Technically even if they said something like "Oh Ali can you ask Allah to give me such and such", wouldn't that still be shirk since they're implying that Ali [r] can hear their call and therefore giving him the attribute of being السميع, the all hearing ?? An attribute that belongs only to Allah.
Correct me if i'm wrong, but actual tawassul would be to ask someone who is alive and can actually hear you to make du'a for you.
Of course that would be Shirk since it would necessitate that Ali or any of their Imams are like the All-Hearing (As-Sami) and Al Seeing (Al-Basir), i.e. Allah.
Allah has given nobody the authority of his UNIQUE attribute of being ALL-HEARING and ALL-SEEING, yet the Rafidah (and other extremists) claim that you can (or should as they say!) call Ali, Fatimah, Hussein even non-Imams like Abal-Fadhl, Zaynab etc. from:
- Any place
- Any time
- Any language
So millions of people, in thousand of language and accents can directly ask Ali 'to ask Allah', in fact they can ask Ali (pray to him) DIRECTLY (as many of their Du'as and fatwa of their Ayatullats state) for anything and this justified under the pretext of 'tawassul'! As if throwing around with Shar'i/Islamic terminologies will turn shirk/paganism into tawheed/Islam, this is madness. Fact is, by necessitaty they are attributing attributes that belong to Allah only to the creation, something that Allah has never authorised, not to an Angel, nor devil nor human, nor Prophet, not even to the final Messenger (peace be upon him and his family) who according to clear-cut verses of the Qur'an knew only very restricted bits of the unseen (and only due to him being a Prophet!), to the extent that he did not know the reality of the nature of the very inhabitants of his relatively small town:
- Who the hypocrites in his very town were (yet, the Rafidah such as Kulayni claim that the Imams know what is in the heart of man, they know all drops in the ocean, and they have knowledge about every leaf that drops from the trees ...)@
The Quran says, “And among the desert people (A'arab, not the Sahaba who were mostly city dwellers i.e. 'ARAB) around you, O believers, there are some hypocrites, and so are there some among the people of Madina. They exaggerate and persist in hypocrisy. Even you (Prophet Muhammad) know them not. We know them; We shall punish them twice and thereafter they shall be brought to a great, horrible torment.”
There are many more examples such as:
- The Prophet (saws) wasn't informed about the stories of all Prophet (peace be upon them all), yet the Shias claim their Imams possess the KNOWLEDGE of artifacts, rings, swords etc. of ALL Prophets.
- He wasn't aware that his wife was left in the desert (story of Ifk)
Yet, the Twelvers claim that you can call upon his progeny from anywhere, anytime in any language, simply due to the fact that martyrs are alive (they always misuse that Ayah). Well, news flash, the PROPHET himself while being alive never had the power nor authority of hearing, listening and replying to millions of callers (only the SALAWAT, after his demise and these are conveyed by an ANGEL i.e. a medium, he himself can't hear, let alone thousands of different languages), so it is not about dead, alive or tawassul, it is about attributing the most unique attributes of Allah to the creation (hence even those Sunni scholars who do allow Tawassul with the Prophet say that it is very restricted, only next to his grave in ARABIC and asking him for shafa'ah, nothing else) under the pathetic excuse of intercession.