
15000 Sunni Masaajids in Iran and 9 in Tehran alone?

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Re: 15000 Sunni Masaajids in Iran and 9 in Tehran alone?
« Reply #80 on: April 09, 2020, 03:42:48 PM »
"In that verse the authority the 3rd can be ANYONE in authority"

Lol. OK, so you accept Yazeed bin Muawiya has your 6th/7th rightly guided Caliph? 😊 Do you accept Muawiya as part of Khulafaa e Rashedoon? 😊 You said "It could be anybody", we believe it is the progeny of the Prophet s.a.w. And from there the Imams.

"Those in authority” equates to you as a wali"

Yes, according to the command of Allah."Indeed and there is no doubt about it that Allah is your wali and so is his Prophet and those who have believed". From here onwards Allah is mention which from the believers by mentioning their characteristics and attributes. 😊

Huh? Dimwit authority doesn’t just mean rulers or leaders my local imam is an authority I am an authority to my kids such an ambiguous verse and you somehow found divine imams in there for real.😂👍

Lol the last verse you posted Alhamdulillah we BELIEVERS are walis of each other do try and post THE FULL VERSE:

Only Allah is your Waliyy and His Apostle and those who believe, those who keep up prayers and pay the poor rate and they bow [in worship].

1) Allah swt is wali
2) prophet pbuh is wali
3) believers are wali the ones who pray and give zakah

The 3rd equals me and all others who pray and give zakah.

No divine Imamate there dimwit unless you are gonna do verbal gymnastics again to explain your alien theory of divine Imamate.😂

Allah swt has made Quran easy to understand for a believer where he can use the verses of Quran with ease and not go into an epic explanation about what it might mean.👍

This is Pakistani shiism at its best😂😂😜


Re: 15000 Sunni Masaajids in Iran and 9 in Tehran alone?
« Reply #81 on: April 09, 2020, 05:31:54 PM »
What's your proof that 5:55 is ambiguous and the context doesn't give it a proper meaning in a way that proves the authority of Ali (a) and the successors (a) in general?

Simply translating it as you please is not a proof.  You have to justify your translation through Quran.

I will propose and attempt to justify the following translation per (1) Quranic context (2) Hadiths (3) Logic:

"Your Authority is only God, the Messenger, and those who granted security, those who keep up prayers/connections (to God) and give charity (even) while they bow. And whoever gives authority to God, the Messenger and those who granted security than the party of God, these are they who are successful.".

Momin is mostly meant to be believer, but when God applies the title to himself, it has alternative meaning which most translations have it as granter of safety and security.

The Ulil-Amr (a) are to be referred in matters of safety and fear, and hence, grant security to the people if relied on.

(1)Proof by hadith

There is a hadith in Alkafi, that when asked about the verse "...don't take a waleejatan other then God and the believers", that believers here meant those who grant security.

The one place God gives himself the title Al-Momin, it's practically almost all agreed upon, with some exceptions, that it means one who grants peace, security, and safety.

It's rational to conclude in special cases like the waleejatan verse, and verse not to take Awliya (authorities) other then Momineen, and that Momineen see your deeds with the God of the universe and the Messenger, it refers to alternative meaning and special meaning, then believers, but better translated as "those who give security/safety" just as the verse about God is better translated like that when the title Momin applies to Himself.

(2) Context

The Quran talks about previous books to be judgment sources, but, also talks about the role of Anbiya who were safeguarding the revelation and would judge for the Jews and judge for the scholars.  It emphasizes on ruling and judging by what God revealed, then goes to a dialogue not to take awliya from those given the book before us.

The reason by flow is obvious to me, that, despite being handed down revelation and despite their duty to teach it's truth to the people, they are to not to be relied on as to what the Torah and Gospels actually teach.

They are not authorities over people despite their claim of representing the divine revelations and teachings.

In fact, some of them are authorities over others, and they don't agree upon who is the authority, which is one way of negating the authority of Christian and Jewish scholars.

