Just wondering since Shias don't believe in the 7 different Styles. For example, Warsh says muluku in Surah Hamd, while Hafs (standard) says 'Maaaliki'. Being that only 1 is correct according to shias, and the other is wrong. Does that consitute belief in tahrif?
Salam Alaikum,
Warsh is "Malek" not "Muluk".
Anyways, according to Ayatollah Sistani the seven recitations are accepted. The majority of Shia scholars agree as well.
: هل يمكن القول بالقراءآت السبع؟
الجواب: نعم يجوز
http://www.sistani.org/arabic/qa/0406/There is a narration in Shia books that is authentic according to their standards where their infallible commands the people to read the recitation of the people (Sunnis), until al-Qaa'im (their 12th Imam) comes.
Here more quotes:
Al-Hur Al-‘Aamali has dedicated a chapter in his collection Wasaa’il Al-Shi’ah called: “The Obligation of Reading the Qur’an During Al-Salat and at Other Times with the Seven Mutawaatir Qira’aat Excluding the Ones Deemed Odd” [Wasaa’il Al-Shi’ah, 4-812]
Ja’far Bin Babuwayh Al-Qummi also dedicated a chapter in his book Al-Khisal called: “The Qur’an was Sent with Seven Readings” and he included some Ahadith on this subject, which include:
1-عن حماد بن عثمان قال قلت لابي عبد الله ع ان الاحاديث تختلف عنكم قال فقال ان القران نزل على سبعة احرف وادنى ماللامام ان يفتي على سبعة وجوه ثم قال هذا
عطاؤنا فامنن او امسك بغير حساب )) تفسير العياشي 1-24 , بحار الانوار 92- 49 , مستدرك الوسائل 17 -305
On the authority of Hammad Bin ‘Uthman, who said: I said to my father ‘Abdullah: “The Ahadith conflict with what you say”. Hammad said: So he said: The Qur’an was sent with seven readings and the least an Imam can do is to base his fatwa on the seven readings , then he quoted from Quran {This is our offer give in abundance or do not without fear of being questioned }[Tafsir Al-‘Ayashi, 1-24; Bahhar Al-Anwar, 49-92; Mustadrak Al-Wasa’il, 17-305]
2-عن عبد الله الهاشمي عن ابائه ع قال قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم اتاني ات من الله فقال ان الله عز وجل يامرك ان تقرأ القران على حرف واحد فقلت يا رب وسع على امتي ... فقال ان الله عز وجل يامرك ان تقرا القران على سبعة احرف )) بحار الانوار 92-49 , وسائل الشيعة 4- 822 حديث 7635
On the authority of ‘Abdullah Al-Hashimi, on the authority of his father, who said: (Here the Shi’ah attribute a statement to the Prophet sallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam, saying that he sallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam said that something from Allah came to him, and that it said that Allah ‘Azza wa Jal orders him to read the Qur’an with one reading. The say that the Prophet sallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam then pleaded to Allah to make things easier for his Ummah. They then say that Allah ‘Azza wa Jal ordered the Prophet sallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam to read the Qur’an in seven readings.) [Bahhar Al-Anwar, 49-92; Wasa’il Al-Shi’ah, 4-822; Hadith no. 7635]
3-قال الخميني الاحوط عدم التخلف عن احدى القراءات السبع كما ان الاحوط عدم التخلف عما في المصاحف الكريمه الموجودة بين ايدي المسلمين وان كان التخلف في
بعض الكلمات مثل (( ملك يوم الدين )) و (( كفوا أحد )) غير مضر بل لا يبعد جواز القراءة باحدى القراءات )) تحرير الوسيلة 1-167,168 ومنهاج الصالحين للسستاني 1-209
Al-Khomeini said: It is wiser no to leave the seven readings behind and it is also wiser not to leave what came in the honoures Mushafs { Quran books} that is in the hands of the Muslims and that the differences in reading in some of the words like Maliki yaowm aldeen and koffoan Ahad are not harmful and that the seven readings could be used [Tahrir Al-Wasilah, 1-167, 168; Minhaj Al-Salihin, 1-209]
4-قال الخوئي تجوز قراءة مالك يوم الدين وملك يوم الدين ويجوز في الصراط بالصاد والسين ويجوز في كفوا ان يقرأ بضم الفاء وبسكونها مع الهمزه او الواو وقال الاحوط القراءة باحدى القراءات السبع وان كانا لاقوى جواز القراءة بجميع القراءات التى كانت متداوله في زمان الائمة ع (( منهاج الصالحين للخوئي 1-163,164 ومنهاج الصالحين للسستاني 1-209
Al-Khu’i said: It is allowed to read “Maalik Yawm Al-Din” and “Malik Yawm Al-Din”, and it is allowed to read “Al-Sirat” with the letter “Saad” and the letter “Seen”, and it is allowed to read Allah’s Words in Surat Al-Ikhlas “Kufuwan Ahhad” with a Ddammah on the latter “Faa’” and in its Sukoon form with either the Hamzah or Waaw. And he said: and the safest position is to read the Qur’an with one of the Seven Qira’aat even if the stronger opinion is the permissibility of reading the Qur’an with all of the Qira’aat that were in circulation during the times of the Imams. [Minhaj Al-Salihin by Al-Khu’I, 1-163, 164; Minhaj Al-Salihin by Al-Sistani, 1-209]
All taken from: