
"unacceptable & repulsive" narrations in Bukhari/Muslim - Answering Shia Website

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  • یا مقلب القلوب ثبت قلبی علی دینک
    • Refuting Shia allegations everywhere
  • Religion: Sunni

بسم الله الرحمن الرحیم

Note: Answering-Ansar is now ShiaPen.

1) REFUTATION TO "The Shi’a rejection of the Sahah Sittah"

In this article the Answering-Ansar tries to discredit the Authentic Hadith collection "Sahih al-Bukharee". Inshallah we shall reply their misunderstandings. Afterwards we shall present disturbing and disgusting narrations from authentic Shiite sources for the Shiites in particularly the Answering-Ansar team to think about. Answering-Ansar states:

There is NO requirement in Islam to believe in Sahih Bukhari, Muslim etc. As the Minhajj have taken offence to the comments let is look at some of these hadith,

Allah clearly states in His holy book the Quran that it is compulsory to follow His Apostle. Sahih Bukharee, Muslim etc. are collections of authentic sayings and traditions of the Prophet. So it is mandatory to believe in these compilations as the secondary source of Islam.

Answering-Ansar then continues:

and then we leave it to those with open minds to conclude whether these are true words / deeds or folk tales, we present seven hadith for our readers perusal: Narrated Abu Hurayra (RA): The Prophet (s) said, "The (people of) Ban? Israel used to take bath naked (all Together) looking at each other. The prophet Moses (RA) used to take bath, alone. They said, 'By Allah! Nothing prevents Moses from talking a bath with us except that he has a scrotal hernia.' So, once Moses went out to take a bath and put his clothes over a stone and then that stone ran away with the clothes. Moses followed the stone saying, "My clothes, O stone! My clothes, O stone! Till the people of Ban? Israel saw him and said 'By Allah, Moses has got no defect in his body. Moses took his clothes and began to beat the stone." Ab?- Hurayra added, "By Allah! There are still six or seven marks present on the stone from the beating."
"Sahih Bukhari" Volume. (1) Book (5): Bathing, Chapter (21): Taking bath in seclusion & completely naked

Moses was a very Shy and modest person. He used to cover his body completely. Due to this reason he also used to take a bath all alone. There is a better version of this hadith in Sahih Bukharee vol. 4 narration 616 reported by Abi Hurairah (ra) which states: "Allah's Apostle said, "(The Prophet) Moses was a shy person and used to cover his body completely because of his extensive shyness. One of the children of Israel hurt him by saying, 'He covers his body in this way only because of some defect in his skin, either leprosy or scrotal hernia, or he has some other defect.' Allah wished to clear Moses of what they said about him, so one day while Moses was in seclusion, he took off his clothes and put them on a stone and started taking a bath.

When he had finished the bath, he moved towards his clothes so as to take them, but the stone took his clothes and fled; Moses picked up his stick and ran after the stone saying, 'O stone! Give me my garment!' Till he reached a group of Bani Israel who saw him naked then, and found him the best of what Allah had created, and Allah cleared him of what they had accused him of. The stone stopped there and Moses took and put his garment on and started hitting the stone with his stick. By Allah, the stone still has some traces of the hitting, three, four or five marks. This was what Allah refers to in His Saying:-- "O you who believe! Be you not like those Who annoyed Moses, But Allah proved his innocence of that which they alleged, And he was honorable In Allah's Sight." (33.69)

It is possible that Moses(pbuh) was not completely naked. He might have taken off his shirt only and placed it on the rock when he went for a bath. In order to clear him off from allegations, Allah (swt) moved the rock until it stopped at a place where there were some people who saw Moses partially bare. Thus in this way the Bani Yisrael was put to shame for making an inappropriate accusation on Moses (pbuh). Now tell us what sort of fabrication is evident in this hadith? Answering-Ansar then insists:

Thus this is clearly a fabricated Hadith that has clearly been based on folk lore.

This hadith as we have shown is based on the Quranic verse 33:69 and not on the imaginary folk lore which the Answering-Ansar alleges. Our opponents then continue:

"Narrated Jabir bin Abdulluh: While Allah's Apostle (s) was carrying stones (along) with people of Mecca for (the building of) the Kaaba wearing an Izar (waist-sheet cover), his uncle Al-'Abb?s said to him, "O my nephew! (it would be better) if you take off your Izar and put it over your shoulders underneath the stones". So he took off his Izar and put it over his shoulders, but he fell unconscious and since then he had never been seen naked".

