In an event that would rival the FIFA World Cup, Summer Olympics and Winter Olympics, we have seen unparalleled display of verbal gymnastics, changing goal posts, dancing around the point, etc. Clearly the gold medal in each category goes to Iceman. In fact, the silver and bronze should also be handed to him since there are no other participants behind him (in those categories) anywhere in sight.
Having said that, we have seen the Qur'an mandate Zakat. It was childish of Iceman to hold on to the term "give" and not "pay" because he forgets that Qur'an is in Arabic, not English. And then I showed him that the word "pay" is also used in conjunction to Zakat in the Qur'an.
The Qur'an stipulates a portion of the Zakat to the one who collects it, therefore, collection of Zakat necessitates an authoritative body to undertake the task. Being the dimwit he is, since I met his challenge using the same article he copy-posted blindly (without realizing that his challenge of a Qur'anic verse is right there in the article), I thought he would have some decency to acknowledge it. He barreled down his path of blind refusal of facts.
Allegedly "infallible", I showed him the words of his own Imams (ra) saying that refusal to pay Zakat is tantamount to kufr, punishable by death. In fact, the Imam (ra) said that nothing is as highly stressed as Zakat. Again, Iceman kept ignoring the facts and modified his challenge to save some face.
I have no regrets except I deeply regret saying things about his mother. It took me less than an hour to feel terrible for what I had typed; the khutbah (that very day) had to do with akhlaq. If Iceman forgives me, I will try to stay out of his way so long as he stays out of mine.