
Does Shiaism have roots in Hinduism as it does with the magians and jews?

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After the death and state funeral of Hugo Chávez on 5 March 2013, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad stated his belief that Chavez would be one of the individuals resurrected following the return of the Mahdi and Jesus.

Is that from a mutawattir Hadith too

Lol. Apparently the Angels were fighting alongside the terrorists according to some Wahabite Mashayikh. Lol.

lol let's move the posts shall we, why don't you just open a thread regarding so and anyway it's not a belief of Sunnis it's just what a mashaikh said

This threads about raj'a, a belief of shia and I only posted what your leaders say and you cannot even answer to that

Lol look how you jump around. You tried to score a cheap shot by mentioning Ahmadinejad who is simply a politician and not some sort of aalim and you tried to make fun of us. Then when I do the same to you, you say, "oh well let's move the thread". ;D

Raj'ah is true and there is nothing in the Holy Qur'an which predicts it. Our job as followers is to believe what our Imams (as) told us will happen.

Cheap shot? You are a total dimwit aren't you lol

It's YOUR belief NOT mine hence I used Ahmadinejad as an example of how CONFUSING the belief is to its own adherents

Honestly you are useless

Look at your statement it's NOT IN THE QURAN......yet you will overpower that with some writing by a human and consider that as a proof

That's where you FAIL big time and have no genuine answers, it's all over the threads you ain't got an answer by using Quran at all BIG FAIL

Both you and dinnerjad haven't a clue


Lol it's like arguing with a wall.

1) Ahmadinejad is not a hujjah or a aalim so his words value when it comes to religious matters are zero.

2) Not everything that is not in the Holy Qur'an is incorrect. The Sunnah is a hujjah. Raj'ah is mentioned in the Sunnah. Raj'ah does not contradict the Book of Allah.

3) "Dinnerjad". Fail.

1) doesnt matter if he is a toilet cleaner he believes in raj'a like the majority shia believe all be it with different variations.......god is gonna resurrect a Christian too, how stupid

2) its not in sunnah coz we also follow sunnah too, if you believe in lies then yep it's your hujjah 👍

3) dinnerjad nice ain't it

Zlatan Ibrahimovic

After the death and state funeral of Hugo Chávez on 5 March 2013, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad stated his belief that Chavez would be one of the individuals resurrected following the return of the Mahdi and Jesus.

Is that from a mutawattir Hadith too

Lol. Apparently the Angels were fighting alongside the terrorists according to some Wahabite Mashayikh. Lol.

lol let's move the posts shall we, why don't you just open a thread regarding so and anyway it's not a belief of Sunnis it's just what a mashaikh said

This threads about raj'a, a belief of shia and I only posted what your leaders say and you cannot even answer to that

Lol look how you jump around. You tried to score a cheap shot by mentioning Ahmadinejad who is simply a politician and not some sort of aalim and you tried to make fun of us. Then when I do the same to you, you say, "oh well let's move the thread". ;D

Raj'ah is true and there is nothing in the Holy Qur'an which predicts it. Our job as followers is to believe what our Imams (as) told us will happen.

Cheap shot? You are a total dimwit aren't you lol

It's YOUR belief NOT mine hence I used Ahmadinejad as an example of how CONFUSING the belief is to its own adherents

Honestly you are useless

Look at your statement it's NOT IN THE QURAN......yet you will overpower that with some writing by a human and consider that as a proof

That's where you FAIL big time and have no genuine answers, it's all over the threads you ain't got an answer by using Quran at all BIG FAIL

Both you and dinnerjad haven't a clue


Lol it's like arguing with a wall.

1) Ahmadinejad is not a hujjah or a aalim so his words value when it comes to religious matters are zero.

2) Not everything that is not in the Holy Qur'an is incorrect. The Sunnah is a hujjah. Raj'ah is mentioned in the Sunnah. Raj'ah does not contradict the Book of Allah.

3) "Dinnerjad". Fail.

1) doesnt matter if he is a toilet cleaner he believes in raj'a like the majority shia believe all be it with different variations.......god is gonna resurrect a Christian too, how stupid

2) its not in sunnah coz we also follow sunnah too, if you believe in lies then yep it's your hujjah 👍

3) dinnerjad nice ain't it

1) Yea how brilliant is that. If the random Shi'i can speak for all the Shi'a, then the random Sunnite can speak for all the Sunnis. Of course a Christian will not be ressurected, that is a false statement by Ahmadinejad. Unless he knows Hugo Chavez converted to Islam (true Islam = tashayyu). Afterall, they were buddies.

