
Hani (chief writer for TSN) declares himself part Mutazili in Aqeedah

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It’s all within context you make blunder after blunder.😜

You’ve been answered I don’t need to say anything more, easily understood by sane minds, unfortunately for your last one even Allah swt doesn’t mention him nor does the prophet you can shove that theory of the last one where the sun don’t shine a bit like hide it behind the clouds Mumbo jumbo, I’ve been down that road with you........he is a made up character with NO evidence of his existence apart from heresay and stories, no Quran no prophetic sayings.

I don’t answer to mumbo jumbo fairytales, unfortunately for you, you have to believe and defend made up superhumans living for a millennia waiting for 313 hard Shias..........😂 it’s been over 1400 years and the guy is still waiting for them😂

Now that is a fine ACT by your last one he definitely has got it right.😂

Even you admit his cowardice.😂

The more you bring the more you get OWNED!😭

😊😊😊 After all that crap, anything on the thread and what's being discussed 😊😊😊


His primary foundation for his Aqeedah as his statement clearly implies is Mutazili/Logician, irrespective of whether he also borrows from Ahlul-Hadith. In fact, the Ahlul-Hadith position can't actually mix with any Mutazila position. If you were 90% Ahlul-Hadith, and borrowed a little from the Mutazila, you would still be regarded as a deviant and not part of the Ahlus-Sunnah wal -Jamaah.

Hani has clearly made statements that would, by Salafi standards at least, take him out of the Ahlus-Sunnah wal Jamaah and make him, by these standards an innovator according to Farid and his scholars in Aqeedah.

That's all irrelevant to my point. But I just want to respond to the part where you said "If you were 90% Ahlul-Hadith, and borrowed a little from the Mutazila, you would still be regarded as a deviant and not part of the Ahlus-Sunnah wal -Jamaah"..

I don't agree with you on that, I believe that Salafis would say that such a person is generally upon the Aqeedah of Ahl al-Sunnah but just has slight confusion on some aspects. You will notice that this is how some Salafis approach scholars like Ibn Hajar, al Nawawi and others when it comes to their Aqeedah beliefs. So I don't see how they wouldn't make similar excuses for someone who's a staggering 90% Ahl al-Hadith.

but given this individual represents TSN to refute the innovations of the Shia, it is hypocritical to have a man who himself is considered an innovator in Aqeedah writing the majority (or large bulk) of articles.

How so?


No one cares lol.

This is a forum to discuss twelver shia. Not to address a contributors flirtations with mutazila.

Its not like anyone is following anyone else on here as their shaykh.


😊😊😊 After all that crap, anything on the thread and what's being discussed 😊😊😊

You are crap you talk crap you sound crap that’s exactly what is being and your crap 😂😂😂


You are crap you talk crap you sound crap that’s exactly what is being and your crap 😂😂😂

And anything you'd like to say about the thread and subject being discussed. 😊 Oh, that's not your thing is it. You just mouth off 😀


And anything you'd like to say about the thread and subject being discussed. 😊 Oh, that's not your thing is it. You just mouth off 😀

You deserve such response because you are a liar and denier of facts so crap is what you are.😂


You deserve such response because you are a liar and denier of facts so crap is what you are.😂

That's fine. It's time for you to move on now. 😊 Anything on the thread and about Hani. What's your thoughts 😀


That's fine. It's time for you to move on now. 😊 Anything on the thread and about Hani. What's your thoughts 😀

Not interested in the thread doesn’t bother me one little bit ain’t gonna waste my time on it, I am only here to answer people like YOU who believe LIES and misrepresent truths on this thread or any other thread........hypocrite!😂

As for bro Hani alhamdulillah a great individual whom I have personally chatted with and learnt a few things from.👍


Not interested in the thread doesn’t bother me one little bit ain’t gonna waste my time on it, I am only here to answer people like YOU who believe LIES and misrepresent truths on this thread or any other thread........hypocrite!😂

As for bro Hani alhamdulillah a great individual whom I have personally chatted with and learnt a few things from.👍

And if he was a Shia would you have still called him a GREAT INDIVIDUAL and learnt a few things from him? 😀 OBVIOUSLY NOT! If you're not interested in the thread then ON YOUR BIKE and ON YOUR WAY. I don't have time for jokers like you. 😊


And if he was a Shia would you have still called him a GREAT INDIVIDUAL and learnt a few things from him? 😀 OBVIOUSLY NOT! If you're not interested in the thread then ON YOUR BIKE and ON YOUR WAY. I don't have time for jokers like you. 😊