Then it talks about not turning on backs to believers and addresses them and threatens them to bring about a people who God loves and they love him. 

Then in this flow says "Your only Wali is....", which means the religious authority you have, and it's about the same claimed by Christian and Jewish leaders not to be taken as authorities.....

As believers are being addressed in this topic, and they themselves are not all religious authorities, but rather like the dialogue of Rasool and Ulil-Amr,  it's those who grant security and safety with respect to the next world and this world as well, who are to be relied upon as authority.

Then it further emphasizes after that those taken as authorities from the people of the book, are those who religion has become a play pastime for them, a game of thrones and conjecture of desires.

This is not something that can only happen in the past, but can happen in the future. This is why God emphasized on the Wilayah of God and his chosen.

Backing it up in the Surah, it also flows back to the day God perfect his favor, and his favor linked to the reminder of God raising Prophets and Kings in the children of Israel, and that linked to the covenant and him sending Messengers reminded later, which is linked to the Twelve Captains (the true Navigators who were Messengers) in the covenant of the Children of Israel.

The flow is obvious, just as there was just Twelve Captains and not more or less, and they were the way to set the ship to safety and bring humans to peace and safety in this world and the next, here it's saying you have no other Wali to get guidance to what the Quran truly revealed except God himself (Quran by Quran), his Messenger (Sunnah), and those who grant safety those who keep up the prayers and give charity (even) while bowing who is a group that Imam Ali (a) represented when he gave his ring.

["yomen man rakabaha" (it grants safety to those who board it)]

(3) Logic

By rational logic, we aren't forbidden to love or be friends with people of the book, as Quran is clear only that type friendship and love was forbidden to those who fought the believers and prosecuted them due to their religion.  When the same chapter talks about marrying people of the book, it's not forbidding friendship with them.

So aside from context, the meaning as friend is absurd.  The same with ally, we are allowed to have allies other then believers.

That and Angels (a) are included in guardians and friends, but are not included in this verse if it means believers even though they believe, they are the ones conveying from God to Mohammad (s) about the hidden reality and revelation, so it doesn't make sense to call Gabriel a believer.

This is another reason why the best translation is the one I just provided.


Re: 15000 Sunni Masaajids in Iran and 9 in Tehran alone?
« Reply #82 on: April 09, 2020, 11:03:46 PM »
He Umar ra achieved more than ANY divine imam ever did"

Prove it. No reference no nothing from you. Just empty words. Start bringing in references. Then we'll discuss it. Nothing can be discussed on just words from you. 😊

"No divine imam EVER existed even to this day and you have no proof of it"

Proved from the Qur'an time and time again. 😊

"Again your hatred is never ending especially on Umar ra, history has been written about Umar ra and His achievements, you just don’t want to know and keep your hatred up just keep shaytaan happy, you know the one who walks on the other side when he used to see Umar ra coming"

I don't hate anyone, never mind about Umar. 😊 Umar's character, performance and achievement, his merits and sacrifices after becoming a Muslim, where have I denied that. 😊 Where have I said that the man has or had no honour or respect. 😊 But despite all that he was a human and capable to make errors and mistakes,

capable to sin or commit a crime, capable of getting it wrong just like any other sahabi. 😊 Sahaba can go astray after the demise of the Prophet s.a.w, can't they? You've just accepted and proven that in the case of Malik.

"you know the one who walks on the other side when he used to see Umar ra coming"

And why is that? 😊 And you believe it just because it's written? 😊 Correct me if I'm wrong, why didn't the devil walk in the opposite direction or on the other side when he saw the Prophet s.a.w? The Prophet s.a.w was praying and in tashud, the devil asked him how many Gods are there? And the Prophet s.a.w got distracted from his prayers and responded by lifting his finger pointing out that it is one. Don't you believe in this. 😊

"Quran is sufficient is not a crime in Islam where as not paying zakah and following a false prophet"

Objecting to what the Prophet s.a.w has to offer, not willing to take what he is giving is a direct violation of the Qur'an as well as  an insult to the Prophet s.a.w. It is a crime according to Allah and the Qur'an. "What the Prophet s.a.w offers you take it, what he forbids refrain from it". An absolute and clear violation.

