
Mafatih Al-Jinan - A perfect illustration of Imamite evil

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Ebn Hussein

Mafatih Al-Jinan - A perfect illustration of Imamite evil
« on: March 31, 2016, 05:21:56 AM »
بسم الله والصلاة والسلام على رسول الله و على آله الطيبين و صحبه الأخيار و من تبعهم بإحسان الى يوم الدين اللهم آمين
السلام على من اتبع الهدى

I've already posted in another thread (here: ) about the book of shirk and paganism, Mafatih Al-Jinan (Key to heavens). In this thread I'd like to take you on an actual journey through this book which has been sanctified by all Maraji' (Grand Ayatollat) pf the Shia. I'll show you scans from my personal copy In sha Allah and let the unbiased reader himself decide as to how Islamic a sect can be that contains kufriyat like the ones we find in Mafatih and encourages its followers to act upon it.

As an introction let me simply quote what I've already written in the other thread (all the mentioned chapter in coloured font will get a more detailed analyses in due time, In sha Allah):

In our times we have many books of Du'a, compilations of Sahih supplications of the Prophet (peace be upon him). The most compact and famous one today is probably Hisn Al-Muslim. It can be found in most, if not many Sunni-Muslim households around the world. From the first till the last page it is Tawhid, the worship/invocation of Allah alone, no batiniyyah, no obviously fabricated supplications (one sign of fabrication as the scholars say are extremely long prayers and other bizarre, sihr/magical formula like contents such as repeating a Surah a few hundred times, or saying some gibberish, or asking saints a few hundred times for help etc. all which you can find in Shia books such as Mafatih Al-Jinan), just pure Tawhid.

As for the Rafidah, they have a book of evil called Mafatih Al-Jinan (Keys to the gardens of Paradise) which amongst Arabs is known as Mafatih Al-Jaheem (keys to the Hellfire). It was compiled by an extremist Mushrik who is revered by every single Shia Marji' today, without exception. The Author Abbas Al-Qummi is a 19th century scholar (i.e. lived roughly a hundred years ago), he has been showered with all praises and "raziyallahu anhos" in the Shia world. One of the titles they have given to him is "Khatim Al-Muhadditheen" i.e. the seal of the Muhaddiths. His Mafatih is widely popular in the Twelver world and is widely available at Shi'a shrines in much of Iran & Iraq. The book was originally in Persian translation & commentary accompanied with Arabic text, but later on was translated into Urdu, English and Hindi. In his Mafatih, which by far is the most popular and praised compilation of Shia supplications by learned and laymen Shias alike, he selected chapters from Quran, fabricated Ziyarat (where you can basically visit an Imam from your living room!) and the most hardcore stuff such as:

-Tahrif Al-Qur'an:
Therein he explains how to read AYAH AL-KURSI correctly (different from the CURRENT QUR'AN), with a completely different content, on every Friday.

- A'mal for the day of Norooz: Yes, they have attributed Norooz to the Ahl Al-Bayt and fabricated special prayers and deeds such as taking Ghusl on that day. Yet many Arab Shias thing it is "just" the 'Id of Iranic people, not realising that their own religion has been Persianised to an extent were Norooz is not just cultural but an essential part of Shi'ism)

- A'mal for visiting the pure cellar Serdab: Yes, in the Arabic original you can read السرداب الطاهر cellar/basement. It is the alleged cellar/basement where the 12th Imam went into occultation as a kid! They get offended when you mentioned their 12th Imam with the cellar/cave, yet they actually do ziyarat do that place (videos on youtube) and actually believe it is a sacred place! Their Mullahs know how to make money out of a rotten basement.

- SEEKING HELP from Imam Zaman at the Jamkaran Mosque in Qom: A massive "Mosque" built based on a dream of a Shia cleric who claimed that Imam Zaman i.e. Shia Mahdi ordered him to build the Mosque. Such fairy tales and dreams and innovated prayers are good and Islamic but Tarawih is an "evil Bid'ah"! Double standards of the Rafidah can boil ones blood easily)

and of course (and here I'll post a scan from my personal copy):

- THE PRAYER of SEEKING HELP from Al-Batul (Fatimah), may Allah's peace be upon her:

الإمام الشافعي رحمه الله
لم أر أحداً من أهل الأهواء أشهد بالزور من الرافضة! - الخطيب في الكفاية والسوطي.