"Sahih al Bukhari" Volume. (I). Book ( 8) : "The book of Salat (Prayers)" Chapter ( 8) :"It is disliked to be naked during the prayers"
We are sure that any rational mind would agree that for anyone to remove his trousers in broad day light in public is a deplorable act of indignity. No matter how exhausted a person maybe he would never commit such an appalling act, let alone the beloved Prophet Mohammed (s). This is an absolute lie fabricated by the Nasibi Banu Ummayya to degrade Banu-Hashim.

Firstly Answering-Ansar gives a wrong translation for Izar. "Izar" does not mean trousers. Izar actually means a Waist Sheet. Qamoos Ilyas defines "Izar" to be a wrapper. During the time of the Prophet, Izars worn were so big that they were crossed over the shoulders or tied to the necks. Sahih Bukharee vol 1 at the introduction to the chapter 3 of the book of Salah states: Sahl said, �Some people prayed with the Prophet with their Izars tied to their necks.
Sahih Bukharee, vol. 1, intro to chapter 4 of the book of Salah states: Umm Hani said that the Prophet wrapped his body with a single garment and crossed its ends over his shoulders.
Saheeh Bukharee vol.1, narration # 351: Narrated Umar ibn Abi Salama: "I saw the Prophet offering prayers in a single garment in the house of Umm Salama and he had crossed its ends around his shoulders."
Sahih Bukharee vol.1, narration 352: Narrated Umar ibn Abi Salama: " I saw Allah's Apostle offering prayers , wrapped in a single garment around his body with its ends crossed round his shoulders."

So it is clear from these traditions that the Izars or wrappers were so big that they were crossed round the shoulders or tied to the necks.

Keeping all of this in mind let us now proceed to explaining the hadith provided by our opponents. It is understood from the hadith that the prophet was carrying stones on his shoulders for the construction of the Kaaba. As the Izar of the Prophet did not cross his shoulders, Abbas asked the Prophet to untie or take off the ends of the Izar and cross them around his shoulders so that he wont feel the pain of the rocks. When the Prophet did so, he fell unconscious albeit due to the heaviness of the rocks. It is possible that by falling down a part of the belly or back which the Izar covered was laid bare. By reading the hadith from this perspective nothing seems deplorable.

This tradition is better explained in another version in Sahih Bukhari, vol.2, #652: Narrated Jabir ibn Abdulla: "When the Kaaba was built, the Prophet and Abbas went to bring stone(for its construction).Al Abbas said to the Prophet, "Make your Izar around your neck(Eje'il Izaarak a'laa ruqbatik)". (when the Prophet did that) he fell on the ground with his eyes open towards the sky and said, "Give me my waist sheet". And he covered himself with it. We challenge the Answering-Ansar to bring the source or proof for their claim : " This is an absolute lie fabricated by the Nasibi Banu Ummayya to degrade Banu-Hashim.

Our opponents then continue:

This is hence another tale!
"Having Sexual Intercourse and repeating it. And engaging with one's own wives and taking a single bath (after doing so)"
Narrated Mohammed bin Al-Munthahir on the authority of his father that he had asked 'Aisha (RA) (about the Hadith of Ibn 'Umar). She said " May Allah be merciful to Abu Abdur Rehman. I used to put scent on Allah's Apostle (s) and he used to go round in the morning he assumed the Ihram, and the fragrance of the scent was still coming from his body".
"Sahih al Bukhari" Volume. (I). Book (5): "The book of Bathing" Chapter (13)
Narrated Qatada: Anas Bin Malik (RA) said, "The Prophet (s) used to visit all his wives in a round, during a day and night and they were eleven in number. I asked Anas, "Had the Prophet (s) the strength for it?" Anas replied, we used to say that The Prophet (s) was given the strength of 30 (men)"
"Sahih al Bukhari" Volume. (I). Book (5): "The book of Bathing" Chapter (13)

Nothing objectionable is seen here. The Prophet left for us an example in every walk of life . Here the justice of the Prophet towards his wives is shown as he gave time with all his wives and not just with a single one for the whole day or night.Then our opponents continue:

Narrated from Aisha (ra): We performed Hajj with the Prophet (s) and performed Tawaf-al-Ifada on the day of Nahr (slaughtering). Safiya got her menses and the Prophet desired from her what a husband desired from his wife, I said to him, "O Allah's Apostle! She is having her menses". He said "Is she going to detain us?" We informed him that she had performed Tawaf-al-Ifada on the Day of Nahr. He said, "Proceed".
"Sahih al Bukhari" Volume (II), Book 26: Book of Hajj, Chapter: The visit (of the Ka'aba to perform Tawaf-al-Ifada) on the Day of Nahr (10th of Dhul Hijja)

