
Are Shias Really Grateful to Imam Hussain (ra) for Saving Islam?

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Re: Are Shias Really Grateful to Imam Hussain (ra) for Saving Islam?
« Reply #60 on: June 27, 2018, 07:16:01 PM »
Lets move on and please refrain from being and getting personal.

The clip above is something I came across. Very interesting analysis. There are some things I agree but some I also disagree with the above.

Below is another Ahle Sunah scholar

I know and met imam Asim I live in the same city as him too, I’ve prayed at his masjid a few times.

Lol imam Asim in the second vid at 16.20 Mark says imam Hussein ra asked for 3 it wasn’t much about He ra saved islam then, for He would have gone if yazeed agreed.

Do you even watch these vids? If He was to save islam then why ask for 3 things?

When you post vids do please tell us at what minutes they say stuff which you are referring to please, it’s like your just forwarding stuff you haven’t even checked yourself.

Again he is no big scholar or is well known in Islamic world he also has limited knowledge of Arabic like most like Dr Qadri, these are local mullahs my are really in desperation mode.


Re: Are Shias Really Grateful to Imam Hussain (ra) for Saving Islam?
« Reply #61 on: June 27, 2018, 07:22:47 PM »
None of this "one step at a time" and "we shall come to this" BS.  Answer the question or just say that your standards are in line with your desires, not reality.

Your questions have a very simple and straightforward answer. Do we believe Malik bin Nuwayrah refused to accept that Zakah was obligatory and was part of the Islamic faith, the answer is a very big, huge, massive and gigantic NOOOO.

If we did believe in what you accuse Malik of and we shared the same concept and view and then we remained silent on this, only then you can question us regarding our silence. Ma brother do think before you question. You don't do that. This is why you end up being embarrassed and then you become bitter and attack.

This is nothing personal between me or us and you. It's just a discussion. Something happened in history where you either look at it with an open mind considering reality and facts or you're a Abu Bakr bin Kuafah and Khalid bin Waleed loyalist and that's how you're going to see things as.


Re: Are Shias Really Grateful to Imam Hussain (ra) for Saving Islam?
« Reply #62 on: June 27, 2018, 08:45:22 PM »
I know and met imam Asim I live in the same city as him too, I’ve prayed at his masjid a few times.

Lol imam Asim in the second vid at 16.20 Mark says imam Hussein ra asked for 3 it wasn’t much about He ra saved islam then, for He would have gone if yazeed agreed.

Do you even watch these vids? If He was to save islam then why ask for 3 things?

When you post vids do please tell us at what minutes they say stuff which you are referring to please, it’s like your just forwarding stuff you haven’t even checked yourself.

Again he is no big scholar or is well known in Islamic world he also has limited knowledge of Arabic like most like Dr Qadri, these are local mullahs my are really in desperation mode.

😊 And you're speaking based on what. And I'm just suppose to take your word for it, yes. Where are you guys even coming from. You decide on which scholar is of what level and category, you decide on what is authentic/reliable and what isn't. And who exactly are you and which level of scholary do you see yourself as. Don't just pick and choose from the videos what suits you, it's all there in front of you. If you still want me to go right till the very end with you then for argumental reasons and just to silence you that will be fine.


Re: Are Shias Really Grateful to Imam Hussain (ra) for Saving Islam?
« Reply #63 on: June 27, 2018, 09:37:34 PM »
😊 And you're speaking based on what. And I'm just suppose to take your word for it, yes. Where are you guys even coming from. You decide on which scholar is of what level and category, you decide on what is authentic/reliable and what isn't. And who exactly are you and which level of scholary do you see yourself as. Don't just pick and choose from the videos what suits you, it's all there in front of you. If you still want me to go right till the very end with you then for argumental reasons and just to silence you that will be fine.

Why are you getting hot under the collar?
You bring videos and expect the non Urdu speaking people to search for something then you post another video of someone whom I know bro imam  Asim who clearly states Hussain ra ASKED for 3 things and he will return breaking your saved islam theory to shreds.

Again you haven’t a clue hence with your answers above......we need evidence and solid proofs, I deal with your kind all day long and they never bring anything of any value, I don’t think you know what you are talking about half of the time and push videos and articles down our throats instead of looking at the yourself.


