba went astray.

"coz the murtad ting ain’t working"

This is not waterworks or gasworks that we need to bring in the questionof working or not. Prove to me he became a murtad or accept that any Sahabi can become murtad 😊 Either way you are caught out in this 😆

"and now the hadith states prophet pbuh told them to get out but your HATE translates that to Umar ra"

Damining and damaging for Umar and those who sided with him. 😊


Re: 15000 Sunni Masaajids in Iran and 9 in Tehran alone?
« Reply #72 on: April 09, 2020, 02:15:00 PM »
"Well even Ali ra gave bayah so He believed it was right, He followed through with other khaliphs and pledged allegiance"

I don't believe in and accept that. I don't believe he gave allegiance to Abu Bakr or accepted the wrong and false decision made in saqifa and how it was conducted.

"It says a lot about you being a follower of imams, it must be a case of you know better than them........centuries later"

Oh I am a follower of Imam Ali. I will look into to every detail rather than accepting things blindly. I know certain people believe that he didn't give allegiance to Abu Bakr for 6 months. And after that he decided to do. And his intentions were just to keep the peace.

There was no need to take a stand anymore because people started to give in and eventually accept what happened at Saqifa because putting up a confrontational stance over it wouldn't serve a purpose anymore.

And if you continued to oppose then heavy handed tactics were used against people and even persecution. That's what governments did. Those who didn't accept the decision made in saqifa threats were made and heavy handed tactics were used to get people on the same platform.

A decision was made that from now onwards Zakah money needs to be handed over to the government to the treasury. Those who didn't obey and follow the ridda wars were brought upon them.

Well syed ustaad dimwit it’s not my problem you don’t accept the fact the Ali ra gave bayah it’s written in authentic are going by your belief in nonsense to assume that wasn’t the case because that would mean Ali ra agreed what happened in saqifa, that event which you hate so much.
Your loss not mine.😜

Yea just to keep peace He will watch His wife get killed and let usurpers take what was a god given right, great shiites lowering a lion to a sheep,astaghfirullah.
You keep your false idea of Imam Ali ra to yourself lowering him to your level with your baseless assumptions.😂



Re: 15000 Sunni Masaajids in Iran and 9 in Tehran alone?
« Reply #73 on: April 09, 2020, 02:30:38 PM »
Wilayat, prove Wilayat from the Qur'an. Wilayat e Ali, prove this from the Qur'an. First of all I say Wilayat isn't something new. Nor does it start from Ali. Nor does it end on Ali. Lets go directly and straight to the Qur'an because the people on this site are already anti shia and they're already groomed and engineered with ifs and buts to raise suspicion and cast doubt.

إِنَّمَا وَلِيُّكُمُ اللَّهُ وَرَسُولُهُ وَالَّذِينَ آمَنُوا الَّذِينَ يُقِيمُونَ الصَّلَاةَ وَيُؤْتُونَ الزَّكَاةَ وَهُمْ رَاكِعُونَ

Innamā waliyyukumu-llāhu warasūluhu walladhīna āmanū-lladhīnā yuqīmūnas-salāta wayu’tunaz-zakāta wahum rāki‘ūn

Your guardian is only Allah, His Apostle, and the faithful who maintain the prayer and give the zakāt while bowing down.
(Sūratul Mā’idah, No.5, Āyat 55)

This is absolute and clear proof straight and direct from the Qur'an that; 1 There is such thing as Wilayat and Wali. 2, Wilayat doesn't start from Ali but starts from Allah himself moving on to the Prophet s.a.w. 3, After Allah and his Messenger s.a.w Allah himself has made a group of believers wali again after himself and his Messenger s.a.w.

We Shias believe that the group of believers who Allah has put forward has wali after himself and his Messenger s.a.w are the Ahlul Bayt the progeny of the Prophet s.a.w. There is someone third in line in authority after Allah and his Messenger s.a.w.

Some companions knew this but weren't comfortable with it and decided to take matters into their own hands and therefore led themselves and some others astray after the demise of the Prophet s.a.w.

And so do these Shaykhain loyalists, they also know about these straightforward facts. Those who don't because of arrogance or ignorance or just because of lack of knowledge and information or because of how they were raised and groomed will know.