YOU are the joker YOU are already running just like your last one he was fast and so are YOU😂😂👍

Yet you will LIE and deny facts that’s when yo can only debate😂😂😂


YOU are the joker YOU are already running just like your last one he was fast and so are YOU😂😂👍

Yet you will LIE and deny facts that’s when yo can only debate😂😂😂

You're the one who's running from addressing my posts. Just as those who ran from the battlefield 😊😊😊👌


My question to you is, if you are sincere in fighting for truth, why is your chief writer a deviant in Aqeedah, and not a Sunni by your own standards?  How do you trust the judgement of someone you claim has erred on the greatest issue when it comes to representing you fairly on other perhaps important but less important issues?

I’m not Farid nor do I have anything to do with TSN or TSD, I am merely an uneducated layman that comments occasionally. But I’d like to respond with a question of my own.

If there was a website run by Muslims that was dedicated to researching, explaining, and refuting Christianity, would you be opposed to Shia and Sunni working together on such a website?

This isn’t a trick question and no matter what your answer is, I won’t accuse you of hypocrisy or double standards. I am just genuinely curious if you would find that acceptable or not. Personally, I would be not only accepting of such an arrangement, but I would welcome and praise the endeavor.

I see this as the same type of thing. I don’t know what Hani’s ‘aqeedah is. From the way he wrote that comment it almost seems sarcastic or not entirely serious. But even if it was completely sincere and he believes in that theology, I view it as his business and not mine. In fact, I think it is praiseworthy that TSN is welcoming and accepting of different points of view, much like how I would think it would be praiseworthy for Shia and Sunni to work together in handling inter-faith issues such as the example I mentioned above.
« Last Edit: June 19, 2019, 08:54:03 AM by Sheikh »


You're the one who's running from addressing my posts. Just as those who ran from the battlefield 😊😊😊👌

Your last one beats anyone born or ever lived on earth he is still on the run and he needs 313 to help him could be one of them 😂😂😂😂


Your last one beats anyone born or ever lived on earth he is still on the run and he needs 313 to help him could be one of them 😂😂😂😂

He certainly doesn’t beat those who fled from the battlefield, ran from the enemies of Allah and his Prophet s.a.w, abandoning  the Prophet s.a.w and leaving him stranded.  😊😀😃😁😂😅


He certainly doesn’t beat those who fled from the battlefield, ran from the enemies of Allah and his Prophet s.a.w, abandoning  the Prophet s.a.w and leaving him stranded.  😊😀😃😁😂😅

You mean the ones that turned around and returned to the battlefield immediately?

Please tell your 12th Imam that the big bad scary Abbasids are gone and he can come out from under his bed of the cave now.

I mean 1,300 years of hiding. Really?  We have a word for that type of coward in English, a word that I am probably not allowed to say on here because it refers to the female reproductive system.
« Last Edit: June 19, 2019, 01:48:38 PM by Sheikh »


He certainly doesn’t beat those who fled from the battlefield, ran from the enemies of Allah and his Prophet s.a.w, abandoning  the Prophet s.a.w and leaving him stranded.  😊😀😃😁😂😅

......And still being given the HONOUR of being buried next to Him pbuh😉

Being with Him pbuh in life and after death, Alhamdulillah.

Unlike a certain make belief character whom some idiots thought up of that they then told your ancestors he has to go in hiding because the Sunnis will kill him and can ONLY come out once there is 313 idiots ready for him.😂

You are right you certainly can’t beat your story in stupidity, It’s the best running story so far.😂😂😂👍👍


You mean the ones that turned around and returned to the battlefield immediately?

Please tell your 12th Imam that the big bad scary Abbasids are gone and he can come out from under his bed of the cave now.

I mean 1,300 years of hiding. Really?  We have a word for that type of coward in English, a word that I am probably not allowed to say on here because it refers to the female reproductive system.

"You mean the ones that turned around and returned to the battlefield immediately?

Oh did they 😊 That's something new to hear. Well what was the point of running in the first place 😊 After all they did flee, so you can't take them out of the coward category. So everytime you so eagerly, repeatedly and constantly mention one coward, remember there are others and far worse that what you accuse him of.

