
Hani (chief writer for TSN) declares himself part Mutazili in Aqeedah

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Hani declared himself to be part Mutazili in Aqeedah. I understand Farid and the others on here are very focused on attacking Shia Islam, but are they so biased they will take on board someone who according to their own scholars is an innovator in Aqeedah ?

1. According to Farid and his scholars, your chief writer would not be classed as part of the Ahlus-Sunnah wal Jamaah

2. Taking knowledge from him would be discouraged

3. In certain instances, some scholars would even question if he was a Muslim depending on his particular beliefs.

My question to you is, if you are sincere in fighting for truth, why is your chief writer a deviant in Aqeedah, and not a Sunni by your own standards?  How do you trust the judgement of someone you claim has erred on the greatest issue when it comes to representing you fairly on other perhaps important but less important issues?
« Last Edit: June 13, 2019, 01:47:28 AM by whoaretheshia »
"I leave behind for you two weighty things, which if you hold onto, you will never go astray...the Quran and my Ahlulbayt" - Musnad Ibn Rawayh (al-Albani classes Isnaad *independently* as Hasan, and Matn as authentic, as does Al-Arnaut, Ibn Hajar and others.


Wow. This definitely is a surprise. As for the truth is concerned, these gents have never been interested in the truth. There more interested in painting a bad picture about Shiaism and misrepresenting the Shia faith and community. Do you see any fairness in them towards us or any honesty towards the truth.


Wow. This definitely is a surprise. As for the truth is concerned, these gents have never been interested in the truth. There more interested in painting a bad picture about Shiaism and misrepresenting the Shia faith and community. Do you see any fairness in them towards us or any honesty towards the truth.

I take a balanced view on this. I do feel for many people on here, there may be an element of sincerity and perhaps forming a view based on a very complex and broad factors, such as the information or methodology they are exposed to, and misconceptions or even beliefs that they find averse based on their understanding and clinging to their methodology.
The articles on here are generally well-written, but they effectively distort and use any attempt - though i don't claim intentionally - to turn away from what is truth.

The most important thing we need to sit and wait for here is for the Salafi users to duly call Hani out on this, and question why they are being represented by a man they themselves consider an innovator, a deviant, and not even a Sunni.

If you read Hani's articles, he is an intelligent individual, but it becomes obvious he takes his own subjective views and whims above what is even fair. He decides how to play with the rules, what interpretations to give, and so he is neither here nor there, but borrows from everywhere inconsistently; it is a reflection of the fact he merely opines, and does so by his own standards; he doesn't represent Sunni standards.
« Last Edit: June 13, 2019, 02:09:29 AM by whoaretheshia »
"I leave behind for you two weighty things, which if you hold onto, you will never go astray...the Quran and my Ahlulbayt" - Musnad Ibn Rawayh (al-Albani classes Isnaad *independently* as Hasan, and Matn as authentic, as does Al-Arnaut, Ibn Hajar and others.


Wow. This definitely is a surprise. As for the truth is concerned, these gents have never been interested in the truth. There more interested in painting a bad picture about Shiaism and misrepresenting the Shia faith and community. Do you see any fairness in them towards us or any honesty towards the truth.
They are fair. You’re still here and making posts freely try this @shiachat and you’ll get banned quickly.


I take a balanced view on this. I do feel for many people on here, there may be an element of sincerity and perhaps forming a view based on a very complex and broad factors, such as the information or methodology they are exposed to, and misconceptions or even beliefs that they find averse based on their understanding and clinging to their methodology.
The articles on here are generally well-written, but they effectively distort and use any attempt - though i don't claim intentionally - to turn away from what is truth.

The most important thing we need to sit and wait for here is for the Salafi users to duly call Hani out on this, and question why they are being represented by a man they themselves consider an innovator, a deviant, and not even a Sunni.

If you read Hani's articles, he is an intelligent individual, but it becomes obvious he takes his own subjective views and whims above what is even fair. He decides how to play with the rules, what interpretations to give, and so he is neither here nor there, but borrows from everywhere inconsistently; it is a reflection of the fact he merely opines, and does so by his own standards; he doesn't represent Sunni standards.
You were exposed and refuted. What brings you back? Can you refute tsn now?