Imam Al-Shafi3i - may Allah have mercy upon him - said: "I have not seen among the heretics a people more famous for falsehood than the Rafidah." [narrated by Al-Khatib Al-Baghdadi/Al-Kifayah]

Ebn Hussein

Re: Mafatih Al-Jinan - A perfect illustration of Imamite evil
« Reply #1 on: March 31, 2016, 05:51:13 AM »
The status of Mafatih Al-Jinan in the Rafidi world:

Our first stop will be at (yeah, there is such site, run and administrated by Shias):

Mafātīḥ al-jinān (Arabic: مفاتیح الجنان, keys to the heavens) by Shaykh 'Abbas Qumi is the most popular book of supplication in the Shi'a world. It contains du'as, supplications, Ziyarahs, practices specific to certain days, months, and occasions, religious practices and manners, as well as some anecdotes narrated from the Prophet (s), Imams (a), and Islamic scholars.

Before the introduction of Mafatih al-jinan, other du'a books were used by the Shi'ites. The author of Mafatih al-jinan has included content from other books including Iqbal al-a'mal by al-Sayyid b. Tawus, Misbah by al-Kaf'ami, and Zad al-ma'ad by al-'Allama al-Majlisi.

Mafatih al-jinan was very well received soon after it was published. Nowadays, it can be found in almost all houses, mosques, and Islamic centers.


Who is the author?

Abbas b. Muhammad Rida al-Qumi , also known as "Shaykh 'Abbas Qumi" and "Muhaddith Qumi" is one of the most famous Iranian Shi'a scholars. He was born in the holy city of Qom in 1294/1877 to a religious family. He began his education in Qom as a student of Islamic scholars, including Mirza Muhammad Arbab Qumi (d. 1341/1922)[1] and Shaykh Abu l-Qasim Qumi.

Shaykh 'Abbas Qumi who is well-known by his work Mafatih al-jinan, has written more than 40 books on various subjects such as history and hadith. Some of his books include Safinat al-Bihar, Nafas al-mahmum, Bayt al-ahzan, and Muntaha l-amal.

When was it published?

Shaykh 'Abbas Qumi wrote Mafatih al-jinan in 1344/1925 and it was published in Mashhad for the first time.

Presently, Mafatih al-jinan is being published by a multitude of publishers in various forms, and it seems almost impossible to state the number of all the published editions.

Since the Mafatih al-jinan in full form is a large book, and it is not easy to be carried, many publishers have frequently published selections of it.

I add: The book that was originally in Persian (their scholars write books in Persian first!) translation & commentary accompanied with Arabic text, but later on was translated into Urdu, English and Hindi. As mentioned before, the book is widely popular in the Twelver world and is widely available at Shi'a shrines in much of Iran & Iraq.

Indeed, the vast majority of laymen Shiites and scholars have nothing but praise for this book (and not a single content of it has ever been rejected completely, let alone being described as kufr!) hence you find disturbing comments like the following on the net:

On the Shiite website we read:

This section is from the 'Mafatih Al-Jinan' which contains some of the richest and most reliable duas (supplications) and verses from the vast Shia literature and its collection (authenticity of scripts) is reliable & its compilation has been highly approved by Shia clerics throughout the last century.

Or praises such as this one on the largest Shia forum of the world:

« Last Edit: March 31, 2016, 05:55:33 AM by Ebn Hussein »
الإمام الشافعي رحمه الله
لم أر أحداً من أهل الأهواء أشهد بالزور من الرافضة! - الخطيب في الكفاية والسوطي.

Imam Al-Shafi3i - may Allah have mercy upon him - said: "I have not seen among the heretics a people more famous for falsehood than the Rafidah." [narrated by Al-Khatib Al-Baghdadi/Al-Kifayah]

Ebn Hussein

Re: Mafatih Al-Jinan - A perfect illustration of Imamite evil
« Reply #2 on: March 31, 2016, 07:11:00 AM »
Zindiq 'Abbas Al-Qummi attributed the pagan Majoosi festival of Norooz to the Ahl Al-Bayt!

As it's now Nowrooz, the greatest (by far) holiday in the so called "Islamic Republic of Iran" ( ), let's start with the Norooz in Mafatih Al-Jinan. First let me explain what Norooz actually is.

