
Does Shiaism have roots in Hinduism as it does with the magians and jews?

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أبو ماريا المرزم

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  • Allah grant the Rafidah their seat in Jahannam
  • Religion: Sunni
They asked how many will be with the one I hate. I said 313


The aqeeda of rajat is certainly borrowed from the reincarnation theory of Hindu awagavan.
Agha khani consider Quran as the last of Vedas
 Some bohris consider Ali as the tenth incarnation of vishnu.Pir sadrudin wrote the book dus avtars

Zlatan Ibrahimovic

I would argue it is the opposite, those who believe that Allah is a man with a body sitting on a throne, (astaghfirullah) are those who imitate the non-Muslims.

Btw I believe putting one's hand on their chest/stomach while praying is a bid'ah taking from the non-Muslims, but that's a discussion for another day :p
محور المقاومة


I would argue it is the opposite, those who believe that Allah is a man with a body sitting on a throne, (astaghfirullah) are those who imitate the non-Muslims.
Like the early Shia Qummi. The Shia ancestors.

Btw I believe putting one's hand on their chest/stomach while praying is a bid'ah taking from the non-Muslims, but that's a discussion for another day :p
So Shia women who pray keeping their hands on chest are doing bidah which they took from non-muslims.


Lol the dog lover has no answer on rajat, his version of Mahdi is gonna resurrect the wife of the prophet saw and His Sahaba ra to dish out punishment which Allah didn't do when they was alive.

How can he answer to that, apart from diverting the topic to somewhere else.

Typical shitite diversions.......boring.


Zlatan Ibrahimovic

I would argue it is the opposite, those who believe that Allah is a man with a body sitting on a throne, (astaghfirullah) are those who imitate the non-Muslims.
Like the early Shia Qummi. The Shia ancestors.

Btw I believe putting one's hand on their chest/stomach while praying is a bid'ah taking from the non-Muslims, but that's a discussion for another day :p
So Shia women who pray keeping their hands on chest are doing bidah which they took from non-muslims.

Yeah. Whoever believes Allah has a body, whether he is Qummi, Kufi, whatever. It's all false beliefs.

As for Shi'a women, no. As for men praying like that, then yes it is a bid'ah.
محور المقاومة والممانعة

Zlatan Ibrahimovic

Lol the dog lover has no answer on rajat, his version of Mahdi is gonna resurrect the wife of the prophet saw and His Sahaba ra to dish out punishment which Allah didn't do when they was alive.

How can he answer to that, apart from diverting the topic to somewhere else.

Typical shitite diversions.......boring.


Lol. Raj'ah is a concept proven by mutawatir hadiths. The details of raj'ah, however, are debatable. What you stated above is debatable. Alot of what is in there is based on extremely weak hadiths, not saying it isn't true but you must keep that in mind.

As for diversion, lol, so says the mukhalif.
محور المقاومة والممانعة


What's this "mukhalif" business?
All I can find for a meaning is stuff like "inimical" or "opposite".

Are you calling us "bad guys"?!


Lol the dog lover has no answer on rajat, his version of Mahdi is gonna resurrect the wife of the prophet saw and His Sahaba ra to dish out punishment which Allah didn't do when they was alive.

How can he answer to that, apart from diverting the topic to somewhere else.

Typical shitite diversions.......boring.


Lol. Raj'ah is a concept proven by mutawatir hadiths. The details of raj'ah, however, are debatable. What you stated above is debatable. Alot of what is in there is based on extremely weak hadiths, not saying it isn't true but you must keep that in mind.

As for diversion, lol, so says the mukhalif.