"I have put a constructive argument forward......sajjah"

Just words. Nothing more. Bring the evidence forward. The reports are mixed. Nothing concrete and solid.


Re: 15000 Sunni Masaajids in Iran and 9 in Tehran alone?
« Reply #83 on: April 09, 2020, 11:09:51 PM »
Well syed ustaad dimwit it’s not my problem you don’t accept the fact the Ali ra gave bayah it’s written in authentic are going by your belief in nonsense to assume that wasn’t the case because that would mean Ali ra agreed what happened in saqifa, that event which you hate so much.
Your loss not mine.😜

Yea just to keep peace He will watch His wife get killed and let usurpers take what was a god given right, great shiites lowering a lion to a sheep,astaghfirullah.
You keep your false idea of Imam Ali ra to yourself lowering him to your level with your baseless assumptions.😂


Lets go by your story which is rejected by Shias to begin with. Ali gave allegiance after 6 months, why not before this. What was the problem. And giving allegiance months later means accepting what happened in Saqifa. Then why not give allegiance months earlier. What kept him lets hear it. 😊


Re: 15000 Sunni Masaajids in Iran and 9 in Tehran alone?
« Reply #84 on: April 09, 2020, 11:31:45 PM »
Huh? Dimwit authority doesn’t just mean rulers or leaders my local imam is an authority I am an authority to my kids such an ambiguous verse and you somehow found divine imams in there for real.😂👍

Lol the last verse you posted Alhamdulillah we BELIEVERS are walis of each other do try and post THE FULL VERSE:

Only Allah is your Waliyy and His Apostle and those who believe, those who keep up prayers and pay the poor rate and they bow [in worship].

1) Allah swt is wali
2) prophet pbuh is wali
3) believers are wali the ones who pray and give zakah

The 3rd equals me and all others who pray and give zakah.

No divine Imamate there dimwit unless you are gonna do verbal gymnastics again to explain your alien theory of divine Imamate.😂

Allah swt has made Quran easy to understand for a believer where he can use the verses of Quran with ease and not go into an epic explanation about what it might mean.👍

This is Pakistani shiism at its best😂😂😜

"Huh? Dimwit authority doesn’t just mean rulers or leaders my local imam is an authority I am an authority to my kids such an ambiguous verse and you somehow found divine imams in there for real"

Lol. Can't get any silly than this. Don't play with meanings. A word has more than one meaning so you can use this to your advantage and stick the meaning that suits you. So your local Imam and you are also in the Qur'an after Allah and his Messenger s.a.w. 😊 Sweet.

Your local Imam can commit a crime like molesting children and get arrested for it. Parents can turn out bad towards their children. And you still believe local Imams of a mosque and patents are wali after Allah and his Messenger s.a.w and in that sequence. 😊 Think again.So Allah is your wali, the Messenger s.a.w. is your wali and everybody is a wali of each other. 😀 Hallelujah!

Yazeed Ibne Muawiya is your wali? Well he must be since he was caliph of the Muslims. This is your belief. Our belief is Allah is out wali, Muhammad s.a.w is our wali and Allah has put certain believers as wali on the believers after Allah and his Messenger s.a.w. And we believe they are the Ahlul Bayt, the progeny of the Prophet s.a.w which Qur'an and Muhammad s.a.w both speak about. And these are the two weighty things the Prophet s.a.w left behind for us. Allah is divine, his Messenger s.a.w is divine and so are the Ahlul Bayt who are our wali after Allah and his Messenger s.a.w and in that sequence.