A pagan Zoroastrian (Majoosi) holiday which was the holiest day of the year for them out of seven major holidays. The seven motif is straight from their beliefs, with Ahura Mazda co-existing with six other gods who in turn form a unity of seven, so no surprise the holiday centres now with setting out a table of seven things starting with Seen (س) also called "Haft Seen". The Haft Seen thing originally was Haft Sheen, one of which was Sharab, wine. The significance of seven runs deep in Zoroastrian belief, particularly with the seven creations and the seven Amesha Spenta. If you're not familiar with the latter, it's referring to the seven "Holy Immortals" that together form sort of a Zoroastrian divine heptad composed of the main god, Ahura Mazda, and six lesser deities (sometimes understood as manifestations of the latter) that together are in a sort of unity ruling over the seven creation

(The following picture is widely found on several pro-Iranian regime websites, portraying the pagan Khomeini next to the pagan "Haft Seen" symbols of Norooz including a poem of the pagan Khomeini who - as I mentioned before - like all Shia scholars endorsed it and even wrote poetry about it!)

The (non-Sunni Mu'tazilite) Abbasids (who modelled themselves on the Persian monarchs) encouraged the celebration of Norooz and Muslims in turn adopted, in particular the Shiites who mixed Shiism with it. The people amongst whom it is still popular are people who would have in turn been in the territories or influences of the ancient Persian empire. Basically, old habits and customs die hard, and like Christians did by adopting old European pagan holidays, landmarks, and such, but giving them a Christian veneer, same that people did with this one.

Also note that many Shia apologists (mostly Iranian) lie through their teeth and claim that it's just about celebrating the beginning of spring (as if such a thing has been sanctified in Islam, the Prophet clearly stated what 'Id's the Muslims have, and they are limited to two major ones and the day of Jumu'ah. Saudi and other Arabs having their "national holidays" and other innovations are no proof in the Shari'ah. Two wrongs don't make a right). You will also find apologists amongst the Shias who point out that some or many Sunnis, in particular Iranic people like Tajik (Persian) Afghans, Kurds etc. also celebrate Norooz. However, they always seem to miss (or intentionally ignore) a significant and important difference between the status of Norooz in Sunnis and Shia societies:

- The vast majority of Sunnis who celebrate Norooz are of a secular type, in particular the Kurds, this is why religious Sunni Kurds, Afghans and even Iranian Sunnis such as the Baloch never celebrate Norooz, not in any shape or form, as it is condemned by Islam (just like any other pagan Arab or non-Arab holiday too). The Shia on the other hand (knowingly or unknowingly) celebrate a holiday that is sanctified by Twelver Imamism as one of the greatest days ever, the nonsense they have attributed to the Ahl Al-Bayt is beyond heresy:

1.  The sun attained its brightness
2.  The wind started to blow
3. The Ark of Prophet Nuh stopped
4.   Prophet Ibrahim broke the idols of his community
5.  Angel Jibrael brought the first revelation to our beloved Prophet
6.  The Holy Prophet lifted Imam Ali on his shoulders for removing the idols from the Kaa’ba
7.  The Holy Prophet announced Imam Ali as his successor at Ghadir
8.   The 12th Imam will reappear

So the difference is clear: Norooz to Shiism is sacred, the Shiite sect and its clergy themselves have sanctified it, i.e. it is not just something that some Shia laymen do, nor is it something that only people from the Iranic ethnicity celebrate, Norooz to Islam though is pagan and not sanctified and what laymen Sunnis do around the world doesn't make Norooz Islamic.

A'mal (recommended deeds) for the day of Majoosi Norooz in Mafatih Al-Jinan:

Al-Qummi included an entire chapter that instructs tShiite as to what to do on his holy (!) day. Every Shiite, Arabs, Persians and other non-Arabs are addressed, unless Shiites will claim that Mafatih is an instruction to Iranians only.

Scan of my personal copy, Fahras (index):

Translation of the yellow marked part on the left:

"The virtue of the day of Nayrooz (Arabic spealling of Nowrooz/Norooz) and [its recommended] deeds and the deeds of the Roman months."

