
Nakshawani Says Remaining 11 Imams Possibly Gave Their Ring For Imamate

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Refer to the 13 minute mark.


So the reason of revelation (sabab al nuzool) is that it may have happened. ;p

Nice catch bro.


Its ironic how they curse Abu Hanifa, but when it comes to proofs they themselves use istihsan.


"narrated in the books of our brothers of ahlussunnah as well"

How often do you see shia when they try to convince themselves that shiaism is the truth, they say "its narrated in sunni books" or quoting various sunni ahadith or something similar to that. These shia salesman hate what we believe and yet they are so dependent on what our ulama said or not said :D


I was curious as to the tattoos that he has on his hands. Whether they were from period of before he took his religion seriously or not. Then I looked into it & was shocked to see that Al Sistani actually allow tattoos!!!

As part of his strange ruling allowing tattoos, includes this:

Sayyed Sistani: (Islamic Laws p.69)

#396. If averse of the Holy quran or Name of the Almighty Allah is written or tattooed on the body of a person then such a person while doing wudhu or ghusl, will be required to pour water on that part without touching the writing.


"narrated in the books of our brothers of ahlussunnah as well"

How often do you see shia when they try to convince themselves that shiaism is the truth, they say "its narrated in sunni books" or quoting various sunni ahadith or something similar to that. These shia salesman hate what we believe and yet they are so dependent on what our ulama said or not said :D

Even his statement calling ahle sunnah brothers is all taqiyyah. Recall how he blamed Ahle Sunnah for what ISIS is doing in Iraq. Then he shouted In Iraq, Sunnis have no right to ask for rights because they are minority. After that he showed his disgust on how Iraq even has a Sunni population when there are shrines located there.

Ebn Hussein

Even his statement calling ahle sunnah brothers is all taqiyyah. Recall how he blamed Ahle Sunnah for what ISIS is doing in Iraq. Then he shouted In Iraq, Sunnis have no right to ask for rights because they are minority. After that he showed his disgust on how Iraq even has a Sunni population when there are shrines located there.

What many non-Arabs and those who are not familiar of Iraqi Arab culture don't know is:

1. Many Iraqi Shias themselves are foreigners, non-Arabs, particularly Persians. By the beginning of the last century over 75% of Karbala was populated by ethnic Persians. It declined but after Saddam's falls the doors are open again hence we see how the entire shrine of Al-Hussein is in the hand of Persians such as the QAZWINIS and MODDARRESIS. The Shirazi's run all major TV station and many instiutes. All of them Iranians to the bone who claim to be Hashimis. As for the Arab Shias (from the Shamr, Bani Assad etc. are in the lower end of the caste system. Persian Majari' and politicians of Persian origin are always above them).

2. Three of the top 4 Maraji' of the country are non-Arabs, with Sextani (a Persian) being the head of the Shiites of Iraq!

3. Nakhjavani himself is a Azeri Turkic Rafidi from the town of Nakhjavan in Azerbaijan (the country). Many of them emmigrated to Karbala (like the Persians). Any Arab can tell from far away that he is not a Arab at all (despite his bogus Sadat claim).

Iraqi Sunnis are at least natives and Arabs and not foreigners from Bilad Al-Majoos.
« Last Edit: August 28, 2015, 04:26:26 AM by Ebn Hussein »
الإمام الشافعي رحمه الله
لم أر أحداً من أهل الأهواء أشهد بالزور من الرافضة! - الخطيب في الكفاية والسوطي.

Imam Al-Shafi3i - may Allah have mercy upon him - said: "I have not seen among the heretics a people more famous for falsehood than the Rafidah." [narrated by Al-Khatib Al-Baghdadi/Al-Kifayah]


I didn't know that. It seems like they share another similarity with the Yahoodis. Israeli has a large Yahoodi population which rarely traces to the Bani Israel. Instead many Yahoodi in Israel are Ashkenazi Jews. Likewise, in Iraq, many in power are not descendant of the people of Kufa.


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