Shia scholar Tijani al samawi stated: This(Raj’ah) is exclusively held by the Shi’ah. I investigated and searched in all the Sunni books but failed to the find any trace of it. (To be with the truthful -by: Tijani al Samawi p: 304-309)

2. Shia scholar Dr Vahid J. Majd stated: The Sunnis and the Idea of al-Raj’a: Quran aside, we have no Hadith from the Sunnis to support the idea of al-Raj’a except for the case of return of Prophet Jesus (as) which is an
undeniable fact to them. [AL-RAJ’A: RETURN TO THIS WORLD BEFORE THE DAY OF JUDGMENT, by Dr. Vahid J. Majd]

Here’s a hadith sahih present in Shia book showing that the doctrine of Raj’ah is wrong:

عن محمّد بن الحسن بن الوليد ، عن الصفّار ، عن أحمد بن محمّد ، عن عثمان بن عيسى ، عن صالح بن ميثم ، عن عباية الأسدي ، قال : سمعت أمير المؤمنين ( عليه السلام ) وهو متكي وأنا قائم عليه : « لأبنينّ بمصر منبراً ، ولأنقضنّ دمشق حجراً حجراً ، ولاُخرجنّ اليهود والنصارى من كلّ كور العرب ، ولأسوقنّ العرب بعصاي هذه » فقلت له : يا أمير المؤمنين كأنّك تخبر أنّك تحيى بعدما تموت ؟ فقال : « هيهات يا عباية ذهبت في غير مذهب ، يفعله رجل منّي

From muhammed ibn al-hasan ibn al-waleed from saffar from ahmed ibn muhammed from othman ibn issa from salih ibn maitham from qbaya al-asdi he said : I heard Ameer al-momineen while he was sitting and I was standing saying: I will build a pulpit in Egypt and I will tear Damascus stone by stone and I will kick out Jews and Christians from all Arab lands and I will lead Arabs with this stick of mine so abaya said : O Ameer al-momineen , are you saying you will come back to life after death so Ameer al-momineen answered : not at all abaya you misunderstood , this will be done by a man from me (he means al-mahdi) [Ma’ani al-akhbar by sheikh sadooq]

Infact The Mutawattir Sunni hadith of pond destroys the false doctrine of Raj’ah.

Sahi Bukhari 8.578:Narrated `Abdullah: The Prophet said, “I am your predecessor at the Lake−Fount.” `Abdullah added: The Prophet said, “I am your predecessor at the Lake−Fount, and some of you will be brought in front of me till I will see them and then they will be taken away from me and I will say, ‘O Lord, my companions!’ It will be said, ‘You do not know what they did after you had left.‘

Comment: If supposedly the wrong doers are going to be resurrected and punished during the period of Mahdi which will be witnessed by all the Imams and Prophets then why would Prophet(saw) again say to Allah near Lake of Kauthar, “O lord, my companions” and why would it be said to him that, “You do not know what they did after you had left”, because  if doctrine of Raj’ah had some truth in it then the Prophet(Saw) will  obviously come know what those people did on day when Rajah will occur and when those people will be punished, because at that time he will come to know that those people were evil doers. But this authentic narrations shows that Prophet(saw) will not be aware of anything which proves that there is nothing that is going to take place like Raj’aj.

 Ibn Hajar al-Haythamee  metioned in his Majma’ az-Zawaa’id (2/10) with a good chain of narration that ‘Aasim bin Bahdalah said:

قلت للحسن بن علي : الشيعة يزعمون أن عليًا يرجع ؟ قال : كذب أولئك

الكذابون، لو علمنا ذلك ما تزوج نساؤه، ولا قسمنا ميراثه

“I said to ‘al-Hasan bin ‘Alee: “The Shee’ah claim that ‘Ali will return.”He said: “Those liars have lied. For if we had known that, his women would not have married and we would not have divided his inheritance.”
« Last Edit: April 20, 2017, 08:46:12 PM by Noor-us-Sunnah »

Zlatan Ibrahimovic

Lol the dog lover has no answer on rajat, his version of Mahdi is gonna resurrect the wife of the prophet saw and His Sahaba ra to dish out punishment which Allah didn't do when they was alive.

How can he answer to that, apart from diverting the topic to somewhere else.

Typical shitite diversions.......boring.


Lol. Raj'ah is a concept proven by mutawatir hadiths. The details of raj'ah, however, are debatable. What you stated above is debatable. Alot of what is in there is based on extremely weak hadiths, not saying it isn't true but you must keep that in mind.

As for diversion, lol, so says the mukhalif.

Shia scholar Tijani al samawi stated: This(Raj’ah) is exclusively held by the Shi’ah. I investigated and searched in all the Sunni books but failed to the find any trace of it. (To be with the truthful -by: Tijani al Samawi p: 304-309)

2. Shia scholar Dr Vahid J. Majd stated: The Sunnis and the Idea of al-Raj’a: Quran aside, we have no Hadith from the Sunnis to support the idea of al-Raj’a except for the case of return of Prophet Jesus (as) which is an
undeniable fact to them. [AL-RAJ’A: RETURN TO THIS WORLD BEFORE THE DAY OF JUDGMENT, by Dr. Vahid J. Majd]

Here’s a hadith sahih present in Shia book showing that the doctrine of Raj’ah is wrong:

عن محمّد بن الحسن بن الوليد ، عن الصفّار ، عن أحمد بن محمّد ، عن عثمان بن عيسى ، عن صالح بن ميثم ، عن عباية الأسدي ، قال : سمعت أمير المؤمنين ( عليه السلام ) وهو متكي وأنا قائم عليه : « لأبنينّ بمصر منبراً ، ولأنقضنّ دمشق حجراً حجراً ، ولاُخرجنّ اليهود والنصارى من كلّ كور العرب ، ولأسوقنّ العرب بعصاي هذه » فقلت له : يا أمير المؤمنين كأنّك تخبر أنّك تحيى بعدما تموت ؟ فقال : « هيهات يا عباية ذهبت في غير مذهب ، يفعله رجل منّي

From muhammed ibn al-hasan ibn al-waleed from saffar from ahmed ibn muhammed from othman ibn issa from salih ibn maitham from qbaya al-asdi he said : I heard Ameer al-momineen while he was sitting and I was standing saying: I will build a pulpit in Egypt and I will tear Damascus stone by stone and I will kick out Jews and Christians from all Arab lands and I will lead Arabs with this stick of mine so abaya said : O Ameer al-momineen , are you saying you will come back to life after death so Ameer al-momineen answered : not at all abaya you misunderstood , this will be done by a man from me (he means al-mahdi) [Ma’ani al-akhbar by sheikh sadooq]

Infact The Mutawattir Sunni hadith of pond destroys the false doctrine of Raj’ah.

Sahi Bukhari 8.578:Narrated `Abdullah: The Prophet said, “I am your predecessor at the Lake−Fount.” `Abdullah added: The Prophet said, “I am your predecessor at the Lake−Fount, and some of you will be brought in front of me till I will see them and then they will be taken away from me and I will say, ‘O Lord, my companions!’ It will be said, ‘You do not know what they did after you had left.‘

Comment: If supposedly the wrong doers are going to be resurrected and punished during the period of Mahdi which will be witnessed by all the Imams and Prophets then why would Prophet(saw) again say to Allah near Lake of Kauthar, “O lord, my companions” and why would it be said to him that, “You do not know what they did after you had left”, because  if doctrine of Raj’ah had some truth in it then the Prophet(Saw) will  obviously come know what those people did on day when Rajah will occur and when those people will be punished, because at that time he will come to know that those people were evil doers. But this authentic narrations shows that Prophet(saw) will not be aware of anything which proves that there is nothing that is going to take place like Raj’aj.

 Ibn Hajar al-Haythamee  metioned in his Majma’ az-Zawaa’id (2/10) with a good chain of narration that ‘Aasim bin Bahdalah said:

قلت للحسن بن علي : الشيعة يزعمون أن عليًا يرجع ؟ قال : كذب أولئك

الكذابون، لو علمنا ذلك ما تزوج نساؤه، ولا قسمنا ميراثه

“I said to ‘al-Hasan bin ‘Alee: “The Shee’ah claim that ‘Ali will return.”He said: “Those liars have lied. For if we had known that, his women would not have married and we would not have divided his inheritance.”

Al-Salamu Alaykum.

Raj'ah is proven by mutawatir Shi'i hadith as a concept, whilst its details are vague. This is what I meant.
محور المقاومة والممانعة


Lol the dog lover has no answer on rajat, his version of Mahdi is gonna resurrect the wife of the prophet saw and His Sahaba ra to dish out punishment which Allah didn't do when they was alive.