Wow. This definitely is a surprise. As for the truth is concerned, these gents have never been interested in the truth. There more interested in painting a bad picture about Shiaism and misrepresenting the Shia faith and community. Do you see any fairness in them towards us or any honesty towards the truth.

Says the hypocrite using lies as truth....”Umar said don’t listen to him”, when confronted doesn’t even apologise instead keeps on lying more and more.

Shias are a sect that has NO roots in Quran or sunnah, just jibberish made up that doesn’t make sense hence the lies being made to prop up their fairytales.

Shiism is a made up belief that’s why only the weak minded the inarticulate or in iceman case the DUMB can only follow such a sect.



I take a balanced view on this. I do feel for many people on here, there may be an element of sincerity and perhaps forming a view based on a very complex and broad factors, such as the information or methodology they are exposed to, and misconceptions or even beliefs that they find averse based on their understanding and clinging to their methodology.
The articles on here are generally well-written, but they effectively distort and use any attempt - though i don't claim intentionally - to turn away from what is truth.

The most important thing we need to sit and wait for here is for the Salafi users to duly call Hani out on this, and question why they are being represented by a man they themselves consider an innovator, a deviant, and not even a Sunni.

If you read Hani's articles, he is an intelligent individual, but it becomes obvious he takes his own subjective views and whims above what is even fair. He decides how to play with the rules, what interpretations to give, and so he is neither here nor there, but borrows from everywhere inconsistently; it is a reflection of the fact he merely opines, and does so by his own standards; he doesn't represent Sunni standards.

Very well said. Nicely put forward. Waiting to see what they have to say on this. It's nice of you to mention this and put it forward.


Says the hypocrite using lies as truth....”Umar said don’t listen to him”, when confronted doesn’t even apologise instead keeps on lying more and more.

Shias are a sect that has NO roots in Quran or sunnah, just jibberish made up that doesn’t make sense hence the lies being made to prop up their fairytales.

Shiism is a made up belief that’s why only the weak minded the inarticulate or in iceman case the DUMB can only follow such a sect.


Just keep your nose out of this please. And try not to derail this thread. 😊


Just keep your nose out of this please. And try not to derail this thread. 😊

Awww you got OWNED when I told you to prove what you posted.
You got owned when I showed you Iran helping Taliban.
You get owned by other poster in here.😂

You talk about truth but in reality it’s BS that comes out of your mouth.

Only stating facts 😂👍


Awww you got OWNED when I told you to prove what you posted.
You got owned when I showed you Iran helping Taliban.
You get owned by other poster in here.😂

You talk about truth but in reality it’s BS that comes out of your mouth.

Only stating facts 😂👍

You and facts are two totally separate things. You're just an entertainer, a sidekick that the mods and admins have let loose on this site just to keep the points up. They don't have any literate individuals who think rationally and discuss academically. That's why a few ...... like you are let loose on this site to make it look good. 😊


You and facts are two totally separate things. You're just an entertainer, a sidekick that the mods and admins have let loose on this site just to keep the points up. They don't have any literate individuals who think rationally and discuss academically. That's why a few ...... like you are let loose on this site to make it look good. 😊

Lol academically?? You have a very low IQ as well as memory like a couldn’t provide proof of authenticity of “Umar said don’t listen to him” you RAN away and started other subjects, then when I posted you truths of how Iran helps Taliban thereby SHATTERING your dreams (sorry) come back with the above tripe😂😂😂 is that a cry for help? You don’t like truth being told to you? I bet it’s a case of let’s brush them all with the same brush hence why you are really a LONER with no friends at all but just your big, mighty.......EGO😂😂😂👍

Boo hoo hoo please any Shias out there help iceman he is being picked on by unintelligent Sunnis 😭😭😭😭😭

I’ve said it before and I will again you are a laugh and you have entertained me on this website since you came with you blabbering nonsense.😜😜👍

I bet millions of others who just brush by this site will see your posts too Alhamdulillah they will also be creasing at your responses too😊