And what I've said isn't takfeer on sahaba because there is no such thing as takfeer on sahaba or about sahaba not going astray or can't go astray. This is the perspective of some Shaykhain loyalists who bring out takfeer on sahaba from the Pandora box to use it against certain Shias and their opinion.

But those who are knowledgeable and aware of Islamic history or who have the technical ability will bring about the case of Malik bin Nuwayrah and his tribes men to them and then question them on takfeer on sahaba and if the sahaba were really granted immunity. And how truly these sahaba loyalists truly believe in and really follow takfeer on sahaba.

What a load of codswallop!

In that verse the authority the 3rd can be ANYONE in authority.

“Those in authority” equates to you as a wali 😂👍

Saba really did a good job on your ancestors who gave birth to liars and haters like yourself PROVEN good and proper on this site.

It’s all the shaikhains fault and the billions and billions of Muslims who followed them to this day are all wrong by interpreting the ayah as it is.
You have the right formula and the truth, so much truth that you have to lie against one of the shaikain.😂👍

What’s shaikain loyalists? I told you ahlu sunnah PERSPECTIVE, the hate just seeps from your every post, ditch the hate and stick to the truth maybe just maybe you might have a point and we can listen to what you have to say.

Oh stop the crying who are shaikain loyalists?


Re: 15000 Sunni Masaajids in Iran and 9 in Tehran alone?
« Reply #74 on: April 09, 2020, 02:38:00 PM »

Don't use numbers or play the number game.

Hypocrite this is what I mean when you lie and assume things:

Syed ustaad dimwit: Been going on for 1400 years. Hasn't worked and never will. You might fool a few. But the majority are wise.

My answer: Lol we might fool a few? Hahaha it’s the other way around you dummy we are more.

So who started with the numbers? Hypocritical fool!

This is how this sly teacher works, he starts it off then blames us for it........typical shiites!



Re: 15000 Sunni Masaajids in Iran and 9 in Tehran alone?
« Reply #75 on: April 09, 2020, 02:57:58 PM »
Well syed ustaad dimwit it’s not my problem you don’t accept the fact the Ali ra gave bayah it’s written in authentic are going by your belief in nonsense to assume that wasn’t the case because that would mean Ali ra agreed what happened in saqifa, that event which you hate so much.
Your loss not mine.😜

Yea just to keep peace He will watch His wife get killed and let usurpers take what was a god given right, great shiites lowering a lion to a sheep,astaghfirullah.
You keep your false idea of Imam Ali ra to yourself lowering him to your level with your baseless assumptions.😂


"Well syed ustaad dimwit it’s not my problem you don’t accept the fact the Ali ra gave bayah it’s written in authentic hadiths"

First of all authentic by you and by some. Not authentic by all. Second if he gave allegiance then why after 6 months? Can you explanation that? Well if you could you already would have. 😊 And if he gave allegiance and it was after 6 months then why do think the allegiance was based on him finally accepting what happened in Saqifa. If what happened in Saqifa was legitimate and correct then it wouldn't take Ali 6 months to realise that. 😊

The logical reason behind Ali giving allegiance to Abi Bakr after 6 months would be based on accepting him as Caliph of the Ummah due to unfortunate circumstances. Just to keep the peace because the standoff wouldn't be of any purpose or worth if people are eventually going to give in. Politics is something you don't understand kid. So a change of policy and stance, based on circumstances, conditions you face or the situation you find yourself in, how will you understand that.

"that would mean Ali ra agreed what happened in saqifa, that event which you hate so much"

Ali giving allegiance to Abi Bakr as soon as he is aware of it is one thing but giving allegiance after a period of 6 months is totally a different thing. The first is acceptance based on legitimacy and legality, the second is based on unfortunate circumstances based on the situation and condition that he was facing.  Two totally different things here.

Plus giving allegiance after 6 months doesn't mean accepting the decision but accepting and coming to terms with the unfortunate circumstances.

"Yea just to keep peace He will watch His wife get killed and let usurpers take what was a god given right, great shiites lowering a lion to a sheep,astaghfirullah.
You keep your false idea of Imam Ali ra to yourself lowering him to your level with your baseless assumptions"

Allow me to straighten your misunderstanding so it doesn't turn out to misunderstand and mislead others. The story of the burning of the door and Fatimah getting injured is not a majority belief of the Shias. Some believe in it and some don't. There's a difference in opinion.