How can he answer to that, apart from diverting the topic to somewhere else.

Typical shitite diversions.......boring.


Lol. Raj'ah is a concept proven by mutawatir hadiths. The details of raj'ah, however, are debatable. What you stated above is debatable. Alot of what is in there is based on extremely weak hadiths, not saying it isn't true but you must keep that in mind.

As for diversion, lol, so says the mukhalif.

No it's not, you hypocrite, by giving the above answer it shows you DONT KNOW NOTHING but will latch onto baseless theories just like how your sect came into being and is still surviving now based on theories just like how your defending the dog with theories

No mention of it in the Quran 'rajah'......mind you there's no mention of super imams either just all a theory

I wonder if you really are a Hindu coz it does mention resurrection in the geetas



Lol the dog lover has no answer on rajat, his version of Mahdi is gonna resurrect the wife of the prophet saw and His Sahaba ra to dish out punishment which Allah didn't do when they was alive.

How can he answer to that, apart from diverting the topic to somewhere else.

Typical shitite diversions.......boring.


Lol. Raj'ah is a concept proven by mutawatir hadiths. The details of raj'ah, however, are debatable. What you stated above is debatable. Alot of what is in there is based on extremely weak hadiths, not saying it isn't true but you must keep that in mind.

As for diversion, lol, so says the mukhalif.

Shia scholar Tijani al samawi stated: This(Raj’ah) is exclusively held by the Shi’ah. I investigated and searched in all the Sunni books but failed to the find any trace of it. (To be with the truthful -by: Tijani al Samawi p: 304-309)

2. Shia scholar Dr Vahid J. Majd stated: The Sunnis and the Idea of al-Raj’a: Quran aside, we have no Hadith from the Sunnis to support the idea of al-Raj’a except for the case of return of Prophet Jesus (as) which is an
undeniable fact to them. [AL-RAJ’A: RETURN TO THIS WORLD BEFORE THE DAY OF JUDGMENT, by Dr. Vahid J. Majd]

Here’s a hadith sahih present in Shia book showing that the doctrine of Raj’ah is wrong:

عن محمّد بن الحسن بن الوليد ، عن الصفّار ، عن أحمد بن محمّد ، عن عثمان بن عيسى ، عن صالح بن ميثم ، عن عباية الأسدي ، قال : سمعت أمير المؤمنين ( عليه السلام ) وهو متكي وأنا قائم عليه : « لأبنينّ بمصر منبراً ، ولأنقضنّ دمشق حجراً حجراً ، ولاُخرجنّ اليهود والنصارى من كلّ كور العرب ، ولأسوقنّ العرب بعصاي هذه » فقلت له : يا أمير المؤمنين كأنّك تخبر أنّك تحيى بعدما تموت ؟ فقال : « هيهات يا عباية ذهبت في غير مذهب ، يفعله رجل منّي

From muhammed ibn al-hasan ibn al-waleed from saffar from ahmed ibn muhammed from othman ibn issa from salih ibn maitham from qbaya al-asdi he said : I heard Ameer al-momineen while he was sitting and I was standing saying: I will build a pulpit in Egypt and I will tear Damascus stone by stone and I will kick out Jews and Christians from all Arab lands and I will lead Arabs with this stick of mine so abaya said : O Ameer al-momineen , are you saying you will come back to life after death so Ameer al-momineen answered : not at all abaya you misunderstood , this will be done by a man from me (he means al-mahdi) [Ma’ani al-akhbar by sheikh sadooq]

Infact The Mutawattir Sunni hadith of pond destroys the false doctrine of Raj’ah.