According to Qummi (and all Shia Maraji' without exception), every Arab and Non-Arab Shiite is recommended to observe this "great" day with various forms of worship, after all their (fabricated) narrations state:

“Nowrooz is no other day but the one we [the Ahl Al-Bayt] are awaiting the reappearance [of Al-Mahdi], for it is one of our days that was protected by the Persians and carelessly lost by you.” (It’s happy Nowrooz for the Crypto-Majoos: )

However, you will often find many non-Persian Shias who although fully endorse and respect Norooz, including best wishes to the Iranians on this day, yet deluding themselves (either knowingly or unknowingly) that Nowrooz has actually nothing to do with Shiism. It's done and revered by Iranian Shias only, their laymen in particular. They couldn't be more wrong on that for pagan Norooz has got everything to do with pagan Shiism but since many Shias are not familiar with their own books (leaving them in their shelves or skipping through them and hence not being aware of the reality of Mafatih Al-Jinan for example) they think of Norooz as an Iranian thing (not a Shiite one), not realising that the very Iranian Majoos have polluted the already extreme form of 12er Tashayyu' (Shiism) with Zoroastrian-elements (of course in the name of the Ahl Al-Bayt, to give it an Islamic touch!) in this case with the veneration of the day of Majoosi Norooz. Look at the following two examples here that perfectly proves my point.

Example one:

A member of the Mafia Al-Khoie clan (tweet taken from his personal account), has no clue that the Majoosi Norooz 'Id is an essential part of his religion so he should celebrate it himself (by taking Ghusl and do extra prayers like on 'Id days!) and not just congratulate non-Arabs:

An admin of Shia chat lying through his teeth claiming that Norooz has got nothing whatsoever to do with Shiism (he must be challenged all the Iranian maraji' i.e. 99% of Rafidi clergy):

« Last Edit: March 31, 2016, 09:50:05 AM by Ebn Hussein »
الإمام الشافعي رحمه الله
لم أر أحداً من أهل الأهواء أشهد بالزور من الرافضة! - الخطيب في الكفاية والسوطي.

Imam Al-Shafi3i - may Allah have mercy upon him - said: "I have not seen among the heretics a people more famous for falsehood than the Rafidah." [narrated by Al-Khatib Al-Baghdadi/Al-Kifayah]

Ebn Hussein

Re: Mafatih Al-Jinan - A perfect illustration of Imamite evil
« Reply #3 on: March 31, 2016, 08:41:27 AM »
Mafatih Al-Jinan's instruction as to how the Rafidi should observe the pagan holiday of Norooz ("I am proud to be a Rafidi", said Nakhjavani, هنيئا لك يا مجوسی)

Translation of the red marked part:

"As for the recommended deeds of Norooz, it is what [Imam] Al-Sadiq (peace be upon him) taught Mu'alla Ibn Khunays, who said: "Take a Ghusl on the day of Norooz and put on clean and new clothes and apply perfume and keep fast on that day. After your Nafilah, Dhuhr, and 'Asr prayer, pray four units seperarated by two Salams. Read in the first unit Surah Al-Fatihah and ten times Surah Al-Qadr and in the second unit read Surah Al-Fatihah and ten times Surah Al-Kafirun. In third unit read Al-Fatihah and ten times Surah Al-Ikhlas in the fourth unit read Al-Fatiha and ten times Surah Al-Falaq and Al-Nas. Finally, after finishing the unit prostrated and say the following Du'ah [O Allah send Thy “the best” blessings on Muhammad and on his children, the chosen successors ...]"

Al-Qummi's promise to Shias at the end of this chapter:

يغفر لك ذنوب خمسين سنة وتكثر

"This will remove you of 50 years of sin ..."

Comment: Mashaallah, congratulations to the Rafidah. So Tarawih is an "evil Bid'ah" but I guess revering a pagan Persian Majoosi holiday in the name of the Ahl Al-Bayt is Sunnah?! Practicing all these innovations is what the Prophet (peace be upon) did on Norooz, right?

- Taking Ghusl
- Putting on clean and new clothes
- Applying perfume - Fasting

^All of the above are Sunnah, you ignorant Sunnis! How dare you pray Tarawih and ignore the blessed Sunnah of Norooz ...

Sarcasm put aside, notice how (except the fasting) are distinctive Muslim traditions of how to celebrate an 'Id i.e. by taking Ghusl, putting on new cloths i.e. exactly as we Muslims do in regards to the real and true Islamic 'Ids of Al-Fitr and Al-Adh`ha (and every Jumu'ah). Consequently, the Rafidah do celebrate Norooz, it is literally an 'Id to them. What a great Deen the Rafidi Deen is, then they have the audacity to object why we call them Majoos. I think everybody now should understand why the Rafidah are being referred to as Majoos. Of course they are not literally Zoroastrians, however they are influenced by the Majoos to an extent that the most significant Majoosi 'Id has been sanctified by their scholars (of course under the banner of Islam and with the rejection of SOME elements of Norooz like fire-jumping etc.) and creeped into their Madhab. Pathetic attempts by Shias (yes, they do have the audacity and do that) to turn the tables and accuse Sunnis for being Majoos by either claiming that most Sunni hadithists were Persians (a misconception and lies which is based on the ignorance of the existence of Arab tribes in Islamic Persia: ) or that some Sunni practices resemble Zoroastrian ones (like the folding of the hand in prayer which has never been a Zoroastrian practice in a specific sense. Rather the folding of the hands has been narrated by +20 Sahaba and Tabi'in, including members of the Ahl Al-Bayt and it is even mentioned in Shiite books as a recommened practice for females: )