Now what is objectionable here again? This is something natural that any human being possesses. The hadith is actually meant to give a lesson that it is ok to resume relationship after Arafaah on the day of slaughtering. And what is wrong as Saffiya was his wife? Answering-Ansar then continues:

Narrated Aisha: "The Prophet and I used to take a bath from a single pot while we were Junub. During the menses, he used to order me to put on an Izar (dress worn below the waist) and used to fondle me. While in I'tikaf, he used to bring his head near me and I would wash it while I used to be in my periods (menses)".
"Sahih al Bukhari", Volume. (I). Book (6): "The book of Menses", Chapter (7):"Fondling a Menstruating Wife"
Abu W?li used to send his menstruating maidservant to bring the Qur'an from Ab? Razin by carrying it from the hanger (of its case)". Narrated Aisha (RA): "The Prophet (s) used to lean on my lap and recite Qur'an while I was in menses".
"Sahih al Bukhari" Volume. (I). Book (6): "The book of Menses" Chapter (5):"To recite Qur'an while lying in the lap of one's own menstruating wife"

By reading these two traditions one can truely understand that indeed the Prophet is a mercy to the worlds. In the practices of the Pre-Islamic Days of Ignorance and in the traditions of the Zoroastrians, Jews and Christians when a woman reached her period, she was cast out and placed under many restrictions. Nobody was allowed to touch her , and it was regarded that if she touched something impurity would spread . The prophet put an end to all this injustice. Although it is forbidden to have an intercourse during this period, its okay to touch as the prophet demonstrated that by mere touching a woman does not spread impurity. Answering-Ansar then continues:

According to these 'authentic' traditions we can see clearly that the above hadith prove that the Holy Prophet (s), The Master of all the Prophets was:
So fond of Sexual Intercourse that he used to sleep with his eleven wives in just one night
He couldn't be patient even in the days of Hajj (pilgrimage)
He liked fondling his wives, and could not restrain himself from fondling them even during their menses.

The reason why the Prophet used to visit all his wives in one night was because he was just. As for your second statement there is nothing wrong in that because Saffiya was his wife, and the tradition is meant to teach that it is ok to resume relationship on the 10 day of Dhul hijjah. As for the third question , by doing so he wanted to remove the wrong manners prevalent in the society. We have mentioned before how a woman was ill treated when she was in her period. She was not even allowed to touch any thing. A tent was set up for her where she used to stay there till the period was over. No one approached her. The Prophet put an end to all these oppressive measures.

Answering-Ansar then makes these statements:

The actual Shi'a position
We the Shi'a refuse to accept such filthy traditions, by doing so does that make us kaafir. As far as we are concerned protecting the integrity of the Prophet (S) if far more important than protecting the integrity of Sahih al Bukhari! Hence yes we do regard these as tales we believe that:
It is utterly untrue that the Holy Prophet (s) visited all his wives (i.e. eleven) in just one night.
It is also untrue that Holy Prophet (s) had the desire of fondling his (s) wives during menses
It is also untrue that The Holy Prophet (s) desired to have sexual intercourse with Hadhrath Safiya on the day of sacrifice.
It is also untrue that The Holy Prophet (s) recited The Holy Qur'an in the Laps of any wife during her menses.
The above traditions are derogatory to the piety & holiness of The Holy Prophet (s). When a Non-Muslim commits blasphemy by quoting these narrations our necks bow down with humiliation & embarrassment. And this Minhajj are trying to call us kaafirs because we reject these books! On the Day of Judgement at least the Shi'a will say we protected the perfection of the infallible Prophet, whilst groups such as Minjajj dedicated their lives to degrading the Prophet (s) with the above filthy traditions.

Oh how I wish that indeed your Shiite position was like that but we have a bad news .Your Shiite Ulema dont agree to your views. Here we quote from authentic Shii works some of the most disgusting narrations. While I am typing this I really feel very dirty inside. No noble person has escaped the Shiite slander, insult and degrading. Not even the Ahlul Bayt. Here is the first tale:

"Ali Ibn Abi Talib said that he once slept with the prophet Muhammad p.b.u.h and his wife Ayesha in one bed, and under one cover, then the prophet woke up to pray, and left them together [ Ali and Ayesha ] in the same bed, under the same cover."[Bihaar al-Anwar vol. 40, p. 2]

So Astagfirulla Ali slept with Ayesha. What a folk lore!