Sahi Bukhari 8.578:Narrated `Abdullah: The Prophet said, “I am your predecessor at the Lake−Fount.” `Abdullah added: The Prophet said, “I am your predecessor at the Lake−Fount, and some of you will be brought in front of me till I will see them and then they will be taken away from me and I will say, ‘O Lord, my companions!’ It will be said, ‘You do not know what they did after you had left.‘

Comment: If supposedly the wrong doers are going to be resurrected and punished during the period of Mahdi which will be witnessed by all the Imams and Prophets then why would Prophet(saw) again say to Allah near Lake of Kauthar, “O lord, my companions” and why would it be said to him that, “You do not know what they did after you had left”, because  if doctrine of Raj’ah had some truth in it then the Prophet(Saw) will  obviously come know what those people did on day when Rajah will occur and when those people will be punished, because at that time he will come to know that those people were evil doers. But this authentic narrations shows that Prophet(saw) will not be aware of anything which proves that there is nothing that is going to take place like Raj’aj.

 Ibn Hajar al-Haythamee  metioned in his Majma’ az-Zawaa’id (2/10) with a good chain of narration that ‘Aasim bin Bahdalah said:

قلت للحسن بن علي : الشيعة يزعمون أن عليًا يرجع ؟ قال : كذب أولئك

الكذابون، لو علمنا ذلك ما تزوج نساؤه، ولا قسمنا ميراثه

“I said to ‘al-Hasan bin ‘Alee: “The Shee’ah claim that ‘Ali will return.”He said: “Those liars have lied. For if we had known that, his women would not have married and we would not have divided his inheritance.”

Al-Salamu Alaykum.

Raj'ah is proven by mutawatir Shi'i hadith as a concept, whilst its details are vague. This is what I meant.



Lol the dog lover has no answer on rajat, his version of Mahdi is gonna resurrect the wife of the prophet saw and His Sahaba ra to dish out punishment which Allah didn't do when they was alive.

How can he answer to that, apart from diverting the topic to somewhere else.

Typical shitite diversions.......boring.


Lol. Raj'ah is a concept proven by mutawatir hadiths. The details of raj'ah, however, are debatable. What you stated above is debatable. Alot of what is in there is based on extremely weak hadiths, not saying it isn't true but you must keep that in mind.

As for diversion, lol, so says the mukhalif.

Shia scholar Tijani al samawi stated: This(Raj’ah) is exclusively held by the Shi’ah. I investigated and searched in all the Sunni books but failed to the find any trace of it. (To be with the truthful -by: Tijani al Samawi p: 304-309)

2. Shia scholar Dr Vahid J. Majd stated: The Sunnis and the Idea of al-Raj’a: Quran aside, we have no Hadith from the Sunnis to support the idea of al-Raj’a except for the case of return of Prophet Jesus (as) which is an
undeniable fact to them. [AL-RAJ’A: RETURN TO THIS WORLD BEFORE THE DAY OF JUDGMENT, by Dr. Vahid J. Majd]

Here’s a hadith sahih present in Shia book showing that the doctrine of Raj’ah is wrong:

عن محمّد بن الحسن بن الوليد ، عن الصفّار ، عن أحمد بن محمّد ، عن عثمان بن عيسى ، عن صالح بن ميثم ، عن عباية الأسدي ، قال : سمعت أمير المؤمنين ( عليه السلام ) وهو متكي وأنا قائم عليه : « لأبنينّ بمصر منبراً ، ولأنقضنّ دمشق حجراً حجراً ، ولاُخرجنّ اليهود والنصارى من كلّ كور العرب ، ولأسوقنّ العرب بعصاي هذه » فقلت له : يا أمير المؤمنين كأنّك تخبر أنّك تحيى بعدما تموت ؟ فقال : « هيهات يا عباية ذهبت في غير مذهب ، يفعله رجل منّي

From muhammed ibn al-hasan ibn al-waleed from saffar from ahmed ibn muhammed from othman ibn issa from salih ibn maitham from qbaya al-asdi he said : I heard Ameer al-momineen while he was sitting and I was standing saying: I will build a pulpit in Egypt and I will tear Damascus stone by stone and I will kick out Jews and Christians from all Arab lands and I will lead Arabs with this stick of mine so abaya said : O Ameer al-momineen , are you saying you will come back to life after death so Ameer al-momineen answered : not at all abaya you misunderstood , this will be done by a man from me (he means al-mahdi) [Ma’ani al-akhbar by sheikh sadooq]

Infact The Mutawattir Sunni hadith of pond destroys the false doctrine of Raj’ah.