"Lol the last verse you posted Alhamdulillah we BELIEVERS are walis of each other"

That's fine for you then. If you're wali of each other than why are you waiting for a saviour by the whos name will be the same as Muhammad s.a.w and who will be from the progeny of the Prophet s.a.w who will full the world with fairness and justice just as it will be full of tyranny and injustice. 😊 It seems like your walis will fill the world with tyranny and injustice 😊

"Only Allah is your Waliyy and His Apostle and those who believe, those who keep up prayers and pay the poor rate and they bow [in worship].

Note this, "those who keep up prayers and pay the poor rate and they bow"

These are certain specific people. Not everyone. If you keep this general and take the meaning that it applies to everyone then, you have good and bad, right and wrong, just and cruel, fair and crook, pious and evil etc and etc. And these can't be walis like Allah and his Messenger s.a.w 😊


Re: 15000 Sunni Masaajids in Iran and 9 in Tehran alone?
« Reply #85 on: April 12, 2020, 05:22:41 PM »
"Huh? Dimwit authority doesn’t just mean rulers or leaders my local imam is an authority I am an authority to my kids such an ambiguous verse and you somehow found divine imams in there for real"

Lol. Can't get any silly than this. Don't play with meanings. A word has more than one meaning so you can use this to your advantage and stick the meaning that suits you. So your local Imam and you are also in the Qur'an after Allah and his Messenger s.a.w. 😊 Sweet.

Your local Imam can commit a crime like molesting children and get arrested for it. Parents can turn out bad towards their children. And you still believe local Imams of a mosque and patents are wali after Allah and his Messenger s.a.w and in that sequence. 😊 Think again.So Allah is your wali, the Messenger s.a.w. is your wali and everybody is a wali of each other. 😀 Hallelujah!

Yazeed Ibne Muawiya is your wali? Well he must be since he was caliph of the Muslims. This is your belief. Our belief is Allah is out wali, Muhammad s.a.w is our wali and Allah has put certain believers as wali on the believers after Allah and his Messenger s.a.w. And we believe they are the Ahlul Bayt, the progeny of the Prophet s.a.w which Qur'an and Muhammad s.a.w both speak about. And these are the two weighty things the Prophet s.a.w left behind for us. Allah is divine, his Messenger s.a.w is divine and so are the Ahlul Bayt who are our wali after Allah and his Messenger s.a.w and in that sequence.

"Lol the last verse you posted Alhamdulillah we BELIEVERS are walis of each other"

That's fine for you then. If you're wali of each other than why are you waiting for a saviour by the whos name will be the same as Muhammad s.a.w and who will be from the progeny of the Prophet s.a.w who will full the world with fairness and justice just as it will be full of tyranny and injustice. 😊 It seems like your walis will fill the world with tyranny and injustice 😊

"Only Allah is your Waliyy and His Apostle and those who believe, those who keep up prayers and pay the poor rate and they bow [in worship].

Note this, "those who keep up prayers and pay the poor rate and they bow"

These are certain specific people. Not everyone. If you keep this general and take the meaning that it applies to everyone then, you have good and bad, right and wrong, just and cruel, fair and crook, pious and evil etc and etc. And these can't be walis like Allah and his Messenger s.a.w 😊

So basically you have NOTHING at all, authority to you is a sign it means divine......sweet😁

Yes Allah swt is my wali so is prophet pbuh and those who bow in prayer and give charity (parents,leader,teacher basically any Muslim who we use as an authority).
No divinity here.

Yazid is DEAD and buried he wasn’t divine we don’t follow such people and you know it, to consider him as a wali? Lol NO! Far from it.

You are ADDING in divinity to wali yourself as you say it’s what you believe, you’ve created the idea and now you have to explain it by adding in beliefs to sunnah and Quran thatCLEARLY isn’t there regarding divinity to imams, basically you have nothing but assumptions.

we aren’t waiting dimwit syed ustaad, clearly your assumptions based on the lies you’ve been fed is making you post nonsense questions.😂

You’re the ones waiting for the Saviour of shiites some made up super saviour that RAN and hid away from Sunnis for over a millennia only to come out when their are at the least 313 hard Shiite warriors!!!😂

