
Are Shias Really Grateful to Imam Hussain (ra) for Saving Islam?

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Re: Are Shias Really Grateful to Imam Hussain (ra) for Saving Islam?
« Reply #40 on: June 24, 2018, 01:42:51 PM »
What do you mean by NOTABLE MUSLIM? who doesn't happen to be a Shia?

You said the majority of muslims. The majority are sunni. So quote us these famous sunni scholars who said Hussain SAVED ISLAM.


Re: Are Shias Really Grateful to Imam Hussain (ra) for Saving Islam?
« Reply #42 on: June 24, 2018, 01:47:55 PM »
You said the majority of muslims. The majority are sunni. So quote us these famous sunni scholars who said Hussain SAVED ISLAM.

Is every Sunni Scholar acceptable or are we looking for your selected and desired? By the way are you a Scholar? If no then what's your opinion on this and who and where do you take your opinion from?
« Last Edit: June 24, 2018, 01:50:08 PM by iceman »


Re: Are Shias Really Grateful to Imam Hussain (ra) for Saving Islam?
« Reply #43 on: June 24, 2018, 01:55:04 PM »
Replying with 3 consecutive questions, your post should be deleted🤦🏽‍♂️

You’re really struggling to show us these sunni scholars aren’t you. Come on, the list can’t be that laughable can it? Thats even if there’s one name on the list😂


Re: Are Shias Really Grateful to Imam Hussain (ra) for Saving Islam?
« Reply #44 on: June 24, 2018, 02:50:43 PM »
Replying with 3 consecutive questions, your post should be deleted🤦🏽‍♂️

You’re really struggling to show us these sunni scholars aren’t you. Come on, the list can’t be that laughable can it? Thats even if there’s one name on the list😂

That's fine. Pick one question and have the nerve to answer it.


Re: Are Shias Really Grateful to Imam Hussain (ra) for Saving Islam?
« Reply #46 on: June 24, 2018, 03:55:47 PM »
Replying with 3 consecutive questions, your post should be deleted🤦🏽‍♂️

You’re really struggling to show us these sunni scholars aren’t you. Come on, the list can’t be that laughable can it? Thats even if there’s one name on the list😂

Either you have a problem understanding or you're just illiterate or may be both. I said that majority of the Sunnis as well as the Shias hold the view that Hussain's sacrifice saved Islam. Both communities believe this and commemorate the martyrdom of Hussain and his followers. Only a minority of the Sunnis believe otherwise. Now how difficult this is let me tell you. If you believe otherwise then you shouldn't have any problem what so ever of putting forward fatwas and statements of Sunni Scholars who believe otherwise. This is how difficult it is 😀
« Last Edit: June 24, 2018, 03:56:53 PM by iceman »


Re: Are Shias Really Grateful to Imam Hussain (ra) for Saving Islam?
« Reply #47 on: June 24, 2018, 06:00:58 PM »
46 posts later & you still haven’t put up any quotes from any sunni scholar who said Hussain SAVED ISLAM.


Re: Are Shias Really Grateful to Imam Hussain (ra) for Saving Islam?
« Reply #48 on: June 24, 2018, 06:45:35 PM »

To be honest tareq Jamal isn’t no big scholar he just does speeches or bayans don’t know where he gets his info from as he never uses evidences especially stories of the earlier prophet as.....I used to listen to him before on cassette tapes before he come on the scene, he is not very famous apart from Pakistan and the Urdu speaking people no other Muslims know him or will ever understand him as he doesn’t do speeches in any other language as well as English or Arabic so it’s not good to use some unknown guy.

As for the posted YouTube link it is 118 mins long as far as I could watch it I never came across him saying that Hussein ra saved islam, I may have missed it but I ain’t got the energy to go through that again as he keeps blowing his nose and it’s not nice to way would be if you could point out at which minute he refers to Hussein ra saving Islam I don’t think there are many Urdu speakers on this forum.


Re: Are Shias Really Grateful to Imam Hussain (ra) for Saving Islam?
« Reply #49 on: June 25, 2018, 10:08:44 AM »
46 posts later & you still haven’t put up any quotes from any sunni scholar who said Hussain SAVED ISLAM.

I've already posted this link but here it is again.

This is Dr Allama Tahir Ul Qadri, a very well known/popular/famous Ahle Sunah scholar. It's in Urdu. I'll see if I can find any English clip. He also mentions what I copy and pasted from about Abu Hurayra. But lets leave that on one side.


Re: Are Shias Really Grateful to Imam Hussain (ra) for Saving Islam?
« Reply #50 on: June 25, 2018, 10:10:37 AM »
To be honest tareq Jamal isn’t no big scholar he just does speeches or bayans don’t know where he gets his info from as he never uses evidences especially stories of the earlier prophet as.....I used to listen to him before on cassette tapes before he come on the scene, he is not very famous apart from Pakistan and the Urdu speaking people no other Muslims know him or will ever understand him as he doesn’t do speeches in any other language as well as English or Arabic so it’s not good to use some unknown guy.