Now if you would have thought that Shia scholars condemned Al-Qummi (and I haven't even started posting the hardcore kufri and shirki stuff) for his lies upon the Ahl Al-Bayt by ascribing Norooz to them then you are wrong. In fact a contemp. Ayatollat, Makarem Shirazi released his very own version of Mafatih Al-Jinan called:

Mafatih-E-Novin (Modern Mafatih)

It is basically a modified version of Mafatih Al-Jinan, Sayyid Hashim Rasuli Mahallati translated this book.

Makarim's goal, as he mentioned in the preface of the book, has been to make the book well-suited to the current time and remove some content over which there has been disagreements.You think he removed any of those kufri and shirki prayers to their saints or the Norooz bit? Nope, of course not, what would be Shiism without all of that? It would actually resemble Islam. The fourth chapter of his Mafatih includes: the practices of the solar months such as Norooz and Roman months such as Niysan.

Now what does he recommened? Well, the same as Al-Qummi, on one of the most famous Shia Du'ah websites ( worldwide we read:

(the Du'a is followed with the following recommendation:

Nowruz Recitation start before to continue at the time of Tahweel ,of the sun moving to Aries.Sunday 20th March 2016. It is also narrated that it is recommended to repeat it 366 times: hence you can commence reciting approx. 1 hour before the time so as to complete the number by then. This EXACT time is also beneficial for seeking Fulfillment of any of the needs.


Allama Majlisi narrates also that the following dua should be recited as many times as the number of days in a year. If that is not possible then recite it as many times as possible with the intention of seeking nearness
« Last Edit: March 31, 2016, 08:44:57 AM by Ebn Hussein »
الإمام الشافعي رحمه الله
لم أر أحداً من أهل الأهواء أشهد بالزور من الرافضة! - الخطيب في الكفاية والسوطي.

Imam Al-Shafi3i - may Allah have mercy upon him - said: "I have not seen among the heretics a people more famous for falsehood than the Rafidah." [narrated by Al-Khatib Al-Baghdadi/Al-Kifayah]

Ebn Hussein

Re: Mafatih Al-Jinan - A perfect illustration of Imamite evil
« Reply #4 on: March 31, 2016, 08:50:30 AM »
Question to Shias: How was your Norooz? What, you didn't know it's part of Shiism, revered by all Maraji'?! Well, you are a Muqallid, in particular in Fiqh, so from now on, don't forget your Ghusl, perfume etc. on the pagan Majoosi day of Norooz.
الإمام الشافعي رحمه الله
لم أر أحداً من أهل الأهواء أشهد بالزور من الرافضة! - الخطيب في الكفاية والسوطي.

Imam Al-Shafi3i - may Allah have mercy upon him - said: "I have not seen among the heretics a people more famous for falsehood than the Rafidah." [narrated by Al-Khatib Al-Baghdadi/Al-Kifayah]


Re: Mafatih Al-Jinan - A perfect illustration of Imamite evil
« Reply #5 on: March 31, 2016, 08:54:53 AM »

What is the process for becoming an admin of SC? Seems no scholastic training in 12er Shiaism, as I have noticed over time.

Re: Mafatih Al-Jinan - A perfect illustration of Imamite evil
« Reply #6 on: March 31, 2016, 11:03:02 AM »
A very great Article.
even here in Ghana(Africa) Mafatih al Jinan is the most used book in any shia community.
And every shia lay Man is aware of that book.

Re: Mafatih Al-Jinan - A perfect illustration of Imamite evil
« Reply #7 on: March 31, 2016, 11:03:12 AM »
A very great Article.
even here in Ghana(Africa) Mafatih al Jinan is the most used book in any shia community.
And every shia lay Man is aware of that book.

Ebn Hussein

Re: Mafatih Al-Jinan - A perfect illustration of Imamite evil
« Reply #8 on: March 31, 2016, 11:22:46 AM »
A very great Article.
even here in Ghana(Africa) Mafatih al Jinan is the most used book in any shia community.
And every shia lay Man is aware of that book.

Of course it is, it is THEIR Hisnu Al-Muslim. Our Hisnu Al-Muslim is an ocean of Tawhid, supplications all directed to Allah, ta3dhim of the real Sha'a`ir of Islam, whereas their is book (minus some Surah and non-shirki Du'as that are included) is a compilation of the ugliest form of kufr and shirk, absolutely retarded rituals (*recommened deeds* of visiting the cellar of the hidden Imam) and paganistic Zoroastrian holy days, like Norooz. It's basically Majoosiyyah hiding behind the Ahl Al-Bayt, that's what Tashayyu' (Shiism) is all about.
الإمام الشافعي رحمه الله
لم أر أحداً من أهل الأهواء أشهد بالزور من الرافضة! - الخطيب في الكفاية والسوطي.

Imam Al-Shafi3i - may Allah have mercy upon him - said: "I have not seen among the heretics a people more famous for falsehood than the Rafidah." [narrated by Al-Khatib Al-Baghdadi/Al-Kifayah]

Ibn Yahya

Re: Mafatih Al-Jinan - A perfect illustration of Imamite evil
« Reply #9 on: March 31, 2016, 03:42:46 PM »
The Twelvers are secretly ashamed of their books. It's why they always try and pretend these narrations don't exist. You never really see the Shi'ah quoting some of the more sinister narrations in their books when debating or publicly advise Shi'is. They always keep them between each other.


Re: Mafatih Al-Jinan - A perfect illustration of Imamite evil
« Reply #10 on: March 31, 2016, 06:46:05 PM »
We had Iranian friends who identified as Muslims, they celebrated Nawruz for almost a month, they set up shrines of some sort with objects or offerings that begin with the letter "س", such as apple, pudding and whatnot... all that food is going to get thrown away, they made so much food and invited all their friends, and decorated the house. I recall during the Islamic Eids Fitr/Adha they did absolutely nothing, not even sure if they keep track of it.

Anyways, I hope this article of yours with all scans can be uploaded to sonsofsunnah website.

Look at the table next to Roohani:
« Last Edit: March 31, 2016, 06:52:54 PM by Hani »
عَلامَةُ أَهْلِ الْبِدَعِ الْوَقِيعَةُ فِي أَهْلِ الأَثَرِ. وَعَلامَةُ الْجَهْمِيَّةِ أَنْ يُسَمُّوا أَهْلَ السُّنَّةِ مُشَبِّهَةً. وَعَلامَةُ الْقَدَرِيَّةِ أَنْ يُسَمُّوا أَهْلَ السُّنَّةِ مُجَبِّرَةً. وَعَلامَةُ الزَّنَادِقَةِ أَنْ يُسَمُّوا أَهْلَ الأَثَرِ حَشْوِيَّةً

Religion = simple & clear

Bolani Muslim

Re: Mafatih Al-Jinan - A perfect illustration of Imamite evil
« Reply #11 on: March 31, 2016, 09:05:35 PM »
The vast majority of Sunnis who celebrate Norooz are of a secular type, in particular the Kurds, this is why religious Sunni Kurds, Afghans and even Iranian Sunnis such as the Baloch never celebrate Norooz, not in any shape or form
I'm not sure about non-Afghans, but most (if not all) Afghan ethnicities celebrate it (Tajiks, Pashtuns, etc), and the majority who celebrate it are practicing. If you watch Afghan news on the festival, you'll see Burqa wearing women at the shrine of 'Sakhi jaan' in Mazaar. I'm not going to say whether it's right or wrong, but the great majority of Afghans celebrate it and consider themselves religious. It varies from city to city, though in general we're not as extreme as our Iranian brethren (no jumping over fires, haft seen is optional, no Santa Clause, and a lot less enthusiasm).

Ebn Hussein

Re: Mafatih Al-Jinan - A perfect illustration of Imamite evil
« Reply #12 on: April 01, 2016, 01:05:09 AM »
The vast majority of Sunnis who celebrate Norooz are of a secular type, in particular the Kurds, this is why religious Sunni Kurds, Afghans and even Iranian Sunnis such as the Baloch never celebrate Norooz, not in any shape or form
I'm not sure about non-Afghans, but most (if not all) Afghan ethnicities celebrate it (Tajiks, Pashtuns, etc), and the majority who celebrate it are practicing. If you watch Afghan news on the festival, you'll see Burqa wearing women at the shrine of 'Sakhi jaan' in Mazaar. I'm not going to say whether it's right or wrong, but the great majority of Afghans celebrate it and consider themselves religious. It varies from city to city, though in general we're not as extreme as our Iranian brethren (no jumping over fires, haft seen is optional, no Santa Clause, and a lot less enthusiasm).