2) You follow batil.

3) It's lame. Btw Ahmadinejad is probably a better president than any leader in any Sunni country.
محور المقاومة والممانعة


After the death and state funeral of Hugo Chávez on 5 March 2013, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad stated his belief that Chavez would be one of the individuals resurrected following the return of the Mahdi and Jesus.

Is that from a mutawattir Hadith too

Lol. Apparently the Angels were fighting alongside the terrorists according to some Wahabite Mashayikh. Lol.

lol let's move the posts shall we, why don't you just open a thread regarding so and anyway it's not a belief of Sunnis it's just what a mashaikh said

This threads about raj'a, a belief of shia and I only posted what your leaders say and you cannot even answer to that

Lol look how you jump around. You tried to score a cheap shot by mentioning Ahmadinejad who is simply a politician and not some sort of aalim and you tried to make fun of us. Then when I do the same to you, you say, "oh well let's move the thread". ;D

Raj'ah is true and there is nothing in the Holy Qur'an which predicts it. Our job as followers is to believe what our Imams (as) told us will happen.

Cheap shot? You are a total dimwit aren't you lol

It's YOUR belief NOT mine hence I used Ahmadinejad as an example of how CONFUSING the belief is to its own adherents

Honestly you are useless

Look at your statement it's NOT IN THE QURAN......yet you will overpower that with some writing by a human and consider that as a proof

That's where you FAIL big time and have no genuine answers, it's all over the threads you ain't got an answer by using Quran at all BIG FAIL

Both you and dinnerjad haven't a clue


Lol it's like arguing with a wall.

1) Ahmadinejad is not a hujjah or a aalim so his words value when it comes to religious matters are zero.

2) Not everything that is not in the Holy Qur'an is incorrect. The Sunnah is a hujjah. Raj'ah is mentioned in the Sunnah. Raj'ah does not contradict the Book of Allah.

3) "Dinnerjad". Fail.

1) doesnt matter if he is a toilet cleaner he believes in raj'a like the majority shia believe all be it with different variations.......god is gonna resurrect a Christian too, how stupid

2) its not in sunnah coz we also follow sunnah too, if you believe in lies then yep it's your hujjah 👍

3) dinnerjad nice ain't it

1) Yea how brilliant is that. If the random Shi'i can speak for all the Shi'a, then the random Sunnite can speak for all the Sunnis. Of course a Christian will not be ressurected, that is a false statement by Ahmadinejad. Unless he knows Hugo Chavez converted to Islam (true Islam = tashayyu). Afterall, they were buddies.

2) You follow batil.

3) It's lame. Btw Ahmadinejad is probably a better president than any leader in any Sunni country.

1) no buddy, no random Sunni can speak for all the Sunnis, he at least has to have KNOWLEDGE of what he is saying
you wouldn't hear a Sunni leader speak about stuff that's not in the Quran

2) You follow khadhabin

3) yea, he had visions of mahdi at the UN, he was in presence of the imam zamana and everyone listened😂😂😂😂
You keep him a man who changed Hugo's religion so he can be resurrected lol.....the Venezuelans are laughing their arses off at stupid shitite Iran that reckons Hugo will be resurrected

he tried to run for president again but your tyre heads REFUSED him

What a leader can't even be re elected

Raj'a a belief derived from lies put together in a book which is 90% false written by ghuluw people

Our beautiful Quran is silent on the issue

But you have a lot of lies to back it up with


Zlatan Ibrahimovic

After the death and state funeral of Hugo Chávez on 5 March 2013, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad stated his belief that Chavez would be one of the individuals resurrected following the return of the Mahdi and Jesus.

