The Ash`ariyeen and Imami Tashayyu` in Qum.
This is an old one written by brother Farid and deserves to be posted here.
The following is from Al-Ansaab by Al-Sam'aani:
مالك بن عامر الاشعري، وقعوا إلى الناحية التي بنيت بها قم، وكان مقدمهم عبد الله، ويعرف بعبدالله سعدان، وكانت في تلك الناحية قرى سبعة، بعضها قريب من بعض، ولكل قرية قلعة ولها اسم، واسم إحدى القرى كميدان، فنزل الاخوة على طرف نهر، ونصبوا كساء على خشب، وأقاموا، فلما سمعت أقرباؤهم بذكرهم اتصلوا بهم، وقتلوا رؤساء تلك
القرى، واستولوا عليها، واستخلصوا أموالهم، واستتبعوا تلك الجموع، وبنوا البنيان، ونقلوا إليها من الاكسية والخيم، وصارت القرى سبع محلات من البلدة، ولقبت حصونها بها، وسميت البلدة باسم قرية واحدة، وهي كميدان، فأسقطوا بعض الحروف للايجاز والاختصار، وأبدلوا الكاف بالقاف على ما جرت به عادة العرب، وسموا الموضع بقم، وكان لعبدالله سعدان بالكوفة ابن يسمى موسى، وانتقل إلى قم، وكان لعبدالله سعدان بالكوفة ابن يسمى موسى، وانتقل إلى قم، وهو الذي أظهر مذهب الشيعة بها.
ذكر هذه القصة أبو الوفاء محمد بن محمد بن القاسم الاخسيكثي، في " تاريخه "
[Malik bin `Amir Al-Asha`ri, they moved to an area that was Qum and the leader was `Abdullah bin Sa`ad, known as Sa`adaan, and there were seven towns in that area, close to each other. Each town contains a castle and one of those towns was called Kumidan, so the brother lived at next to one river, and camped there, so, when their relatives heard that they were there, they headed to that area and killed the leaders of the towns, and seized the towns. They took them over and took their money and made the people their followers and reorganized the seven areas and fortified themselves, and the towns were referred to by the name of the first town, Kumidan, but some letters were removed and replaced, and the Qaaf replaced the Kaaf like how Arabs do it and it was called Qum. And Abdullah Sa'adaan had a son in Kufa called Musa, who moved to Qum, and he spread the Madhab of the Shia there.
This is the story narrated by Abu Al-Wafa'a Mohammed bin Mohammed bin Al-Qasim Al-Akhseekthi in his history book.]
Some information from Persian sources about this Ash`aree household/tribe who was responsible for Tashayyu` in Qum:
عبدالله بن سعد بن مالك الأشعرى(2):
همان كسى است كه با برادرش احوص و نعيم و عبدالرحمن در تاريخ 73 هجرى از شهر كوفه مهاجرت كرده و به قم آمدند. عبدالله مردى عالم و داناى به احاديث و احكام اسلامى بوده و مدّتى در شهر كوفه امارت داشته است، برخلاف برادرش احوص مردى نرم و مهربان بوده است.
اوّلين مسجد را در شهر قم او ساخته است(3).
3ـ وى از ناحيه منصور عباسى به حكومت بلاد جبل منصوب شد و پس از مدت زمانى كوتاه از سمت خود استعفا كرده به قم بازگشت و همچون گذشته به خدمات دينى پرداخت. او داراى پانزده فرزند بود كه جمعى از زردتشتيان را به مذهب پاك تشيّع رهنمون گرديدند. در ترجمه اين صحابى امام باقر(عليه السلام) به منابع زير مىتوان مراجعه كرد: گنجينه آثار قم: 1/222; اشعريان قم.
2) Abdullah bin Saad bin Malik al-ashari:
He is the person who migrated from Kufa to Qum in 73hjri along with his brothers احوص, نعيم, and عبدالرحمن. Abdullah was a knowledgeable man and a learned one about Ahadeth and Islamic rules and for a period of time he had Emarat (I think it means Power) in the City of Kufa, unlike his brother احوص he was a soft and kind man, the first Masjid was built by him in the city of Qum.
He from the district/Zone of Mansur Abbasi, was appointed in the govrnment of Belad Jabal and after a period he resigned from his position and returned to Qum and like his past worked for religious services. He had fifteen children who guided a group of Zoroastrians to the pure Mazhab of Shia. For the translation of this Companion of Imam Baqir (as) one can refer to the sources below: گنجينه آثار قم: 1/222; اشعريان قم.