I wouldn't say the decision reached in Saqifa, I will say what the Shaykhain got up to in Saqifa when the others got to know about it and the news started to get common it was criticised and condemned. The question of its legitimacy was questioned based on Qur'an and Sunnah. The Shaykhain had their influence and loyalists and supporters based on that influence.

They used heavy handed tactics and were determined to see this through. Was violence and threatening behaviour used to the extent that unfortunately and coincidently Fatima got caught up on all this by getting injured is questionable and needs to be looked at. No one planned this and no one expected this and things to go this far.

They Shaykhain were determined to see things through and to keep everyone on the same page. That's what some governments or some people in authority do. Fatima, Ali and all those who opposed as hizb e ikhtelaf meaning the opposing or the opposition party had no idea that things would go this far and get that bad if this incident did occur.

After all they were not just closely related and had respect for each other, there was brotherhood and they were friends. But things do get from bad to worse and from sweet to bitter between family members, relations and friends. And looking at Umar's character and nature, he wasn't a cool and calm person. He was hot tempered and had an aggressive nature. He was harsh and hard. Look into his character and personality.


Re: 15000 Sunni Masaajids in Iran and 9 in Tehran alone?
« Reply #76 on: April 09, 2020, 03:06:18 PM »
Hypocrite this is what I mean when you lie and assume things:

Syed ustaad dimwit: Been going on for 1400 years. Hasn't worked and never will. You might fool a few. But the majority are wise.

My answer: Lol we might fool a few? Hahaha it’s the other way around you dummy we are more.

So who started with the numbers? Hypocritical fool!

This is how this sly teacher works, he starts it off then blames us for it........typical shiites!


"You might fool a few. But the majority are wise"

Prove this from the Qur'an. 😊 According to the Qur'an the majority have always disbelieved or gone astray. A few have always believed and stood on the right path. 😊

"My answer: Lol we might fool a few? Hahaha it’s the other way around you dummy we are more"

"We are more", that doesn't prove anything. Numbers don't justify anything.

"So who started with the numbers? Hypocritical fool"

You tell me? I believe you did. 😊

"This is how this sly teacher works, he starts it off then blames us for it...."

Back it up and I'll be more than happy to accept it. 😊


Re: 15000 Sunni Masaajids in Iran and 9 in Tehran alone?
« Reply #77 on: April 09, 2020, 03:14:48 PM »
What a load of codswallop!

In that verse the authority the 3rd can be ANYONE in authority.

“Those in authority” equates to you as a wali 😂👍

Saba really did a good job on your ancestors who gave birth to liars and haters like yourself PROVEN good and proper on this site.

It’s all the shaikhains fault and the billions and billions of Muslims who followed them to this day are all wrong by interpreting the ayah as it is.
You have the right formula and the truth, so much truth that you have to lie against one of the shaikain.😂👍

What’s shaikain loyalists? I told you ahlu sunnah PERSPECTIVE, the hate just seeps from your every post, ditch the hate and stick to the truth maybe just maybe you might have a point and we can listen to what you have to say.

Oh stop the crying who are shaikain loyalists?

"In that verse the authority the 3rd can be ANYONE in authority"

Lol. OK, so you accept Yazeed bin Muawiya has your 6th/7th rightly guided Caliph? 😊 Do you accept Muawiya as part of Khulafaa e Rashedoon? 😊 You said "It could be anybody", we believe it is the progeny of the Prophet s.a.w. And from there the Imams.

"Those in authority” equates to you as a wali"

Yes, according to the command of Allah."Indeed and there is no doubt about it that Allah is your wali and so is his Prophet and those who have believed". From here onwards Allah is mention which from the believers by mentioning their characteristics and attributes. 😊


Re: 15000 Sunni Masaajids in Iran and 9 in Tehran alone?
« Reply #78 on: April 09, 2020, 03:18:58 PM »
Lol we might fool a few? Hahaha it’s the other way around you dummy we are more"

Don't use numbers or play the number game. Allah says many will disbelieve or won't believe. And from those who believe you also have half hearted or those with weak faith as well as hypocrites. So numbers don't justify anything. 😊

"Ustaad dimwit your sahabi"

My sahabi, really? You accused me of hating sahaba. So how is he my sahabi 😊

"followed another prophet and fought muslims!"