Is that from a mutawattir Hadith too

Lol. Apparently the Angels were fighting alongside the terrorists according to some Wahabite Mashayikh. Lol.

lol let's move the posts shall we, why don't you just open a thread regarding so and anyway it's not a belief of Sunnis it's just what a mashaikh said

This threads about raj'a, a belief of shia and I only posted what your leaders say and you cannot even answer to that

Lol look how you jump around. You tried to score a cheap shot by mentioning Ahmadinejad who is simply a politician and not some sort of aalim and you tried to make fun of us. Then when I do the same to you, you say, "oh well let's move the thread". ;D

Raj'ah is true and there is nothing in the Holy Qur'an which predicts it. Our job as followers is to believe what our Imams (as) told us will happen.

Cheap shot? You are a total dimwit aren't you lol

It's YOUR belief NOT mine hence I used Ahmadinejad as an example of how CONFUSING the belief is to its own adherents

Honestly you are useless

Look at your statement it's NOT IN THE QURAN......yet you will overpower that with some writing by a human and consider that as a proof

That's where you FAIL big time and have no genuine answers, it's all over the threads you ain't got an answer by using Quran at all BIG FAIL

Both you and dinnerjad haven't a clue


Lol it's like arguing with a wall.

1) Ahmadinejad is not a hujjah or a aalim so his words value when it comes to religious matters are zero.

2) Not everything that is not in the Holy Qur'an is incorrect. The Sunnah is a hujjah. Raj'ah is mentioned in the Sunnah. Raj'ah does not contradict the Book of Allah.

3) "Dinnerjad". Fail.

1) doesnt matter if he is a toilet cleaner he believes in raj'a like the majority shia believe all be it with different variations.......god is gonna resurrect a Christian too, how stupid

2) its not in sunnah coz we also follow sunnah too, if you believe in lies then yep it's your hujjah 👍

3) dinnerjad nice ain't it

1) Yea how brilliant is that. If the random Shi'i can speak for all the Shi'a, then the random Sunnite can speak for all the Sunnis. Of course a Christian will not be ressurected, that is a false statement by Ahmadinejad. Unless he knows Hugo Chavez converted to Islam (true Islam = tashayyu). Afterall, they were buddies.

2) You follow batil.

3) It's lame. Btw Ahmadinejad is probably a better president than any leader in any Sunni country.

1) no buddy, no random Sunni can speak for all the Sunnis, he at least has to have KNOWLEDGE of what he is saying
you wouldn't hear a Sunni leader speak about stuff that's not in the Quran

2) You follow khadhabin

3) yea, he had visions of mahdi at the UN, he was in presence of the imam zamana and everyone listened😂😂😂😂
You keep him a man who changed Hugo's religion so he can be resurrected lol.....the Venezuelans are laughing their arses off at stupid shitite Iran that reckons Hugo will be resurrected

he tried to run for president again but your tyre heads REFUSED him

What a leader can't even be re elected

Raj'a a belief derived from lies put together in a book which is 90% false written by ghuluw people

Our beautiful Quran is silent on the issue

But you have a lot of lies to back it up with


1) Exactly. So why do you mock me about Ahmadinejad? As if he is some sort of spokesperson for the Shi'a. You have proven your inconsistency and double standards.

2) I can tell you have problems with Arabic.

3) Raj'ah is a famous belief of the Imamis and not a fabrication of the ghulat.
محور المقاومة والممانعة


Lol the dog lover has no answer on rajat, his version of Mahdi is gonna resurrect the wife of the prophet saw and His Sahaba ra to dish out punishment which Allah didn't do when they was alive.

How can he answer to that, apart from diverting the topic to somewhere else.

Typical shitite diversions.......boring.


Lol. Raj'ah is a concept proven by mutawatir hadiths. The details of raj'ah, however, are debatable. What you stated above is debatable. Alot of what is in there is based on extremely weak hadiths, not saying it isn't true but you must keep that in mind.

As for diversion, lol, so says the mukhalif.