You didn't get my point. In ORTHODOX Sunni Afghan circles (Hanafi, Deobandi, Ahl Al-Hadith, except ... guess who ...) Norooz is actively opposed, I can show you dozens of Persian-Tajik and Pashtun Sunni lectures exposing the reality of Majoosi Norooz (something you will never see from any Shia scholar, except some criticising against some Norooz practices). As for esoterical extreme Sufis, well yeah, they have long beards too and their women wear Burqa'. You yourself said:

If you watch Afghan news on the festival, you'll see Burqa wearing women at the shrine of 'Sakhi jaan' in Mazaar.

So what do you expect from Semi-Rafidah who claim that 'Ali is buried in Mazair-E-Sharif, invoking him and doing everything exactly as Rafidah do (minus cursing). Extreme Sufism has always been a gateway to Tashayyu', so come on, don't mention these deviants. Most Afghan brothers (and many inside Afghanistan), especially in the west are pious brothers who never practice such kufriyat, neither grave worship nor Norooz. You bring the worst example to brush a whole people. I know Herati Tajik (Persian) Afghan Sunnis, their scholars, Tullab and religious people never celebrate pagan Norooz, whereas just accross the border, in Mashad, the Ayatollat Alem Al-Hoda celebrates Norooz next to the shrine of Imam Al-Rida.

Anyway, here an example of the religious Afghans I am talking about, in this video a speech by an Tajik (Persian) Afghan is included who rejects Norooz and preaches against it, something a Rafidi Mullah can't do for the very reason that Norooz is sanctified by his sect.

Also notice, I said that even if ALL Sunnis in Afghanistan or Kurdistan celebrate it, they are acting AGAINST their schools of thought i.e. against Islam for the Ahl Al-Sunnah never sanctified Norooz, let alone regard it as a holy day as the Rafidah did. However, the Shiite who celebrates it and venerates it acts ACCORDING to his school of thought. There is a big difference, I hope you understand.

« Last Edit: April 01, 2016, 01:20:11 AM by Ebn Hussein »
الإمام الشافعي رحمه الله
لم أر أحداً من أهل الأهواء أشهد بالزور من الرافضة! - الخطيب في الكفاية والسوطي.

Imam Al-Shafi3i - may Allah have mercy upon him - said: "I have not seen among the heretics a people more famous for falsehood than the Rafidah." [narrated by Al-Khatib Al-Baghdadi/Al-Kifayah]

Ebn Hussein

Re: Mafatih Al-Jinan - A perfect illustration of Imamite evil
« Reply #13 on: April 01, 2016, 01:07:15 AM »
^As for Pashtuns, you are absolutely wrong, Tajiks, the Sufi inclined ones maybe, but even the Tajiks many, especially today don't celebrate it. As for Pathan/Pakhton/Pashtuns, then they are like our Iranian Baloch, they don't celebrate it at all (except some extreme modernists maybe). I grew up with Pashtun people, Norooz has no value in their culture whatsoever, they are (even their non-religious ones) a very conservative people. Norooz is of course big among the Shia i.e. the semi-Majoos in Afghanistan such as the Hazara and a minority of Tajik-Persian Shias.


We had Iranian friends who identified as Muslims, they celebrated Nawruz for almost a month, they set up shrines of some sort with objects or offerings that begin with the letter "س", such as apple, pudding and whatnot... all that food is going to get thrown away, they made so much food and invited all their friends, and decorated the house. I recall during the Islamic Eids Fitr/Adha they did absolutely nothing, not even sure if they keep track of it.

Akhi did you read all my posts carefuly? I explained the pagan Haft Seen table that is part of Iranian Shia culture, Shiite Mullahs, secularist, all types of Shias alike:

Anyways, I hope this article of yours with all scans can be uploaded to sonsofsunnah website.


I recall during the Islamic Eids Fitr/Adha they did absolutely nothing, not even sure if they keep track of it.