Sahi Bukhari 8.578:Narrated `Abdullah: The Prophet said, “I am your predecessor at the Lake−Fount.” `Abdullah added: The Prophet said, “I am your predecessor at the Lake−Fount, and some of you will be brought in front of me till I will see them and then they will be taken away from me and I will say, ‘O Lord, my companions!’ It will be said, ‘You do not know what they did after you had left.‘

Comment: If supposedly the wrong doers are going to be resurrected and punished during the period of Mahdi which will be witnessed by all the Imams and Prophets then why would Prophet(saw) again say to Allah near Lake of Kauthar, “O lord, my companions” and why would it be said to him that, “You do not know what they did after you had left”, because  if doctrine of Raj’ah had some truth in it then the Prophet(Saw) will  obviously come know what those people did on day when Rajah will occur and when those people will be punished, because at that time he will come to know that those people were evil doers. But this authentic narrations shows that Prophet(saw) will not be aware of anything which proves that there is nothing that is going to take place like Raj’aj.

 Ibn Hajar al-Haythamee  metioned in his Majma’ az-Zawaa’id (2/10) with a good chain of narration that ‘Aasim bin Bahdalah said:

قلت للحسن بن علي : الشيعة يزعمون أن عليًا يرجع ؟ قال : كذب أولئك

الكذابون، لو علمنا ذلك ما تزوج نساؤه، ولا قسمنا ميراثه

“I said to ‘al-Hasan bin ‘Alee: “The Shee’ah claim that ‘Ali will return.”He said: “Those liars have lied. For if we had known that, his women would not have married and we would not have divided his inheritance.”

Al-Salamu Alaykum.

Raj'ah is proven by mutawatir Shi'i hadith as a concept, whilst its details are vague. This is what I meant.

A Belief rejected by Quran. A belief present in just your hadeeth, where in we find other hadeeth conflicting it. And you say other beliefs are baatil.

Zlatan Ibrahimovic

Lol the dog lover has no answer on rajat, his version of Mahdi is gonna resurrect the wife of the prophet saw and His Sahaba ra to dish out punishment which Allah didn't do when they was alive.

How can he answer to that, apart from diverting the topic to somewhere else.

Typical shitite diversions.......boring.


Lol. Raj'ah is a concept proven by mutawatir hadiths. The details of raj'ah, however, are debatable. What you stated above is debatable. Alot of what is in there is based on extremely weak hadiths, not saying it isn't true but you must keep that in mind.

As for diversion, lol, so says the mukhalif.

Shia scholar Tijani al samawi stated: This(Raj’ah) is exclusively held by the Shi’ah. I investigated and searched in all the Sunni books but failed to the find any trace of it. (To be with the truthful -by: Tijani al Samawi p: 304-309)

2. Shia scholar Dr Vahid J. Majd stated: The Sunnis and the Idea of al-Raj’a: Quran aside, we have no Hadith from the Sunnis to support the idea of al-Raj’a except for the case of return of Prophet Jesus (as) which is an
undeniable fact to them. [AL-RAJ’A: RETURN TO THIS WORLD BEFORE THE DAY OF JUDGMENT, by Dr. Vahid J. Majd]

Here’s a hadith sahih present in Shia book showing that the doctrine of Raj’ah is wrong:

عن محمّد بن الحسن بن الوليد ، عن الصفّار ، عن أحمد بن محمّد ، عن عثمان بن عيسى ، عن صالح بن ميثم ، عن عباية الأسدي ، قال : سمعت أمير المؤمنين ( عليه السلام ) وهو متكي وأنا قائم عليه : « لأبنينّ بمصر منبراً ، ولأنقضنّ دمشق حجراً حجراً ، ولاُخرجنّ اليهود والنصارى من كلّ كور العرب ، ولأسوقنّ العرب بعصاي هذه » فقلت له : يا أمير المؤمنين كأنّك تخبر أنّك تحيى بعدما تموت ؟ فقال : « هيهات يا عباية ذهبت في غير مذهب ، يفعله رجل منّي

From muhammed ibn al-hasan ibn al-waleed from saffar from ahmed ibn muhammed from othman ibn issa from salih ibn maitham from qbaya al-asdi he said : I heard Ameer al-momineen while he was sitting and I was standing saying: I will build a pulpit in Egypt and I will tear Damascus stone by stone and I will kick out Jews and Christians from all Arab lands and I will lead Arabs with this stick of mine so abaya said : O Ameer al-momineen , are you saying you will come back to life after death so Ameer al-momineen answered : not at all abaya you misunderstood , this will be done by a man from me (he means al-mahdi) [Ma’ani al-akhbar by sheikh sadooq]

Infact The Mutawattir Sunni hadith of pond destroys the false doctrine of Raj’ah.

Sahi Bukhari 8.578:Narrated `Abdullah: The Prophet said, “I am your predecessor at the Lake−Fount.” `Abdullah added: The Prophet said, “I am your predecessor at the Lake−Fount, and some of you will be brought in front of me till I will see them and then they will be taken away from me and I will say, ‘O Lord, my companions!’ It will be said, ‘You do not know what they did after you had left.‘

Comment: If supposedly the wrong doers are going to be resurrected and punished during the period of Mahdi which will be witnessed by all the Imams and Prophets then why would Prophet(saw) again say to Allah near Lake of Kauthar, “O lord, my companions” and why would it be said to him that, “You do not know what they did after you had left”, because  if doctrine of Raj’ah had some truth in it then the Prophet(Saw) will  obviously come know what those people did on day when Rajah will occur and when those people will be punished, because at that time he will come to know that those people were evil doers. But this authentic narrations shows that Prophet(saw) will not be aware of anything which proves that there is nothing that is going to take place like Raj’aj.

 Ibn Hajar al-Haythamee  metioned in his Majma’ az-Zawaa’id (2/10) with a good chain of narration that ‘Aasim bin Bahdalah said:

قلت للحسن بن علي : الشيعة يزعمون أن عليًا يرجع ؟ قال : كذب أولئك

الكذابون، لو علمنا ذلك ما تزوج نساؤه، ولا قسمنا ميراثه

“I said to ‘al-Hasan bin ‘Alee: “The Shee’ah claim that ‘Ali will return.”He said: “Those liars have lied. For if we had known that, his women would not have married and we would not have divided his inheritance.”

Al-Salamu Alaykum.

Raj'ah is proven by mutawatir Shi'i hadith as a concept, whilst its details are vague. This is what I meant.

A Belief rejected by Quran. A belief present in just your hadeeth, where in we find other hadeeth conflicting it. And you say other beliefs are baatil.

I haven't seen anything in the Holy Qur'an which rejects it. As for the hadiths conflicting it, if they are Sunni hadiths, they are as meaningful and hujjah as Shi'i hadiths are to you.
محور المقاومة والممانعة


 After the death and state funeral of Hugo Chávez on 5 March 2013, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad stated his belief that Chavez would be one of the individuals resurrected following the return of the Mahdi and Jesus.

Is that from a mutawattir Hadith too

Zlatan Ibrahimovic

After the death and state funeral of Hugo Chávez on 5 March 2013, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad stated his belief that Chavez would be one of the individuals resurrected following the return of the Mahdi and Jesus.

Is that from a mutawattir Hadith too

Lol. Apparently the Angels were fighting alongside the terrorists according to some Wahabite Mashayikh. Lol.
محور المقاومة والممانعة


After the death and state funeral of Hugo Chávez on 5 March 2013, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad stated his belief that Chavez would be one of the individuals resurrected following the return of the Mahdi and Jesus.

Is that from a mutawattir Hadith too

Lol. Apparently the Angels were fighting alongside the terrorists according to some Wahabite Mashayikh. Lol.

lol let's move the posts shall we, why don't you just open a thread regarding so and anyway it's not a belief of Sunnis it's just what a mashaikh said

This threads about raj'a, a belief of shia and I only posted what your leaders say and you cannot even answer to that

Zlatan Ibrahimovic

After the death and state funeral of Hugo Chávez on 5 March 2013, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad stated his belief that Chavez would be one of the individuals resurrected following the return of the Mahdi and Jesus.