Re: Are Shias Really Grateful to Imam Hussain (ra) for Saving Islam?
« Reply #64 on: June 28, 2018, 03:17:25 AM »
Your questions have a very simple and straightforward answer. Do we believe Malik bin Nuwayrah refused to accept that Zakah was obligatory and was part of the Islamic faith, the answer is a very big, huge, massive and gigantic NOOOO.

Malik bin Nuwayrah refused to pay Zakah for the reason that he deemed Zakah to be invalid after the passing away of the Prophet (saw).  And you are forgetting that there were many tribes that declared their apostasy (by refusing to pay Zakah), not just Banu Tamim so this was a widespread problem.

I have already proven to you (through reports in Al-Kafi) that refusal to pay Zakah is tantamount to apostasy the punishment for which is death.  Another brother established the fact that Zakah is due to the leader.  Yet, you are out to defend an apostate (Malik) without any evidence.  We are not surprised, believe me! 

There is a reason why I posted this topic; to prove the Shi'i insincerity of standing by the one who "saved Islam".  You are going against the words of your own Imam (ra) who said that withholding Zakah is kufr and punishable by death to protect an apostate (Malik).

If we did believe in what you accuse Malik of and we shared the same concept and view and then we remained silent on this, only then you can question us regarding our silence. Ma brother do think before you question. You don't do that. This is why you end up being embarrassed and then you become bitter and attack.

The nerve on say that I embarrass myself.  Coming from the POS who, among many blunders in the same post, tried to cite "Al-Sawa'iq Al-Muhriqah" (a book written to refute Shiaism) to substantiate Shiaism.

This is nothing personal between me or us and you. It's just a discussion. Something happened in history where you either look at it with an open mind considering reality and facts or you're a Abu Bakr bin Kuafah and Khalid bin Waleed loyalist and that's how you're going to see things as.

Zakah is not contingent upon what happened.  It is also free of your "open mind".  You pay Zakah or you are an apostate punishable by death.  That is the ruling of your own Imam (ra).  The reports from Al-Kafi are absolute not conditional so keep swimming in your own verbal diarrhea.
"Our coward ran from those in authority" - Iceman (admitting the truth regarding his 12th Imam)


Re: Are Shias Really Grateful to Imam Hussain (ra) for Saving Islam?
« Reply #65 on: June 28, 2018, 08:03:22 PM »
Why are you getting hot under the collar?
You bring videos and expect the non Urdu speaking people to search for something then you post another video of someone whom I know bro imam  Asim who clearly states Hussain ra ASKED for 3 things and he will return breaking your saved islam theory to shreds.

Again you haven’t a clue hence with your answers above......we need evidence and solid proofs, I deal with your kind all day long and they never bring anything of any value, I don’t think you know what you are talking about half of the time and push videos and articles down our throats instead of looking at the yourself.

I'm cool as ice cream despite its summer time 😊 Well get them translated, or am I suppose to do everything for you to the last bit. You asked for a Scholar and I gave you a well known, recognised and educated Scholar. It seems to me this has upset you. Ahle Sunah Wal Jama'ah don't just speak one language and that is just your language 😊

You talk about Imam Asim, he cleary states in the video that Hussain does say to his followers who were with him that if you want to leave by all means you can. Hussain further says that there issue is with him and they want his oath of allegiance or his blood.

Now what response do the family, friends and followers of Hussain give, they respond by saying that they will stay and  remain by his side and defend him AND ISLAM. If I heard it clear, which I believe I did, that is exactly what Imam Asim said. They will defend Hussain AND ISLAM!

What was the reason for Hussain not to give oath of allegiance to Yazeed. I mean this is exactly what the problem was. Why did Hussain absolutely refuse to give allegiance. Lets cut the nonsense of you having a dig at me and start from here.



Re: Are Shias Really Grateful to Imam Hussain (ra) for Saving Islam?
« Reply #66 on: June 28, 2018, 08:24:15 PM »
Malik bin Nuwayrah refused to pay Zakah for the reason that he deemed Zakah to be invalid after the passing away of the Prophet (saw).  And you are forgetting that there were many tribes that declared their apostasy (by refusing to pay Zakah), not just Banu Tamim so this was a widespread problem.