This is (one of many reasons) why the scholars (and everybody who really understands the reality of Tashayyu') calls them Majoos. REAL Islamic events have no real value to them or at least they are nothing compared to pagan Majoosi traditions. Have a read here it fully supports what you have experienced:
« Last Edit: April 01, 2016, 01:13:20 AM by Ebn Hussein »
الإمام الشافعي رحمه الله
لم أر أحداً من أهل الأهواء أشهد بالزور من الرافضة! - الخطيب في الكفاية والسوطي.

Imam Al-Shafi3i - may Allah have mercy upon him - said: "I have not seen among the heretics a people more famous for falsehood than the Rafidah." [narrated by Al-Khatib Al-Baghdadi/Al-Kifayah]

Bolani Muslim

Re: Mafatih Al-Jinan - A perfect illustration of Imamite evil
« Reply #14 on: April 01, 2016, 02:44:36 AM »
I know the "non-sellout" Afghan ulema are against the holiday, I thought you meant laymen (my mistake!). My family's from a Pashtun city, and my mom told me that it's celebrated 'mildly' among the Pashtun people, and probably why my family doesn't care about the holiday very much. I'll ask her again though :).

They (Pashtuns) are (even their non-religious ones) a very conservative people.
Yes, Pashtun people are VERY conservative Sunnis, you CAN'T be a Shia Afghan Pashtun. I think it's different for Pakis, but I'm not sure.


Re: Mafatih Al-Jinan - A perfect illustration of Imamite evil
« Reply #15 on: April 02, 2016, 01:31:04 AM »
my workmate is afghan (tajik background), he doesn't celebrate it. Many sunni celebrate christian new year, but the point is our ulama who accept it say its secular to water it down while those who forbid it says its christian celebration. Not even those who support it says musa AS was saved on that day or use other lies as excuse like shia scholars

Ebn Hussein

Re: Mafatih Al-Jinan - A perfect illustration of Imamite evil
« Reply #16 on: December 21, 2018, 08:18:53 AM »
Stay Tuned for the upcoming series of lectures:

The Keys To The Hellfire |  Mafatih al-Jahim
A   C U L T U R E  O F  S H I R K  S E R I E S


Here the promo:

الإمام الشافعي رحمه الله
لم أر أحداً من أهل الأهواء أشهد بالزور من الرافضة! - الخطيب في الكفاية والسوطي.

Imam Al-Shafi3i - may Allah have mercy upon him - said: "I have not seen among the heretics a people more famous for falsehood than the Rafidah." [narrated by Al-Khatib Al-Baghdadi/Al-Kifayah]


Re: Mafatih Al-Jinan - A perfect illustration of Imamite evil
« Reply #17 on: December 21, 2018, 03:02:01 PM »
Yes, Pashtun people are VERY conservative Sunnis, you CAN'T be a Shia Afghan Pashtun.

Actually, to my surprise, I learned that there are Afghan Pashtuns that are Shia.  I actually know someone who knows an Afghan Pashtun Shia from Kandahar.  I also have another good friend of mine who is a Pashtun; he told me that Afghan Pashtun Shias, as small as their number may be, have their own "nickname" among the rest of the Pashtuns.  They are referred to as "farsibaan" although they (Afghan Pashtun Shias) speak Pashto, not Farsi/Dari.
"Our coward ran from those in authority" - Iceman (admitting the truth regarding his 12th Imam)

Ebn Hussein

الإمام الشافعي رحمه الله
لم أر أحداً من أهل الأهواء أشهد بالزور من الرافضة! - الخطيب في الكفاية والسوطي.

Imam Al-Shafi3i - may Allah have mercy upon him - said: "I have not seen among the heretics a people more famous for falsehood than the Rafidah." [narrated by Al-Khatib Al-Baghdadi/Al-Kifayah]


Re: Mafatih Al-Jinan - A perfect illustration of Imamite evil
« Reply #19 on: December 22, 2018, 12:08:40 PM »
The title of the thread,

'Mafatih Al-Jinan - A perfect illustration of Imamite evil'

'Imamite evil" What is or was evil about Shia Imamite?

They didn't oppose Abu Bakr, Umar or Usman to a stage where they used their influence and connections to derail their position and authority. They didn't resort to violence and threatening behaviour just to have their demands met.

When Ali was purely selected by the Ummah in a way where the others weren't selected and this scale then he was opposed to such a scale and so was Hassan.

So the Imams didn't resort to violence and threatening behaviour but those who opposed them actually did. So how is Imamate evil?
« Last Edit: December 22, 2018, 12:12:58 PM by iceman »


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