Bring forward evidence and back it up. Lets discuss his case and give him a fair trial which Khalid and Abu Bakr refuse to deliver. Khalid denied him of a fair trial. Abu Bakr denied him justice. That's Caliphate for you. Look up in your own books and what your scholars have said. There are different reports. Contradiction  everywhere.

"He was the only one in history who did"

Again prove it.

"unless you can give me any other sahaba that did, and if you did then he won’t be sahaba trust me it’s a simple thing"

Hold on to something because here it comes again. The Prophet asked for a pen and paper so he may write something for them so they don't go astray after him. Umar objected and reminded the others that they had the book of Allah with them. He also told them that the book of Allah is sufficient for us. He wasn't even interested at all in what the Prophet s.a.w had to write and offer. Infact he undermined it. And those who sided with him.

Now you can keep looking for what ever excuse you want here but it's not going to help his case or yours. Clear conviction.

"unlike you who will still respect a murtad who followed another prophet"

I respect all companions of the Prophet s.a.w every single one of them because of their link with the Prophet s.a.w. But this doesn't cloud my mind or judgment. Respect has nothing to do with conviction based on violation of Allah and or his Messenger s.a.w. I know there is a lot in history which is concerning and worrying. There's a lot in history which is damning and damaging. There's a lot in history which is capable of criticism and condemnation. But this isn't disrespect or dishonour.

"So then you use Black Thursday hadith to help you"

I don't need help. You do. And believe me you need alot of it. Black Thursday, it's Thursday but not just any day of the weak. Why is it called Black Thursday. What's the reason for and behind it. That's when the some sahaba went astray.

"coz the murtad ting ain’t working"

This is not waterworks or gasworks that we need to bring in the questionof working or not. Prove to me he became a murtad or accept that any Sahabi can become murtad 😊 Either way you are caught out in this 😆

"and now the hadith states prophet pbuh told them to get out but your HATE translates that to Umar ra"

Damining and damaging for Umar and those who sided with him. 😊

You started with the number game if you can remember, hypocrite!

You STILL consider him as a sahabi your whole argument is based on this, we say he ain’t a sahabi no more because he didn’t pay zakah and started to follow a new prophet.
The evidence for that is in our history books, try ibn Kathir try Tabri, try history books in general, it’s pretty easy infact you should try this it’s much easier for dimwits like yourself.

No contradiction above, I don’t have to use weak stuff or go into verbal gymnastics to prove my point.......unlike you.😜

As far as I am aware no person is still a sahabi after following the last prophet then decided to follow other self proclaimed fake prophets, you are still giving him that title a sahabi we ahlu sunnah don’t Malik or no Malik.

No contradiction sticking to my points syed stop using words you don’t know the meaning of, it won’t make you look any smarter especially if you use them at the wrong times.😜👍

Lol you are comparing a murtad who stopped paying zakah an Islamic pillar and followed another prophet making himself a murtad to Umar ra because He said Quran is sufficient for us??
How on earth did you relate the 2?

How does saying quran is sufficient equal to not paying zakah and following a false prophet??

Is this your only comeback? Seriously do you lack ANY sense?

Syed ustaad dimwit you seriously crack me up .......KASAM!😂😜👍

The history you follow is fake, your hate for sahaba is endless look at the LIES you use against Umar ra, how many times have you posted “it’s saqifa” blaming everything on the event and the characters whom were there, all by following fake history but when you are confronted you talk about something completely different, example Nuwera who turned murtad you relate it to Umar ra saying Quran is sufficient?!??....(after lying that He said “nonsense”).😂

Yeah Black Thursday is the day when sahaba went astray lol😂

We have what prophet pbuh wanted to write so how did they stray? Infact you posted it yourself you dimwit!