I end it there😂👍


Re: 15000 Sunni Masaajids in Iran and 9 in Tehran alone?
« Reply #86 on: April 12, 2020, 06:03:36 PM »
He Umar ra achieved more than ANY divine imam ever did"

Prove it. No reference no nothing from you. Just empty words. Start bringing in references. Then we'll discuss it. Nothing can be discussed on just words from you. 😊

"No divine imam EVER existed even to this day and you have no proof of it"

Proved from the Qur'an time and time again. 😊

"Again your hatred is never ending especially on Umar ra, history has been written about Umar ra and His achievements, you just don’t want to know and keep your hatred up just keep shaytaan happy, you know the one who walks on the other side when he used to see Umar ra coming"

I don't hate anyone, never mind about Umar. 😊 Umar's character, performance and achievement, his merits and sacrifices after becoming a Muslim, where have I denied that. 😊 Where have I said that the man has or had no honour or respect. 😊 But despite all that he was a human and capable to make errors and mistakes,

capable to sin or commit a crime, capable of getting it wrong just like any other sahabi. 😊 Sahaba can go astray after the demise of the Prophet s.a.w, can't they? You've just accepted and proven that in the case of Malik.

"you know the one who walks on the other side when he used to see Umar ra coming"

And why is that? 😊 And you believe it just because it's written? 😊 Correct me if I'm wrong, why didn't the devil walk in the opposite direction or on the other side when he saw the Prophet s.a.w? The Prophet s.a.w was praying and in tashud, the devil asked him how many Gods are there? And the Prophet s.a.w got distracted from his prayers and responded by lifting his finger pointing out that it is one. Don't you believe in this. 😊

"Quran is sufficient is not a crime in Islam where as not paying zakah and following a false prophet"

Objecting to what the Prophet s.a.w has to offer, not willing to take what he is giving is a direct violation of the Qur'an as well as  an insult to the Prophet s.a.w. It is a crime according to Allah and the Qur'an. "What the Prophet s.a.w offers you take it, what he forbids refrain from it". An absolute and clear violation.

"I have put a constructive argument forward......sajjah"

Just words. Nothing more. Bring the evidence forward. The reports are mixed. Nothing concrete and solid.

Come on syed ustaad dimwit Umar ra ruled 10 years am sure you know this but if neede proof will be provided inshallah not a problem. Likewise could you give us AUTHENTIC proof of a divine imam ruling?? (Not ambiguous verses and hadiths that are misinterpreted) something anything of authenticity.

Yes but did any sahaba follow a fake prophet?? There lies your answer but you will intentionally close your eyes and go to sleep.😁

I believe our Nabi Muhammed pbuh told us the merits of Umar ra including shaytaan walking in the other side that does in no way say anything negative about our prophet pbuh, His station is prophethood.
Your hate based on assumptions makes you think otherwise.

Yea Nuwera stopped zakah fundamental faith of Islam one of the 5 pillars you DIMWIT!! The verse you posted fits in well with above.
What was more important that Umar ra said Quran is enough?
So Umar ra stopped something that was equal to zakah.

Bring your proof now dimwit, what was as equally as important as zakah that Umar ra stopped?

As for the mixed reports show is the reports hypocrite I showed you mine, or is it that your minds mixed and the truth really hurts.😂


Re: 15000 Sunni Masaajids in Iran and 9 in Tehran alone?
« Reply #87 on: April 12, 2020, 06:17:06 PM »
Lets go by your story which is rejected by Shias to begin with. Ali gave allegiance after 6 months, why not before this. What was the problem. And giving allegiance months later means accepting what happened in Saqifa. Then why not give allegiance months earlier. What kept him lets hear it. 😊

If authentic reports are rejected then why proceed?
You have no moral compass of judgement you will stick by your assumptions and theories.



Re: 15000 Sunni Masaajids in Iran and 9 in Tehran alone?
« Reply #88 on: April 13, 2020, 01:19:07 PM »
If authentic reports are rejected then why proceed?
You have no moral compass of judgement you will stick by your assumptions and theories.