I have already proven to you (through reports in Al-Kafi) that refusal to pay Zakah is tantamount to apostasy the punishment for which is death.  Another brother established the fact that Zakah is due to the leader.  Yet, you are out to defend an apostate (Malik) without any evidence.  We are not surprised, believe me! 

There is a reason why I posted this topic; to prove the Shi'i insincerity of standing by the one who "saved Islam".  You are going against the words of your own Imam (ra) who said that withholding Zakah is kufr and punishable by death to protect an apostate (Malik).

The nerve on say that I embarrass myself.  Coming from the POS who, among many blunders in the same post, tried to cite "Al-Sawa'iq Al-Muhriqah" (a book written to refute Shiaism) to substantiate Shiaism.

Zakah is not contingent upon what happened.  It is also free of your "open mind".  You pay Zakah or you are an apostate punishable by death.  That is the ruling of your own Imam (ra).  The reports from Al-Kafi are absolute not conditional so keep swimming in your own verbal diarrhea.

I'm going to keep it nice and short from now on. I just can't be bothered with your ranting and raving or having a dig at me now and then.

Prove to me from the QUR'AN that rulers after Muhammad s.a.w  (regardless of who that ruler may be) has the God given right to force people to give Zakah and hand of the Zakah money to the regime. And if people refuse to hand over the Zakah money to the regime in place then they are WAJIB UL QATAL Basically they face the death penalty.

Malik bin Nuwayrah prayed and did all the other things that were obligatory in Islam but denied that Zakah had nothing to do with Islam all of a sudden and out of the blue. Come on. This story was later on created by certain individuals just to protect Khalid bin Waleed and also Abu Bakr bin Kuafah. Otherwise if we speak the truth that Malik bin Nuwayrah only refused to hand over the Zakah money to the ruler just as other companions of the Prophet s.a.w and tribal leaders did then Abu Bakr's decision and Khalid's actions lead both into big trouble.

It was just only a political dispute. People were not happy with this new rule that was actually forced on them that they should all of a sudden hand over the Zakah money or else......... That was all. We should absolutely be ashamed of, all of a sudden, accusing a great companion such as Malik bin Nuwayrah of such a hideous and ridiculous crime.

Allah knows best and let the matter rest with him since this was a political dispute between noble companions from all sides.


Re: Are Shias Really Grateful to Imam Hussain (ra) for Saving Islam?
« Reply #67 on: June 28, 2018, 08:36:57 PM »
Here's another Sunni Scholar in English, and a language you understand. Lets hope this puts the language excuse to rest.

Now what did this Sunni Scholar say.

"Hussain was a lion of a man and with great courage he stood up against the CORRUPTION OF THE TRUE RELIGION"

I wonder what excuse we're going to come up with now.

« Last Edit: June 28, 2018, 08:40:34 PM by iceman »


Re: Are Shias Really Grateful to Imam Hussain (ra) for Saving Islam?
« Reply #68 on: June 29, 2018, 12:46:50 AM »
Why are you quoting things like hussain defended Islam, etc?
We are asking you to quote famous sunni scholars who said hussain SAVED ISLAM.

You have failed to do that.

So Allah SWT perfected the religion (as stated in the Quran) through the final messenger muhammad SAW. So the religion was perfected.

But wait, according to you this was a waste as Islam was going down the gutter & Hussain 30 odd years later SAVED it (Islam).
What an insult!

Surely this is a blasphemous belief!


Re: Are Shias Really Grateful to Imam Hussain (ra) for Saving Islam?
« Reply #69 on: June 29, 2018, 02:08:27 AM »
Why are you quoting things like hussain defended Islam, etc?
We are asking you to quote famous sunni scholars who said hussain SAVED ISLAM.

You have failed to do that.

So Allah SWT perfected the religion (as stated in the Quran) through the final messenger muhammad SAW. So the religion was perfected.

But wait, according to you this was a waste as Islam was going down the gutter & Hussain 30 odd years later SAVED it (Islam).
What an insult!

Surely this is a blasphemous belief!