As for the posted YouTube link it is 118 mins long as far as I could watch it I never came across him saying that Hussein ra saved islam, I may have missed it but I ain’t got the energy to go through that again as he keeps blowing his nose and it’s not nice to way would be if you could point out at which minute he refers to Hussein ra saving Islam I don’t think there are many Urdu speakers on this forum.

😊 Yep, no problem.


Re: Are Shias Really Grateful to Imam Hussain (ra) for Saving Islam?
« Reply #51 on: June 25, 2018, 03:30:56 PM »
I've already posted this link but here it is again.

This is Dr Allama Tahir Ul Qadri, a very well known/popular/famous Ahle Sunah scholar. It's in Urdu. I'll see if I can find any English clip. He also mentions what I copy and pasted from about Abu Hurayra. But lets leave that on one side.

Al Husayn’s (may Allah be pleased with him) martydrom was 1400 years ago.
So you find two spurious present day characters from pakistan (one who is a dodgy politician) as proof that the MAJORITY of muslims agree he SAVED ISLAM?

The majority of the muslim world haven’t even heard of the two guys you posted.

By now we can draw the conclusion that your statement that the majority of muslims believe Husayn saved Islam is actually incorrect. The shias believe this, not the majority of muslims i.e sunni.


Re: Are Shias Really Grateful to Imam Hussain (ra) for Saving Islam?
« Reply #52 on: June 25, 2018, 05:04:30 PM »
I've already posted this link but here it is again.

This is Dr Allama Tahir Ul Qadri, a very well known/popular/famous Ahle Sunah scholar. It's in Urdu. I'll see if I can find any English clip. He also mentions what I copy and pasted from about Abu Hurayra. But lets leave that on one side.

Same again you are making a mountain out of a molehill.......Tahir uk Qadri is only well known in Pakistan although he has travelled here and there he is living hiding in canada and has no real following in Pakistan either.
He did try a middle eastern style revolution backed my mqm terrorists but even they backed off on the day of the march and only a few thousand turned up believing he would have millions of followers.

Like a brother said you are using 2 unknowns who are limited to South Asia as your proofs??

That doesn’t really help you at all.


Re: Are Shias Really Grateful to Imam Hussain (ra) for Saving Islam?
« Reply #53 on: June 26, 2018, 04:14:39 AM »

He said, "deen ki hifaazat, hum kehte hai, ki Hussain (ra) ne ki".  In other words, Dr. Qadri is saying that Imam Hussain (ra) protected or defended the religion.  He clearly states, "hum kehte hai", meaning, we say it (that Imam Hussain protected or defended the religion) but he gives no direct quote.  Again, Imam Hussain (ra) defended and fought for Islam, no doubt.  My question is this: why do you uphold his sacrifice while also praising someone (Malik bin Nuwayrah) who intended to damage one of the pillars of Islam, namely Zakah?  If Islam matters to you then anyone who opposes it or tries to damage it must be condemned whether it be Yazeed or Malik.  And if Islam matters to you then anyone who defends or protects it must be praised whether it be Imam Hussain (ra) or Abu Bakr (ra).
"Our coward ran from those in authority" - Iceman (admitting the truth regarding his 12th Imam)


Re: Are Shias Really Grateful to Imam Hussain (ra) for Saving Islam?
« Reply #54 on: June 27, 2018, 03:40:14 PM »
Al Husayn’s (may Allah be pleased with him) martydrom was 1400 years ago.
So you find two spurious present day characters from pakistan (one who is a dodgy politician) as proof that the MAJORITY of muslims agree he SAVED ISLAM?

The majority of the muslim world haven’t even heard of the two guys you posted.

By now we can draw the conclusion that your statement that the majority of muslims believe Husayn saved Islam is actually incorrect. The shias believe this, not the majority of muslims i.e sunni.

"Al Husayn’s (may Allah be pleased with him) martydrom was 1400 years ago.
So you find two spurious present day characters from pakistan (one who is a dodgy politician) as proof that the MAJORITY of muslims agree he SAVED ISLAM?"

I'm not going to say "I was hoping you would say that" I was 100% sure you would say something like that. Everything or everyone we put forward you seem to belittle, you undermine.

"We don't accept this or that, this is not reliable, that is not authentic, he is either influenced by Shiaism or we don't recognise him etc etc and etc"

That's all that I seem to be getting from your side.

Now who are exactly you? I mean this site, the admins/mods and a few side kicks/cheer leaders and the ones who fund. Are you going to tell me that a handful of unknown individuals like you represent the entire Ahle Sunah community globally. You speak for the entire Ahle Sunah and on their behalf. Man no one even recognises you. Never mind about that, no one even approves you.

I come from a mixed community as well as family and friends (Ahle Sunah as well as Ahle Tasheyu). The references I'm going to give you are from my community. Or are Ahle Sunah just limited and restricted to your will, wish and desire. What do you want, me to go to every single Ahle Sunah mosque and get a written statement for you.

"Just two" I have a life, responsibility and commitments, outside this. I don't know, your life mind depend on just this but not mine. There are plenty of other things which are much more important than just dealing with this.