Lol academically?? You have a very low IQ as well as memory like a couldn’t provide proof of authenticity of “Umar said don’t listen to him” you RAN away and started other subjects, then when I posted you truths of how Iran helps Taliban thereby SHATTERING your dreams (sorry) come back with the above tripe😂😂😂 is that a cry for help? You don’t like truth being told to you? I bet it’s a case of let’s brush them all with the same brush hence why you are really a LONER with no friends at all but just your big, mighty.......EGO😂😂😂👍

Boo hoo hoo please any Shias out there help iceman he is being picked on by unintelligent Sunnis 😭😭😭😭😭

I’ve said it before and I will again you are a laugh and you have entertained me on this website since you came with you blabbering nonsense.😜😜👍

I bet millions of others who just brush by this site will see your posts too Alhamdulillah they will also be creasing at your responses too😊

😊 Pardon me for bursting your bubble, stick to the thread and what is being discussed. What's your thoughts on Hani and the new information that's come to light. 😊


😊 Pardon me for bursting your bubble, stick to the thread and what is being discussed. What's your thoughts on Hani and the new information that's come to light. 😊

Lol it’s stick to the thread now? A post ago you posted as if you was being picked on I wonder who really does stick to the points.

You got busted with facts about Iran and you couldn’t answer same with Umar ra you couldn’t answer and now YOU want me to stick to threads????

You are a clown 🤡 of shiism who deserves responses like this coz academically you are void of any integrity to stick to any point.😂

I wouldn’t do the same with any other shia in here or anywhere else........only to you coz you are a joke.😂😂😂


It seems like Hani is someone that doesn't ascribe to one thing but takes a few things from the 4 Aqeedah schools (Ashari, Maturidi, Athari, Mu'tazili). He even says in the same post that he agrees with Ahl al Hadith on a lot of points. You cannot really pinpoint what he is and this is why I'm not going to label him as a Mu'tazili.

1. According to Farid and his scholars, your chief writer would not be classed as part of the Ahlus-Sunnah wal Jamaah

2. Taking knowledge from him would be discouraged

3. In certain instances, some scholars would even question if he was a Muslim depending on his particular beliefs.

1. We don't even know what he believes in, which group or belief of the Mu'tazila does he subscribe to? Because the Mu'tazila are not just one group with the same exact beliefs, and supposing they were we would need to know what  Hani subscribes to because he clearly says that he agrees with the beliefs of Ahl al Hadith as well.

2. There are situations where it can be permissible to take knowledge from Ahl al Bidah., the most known Salafi/Najdi website out there, stated that taking knowledge that wouldn't teach you Bidah can be permissible based on a few circumstances. They mentioned the Arabic language, Quranic Tajweed and Fiqh as things that would be okay to learn under people of innovation. Nobody here is taking Aqeedah lessons from Hani and all he has ever done is show the correct history of the Sahaba and the wars that occurred, as well as a few things against the Shi'i sect.

Plus, Muslims in the west go to Universities and are taught by non Muslims, possibly atheists, all the time. We work with non Muslims and we are bossed by non Muslims, etc. How come this is okay but taking a few historical lessons from a Muslim that is just a bit confused in Aqeedah is not okay? That being said, nobody is taking knowledge from Hani, we take knowledge from the scholars which is what Farid does. Since you know, this is how it has always been..


3. Not worth addressing.


Lol it’s stick to the thread now? A post ago you posted as if you was being picked on I wonder who really does stick to the points.

You got busted with facts about Iran and you couldn’t answer same with Umar ra you couldn’t answer and now YOU want me to stick to threads????

You are a clown 🤡 of shiism who deserves responses like this coz academically you are void of any integrity to stick to any point.😂

I wouldn’t do the same with any other shia in here or anywhere else........only to you coz you are a joke.😂😂😂

😊 I know you're trying your best to derail the thread and subject. That's what you always seem to do. Try sticking to the thread and what is being discussed 😊


😊 I know you're trying your best to derail the thread and subject. That's what you always seem to do. Try sticking to the thread and what is being discussed 😊

You know you are a LIAR and I’m only sticking to that subject be it on any thread😜
You got owned and realised the truth and somehow within that confusion you called your own 12th a coward to another poster😂😂