"But wait, according to you this was a waste as Islam was going down the gutter & Hussain 30 odd years later SAVED it (Islam).
What an insult!"

Don't put words in my mouth. What was the reason for Hussain not to give allegiance to Yazeed. Can you answer this.


Re: Are Shias Really Grateful to Imam Hussain (ra) for Saving Islam?
« Reply #70 on: June 29, 2018, 02:41:20 AM »
I don’t get why Islam needed saving. Yes there was a corrupt evil tyrant ruling. But that was the case during the time of later ‘infallible imams’ such as mohammad al baqir & jafar sadiq’s era which is considered the golden era for shia narrations.

Besides Islam was glorious still despite yazid as there were two infallible Imams Husayn & Ali Zayn Al Abideen😃😃😃. How can Islam need saving when the infallible guides are still amongst the people in an unbroken chain?😆😆


Re: Are Shias Really Grateful to Imam Hussain (ra) for Saving Islam?
« Reply #71 on: June 29, 2018, 02:46:07 AM »
I'm going to keep it nice and short from now on. I just can't be bothered with your ranting and raving or having a dig at me now and then.

You chose to participate in this discussion.  No one forced you to be the spokesperson for all Shias.  It would be nothing short of a catastrophe upon a catastrophe if you are the representative of all Shias on this forum.

Prove to me from the QUR'AN that rulers after Muhammad s.a.w  (regardless of who that ruler may be) has the God given right to force people to give Zakah and hand of the Zakah money to the regime. And if people refuse to hand over the Zakah money to the regime in place then they are WAJIB UL QATAL Basically they face the death penalty.

The obligation to pay Zakah is a Qur'anic injunction so important that it is one of the five pillars of Islam.  When it comes to its details, as is the case with prayer, fasting, Hajj, etc, we look at Prophetic narrations.  In your case, your infallible Imams (ra) have declared the failure to pay Zakah to be a sure sign of apostasy and that such individuals must be killed.

By the way, as the other brother said, please do not pretend to be a Qur'anist now.  You cannot even prove Imamah, let alone the names of 12 Imams (ra), from the Qur'an.  Not to mention that collection of Zakah - although it is clear that Zakah is paid to the leader, as per Shi'i rulings - is not even part of the discussion except a distraction tactic by Shias.

Malik bin Nuwayrah prayed and did all the other things that were obligatory in Islam but denied that Zakah had nothing to do with Islam all of a sudden and out of the blue. Come on.

Strawman!  Malik did not deny Zakah had anything to do with Islam.  Malik said that since the Prophet (saw) had passed away, no one was obligated to pay Zakah; that Zakah was to be abolished.

This story was later on created by certain individuals just to protect Khalid bin Waleed and also Abu Bakr bin Kuafah.

For as many Shi'i scholars there are in the world, there is a different version of history.  Rest assured that is not the case with our school.  Name these "certain individuals" and provide evidence that can stand scrutiny.  Otherwise, this will be another check your mouth issued that your @$$ cannot cash.  You've issued many of these!

Otherwise if we speak the truth that Malik bin Nuwayrah only refused to hand over the Zakah money to the ruler just as other companions of the Prophet s.a.w and tribal leaders did then Abu Bakr's decision and Khalid's actions lead both into big trouble.

You and truth are polar opposites!  My point still stands.  Your Imams (ra) made paying Zakah an unconditional obligation refusal of which is punishable by death.  There are no "ifs" and "buts" when it comes to paying Zakah.

In case you did not know, other tribes had also accepted false prophets.  If you wish to side with Malik, you might as well side with the other tribes who took false prophets and undermined the Qur'anic concept of Prophethood. 

It was just only a political dispute. People were not happy with this new rule that was actually forced on them that they should all of a sudden hand over the Zakah money or else.........

I knew it; in fact, I even warned you not to tread down this path.  You are repeating the same lie that Ammar Nakshawani got called out for by brother Adnan Rashid.  Till date, Ammar has not produced any evidence for this nonsensical claim.  Therefore, I won't bother you to provide an authentic report for this idiotic claim because if Ammar could not substantiate it, you won't be able to substantiate it either.