Shia scholar Tijani al samawi stated: This(Raj’ah) is exclusively held by the Shi’ah. I investigated and searched in all the Sunni books but failed to the find any trace of it. (To be with the truthful -by: Tijani al Samawi p: 304-309)

2. Shia scholar Dr Vahid J. Majd stated: The Sunnis and the Idea of al-Raj’a: Quran aside, we have no Hadith from the Sunnis to support the idea of al-Raj’a except for the case of return of Prophet Jesus (as) which is an
undeniable fact to them. [AL-RAJ’A: RETURN TO THIS WORLD BEFORE THE DAY OF JUDGMENT, by Dr. Vahid J. Majd]

Here’s a hadith sahih present in Shia book showing that the doctrine of Raj’ah is wrong:

عن محمّد بن الحسن بن الوليد ، عن الصفّار ، عن أحمد بن محمّد ، عن عثمان بن عيسى ، عن صالح بن ميثم ، عن عباية الأسدي ، قال : سمعت أمير المؤمنين ( عليه السلام ) وهو متكي وأنا قائم عليه : « لأبنينّ بمصر منبراً ، ولأنقضنّ دمشق حجراً حجراً ، ولاُخرجنّ اليهود والنصارى من كلّ كور العرب ، ولأسوقنّ العرب بعصاي هذه » فقلت له : يا أمير المؤمنين كأنّك تخبر أنّك تحيى بعدما تموت ؟ فقال : « هيهات يا عباية ذهبت في غير مذهب ، يفعله رجل منّي

From muhammed ibn al-hasan ibn al-waleed from saffar from ahmed ibn muhammed from othman ibn issa from salih ibn maitham from qbaya al-asdi he said : I heard Ameer al-momineen while he was sitting and I was standing saying: I will build a pulpit in Egypt and I will tear Damascus stone by stone and I will kick out Jews and Christians from all Arab lands and I will lead Arabs with this stick of mine so abaya said : O Ameer al-momineen , are you saying you will come back to life after death so Ameer al-momineen answered : not at all abaya you misunderstood , this will be done by a man from me (he means al-mahdi) [Ma’ani al-akhbar by sheikh sadooq]

Infact The Mutawattir Sunni hadith of pond destroys the false doctrine of Raj’ah.

Sahi Bukhari 8.578:Narrated `Abdullah: The Prophet said, “I am your predecessor at the Lake−Fount.” `Abdullah added: The Prophet said, “I am your predecessor at the Lake−Fount, and some of you will be brought in front of me till I will see them and then they will be taken away from me and I will say, ‘O Lord, my companions!’ It will be said, ‘You do not know what they did after you had left.‘

Comment: If supposedly the wrong doers are going to be resurrected and punished during the period of Mahdi which will be witnessed by all the Imams and Prophets then why would Prophet(saw) again say to Allah near Lake of Kauthar, “O lord, my companions” and why would it be said to him that, “You do not know what they did after you had left”, because  if doctrine of Raj’ah had some truth in it then the Prophet(Saw) will  obviously come know what those people did on day when Rajah will occur and when those people will be punished, because at that time he will come to know that those people were evil doers. But this authentic narrations shows that Prophet(saw) will not be aware of anything which proves that there is nothing that is going to take place like Raj’aj.

 Ibn Hajar al-Haythamee  metioned in his Majma’ az-Zawaa’id (2/10) with a good chain of narration that ‘Aasim bin Bahdalah said:

قلت للحسن بن علي : الشيعة يزعمون أن عليًا يرجع ؟ قال : كذب أولئك

الكذابون، لو علمنا ذلك ما تزوج نساؤه، ولا قسمنا ميراثه

“I said to ‘al-Hasan bin ‘Alee: “The Shee’ah claim that ‘Ali will return.”He said: “Those liars have lied. For if we had known that, his women would not have married and we would not have divided his inheritance.”

Al-Salamu Alaykum.

Raj'ah is proven by mutawatir Shi'i hadith as a concept, whilst its details are vague. This is what I meant.

A Belief rejected by Quran. A belief present in just your hadeeth, where in we find other hadeeth conflicting it. And you say other beliefs are baatil.

I haven't seen anything in the Holy Qur'an which rejects it. As for the hadiths conflicting it, if they are Sunni hadiths, they are as meaningful and hujjah as Shi'i hadiths are to you.

How can you deny Allah and you were dead and He gave you life, then He will cause you to die, then again restore you to life, and unto Him you will be returned ?  (Quran 2:28)

From this verse we find that Life will be given twice the first time when someone takes birth and the second time when that person is resurrected on the day of Judgment and we will be returned to Allah. There is no mention of life being given the third time, like the shias believe that it will occur before the Day of Judgment during the period of Imam Mahdi. So Quran clearly refutes the false doctrine of Raj’ah. 