You know you are a LIAR and I’m only sticking to that subject be it on any thread😜
You got owned and realised the truth and somehow within that confusion you called your own 12th a coward to another poster😂😂


Anything on the thread and what is being discussed 😊

"you called your own 12th a coward to another poster"

You're taking it out of context and twisting it around to favour you. That's how desperate you gents are. I said "our coward" and that is according to you. So for argumentative reasons our coward fled from persecution, then what about those who who fled from the battlefield from the enemies of Allah and His Prophet s.a.w, to save their lives. And not to forget abandoning the Prophet s.a.w and leaving him stranded. The more you push it, the more it's going to be shoved at you. So if I was you I'd definitely get my act together 😊
« Last Edit: June 14, 2019, 10:43:16 PM by iceman »


2. There are situations where it can be permissible to take knowledge from Ahl al Bidah., the most known Salafi/Najdi website out there, stated that taking knowledge that wouldn't teach you Bidah can be permissible based on a few circumstances. They mentioned the Arabic language, Quranic Tajweed and Fiqh as things that would be okay to learn under people of innovation. Nobody here is taking Aqeedah lessons from Hani and all he has ever done is show the correct history of the Sahaba and the wars that occurred, as well as a few things against the Shi'i sect.

Keep in mind that I'm not calling Hani a deviant whatsoever, my point was to show that the case you're making is pointless because even if we suppose that he is a deviant, we can still take from him things that aren't innovations or have nothing to do with his innovations. 


Keep in mind that I'm not calling Hani a deviant whatsoever, my point was to show that the case you're making is pointless because even if we suppose that he is a deviant, we can still take from him things that aren't innovations or have nothing to do with his innovations.

His primary foundation for his Aqeedah as his statement clearly implies is Mutazili/Logician, irrespective of whether he also borrows from Ahlul-Hadith. In fact, the Ahlul-Hadith position can't actually mix with any Mutazila position. If you were 90% Ahlul-Hadith, and borrowed a little from the Mutazila, you would still be regarded as a deviant and not part of the Ahlus-Sunnah wal -Jamaah.

Hani has clearly made statements that would, by Salafi standards at least, take him out of the Ahlus-Sunnah wal Jamaah and make him, by these standards an innovator according to Farid and his scholars in Aqeedah.

Now, taking knowledge that is not contrary to Salafi Islam might be permissible or debated, but given this individual represents TSN to refute the innovations of the Shia, it is hypocritical to have a man who himself is considered an innovator in Aqeedah writing the majority (or large bulk) of articles.
"I leave behind for you two weighty things, which if you hold onto, you will never go astray...the Quran and my Ahlulbayt" - Musnad Ibn Rawayh (al-Albani classes Isnaad *independently* as Hasan, and Matn as authentic, as does Al-Arnaut, Ibn Hajar and others.


Anything on the thread and what is being discussed 😊

"you called your own 12th a coward to another poster"

You're taking it out of context and twisting it around to favour you. That's how desperate you gents are. I said "our coward" and that is according to you. So for argumentative reasons our coward fled from persecution, then what about those who who fled from the battlefield from the enemies of Allah and His Prophet s.a.w, to save their lives. And not to forget abandoning the Prophet s.a.w and leaving him stranded. The more you push it, the more it's going to be shoved at you. So if I was you I'd definitely get my act together 😊

It’s all within context you make blunder after blunder.😜

You’ve been answered I don’t need to say anything more, easily understood by sane minds, unfortunately for your last one even Allah swt doesn’t mention him nor does the prophet you can shove that theory of the last one where the sun don’t shine a bit like hide it behind the clouds Mumbo jumbo, I’ve been down that road with you........he is a made up character with NO evidence of his existence apart from heresay and stories, no Quran no prophetic sayings.

I don’t answer to mumbo jumbo fairytales, unfortunately for you, you have to believe and defend made up superhumans living for a millennia waiting for 313 hard Shias..........😂 it’s been over 1400 years and the guy is still waiting for them😂

Now that is a fine ACT by your last one he definitely has got it right.😂

Even you admit his cowardice.😂

The more you bring the more you get OWNED!😭


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