We should absolutely be ashamed of, all of a sudden, accusing a great companion such as Malik bin Nuwayrah of such a hideous and ridiculous crime.

You should be ashamed for beating yourself every year saying you would have fought alongside Imam Hussain (ra) to save Islam when you consider Malik a "great companion" who, according to your own Imams (ra), deserved the death penalty for refusing to pay Zakah.

Allah knows best and let the matter rest with him since this was a political dispute between noble companions from all sides.

Can you name these "noble companions from all sides"?
"Our coward ran from those in authority" - Iceman (admitting the truth regarding his 12th Imam)



Re: Are Shias Really Grateful to Imam Hussain (ra) for Saving Islam?
« Reply #73 on: June 29, 2018, 02:55:05 AM »
I don’t get why Islam needed saving. Yes there was a corrupt evil tyrant ruling. But that was the case during the time of later ‘infallible imams’ such as mohammad al baqir & jafar sadiq’s era which is considered the golden era for shia narrations.

Besides Islam was glorious still despite yazid as there were two infallible Imams Husayn & Ali Zayn Al Abideen😃😃😃. How can Islam need saving when the infallible guides are still amongst the people in an unbroken chain?😆😆

You're playing around. When you've finished playing around and with the happy faces do try to answer my question. Hussain refused to give allegiance to Yazeed at all costs but why.


Re: Are Shias Really Grateful to Imam Hussain (ra) for Saving Islam?
« Reply #74 on: June 29, 2018, 03:02:42 AM »
"By the way, as the other brother said, please do not pretend to be a Qur'anist now.  You cannot even prove Imamah, let alone the names of 12 Imams (ra), from the Qur'an.  Not to mention that collection of Zakah - although it is clear that Zakah is paid to the leader, as per Shi'i rulings - is not even part of the discussion except a distraction tactic by Shias"

You want proof from the Qur'an and don't accept anything else. But when we ask you to prove something from the Qur'an you start running around in circles and then finally come up with an accusation 'please do not pretend to be a Qur'anist'   😊 WOW

If you can't prove what I've asked from the Qur'an then why are you accusing me of pretending. Is there no other way for you to hide your embarrassment. 😊

"You should be ashamed for beating yourself every year saying you would have fought alongside Imam Hussain (ra) to save Islam"

😊 I dont know how well you're going to take and digest this but here it comes, for your kind information I don't beat myself. Never have. 😊

"I knew it; in fact, I even warned you not to tread down this path.  You are repeating the same lie that Ammar Nakshawani got called out for by brother Adnan Rashid.  Till date, Ammar has not produced any evidence for this nonsensical claim.  Therefore, I won't bother you to provide an authentic report for this idiotic claim because if Ammar could not substantiate it, you won't be able to substantiate it either"

The nonsensical claim is actually  accusing a Companion of the Prophet s.a.w of such a hideous and ridiculous crime of becoming an apostate. This is exactly what is NONSENSICAL. Can you provide me evidence from any Shia Scholar or their book where they accuse Malik of becoming an apostate.

Prove to me from the Qur'an and justify a Muslim rulers action of forcing people to hand over Zakah money to them. Or if someone doesn’t pay Zakah then they're WAJIB UL QATAL.

Zakah is obligatory but you give Zakah and who you give Zakah to, those who are eligible I've already mentioned it. It's in the Qur'an. You give Zakah, it's obligatory and it's a benefit given voluntarily. Stop dancing around the facts.

« Last Edit: June 29, 2018, 03:17:27 AM by iceman »


Re: Are Shias Really Grateful to Imam Hussain (ra) for Saving Islam?
« Reply #75 on: June 29, 2018, 03:36:45 AM »
You want proof from the Qur'an and don't accept anything else. But when we ask you to prove something from the Qur'an you start running around in circles and then finally come up with an accusation 'please do not pretend to be a Qur'anist'   😊 WOW

Is Zakah mentioned in the Qur'an?  Yes!  How do we pay it?  Who do we pay it to?  The Prophet (saw) clarified those points and your Imams (ra) said that refusal to pay Zakah is tantamount to kufr and punishable by death.  That is running in circles; when you make circles around the Qur'an, the Prophet (saw) and your own "infallible" Imams (ra) just so you could say you were right (when you are actually supporting an apostate).