Here is the second tale:
It was narrated that [ Imam ] Ja`far Ibn Muhamad p.b.u.h said : The prophet Muhammad p.b.u.h used to put his face between the breasts of [ his daughter ] Fatima before going to sleep[ Bihaar al-Anwar, vol. 43, p. 78 ]

This is the most disgusting narration I ever heard in My life. Astagfirullah. No further comments!

"here is your third tale:
(Narrated) Muhammad bin Yahya, from Ahmad bin Muhammad, from Muhammad bin Yahya, from Talha bin Zaid, from Abu Abdullah  said: The Messenger of Allah  said:
Whoever voluntarily let others sexually molest him, Allah will invest him with women's lust."
al-Kafi (fil Furoo'): al-Kulainy, Book of Nikaah, Chapter: Who Let Others Sexually Molest Him, vol.5, p.549, narration 1.

Comment: May Allah curse the liars who lie on the Apostle of Allah .

And here is your fourth tale:
It was narrated that  Abu Abdullah said: No infant is born but a certain Satan is in his presence. If Allah knew that he would be of our Shiia, He protects him from that Satan, if he wouldn't be of our Shiia, Satan sticks his finger in his anus, thus becomes a catamite, If it was [ the infant ] a female, he sticks his finger in her vagina, thus becomes a whore. Allah then afterwards clear what He desire or affirm, for with Him is the book of Knowledge." [Tafseer al-Ayyashi, p. 218 , Bihaar al-Anwaar, vol.2 p. 1319 ,Tafseer al-Burhaan, vol. 2, p. 300 ]

Let the readers be the judge. I won�t make any comment here.

And here is the fifth folk lore:
"(Narrated Muhammad, from Ahmad bin Muhammad, from Ali bin al-Hakam, from Abdul-Rahman al-'Azramy, from Abu Abdullah  said: Amirul-Mu'mineen (Ali)  said:
There are servant (men) of Allah who carry in their loins uteruses like those of women. (Abu Abdullah) Said: He was asked: Then Why they don't get pregnant? He (Ali) said: Because it is (placed) upside down. They also have glands in their anuses like that of the camel, if erupted they erupt with it, and if it cooled down, they cool down with it.� [Al-Kafi (fil Furoo'): al-Kulainy, Book of Nikaah, Chapter: Who Let Others Sexually Molest Him, vol.5, p.549, narration 3 ]

So astagfirullah, according to this narration men have uteruses.

And here is the sixth tale:
"(Narrated) Ali bin Ibrahim, from Haroon bin Muslim, from Mas'adah bin Ziyad, from Abu Abdullah  said: Amirul-Mu'mineen (Ali)  said:
Beware of marrying the Negros (zunj) for they are a distorted creation."
al-Kafi (fil Furoo'): Book of Nikah, Chapter: Whom (the Imam) Disliked for Marriage Amongst the Kurdish, Negros and Others, vol. 5, p. 352, Narration 1.

So the black skinned are inferior as they are a distorted creation.

and the final tale:
Mohammed bin Al-hassan Toosi reports on the authority of Ishhaq bin Ammar, that Abu Abdullah said "The wealth, the property and everything which belongs to a Sunni is actually yours (is legal for you)" (Tahzib-ul Ahkam, Vol. 2 Kitabul Makasib, p. 116, published in Iran) above in this Shi'ites book it states that all Shi'ites can steal from any Sunni Muslim and that there is nothing wrong with that .

We are sorry if you got hurt. We felt the same when you made fun of our ahadith through improper understanding. Think about it Shiite. How come such narrations which are so degrading to the Prophet and the Imams end in your authentic books? These are all serious slanders. Why would your respectable scholars compile slanders unless they believe in them? For example consider yourself to be a historian; you would like to gather narrations about Ali Ibn Abi Talib. Will you then collect narrations that slander, insult and present the Imam bad? Of course not. The only possible way for you to do so is that you share those views and you feel okay with it. Now doesnt that cast doubt over the honesty , trustworthiness and liability of Imam Baqir Majlisi, al-Kulyani, al-Qummi and others? Think about it.

Original article:
Written by member "SunniOrientated"
در خلافت میل نیست ای بی‌خبر
میل کی آید ز بوبکر و عمر
میل اگر بودی در آن دو مقتدا
هر دو کردندی پسر را پیشوا

عطار نِیشابوری | |

Muhammad Habib

The Story described by Imam Bukhari about The Prophet Moses as and the stone has nothing to do with Imam Bukhari and Saheeh Bukhari as it also been narrated in Shia books throgh Imam Sadiq rehmatullah.
See Tafseer Qummi vol 2


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