For me the question is rather.
What's happen If we deleted all of Abu Hurayrah's ahadeeth for... the shia creed?
For me, it's hadeeth from Abou Hourayra whitch has caused the shiisme... Mostly Hadeeth from Abou Hourayra aboute Ahlou Lbayte.
We can see that hadith of Abou Hourayra are very anbiguous because when we read it we can think that the real khalif was ALI! think If Abou Hourayra was not born. the shiism would not exist. Now for us. (Sunni)
For sunni I think if we deleted Abou Hourayra, consequences would have been indirect...
I am perhaps going to shock you...
But for me if we deleted Abou Hourayra,
may be in the WORST CASE the Madhab of Imam Malik there would not exist! in any case
not in this current form!Why? Because Imam Malik was very influenced (Mostly for ousoul al fiqh) by Said Ibn Mussayb the pupil of Abou Hourayra!
My very personnal opinion is. For us if Abou Hourayra was not born IN THE WORST OF THE WORST CASE We would have 3 madhab instead of 4. Or else, the Maliki Madhab whould have not this high level.
Said Ib Mussayd has given this strengh for the town of Medina. Malik has "based" his madhab on Madina town and Ibn Moussayb was the fist Fuqaha of this town...
And also there would have not this tradiction of resistance against Khalif.
Since Ibn Mussayb to Ibn Taymiya we have a great tradiction of opposition against khalif not like the shia mahdi who go under earthIn brief this question must be ask to shias.
Abou Hourayra reported merits of (Ali, Hussein, Fatima ) morning, noon and night. And All day every day.
Ibn Saba has built all the shia creed with hadith of Abou Hourayra...