If you can't prove what I've asked from the Qur'an then why are you accusing me of pretending. Is there no other way for you to hide your embarrassment. 😊

Why don't you prove to me from the Qur'an that Zakah is only rendered to "infallible Imams"?  You think you are smart but you are trying to straitjacket this discussion when you actually need to be placed in one (in reality).

😊 I dont know how well you're going to take and digest this but here it comes, for your kind information I don't beat myself. Never have. 😊

Till now, I attributed your retarded behavior to your damaged brain cells, courtesy of all the years of head slapping.  If that is not the case, were you dropped as a baby?

The nonsensical claim is actually  accusing a Companion of the Prophet s.a.w of such a hideous and ridiculous crime of becoming an apostate. This is exactly what is NONSENSICAL. Can you provide me evidence from any Shia Scholar or their book where they accuse Malik of becoming an apostate.

So again, no proof to back your claim.  As for proving Malik's apostasy to you, I already gave you the words of your own Imams (ra) recorded in Al-Kafi.  They made Zakah an obligation without any conditions.  You are disobeying your own "infallible" Imams (ra) and asking for scholarly proof.  Is it safe to assume that you consider your scholars above your "infallible" Imams (ra)?  lol, all this to save an apostate.

Prove to me from the Qur'an and justify a Muslim rulers action of forcing people to hand over Zakah money to them. Or if someone doesn’t pay Zakah then they're WAJIB UL QATAL.

I did better; I proved it to you through the rulings of your "infallible, Divinely Appointed" Imams (ra)!  You say their task was to guide people.  Then why don't you follow their guidance on this matter?

Yunus from ‘Ali ibn Abi Hamzah from Abu Basir on the authority of Abu ‘Abdillah (Al-Sadiq), who said: “We refuses to pay even a single ounce of the Zakah is not a believer nor a Muslim and this is the statement of Him (Allah), may He be glorified and exalted […].” [Al-Kafi vol. 3 – The Book Of Zakah ch. 2]

....from Sahl from ibn Shamun from Al-Asam from Malikk ibn ‘Utbah from Ibn Taghlub who said: “Abu Abdullah (i.e. Al-Sadiq) told me: “Allah has declared the blood of two types of people permissible to be shed in Islam, nobody must judge with regards to these two types until Allah sends our Qa’im (Shia Mahdi) from Ahl Al-Bayt, and when Allah sends him, he will judge with regards to these two types according to the ruling of Allah, without requiring any testimony, which is: The adulterer will be stoned and the one who refuses to pay the Zakah will get beheaded.” [Al-Kafi vol. 3 – The Book Of Zakah ch. 2]

Zakah is obligatory but you give Zakah and who you give Zakah to, those who are eligible I've already mentioned it. It's in the Qur'an. You give Zakah, it's obligatory and it's a benefit given voluntarily. Stop dancing around the facts.

Imam Ali (ra), when he was the Caliph, wrote to Malik Ashtar: "If taxpayers complain to you about heavy incidence of taxation, of any accidental calamity, of vagaries of monsoon, of scarcity and stoppage of the means of irrigation, of floods or destruction of their crops on account of excessive rainfall and if their complaints are true then reduce their taxes." (Nahjul Balagha)

Tax amount can be negotiated but it cannot be waived altogether.  And the leader can appoint anyone he wishes as a tax collector.

Now you can go and slip into something more comfortable like a coma!
"Our coward ran from those in authority" - Iceman (admitting the truth regarding his 12th Imam)


Re: Are Shias Really Grateful to Imam Hussain (ra) for Saving Islam?
« Reply #76 on: June 29, 2018, 03:39:38 AM »
"For as many Shi'i scholars there are in the world, there is a different version of history.  Rest assured that is not the case with our school.  Name these "certain individuals" and provide evidence that can stand scrutiny.  Otherwise, this will be another check your mouth issued that your @$$ cannot cash.  You've issued many of these!"