After the death and state funeral of Hugo Chávez on 5 March 2013, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad stated his belief that Chavez would be one of the individuals resurrected following the return of the Mahdi and Jesus.

Is that from a mutawattir Hadith too

Lol. Apparently the Angels were fighting alongside the terrorists according to some Wahabite Mashayikh. Lol.

lol let's move the posts shall we, why don't you just open a thread regarding so and anyway it's not a belief of Sunnis it's just what a mashaikh said

This threads about raj'a, a belief of shia and I only posted what your leaders say and you cannot even answer to that

Lol look how you jump around. You tried to score a cheap shot by mentioning Ahmadinejad who is simply a politician and not some sort of aalim and you tried to make fun of us. Then when I do the same to you, you say, "oh well let's move the thread". ;D

Raj'ah is true and there is nothing in the Holy Qur'an which predicts it. Our job as followers is to believe what our Imams (as) told us will happen.

Cheap shot? You are a total dimwit aren't you lol

It's YOUR belief NOT mine hence I used Ahmadinejad as an example of how CONFUSING the belief is to its own adherents

Honestly you are useless

Look at your statement it's NOT IN THE QURAN......yet you will overpower that with some writing by a human and consider that as a proof

That's where you FAIL big time and have no genuine answers, it's all over the threads you ain't got an answer by using Quran at all BIG FAIL

Both you and dinnerjad haven't a clue


Lol it's like arguing with a wall.

1) Ahmadinejad is not a hujjah or a aalim so his words value when it comes to religious matters are zero.

2) Not everything that is not in the Holy Qur'an is incorrect. The Sunnah is a hujjah. Raj'ah is mentioned in the Sunnah. Raj'ah does not contradict the Book of Allah.

3) "Dinnerjad". Fail.

1) doesnt matter if he is a toilet cleaner he believes in raj'a like the majority shia believe all be it with different variations.......god is gonna resurrect a Christian too, how stupid

2) its not in sunnah coz we also follow sunnah too, if you believe in lies then yep it's your hujjah 👍

3) dinnerjad nice ain't it

1) Yea how brilliant is that. If the random Shi'i can speak for all the Shi'a, then the random Sunnite can speak for all the Sunnis. Of course a Christian will not be ressurected, that is a false statement by Ahmadinejad. Unless he knows Hugo Chavez converted to Islam (true Islam = tashayyu). Afterall, they were buddies.

2) You follow batil.

3) It's lame. Btw Ahmadinejad is probably a better president than any leader in any Sunni country.

1) no buddy, no random Sunni can speak for all the Sunnis, he at least has to have KNOWLEDGE of what he is saying
you wouldn't hear a Sunni leader speak about stuff that's not in the Quran

2) You follow khadhabin

3) yea, he had visions of mahdi at the UN, he was in presence of the imam zamana and everyone listened😂😂😂😂
You keep him a man who changed Hugo's religion so he can be resurrected lol.....the Venezuelans are laughing their arses off at stupid shitite Iran that reckons Hugo will be resurrected

he tried to run for president again but your tyre heads REFUSED him

What a leader can't even be re elected

Raj'a a belief derived from lies put together in a book which is 90% false written by ghuluw people

Our beautiful Quran is silent on the issue

But you have a lot of lies to back it up with


1) Exactly. So why do you mock me about Ahmadinejad? As if he is some sort of spokesperson for the Shi'a. You have proven your inconsistency and double standards.

2) I can tell you have problems with Arabic.

3) Raj'ah is a famous belief of the Imamis and not a fabrication of the ghulat.

Stop crying wolf it's what you lot have been doing for the last millennia

So you 2 are major failures one believes in a Christian being resurrected a leader of a Shiite nation, the other (you)saying no he is wrong; I am sure he had MORE religious people advising him than you a keypad pusher, your answer is he ain't a scholar, then why talk about it? Are you lot confused on it? If your leaders are confused then how is the common shia gonna think?
The concept itself is ridiculous but hey so is the theory of Imamate (again no concept of it in Quran)

Arabic is not my first language heck it's not even my mother tongue but so what?

Raj'a is from ghulat it's not from Allah swt unless you can prove it from Quran

You keep believing what you heard from liars and consider it as proof, while the Quran is silent

That says a lot 👍

Zlatan Ibrahimovic

After the death and state funeral of Hugo Chávez on 5 March 2013, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad stated his belief that Chavez would be one of the individuals resurrected following the return of the Mahdi and Jesus.