What a joke😂😂

I ain’t caught but it’s YOU, you will never answer why he followed sajjah, instead you want proof😂, I have gave it to you and you are still asking??? Do you read posts or just look over them to answer what’s EASIEST to answer?
Keep yourself looking like a fool it’s good fun from my side I don’t have to research much because a Shiite teacher like you is simple and easy to deal with.😂😜

Not damaging at all for Umar ra

More damaging for divine imam followers for the divine imam was there and he didn’t do.......NOTHING!😂😂

Shiism the joke iblees started😂


Re: 15000 Sunni Masaajids in Iran and 9 in Tehran alone?
« Reply #79 on: April 09, 2020, 03:29:57 PM »
"Well syed ustaad dimwit it’s not my problem you don’t accept the fact the Ali ra gave bayah it’s written in authentic hadiths"

First of all authentic by you and by some. Not authentic by all. Second if he gave allegiance then why after 6 months? Can you explanation that? Well if you could you already would have. 😊 And if he gave allegiance and it was after 6 months then why do think the allegiance was based on him finally accepting what happened in Saqifa. If what happened in Saqifa was legitimate and correct then it wouldn't take Ali 6 months to realise that. 😊

The logical reason behind Ali giving allegiance to Abi Bakr after 6 months would be based on accepting him as Caliph of the Ummah due to unfortunate circumstances. Just to keep the peace because the standoff wouldn't be of any purpose or worth if people are eventually going to give in. Politics is something you don't understand kid. So a change of policy and stance, based on circumstances, conditions you face or the situation you find yourself in, how will you understand that.

"that would mean Ali ra agreed what happened in saqifa, that event which you hate so much"

Ali giving allegiance to Abi Bakr as soon as he is aware of it is one thing but giving allegiance after a period of 6 months is totally a different thing. The first is acceptance based on legitimacy and legality, the second is based on unfortunate circumstances based on the situation and condition that he was facing.  Two totally different things here.

Plus giving allegiance after 6 months doesn't mean accepting the decision but accepting and coming to terms with the unfortunate circumstances.

"Yea just to keep peace He will watch His wife get killed and let usurpers take what was a god given right, great shiites lowering a lion to a sheep,astaghfirullah.
You keep your false idea of Imam Ali ra to yourself lowering him to your level with your baseless assumptions"

Allow me to straighten your misunderstanding so it doesn't turn out to misunderstand and mislead others. The story of the burning of the door and Fatimah getting injured is not a majority belief of the Shias. Some believe in it and some don't. There's a difference in opinion.

I wouldn't say the decision reached in Saqifa, I will say what the Shaykhain got up to in Saqifa when the others got to know about it and the news started to get common it was criticised and condemned. The question of its legitimacy was questioned based on Qur'an and Sunnah. The Shaykhain had their influence and loyalists and supporters based on that influence.

They used heavy handed tactics and were determined to see this through. Was violence and threatening behaviour used to the extent that unfortunately and coincidently Fatima got caught up on all this by getting injured is questionable and needs to be looked at. No one planned this and no one expected this and things to go this far.

They Shaykhain were determined to see things through and to keep everyone on the same page. That's what some governments or some people in authority do. Fatima, Ali and all those who opposed as hizb e ikhtelaf meaning the opposing or the opposition party had no idea that things would go this far and get that bad if this incident did occur.

After all they were not just closely related and had respect for each other, there was brotherhood and they were friends. But things do get from bad to worse and from sweet to bitter between family members, relations and friends. And looking at Umar's character and nature, he wasn't a cool and calm person. He was hot tempered and had an aggressive nature. He was harsh and hard. Look into his character and personality.

Oh right so it has to be authentic by Shiite standards😂😂
Ali ra gave bayah some say He gave bayah then gave it again after 6 months.
My point is He still gave bayah and pledged allegiance, you haven’t got nothing but assumptions to why He did so.😂👍

So Ali wanted to keep the peace because the majority agreed with appointment of Abu Bakr ra?? Is this your political understanding? 😂😂😂

You are definitely full of it.😜👍

No ahlu sunnah believes in the fake story made up centuries later about some burning door.......and the phantom hand of Umar ra.😂😂
Keep fooling yourself that ahlu sunnah believe this nonsense.😂

Please do tell me who are shaikain followers? Are they the ones who follow facts relating to history of Islam or are they closely related to sabaites like yourself?
Please do entertain us with your assumptions again.😂


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