Those individuals are the ones who accuse Malik of this hideous crime. I'm not a Sunni so I don't believe in your tale concerning Malik. Either prove from Shia sources that Malik became an apostate or the other way I've already mentioned which you clearly can't explain. And here it is again 'prove from the Qur'an justifying a rulers decision to force people in paying Zakah directly to them'. Oh and here's another one, according to Sunnis once you become a Companion, a firm believer can a Companion turn apostate. Have fun in answering.


Re: Are Shias Really Grateful to Imam Hussain (ra) for Saving Islam?
« Reply #77 on: June 29, 2018, 03:50:46 AM »
Those individuals are the ones who accuse Malik of this hideous crime. I'm not a Sunni so I don't believe in your tale concerning Malik. Either prove from Shia sources that Malik became an apostate or the other way I've already mentioned which you clearly can't explain.

We both agree that Malik refused to pay Zakah.  I know you place a condition around his refusal but your "infallible" Imams (ra) declared apostasy on those who refuse to pay Zakah, without any conditions.  And they asked for such individuals to be put to death.  I have already shared the reports from Al-Kafi more than once.

And here it is again 'prove from the Qur'an justifying a rulers decision to force people in paying Zakah directly to them'.

Prove from the Qur'an that Zakah is only rendered to "infallible Imams".  Time to put you in your own straitjacket.

Oh and here's another one, according to Sunnis once you become a Companion, a firm believer can a Companion turn apostate. Have fun in answering.

.....but according to your "infallible" Imams (ra), anyone who refuses to pay Zakah is an apostate and to be put to death.  While you don't know our position, please explain why are you disobeying your own "infallible" Imams (ra)?  Do you know the ruling on rejecting an Imam or his words in Shiaism?  Hahaha, you're tightening the noose around your own neck. 
"Our coward ran from those in authority" - Iceman (admitting the truth regarding his 12th Imam)


Re: Are Shias Really Grateful to Imam Hussain (ra) for Saving Islam?
« Reply #78 on: June 29, 2018, 12:47:40 PM »
You're playing around. When you've finished playing around and with the happy faces do try to answer my question. Hussain refused to give allegiance to Yazeed at all costs but why.

The same reason Zayd ibn Ali & his sons & countless other members of ahle bayt refused to give allegience to the rulers of their time.
Same reason Abdullah ibn Zubayr refused to give allegience to Yazeed. Its a very emotional story. He & all the other Imams of ahle bayt saved Islam too?


Re: Are Shias Really Grateful to Imam Hussain (ra) for Saving Islam?
« Reply #79 on: June 29, 2018, 05:49:00 PM »
I'm cool as ice cream despite its summer time 😊 Well get them translated, or am I suppose to do everything for you to the last bit. You asked for a Scholar and I gave you a well known, recognised and educated Scholar. It seems to me this has upset you. Ahle Sunah Wal Jama'ah don't just speak one language and that is just your language 😊

You talk about Imam Asim, he cleary states in the video that Hussain does say to his followers who were with him that if you want to leave by all means you can. Hussain further says that there issue is with him and they want his oath of allegiance or his blood.

Now what response do the family, friends and followers of Hussain give, they respond by saying that they will stay and  remain by his side and defend him AND ISLAM. If I heard it clear, which I believe I did, that is exactly what Imam Asim said. They will defend Hussain AND ISLAM!

What was the reason for Hussain not to give oath of allegiance to Yazeed. I mean this is exactly what the problem was. Why did Hussain absolutely refuse to give allegiance. Lets cut the nonsense of you having a dig at me and start from here.


What’s with the smiley faces? Can’t get your nonsensical point across?

Imam Asim ain’t no big scholar you know that and now you are stuck in your own rut, I know the guy he is just an imam in a masjid and does good on his own level mashallah.

He Asim said Hussein ra asked for three things and then he will go, what do you understand about that?
So if yazeed gave him any one if the three then what? Which Islam did he save? You definitely are in a rut here mate.
That proves that it was the Kufan Shiites who betrayed him and he was willing to return.

I didn’t hear it but THEY said they will defend Hussein ra and Islam ........did Hussein ra say it? You don’t think before you post do you?
Everyone else is saying it but the main imam hasn’t said it, you like clutching on straws don’t you.......then give us a solid proof imam Hussein ra said it.



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