Is that from a mutawattir Hadith too

Lol. Apparently the Angels were fighting alongside the terrorists according to some Wahabite Mashayikh. Lol.

lol let's move the posts shall we, why don't you just open a thread regarding so and anyway it's not a belief of Sunnis it's just what a mashaikh said

This threads about raj'a, a belief of shia and I only posted what your leaders say and you cannot even answer to that

Lol look how you jump around. You tried to score a cheap shot by mentioning Ahmadinejad who is simply a politician and not some sort of aalim and you tried to make fun of us. Then when I do the same to you, you say, "oh well let's move the thread". ;D

Raj'ah is true and there is nothing in the Holy Qur'an which predicts it. Our job as followers is to believe what our Imams (as) told us will happen.

Cheap shot? You are a total dimwit aren't you lol

It's YOUR belief NOT mine hence I used Ahmadinejad as an example of how CONFUSING the belief is to its own adherents

Honestly you are useless

Look at your statement it's NOT IN THE QURAN......yet you will overpower that with some writing by a human and consider that as a proof

That's where you FAIL big time and have no genuine answers, it's all over the threads you ain't got an answer by using Quran at all BIG FAIL

Both you and dinnerjad haven't a clue


Lol it's like arguing with a wall.

1) Ahmadinejad is not a hujjah or a aalim so his words value when it comes to religious matters are zero.

2) Not everything that is not in the Holy Qur'an is incorrect. The Sunnah is a hujjah. Raj'ah is mentioned in the Sunnah. Raj'ah does not contradict the Book of Allah.

3) "Dinnerjad". Fail.

1) doesnt matter if he is a toilet cleaner he believes in raj'a like the majority shia believe all be it with different variations.......god is gonna resurrect a Christian too, how stupid

2) its not in sunnah coz we also follow sunnah too, if you believe in lies then yep it's your hujjah 👍

3) dinnerjad nice ain't it

1) Yea how brilliant is that. If the random Shi'i can speak for all the Shi'a, then the random Sunnite can speak for all the Sunnis. Of course a Christian will not be ressurected, that is a false statement by Ahmadinejad. Unless he knows Hugo Chavez converted to Islam (true Islam = tashayyu). Afterall, they were buddies.

2) You follow batil.

3) It's lame. Btw Ahmadinejad is probably a better president than any leader in any Sunni country.

1) no buddy, no random Sunni can speak for all the Sunnis, he at least has to have KNOWLEDGE of what he is saying
you wouldn't hear a Sunni leader speak about stuff that's not in the Quran

2) You follow khadhabin

3) yea, he had visions of mahdi at the UN, he was in presence of the imam zamana and everyone listened😂😂😂😂
You keep him a man who changed Hugo's religion so he can be resurrected lol.....the Venezuelans are laughing their arses off at stupid shitite Iran that reckons Hugo will be resurrected

he tried to run for president again but your tyre heads REFUSED him

What a leader can't even be re elected

Raj'a a belief derived from lies put together in a book which is 90% false written by ghuluw people

Our beautiful Quran is silent on the issue

But you have a lot of lies to back it up with


1) Exactly. So why do you mock me about Ahmadinejad? As if he is some sort of spokesperson for the Shi'a. You have proven your inconsistency and double standards.

2) I can tell you have problems with Arabic.

3) Raj'ah is a famous belief of the Imamis and not a fabrication of the ghulat.

Stop crying wolf it's what you lot have been doing for the last millennia

So you 2 are major failures one believes in a Christian being resurrected a leader of a Shiite nation, the other (you)saying no he is wrong; I am sure he had MORE religious people advising him than you a keypad pusher, your answer is he ain't a scholar, then why talk about it? Are you lot confused on it? If your leaders are confused then how is the common shia gonna think?
The concept itself is ridiculous but hey so is the theory of Imamate (again no concept of it in Quran)

Arabic is not my first language heck it's not even my mother tongue but so what?