احوص بن سعد بن مالك الاشعرى(1):
از مردان رشيد و جنگاوران شجاع قرن اول هجرى است، در كوفه متولّد و جوانيش در همان شهر گذشته است مدّتى در زندان حجاج بن يوسف ثقفى محبوس بود و سپس در سال 73 هجرى با برادرانش عبد الله و نعيم و عبدالرحمن به قم مهاجرت كرد، در ابتداى سكونتش در شهر قم، حملات و ايلغارهاى ديلمى را با شجاعت از اين ناحيه دفع كرد و موقعيت اشعريان را مستحكم نمود، مردى خشن، متهور و بى باك بوده است.
1) Ahwas bin Saad bin Malik al-ashari:
From the men of adolescent and brave warriors of first century hijri, born in Kufa and spent his youth in that city. For a period he was prisoner in the prison of Hajaj bin Yusuf thaqafy. Then in 73 Hijri along with his brothers Abdullah, Naem and Abdul Rahman, immigrated to Qum. In the beggining of his residence in the city of Qum, he bravley repulsed the attacks of Deylami in this region and strenghtened the position of Asharians. He was a harsh, reckless and fearless man.
اسحق بن آدم بن عبد الله بن سعد الاشعرى:
اواخر قرن دوّم و برادر زكريا بن آدم است و به ديدار امام على ابن موسى الرضا نائل آمده وصاحب كتابى است كه شيخ در فهرست خود از آن ياد مىكند(3).
3) Ishaq bin Adam bin Abdullah bin Saad al-ashari:
In the end of second century and he is a brother of Zekriya bin Adam. He met Imam Ali Ibn Musa al-reza and authors a book that the Sheikh has mentioned in his list.
اسحق بن عبد الله بن سعد بن مالك الاشعرى(4):
از ثقات و معتمد قميين و از حضرت صادق و امام كاظم (عليهما السلام) روايت مىكند، فرزند او احمد از مشاهير است نجاشى(5) ترجمه او را ذكر و توثيقش كرده است.
4) Ishaq bin Abdullah bin Saad bin Malik al-ashari:
From the Thiqats and reliables of Qom, He narrates from Hazrat Sadiq and Imam Kazim (as). His brother is from the notables. Najashi has mentioned his translation and did Tawtheq of him.
عبدالملك بن عبدالله بن سعد الأشعرى القمى(3):
زندگى او در نيمه اوّل قرن دوّم هجرى است از روات موثّق و محدّثان
بزرگوار شهر قم و از صحابه امام جعفر الصادق(عليه السلام) است.
3) Abdul-Malik bin Abdullah bin Saad al-ashair al-qumi:
His lived in the mid second century of Hijri, one of the Muathaq (trustworthy) narraters and honourable Muhaditheen and he was from the Companions of Imam Jafar Sadiq (as).
عيسى بن عبدالله بن سعد بن مالك الاشعرى(3):
از محدثين و روات قم در قرن دوم هجرى است و از خرمن دانش امام جعفر الصادق(عليه السلام) خوشه چينى كرده و به خدمت امام الهمام موسى الكاظم(عليه السلام)رسيده است.
Isa bin Abdullah bin Saad bin Malik al-ashari:
From the Muhadithin and Narrators of Qum in the second century hijri, gleaned from the knowledge stack of Imam Jafar Sadiq (as) and has reached in service of Musa al-kazim (as).
(translated by brother abumuslim Khorasani)
To which Farid commented:
[This information is important to me, as you are aware, since these are the people that brought tashayyu to Qom. However, there seem to be a difference of opinion, since some say that it was Musa bin Abdullah bin Sa'ad bin Malik that was the first to truly spread Shiasm in Qom. Oh, and this isn't just Shiasm, but rather, Imamism. Refer to Mu'jam Al-Buldan under Qom or Ansaab Al-Sam'aani under Ash'aris.
Ironically, there was one Sunni among them. He was Ya'qoub bin Abdullah bin Sa'ad bin Malik. Jareer bin Abdulhamid used to refer to him as the "Believer from Aal Fir'aun," signifying the deviance of his brothers and uncles. There is also a narration that when he finally left Qom, and lived in the outskirts, he would send his servant to Qom to check if the city was destroyed by Allah yet. Refer to Tabaqaat Al-Muhaditheen bi Isbahaan by Abi Al-Shaikh. Ya'qoub bin Abdullah Al-Qummi was included as a narrator in Saheeh Al-Bukhari as well.
According to the material translated by brother Abu Muslim, the tashayyu of Qom is pretty early. It seems as though tashayyu did exist in Qom in the first century. However, what happened next? It seems as though a century and a half passed without any major developments. We do know for a fact that the heads of Qom were from the Ash'ari household since Ahmad bin Mohammed bin Eisa Al-Ash'ari was still the head of Qom at his time. However, there doesn't seem to be anything major going on from the first century up until when Ibrahim bin Hashim came to Qom from Kufa. If I am not mistaken, this was early in the third century, perhaps after the death of Ibn Abi Umair. There also seems to be little to no information about the other Ash'aris in between these two periods.]