"I mean 1,300 years of hiding. Really?  We have a word for that type of coward in English, a word that I am probably not allowed to say on here because it refers to the female reproductive system"

By all means say what you need to say. Or is it that there is some limit to your shame and indecency. 😊

"We have a word for that type of coward in English"

And what type of word do you have for those who fled the battlefield. Not only this, running from the enemies of Allah and his Prophet s.a.w. And not only this, abandoning the Prophet s.a.w and leaving him stranded 😊😊😊

"Please tell your 12th Imam that the big bad scary Abbasids are gone and he can come out from under his bed of the cave now"

😊 You can do that yourself. I mean you can waggle your tongue and let it loose so why do you need me to do that. 😊


Oh did they 😊 That's something new to hear. Well what was the point of running in the first place 😊 After all they did flee, so you can't take them out of the coward category. So everytime you so eagerly, repeatedly and constantly mention one coward, remember there are others and far worse that what you accuse him of.
You have never been scared so much that you jumped or ran away?  Consider yourself lucky. It must be nice living such a comfortable life that the realities of war have never come near you.

By all means say what you need to say. Or is it that there is some limit to your shame and indecency. 😊
Shame and decency have nothing to do with it. While I would never use such language to refer to another person, your 12th Imam does not exist so there is no harm in using whatever obscenities I like about him. You know exactly what word I’m referring to. The only thing stopping me from saying it is the fact that I don’t want to get banned, not because I’m scared of insulting your imaginary friend. 

And what type of word do you have for those who fled the battlefield. Not only this, running from the enemies of Allah and his Prophet s.a.w. And not only this, abandoning the Prophet s.a.w and leaving him stranded 😊😊😊
Commander of the faithful.
😊 You can do that yourself. I mean you can waggle your tongue and let it loose so why do you need me to do that. 😊
I don’t know how to get in contact with your imaginary friend. He’s supposedly hiding in a cellar in Sammarra so maybe if I throw my message down a well in Iran it will get to him?


You have never been scared so much that you jumped or ran away?  Consider yourself lucky. It must be nice living such a comfortable life that the realities of war have never come near you.
Shame and decency have nothing to do with it. While I would never use such language to refer to another person, your 12th Imam does not exist so there is no harm in using whatever obscenities I like about him. You know exactly what word I’m referring to. The only thing stopping me from saying it is the fact that I don’t want to get banned, not because I’m scared of insulting your imaginary friend. 
Commander of the faithful.
 I don’t know how to get in contact with your imaginary friend. He’s supposedly hiding in a cellar in Sammarra so maybe if I throw my message down a well in Iran it will get to him?

"You have never been scared so much that you jumped or ran away?  Consider yourself lucky. It must be nice living such a comfortable life that the realities of war have never come near you"

Nice excuse. There were others alongside them who stood their ground, remained firm and fought keeping in mind not to abandon the Prophet s.a.w and leave him stranded. And not turning your back on the enemy. And if the realities of war did come to me as it has come to others then I'd rather die a bloody death than live the life of a coward. Either way draw the line and keep a clear and firm difference from those who fled and those who didn't. You or anyone else wants to talk about cowards then don't be hesitant and shy to talk about the real cowards and upon whom the definition of coward really fits. I would say just watch your mouth when you speak. And if you don't want to then don't jump when reality is thrown at you in return. Just take it with a pinch of salt.

"your 12th Imam does not exist so there is no harm in using whatever obscenities"

An educated and literate person with a bit of dignity and shame wouldn't use whatever obscenities in any case. 😊 But what you've said justifies those who draw cartoons and make and take fun out of Muhammad s.a.w. They say exactly the same thing what you said and put forward the same excuse that 'we don't believe in Muhammad so we can use what ever obscenities we like'. 😊

So if you consider that there is no harm in you using whatever obscenities you like about him, then you're giving the same reason and excuse to the others to say what ever they like about Muhammad s.a.w. It's people like you and your policies that are causing unrest and complications for the Muslims and Islam globally. It's your actions be it verbal or practical (terror groups).

"The only thing stopping me from saying it is the fact that I don’t want to get banned"

You won't get banned. The others are it and have said a lot here. The mods and admins turn a blind eye. You will only get banned if you're a Shia or if a Shia retaliates with a similar response. So don't hesitate.

"Commander of the faithful"

Yeh, tell me about it. 😊

"I don’t know how to get in contact with your imaginary friend. He’s supposedly hiding in a cellar in Sammarra so maybe if I throw my message down a well in Iran it will get to him?"

If he's an imaginary friend then how can he be hiding in a cellar in Samara 😊 Don't you think before you talk. It doesn't sound like you do.

"so maybe if I throw my message down a well in Iran it will get to him?"

Well do that. You don't need my permission. Don't let me stop you. But make sure you don't fall in the well yourself 😀


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