Raj'a is from ghulat it's not from Allah swt unless you can prove it from Quran

You keep believing what you heard from liars and consider it as proof, while the Quran is silent

That says a lot 👍

Lol. "He had religious people advising him". I don't know if I should laugh or cry. If I can criticise some of my ulama who I think are wrong (which I do), then I can certainly criticise a random Shi'i who is Ahmadinejad who just so happens to be a politician. He is not a religious leader, he was a political leader of a country that is majority Shi'a. By your logic the Kings of the Gulf are representatives of the Ahlul Sunnah.

I was just pointing your Arabic out because you spelt the word wrong.

The Qur'an is silent about a lot of matters, but you all believe it. And so do we.
محور المقاومة والممانعة


It's ok once s DIMWIT forever will remain so lol

I am only POINTING out your leader dinnerjad is confused on your MAJOR belief, He must have got it from somewhere to announce it in public.

dinnerboy at the end of the day BELIEVES a Christian will be resurrected and then there's YOU who says opposite.
And you have no proof who is right or wrong because there is no base for that belief apart from fake hadiths written in Qom probably
That's the problem dimwit, you all are confused at the subject itself.

On top of that you cannot even use book of Allah swt to help you.....what a shame.
Quran maybe silent on matters but not on main beliefs, you believe in resurrection we have verses that uproot that theory and yet you haven't even a slight wording on your belief of raj'a in Quran.

That alone as can be seen in your answers;("Quran is silent about a lot of matters") sufficient for a maumin to realise your not a follower of Quran but someone's lies.

Like I said it's a fairytale written somewhere in Qom, nothing to with ahlu sunnah

i may not speak Arabic but I know a kadhab when I see or talk to one


A theory confusing in itself amongst its adherents

A theory with no inkling of proof from the book of Allah swt

A theory not in the sunnah of the prophet saw according to the majority followers of ahlu sunnah

Now you can carry on yapping, your answers were useless and a waste of my time to be honest

Zlatan Ibrahimovic

It's ok once s DIMWIT forever will remain so lol

I am only POINTING out your leader dinnerjad is confused on your MAJOR belief, He must have got it from somewhere to announce it in public.

dinnerboy at the end of the day BELIEVES a Christian will be resurrected and then there's YOU who says opposite.
And you have no proof who is right or wrong because there is no base for that belief apart from fake hadiths written in Qom probably
That's the problem dimwit, you all are confused at the subject itself.

On top of that you cannot even use book of Allah swt to help you.....what a shame.
Quran maybe silent on matters but not on main beliefs, you believe in resurrection we have verses that uproot that theory and yet you haven't even a slight wording on your belief of raj'a in Quran.

That alone as can be seen in your answers;("Quran is silent about a lot of matters") sufficient for a maumin to realise your not a follower of Quran but someone's lies.

Like I said it's a fairytale written somewhere in Qom, nothing to with ahlu sunnah

i may not speak Arabic but I know a kadhab when I see or talk to one


A theory confusing in itself amongst its adherents

A theory with no inkling of proof from the book of Allah swt

A theory not in the sunnah of the prophet saw according to the majority followers of ahlu sunnah

Now you can carry on yapping, your answers were useless and a waste of my time to be honest

Actually President Ahmadinejad is wrong, and he is wrong about many things. Raj'ah is not an asl of the usool al-deen, it's denier is not a kafir but there is something deficient in his faith. You believe in the Dajjal as a prophecy don't you? Well that is not mentioned in the Holy Qur'an, yet you believe in it. Why? Because the Sunnah is a hujjah.
محور المقاومة والممانعة


It's ok once s DIMWIT forever will remain so lol

I am only POINTING out your leader dinnerjad is confused on your MAJOR belief, He must have got it from somewhere to announce it in public.

dinnerboy at the end of the day BELIEVES a Christian will be resurrected and then there's YOU who says opposite.
And you have no proof who is right or wrong because there is no base for that belief apart from fake hadiths written in Qom probably
That's the problem dimwit, you all are confused at the subject itself.

On top of that you cannot even use book of Allah swt to help you.....what a shame.
Quran maybe silent on matters but not on main beliefs, you believe in resurrection we have verses that uproot that theory and yet you haven't even a slight wording on your belief of raj'a in Quran.

That alone as can be seen in your answers;("Quran is silent about a lot of matters") sufficient for a maumin to realise your not a follower of Quran but someone's lies.