Authentic reports by whom? By you or a handful of Shias based on unity amongst Muslims? 😊 What's the matter, you don't want to talk about and discuss facts 😊 Just rely on reports with your eyes closed because it suits your ideology 😊 Discuss if you have it. I don't think you have it 😆


Re: 15000 Sunni Masaajids in Iran and 9 in Tehran alone?
« Reply #89 on: April 13, 2020, 02:26:13 PM »
Authentic reports by whom? By you or a handful of Shias based on unity amongst Muslims? 😊 What's the matter, you don't want to talk about and discuss facts 😊 Just rely on reports with your eyes closed because it suits your ideology 😊 Discuss if you have it. I don't think you have it 😆

Lol let’s see you come up with authentic evidence to counter my evidence he wasn’t murtad and let’s see dimwit 😁

Come on then dimwit let’s start 👍


Re: 15000 Sunni Masaajids in Iran and 9 in Tehran alone?
« Reply #90 on: April 13, 2020, 03:09:46 PM »
Lol let’s see you come up with authentic evidence to counter my evidence he wasn’t murtad and let’s see dimwit 😁

Come on then dimwit let’s start 👍

Also could you provide authentic evidence about Ali ra NOT giving bayah according to your theory.

And DONT post reports by handful of shiites who lie, give us solid proofs.

Come on dimwit let’s see your authentic evidences😂


Re: 15000 Sunni Masaajids in Iran and 9 in Tehran alone?
« Reply #91 on: April 14, 2020, 05:25:14 PM »
Also could you provide authentic evidence about Ali ra NOT giving bayah according to your theory.

And DONT post reports by handful of shiites who lie, give us solid proofs.

Come on dimwit let’s see your authentic evidences😂

"Also could you provide authentic evidence about Ali ra NOT giving bayah according to your theory"

Did Ali give allegiance to Abu Bakr as soon as he heard about the decision in Saqifa? Or did Ali give allegiance to Abu Bakr after a period of 6 months? If after a period of 6 months then why? What was the reason for the delay? With references and explanation based on logic and reason 😊

"And DONT post reports by handful of shiites who lie, give us solid proofs"

Lol. Lol again. A handful of Shias? That's what you and others do. Just to prove your desired point you'll post a opinion/statement of a Shia Scholar or book picked at random and will try to get me to accept it 😀 And then you go "Shias who lie" What do you mean about that. Everyone who seems to disagree with you either is a liar or an hypocrite according to you 😀 Put down a principle and lets go by that 😊 But you will never ever do it. Your entire faith depends and survives on double standards 😀

"Come on dimwit let’s see your authentic evidences"

Lol. Lol again. And one more time since I find you sooooo funny 😂 Yeh lets see tha authentic evidence of Malik bin Nuwayrah going astray 😀 Did Ali give allegiance after 6 months or straight away? 😊 Make up your mind first 😀


Re: 15000 Sunni Masaajids in Iran and 9 in Tehran alone?
« Reply #92 on: April 14, 2020, 07:11:32 PM »
"Also could you provide authentic evidence about Ali ra NOT giving bayah according to your theory"

Did Ali give allegiance to Abu Bakr as soon as he heard about the decision in Saqifa? Or did Ali give allegiance to Abu Bakr after a period of 6 months? If after a period of 6 months then why? What was the reason for the delay? With references and explanation based on logic and reason 😊

"And DONT post reports by handful of shiites who lie, give us solid proofs"

Lol. Lol again. A handful of Shias? That's what you and others do. Just to prove your desired point you'll post a opinion/statement of a Shia Scholar or book picked at random and will try to get me to accept it 😀 And then you go "Shias who lie" What do you mean about that. Everyone who seems to disagree with you either is a liar or an hypocrite according to you 😀 Put down a principle and lets go by that 😊 But you will never ever do it. Your entire faith depends and survives on double standards 😀

"Come on dimwit let’s see your authentic evidences"

Lol. Lol again. And one more time since I find you sooooo funny 😂 Yeh lets see tha authentic evidence of Malik bin Nuwayrah going astray 😀 Did Ali give allegiance after 6 months or straight away? 😊 Make up your mind first 😀

You want evidence based on logic, well He gave bayah in the end.
He gave bayah!!

