In Arabic this is called قياس باطل or قياس مع الفارق (invalid Qiyas/analogy). And ironically you see the Rawafid often doing Qiyas in matters of Aqidah (due to their baseless beliefs), although Qiyas is forbidden according to their religion! Anyway as for Jesus "creating" then only a Mushrik (like Christians!) would use these MIRACLES to clam that Jesus (or anyone else for that matter) is of divine nature/possesses divine attributes (like creating). Read the verse (translation carefuly):
"And (appoint him) an apostle to the Children of Israel, (with this message): "'I have come to you, with a Sign from your Lord, in that I make for you out of clay, as it were, the figure of a bird, and breathe into it, and it becomes a bird by Allah's leave ...
A SIGN from Allah (God). All Jesus is doing (as a PROPHET mentioned in the QUR'AN and the Gospel) is to BREATH into a bird made out of clay. It is ALLAH who creates the bird NOT Jesus. The Rafidi belief on the other hand is that Allah created 12 divine beings (Gods) who then THEMSELVES (let's say by the permission of Allah) created EVERYTHING else, yet none of this nonsense has been mentioned in the Qur'an (but the miracle of an apparently inferior Prophet has been CLEARLY mentioned in the Qur'an!!!) nor has this anything to do with what Jesus (AS) did.
Surely those on whom you call upon instead of Allah
cannot create even a fly, though they should all combine together for the purpose. And if the fly should snatch away anything from them, they cannot recover it therefrom. Weak, indeed, are both the seeker and the sought. (22:74)
Only Mushrik like Rafidah believe that the Quraysh Mushriks used to worship some stones and wood. The truth is that they used to worship not just random idols, but also ANGELS and PROPHETS such as Jesus. Jesus never created anything nor was he responsible for the creation of anything that exists, he performed a miracle, whereas the Rafidah deities are CREATORS of EVERYTHING *BUT* Allah,
this is what their shirki books state and their brainless followers repeat:
They are without a shred of doubt Mushriks, they affirm multiple God's in their most authentic du'as:
عن أبي عبد الله قال عند الإصابة بالوجع "قل وأنت ساجد: يا الله يا رحمن يا رحيم: يا رب
الأرباب وإله الآلهة" الكفي 2ج ص412 بابا الدعاء للعلل والأمراض
Their God is an unity, kind of like the trinity only with 14, it would be a triskaidecanity.
And therefore asking Allah or the Imams is the same thing. In the name of Allah or in the name of Imams is the same thing. This is why we find in your books.
وعن أبي جعفر قال: واذا اشتكى الانسان فليقل: بسم الله وبالله
وبمحمد رسول الله"الكافي 2/412
(in the name of Muhammad ...)
And this is why they can seek refuge in the Prophet (and Ali, and and and(
وعن أبي جعفر قال: واذا اشتكى الانسان فليقل: بسم الله وبالله
وبمحمد رسول الله"(الكافي 2/412 باب الدعاء للعلل والأمراض
By Allah the monotheism in the trinity is greater then what we find in the Deen of the Rafidis and no 'bi2ithnillah' excuse will make these Mushriks,Muslim.