Be patient or show some patience. And one at a time rather than jumping on me like a pack. I have an open mind and I like a balanced argument. I'm not like others having a mindset based on what I'm told and then just stick to it and not bother with the other side of the story or argument. And I will prove this.
« Last Edit: June 27, 2018, 03:42:31 PM by iceman »


Re: Are Shias Really Grateful to Imam Hussain (ra) for Saving Islam?
« Reply #55 on: June 27, 2018, 04:12:21 PM »
Lets move on and please refrain from being and getting personal.

The clip above is something I came across. Very interesting analysis. There are some things I agree but some I also disagree with the above.

Below is another Ahle Sunah scholar

« Last Edit: June 27, 2018, 04:17:50 PM by iceman »


Re: Are Shias Really Grateful to Imam Hussain (ra) for Saving Islam?
« Reply #56 on: June 27, 2018, 04:21:08 PM »
He said, "deen ki hifaazat, hum kehte hai, ki Hussain (ra) ne ki".  In other words, Dr. Qadri is saying that Imam Hussain (ra) protected or defended the religion.  He clearly states, "hum kehte hai", meaning, we say it (that Imam Hussain protected or defended the religion) but he gives no direct quote.  Again, Imam Hussain (ra) defended and fought for Islam, no doubt.  My question is this: why do you uphold his sacrifice while also praising someone (Malik bin Nuwayrah) who intended to damage one of the pillars of Islam, namely Zakah?  If Islam matters to you then anyone who opposes it or tries to damage it must be condemned whether it be Yazeed or Malik.  And if Islam matters to you then anyone who defends or protects it must be praised whether it be Imam Hussain (ra) or Abu Bakr (ra).

One thing at a time then one step at a time. We shall come to this inshallah.


Re: Are Shias Really Grateful to Imam Hussain (ra) for Saving Islam?
« Reply #57 on: June 27, 2018, 04:25:57 PM »
Same again you are making a mountain out of a molehill.......Tahir uk Qadri is only well known in Pakistan although he has travelled here and there he is living hiding in canada and has no real following in Pakistan either.
He did try a middle eastern style revolution backed my mqm terrorists but even they backed off on the day of the march and only a few thousand turned up believing he would have millions of followers.

Like a brother said you are using 2 unknowns who are limited to South Asia as your proofs??

That doesn’t really help you at all.


And his work and achievements.
« Last Edit: June 27, 2018, 04:28:39 PM by iceman »


Re: Are Shias Really Grateful to Imam Hussain (ra) for Saving Islam?
« Reply #58 on: June 27, 2018, 07:00:51 PM »
One thing at a time then one step at a time. We shall come to this inshallah.

None of this "one step at a time" and "we shall come to this" BS.  Answer the question or just say that your standards are in line with your desires, not reality.
"Our coward ran from those in authority" - Iceman (admitting the truth regarding his 12th Imam)


Re: Are Shias Really Grateful to Imam Hussain (ra) for Saving Islam?
« Reply #59 on: June 27, 2018, 07:05:25 PM »

And his work and achievements.

You haven’t a clue have you.........barelwi mass scholars don’t side with him and your using a runaway self made sheikh ul islam, don’t bother sending me google I know the people who work for Minhaj ul Quran, half the stuff he says many barelwi don’t accept of him and that’s just pakistan......this is Sheer desperation from your part.

Wiki lol

The rise of Dr Tahirul Qadri also took place during the Zia regime. Dr Qadri was the Imam of Lahore’s Ittefaq Mosque owned by the Sharifs at that time. Dr Qadri took Nawaz Sharif to Maulana Noorani’s estranged friend Haji Hanif Tayyab in Karachi to form a Barelvi alliance in the 1980s. Later, Dr Qadri and Nawaz Sharif developed differences and today they are poles apart. Both Dr Qadri and Nawaz Sharif started their politics with the help of Barelvis, but now have their own political following which include Barelvis and others as well.
One day he is for blasphemy law then the next he is not, he is an opportunist and I also from a mixed community too together with ahle tashayu too they mix in well with us I know your kind well my friend. Stop using nobody’s who have no influence on religion in Pakistan. The guy is a runaway living in Canada what kind of sheikh is he? He is into politics as stated above and was recently with pti Imran khan and now has his own pat party.....Do think about it!

He said he was bringing millions to support him on his rally.......only thousands turned up, that alone shows you he has not much influence as a scholar in Pakistan.

He is supported by do know who they are don’t ya? They are the anti Pakistan political group again with their troll leader sat in London.......khadim rizvi had more impact who is a stanch barelwi than Tahir-ul-Qadri who did his dharna together with Imran Khan, even Imran khan doesn’t want to know him, hence he doesn’t return much to Pakistan no more.......again he is not known anywhere apart from India/Pakistan and pak army propbably helped him out too to be honest barelwi in India can’t stand him.

Don’t give me wiki please I am from Pakistan and you can’t use an opportunist in politics as a sheikh......infact who gave him that title?


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