Like I said it's a fairytale written somewhere in Qom, nothing to with ahlu sunnah

i may not speak Arabic but I know a kadhab when I see or talk to one


A theory confusing in itself amongst its adherents

A theory with no inkling of proof from the book of Allah swt

A theory not in the sunnah of the prophet saw according to the majority followers of ahlu sunnah

Now you can carry on yapping, your answers were useless and a waste of my time to be honest

Actually President Ahmadinejad is wrong, and he is wrong about many things. Raj'ah is not an asl of the usool al-deen, it's denier is not a kafir but there is something deficient in his faith. You believe in the Dajjal as a prophecy don't you? Well that is not mentioned in the Holy Qur'an, yet you believe in it. Why? Because the Sunnah is a hujjah.

Now that's a better answer and no sarcasm in there, good.

Hujjah upon you, yes, hence my argument it's only in your books and thoughts,not in ahlu sunnah.

That's why I am pointing out the differences the contradictions in belief between you two

Dajjal has been foretold in scriptures before, the messengers have warned about him, it's not just Sunni sunnah lol

If you don't believe in him or not, dajjal, it won't be a ticket to hell nor will you be deficient in faith,if you never met him in your lifetime then  you have no worries until he manifests himself

quran is easy and simple to understand subhanallah, dajjal will effect the people at the end of times not the ones who lived previously, that's why he isn't most likely mentioned, Quran isn't a book of prophecies my friend

Raj'a is only in shia scriptures, nowhere else,it doesn't relate to previous scriptures that you can analyse it with to say it may have some credible truth to it.

Zlatan Ibrahimovic

It's ok once s DIMWIT forever will remain so lol

I am only POINTING out your leader dinnerjad is confused on your MAJOR belief, He must have got it from somewhere to announce it in public.

dinnerboy at the end of the day BELIEVES a Christian will be resurrected and then there's YOU who says opposite.
And you have no proof who is right or wrong because there is no base for that belief apart from fake hadiths written in Qom probably
That's the problem dimwit, you all are confused at the subject itself.

On top of that you cannot even use book of Allah swt to help you.....what a shame.
Quran maybe silent on matters but not on main beliefs, you believe in resurrection we have verses that uproot that theory and yet you haven't even a slight wording on your belief of raj'a in Quran.

That alone as can be seen in your answers;("Quran is silent about a lot of matters") sufficient for a maumin to realise your not a follower of Quran but someone's lies.

Like I said it's a fairytale written somewhere in Qom, nothing to with ahlu sunnah

i may not speak Arabic but I know a kadhab when I see or talk to one


A theory confusing in itself amongst its adherents

A theory with no inkling of proof from the book of Allah swt

A theory not in the sunnah of the prophet saw according to the majority followers of ahlu sunnah

Now you can carry on yapping, your answers were useless and a waste of my time to be honest

Actually President Ahmadinejad is wrong, and he is wrong about many things. Raj'ah is not an asl of the usool al-deen, it's denier is not a kafir but there is something deficient in his faith. You believe in the Dajjal as a prophecy don't you? Well that is not mentioned in the Holy Qur'an, yet you believe in it. Why? Because the Sunnah is a hujjah.

Now that's a better answer and no sarcasm in there, good.

Hujjah upon you, yes, hence my argument it's only in your books and thoughts,not in ahlu sunnah.

That's why I am pointing out the differences the contradictions in belief between you two

Dajjal has been foretold in scriptures before, the messengers have warned about him, it's not just Sunni sunnah lol

If you don't believe in him or not, dajjal, it won't be a ticket to hell nor will you be deficient in faith,if you never met him in your lifetime then  you have no worries until he manifests himself

quran is easy and simple to understand subhanallah, dajjal will effect the people at the end of times not the ones who lived previously, that's why he isn't most likely mentioned, Quran isn't a book of prophecies my friend

Raj'a is only in shia scriptures, nowhere else,it doesn't relate to previous scriptures that you can analyse it with to say it may have some credible truth to it.

Yes, it is hujjah upon me. I didn't say or imply it is a hujjah upon you. As for raj'ah not being foretold in previous scriptures, that means nothing. Other scriptures are forged and carry no hujjah upon the Muslim, in any how, I thought this thread was about proving raj'ah is mentioned in Jewish books. Isn't that what this thread is about?
محور المقاومة والممانعة


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