You have NOTHING apart from lies and assumptions on why he did that.

I don’t want reports from kufans I want a genuine report that He didn’t give bayah, how hard is that? Or do you rely on kufi liars and Shiites who follow them?
You know you have nothing apart from the above for if you did you wouldn’t be dragging your feet posting nonsense.😂

We have many and I gave you ibn Kathir and tabari but it’s not my fault you want to selectively deny something that was commonly known and apparent, we don’t need to lie to make someone look YOU do and being caught out.😂

Ali ra gave bayah full stop now the onus should be on you to provide solid proof He didn’t!
You can’t so you keep asking stupidly without realising, was it 6 or straight away again and again.

It doesn’t matter He served under the 3 rashidun khalifs (divine imam serving others kills off Shiite fake theory)you have nothing apart from assumptions to why.😂


Re: 15000 Sunni Masaajids in Iran and 9 in Tehran alone?
« Reply #93 on: April 14, 2020, 07:16:21 PM »
Authentic reports by whom? By you or a handful of Shias based on unity amongst Muslims? 😊 What's the matter, you don't want to talk about and discuss facts 😊 Just rely on reports with your eyes closed because it suits your ideology 😊 Discuss if you have it. I don't think you have it 😆

You haven’t got facts but heresay and utter nonsense as is the case with you from day 1.

You can’t proof the core of your sects faith divine Imamate how on earth are you gonna prove falsehood right?😜


Re: 15000 Sunni Masaajids in Iran and 9 in Tehran alone?
« Reply #94 on: April 14, 2020, 07:32:28 PM »
You haven’t got facts but heresay and utter nonsense as is the case with you from day 1.

You can’t proof the core of your sects faith divine Imamate how on earth are you gonna prove falsehood right?😜

Will discuss that later. Don't run and hide. Bring evidence forward of Malik bin Nuwayrah and his tribes men (companions of the Prophet s.a.w) becoming apostates? 😊 Why are you hiding from this? 😊 Have I got you? 😊 Bring it on 😊


Re: 15000 Sunni Masaajids in Iran and 9 in Tehran alone?
« Reply #95 on: April 14, 2020, 07:46:46 PM »
Will discuss that later. Don't run and hide. Bring evidence forward of Malik bin Nuwayrah and his tribes men (companions of the Prophet s.a.w) becoming apostates? 😊 Why are you hiding from this? 😊 Have I got you? 😊 Bring it on 😊

Yeah you got me man the proofs I gave you didn’t work Nuwera was not an apostate he was a shia who believed in divine imams.😂👍


Re: 15000 Sunni Masaajids in Iran and 9 in Tehran alone?
« Reply #96 on: April 15, 2020, 12:10:00 PM »
Yeah you got me man the proofs I gave you didn’t work Nuwera was not an apostate he was a shia who believed in divine imams.😂👍

Lol. Put some references forward 😊😀 You didn't give me any proofs but your opinion just on words 😆

Nuwera was a shia? Was he? 😊 Then where does the story of ibn Saba go? 😀 I thought you believed that he kicked off Shiaism? 😆 Your making yourself look like one hell of a fool. 😊


Re: 15000 Sunni Masaajids in Iran and 9 in Tehran alone?
« Reply #97 on: April 16, 2020, 11:44:00 AM »
You can’t even talk never mind discuss lol, comparing a murtad to a Muslim as well as LYING just to prove a point😂

This is your dilemma and you have NOTHING!😂😂

Proofs has been given if you can’t reply to them proofs then it isn’t my fault if the easiest way out is to IGNORE them and keep repeating your nonsense......keep kidding yourself mate😂👍

I guess sarcasm is a bit too much for you 😁


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