Is that from a mutawattir Hadith too

Lol. Apparently the Angels were fighting alongside the terrorists according to some Wahabite Mashayikh. Lol.

lol let's move the posts shall we, why don't you just open a thread regarding so and anyway it's not a belief of Sunnis it's just what a mashaikh said

This threads about raj'a, a belief of shia and I only posted what your leaders say and you cannot even answer to that

Lol look how you jump around. You tried to score a cheap shot by mentioning Ahmadinejad who is simply a politician and not some sort of aalim and you tried to make fun of us. Then when I do the same to you, you say, "oh well let's move the thread". ;D

Raj'ah is true and there is nothing in the Holy Qur'an which predicts it. Our job as followers is to believe what our Imams (as) told us will happen.
محور المقاومة والممانعة


After the death and state funeral of Hugo Chávez on 5 March 2013, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad stated his belief that Chavez would be one of the individuals resurrected following the return of the Mahdi and Jesus.

Is that from a mutawattir Hadith too

Lol. Apparently the Angels were fighting alongside the terrorists according to some Wahabite Mashayikh. Lol.

lol let's move the posts shall we, why don't you just open a thread regarding so and anyway it's not a belief of Sunnis it's just what a mashaikh said

This threads about raj'a, a belief of shia and I only posted what your leaders say and you cannot even answer to that

Lol look how you jump around. You tried to score a cheap shot by mentioning Ahmadinejad who is simply a politician and not some sort of aalim and you tried to make fun of us. Then when I do the same to you, you say, "oh well let's move the thread". ;D

Raj'ah is true and there is nothing in the Holy Qur'an which predicts it. Our job as followers is to believe what our Imams (as) told us will happen.

Cheap shot? You are a total dimwit aren't you lol

It's YOUR belief NOT mine hence I used Ahmadinejad as an example of how CONFUSING the belief is to its own adherents

Honestly you are useless

Look at your statement it's NOT IN THE QURAN......yet you will overpower that with some writing by a human and consider that as a proof

That's where you FAIL big time and have no genuine answers, it's all over the threads you ain't got an answer by using Quran at all BIG FAIL

Both you and dinnerjad haven't a clue


Zlatan Ibrahimovic

After the death and state funeral of Hugo Chávez on 5 March 2013, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad stated his belief that Chavez would be one of the individuals resurrected following the return of the Mahdi and Jesus.

Is that from a mutawattir Hadith too

Lol. Apparently the Angels were fighting alongside the terrorists according to some Wahabite Mashayikh. Lol.

lol let's move the posts shall we, why don't you just open a thread regarding so and anyway it's not a belief of Sunnis it's just what a mashaikh said

This threads about raj'a, a belief of shia and I only posted what your leaders say and you cannot even answer to that

Lol look how you jump around. You tried to score a cheap shot by mentioning Ahmadinejad who is simply a politician and not some sort of aalim and you tried to make fun of us. Then when I do the same to you, you say, "oh well let's move the thread". ;D

Raj'ah is true and there is nothing in the Holy Qur'an which predicts it. Our job as followers is to believe what our Imams (as) told us will happen.

Cheap shot? You are a total dimwit aren't you lol

It's YOUR belief NOT mine hence I used Ahmadinejad as an example of how CONFUSING the belief is to its own adherents

Honestly you are useless

Look at your statement it's NOT IN THE QURAN......yet you will overpower that with some writing by a human and consider that as a proof

That's where you FAIL big time and have no genuine answers, it's all over the threads you ain't got an answer by using Quran at all BIG FAIL

Both you and dinnerjad haven't a clue


Lol it's like arguing with a wall.

1) Ahmadinejad is not a hujjah or a aalim so his words value when it comes to religious matters are zero.

2) Not everything that is not in the Holy Qur'an is incorrect. The Sunnah is a hujjah. Raj'ah is mentioned in the Sunnah. Raj'ah does not contradict the Book of Allah.

3) "Dinnerjad". Fail.
محور المقاومة والممانعة


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