
Iranian General Qasem Suleimani Reportedly Killed in Strike at Baghdad Airport

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So now we know and learn about the protests in Iran and who's behind them. It's the same members and loyalists of the terror group MEK MUJAHIDEEN E KHALQ. And what are the western diplomats doing associating and engaging with them. So now we know why Iran is behaving in such a way.



Exactly same as Iran training houthi terrorists and killing innocent Muslims at the BEHEST of Shiite Iran who want to create a Shiite crescent and are associating and supplying them weapons, so we definitely know why Iran is behaving in such a way.

Dimwit number 1 👍


Exactly same as Iran training houthi terrorists and killing innocent Muslims at the BEHEST of Shiite Iran who want to create a Shiite crescent and are associating and supplying them weapons, so we definitely know why Iran is behaving in such a way.

Dimwit number 1 👍

Houthis are being killed by the Saudis. It's the Saudis interfering in the election process of another country (Yemen) and who should or shouldn't rule it. It's the Saudis who are killing innocent Muslims with the air strikes. Iran doesn't want to create anything. It just wants peace and protection for Shia Muslims.


Houthis are being killed by the Saudis. It's the Saudis interfering in the election process of another country (Yemen) and who should or shouldn't rule it. It's the Saudis who are killing innocent Muslims with the air strikes.

You are a liar!  As admitted per the Saudi Foreign Minister and others, Yemen was going through a transfer-of-power when the Houthis announced their uprising.  The leader of the Houthis lived, and was condition, in Iran.  Saudi Arabia did not start the strikes until the incoming leader of Yemen, who was under house arrest, somehow fled to the nearby city not occupied by Houthis and asked for help from the Gulf Countries.  So the Saudis got involved months after the uprising was announced.  And why wouldn't they?  Wouldn't Iran, if it is able to do so, go after a militia group seeking to upset the balance in its neighboring country?

Iran doesn't want to create anything. It just wants peace and protection for Shia Muslims.

I am glad you made it clear that Iran wants peace and protection for Shia Muslims.  I wonder why the Houthis are important to them given that they're Zaidis, not Ithna Asharis, with whom they have fundamental creedal differences. 
"Our coward ran from those in authority" - Iceman (admitting the truth regarding his 12th Imam)


You are a liar!  As admitted per the Saudi Foreign Minister and others, Yemen was going through a transfer-of-power when the Houthis announced their uprising.  The leader of the Houthis lived, and was condition, in Iran.  Saudi Arabia did not start the strikes until the incoming leader of Yemen, who was under house arrest, somehow fled to the nearby city not occupied by Houthis and asked for help from the Gulf Countries.  So the Saudis got involved months after the uprising was announced.  And why wouldn't they?  Wouldn't Iran, if it is able to do so, go after a militia group seeking to upset the balance in its neighboring country?

I am glad you made it clear that Iran wants peace and protection for Shia Muslims.  I wonder why the Houthis are important to them given that they're Zaidis, not Ithna Asharis, with whom they have fundamental creedal differences.

"You are a liar"

Nope. You are. And the reason is your hatred for Shias.

"As admitted per the Saudi Foreign Minister and others"

Don't believe in and follow an individual or one side.

"I am glad you made it clear that Iran wants peace and protection for Shia Muslims.  I wonder why the Houthis are important to them given that they're Zaidis, not Ithna Asharis, with whom they have fundamental creedal differences"

This prove Iran wants best for the entire Ummah. It's your kind that are always the cause of division and trouble. Would your kind and the Saudis do the same for whom they have fundamental creedal differences?


Houthis are being killed by the Saudis. It's the Saudis interfering in the election process of another country (Yemen) and who should or shouldn't rule it. It's the Saudis who are killing innocent Muslims with the air strikes. Iran doesn't want to create anything. It just wants peace and protection for Shia Muslims.

Iran doesn’t want to create anything? So why are they supplying and arming houthis? To fire flowers??
My point was if others befriend terrorists in Iran then Iran does the same to others like Yemen.


Nope. You are. And the reason is your hatred for Shias.

You could have presented evidence that contradicted my statement.  The best you could do, however, was to call me a liar back.  Even if we assume that I hate Shias, you still haven't countered my statement.

Don't believe in and follow an individual or one side.

Then tell us what the Iranian narrative is.....the problem for you, and Iran at large, is that the Saudis have wisened up.  I said this earlier and I will say it again.  By 2030, the vast majority of Ummah who sees Iran as the sole voice of resistance will pity themselves for believing that at some point in their lives.

This prove Iran wants best for the entire Ummah. It's your kind that are always the cause of division and trouble. Would your kind and the Saudis do the same for whom they have fundamental creedal differences?

Iran is NOT supporting the Houthis because it wants the best for the Ummah.  Iran is supporting a Zaydi group the leader of which lived in Iran and pledged allegiance to Iran.  Thanks to the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Saudi Arabia, I finally got a chance to see their side of the story and after doing my own research, it is pretty clear that Iran is no better than Saudi Arabia, possibly worse!
"Our coward ran from those in authority" - Iceman (admitting the truth regarding his 12th Imam)


You could have presented evidence that contradicted my statement.  The best you could do, however, was to call me a liar back.  Even if we assume that I hate Shias, you still haven't countered my statement.

Then tell us what the Iranian narrative is.....the problem for you, and Iran at large, is that the Saudis have wisened up.  I said this earlier and I will say it again.  By 2030, the vast majority of Ummah who sees Iran as the sole voice of resistance will pity themselves for believing that at some point in their lives.

Iran is NOT supporting the Houthis because it wants the best for the Ummah.  Iran is supporting a Zaydi group the leader of which lived in Iran and pledged allegiance to Iran.  Thanks to the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Saudi Arabia, I finally got a chance to see their side of the story and after doing my own research, it is pretty clear that Iran is no better than Saudi Arabia, possibly worse!

"You could have presented evidence that contradicted my statement.  The best you could do, however, was to call me a liar back"

You call me a liar without answering or addressing anything at all as usual but have a problem with me calling you a liar. You're funny.

"Even if we assume that I hate Shias, you still haven't countered my statement"

You're a fine one to speak. You haven't answered or addressed anything ever. All you've come up with is irrelevant stuff like Imams and atoms or the 12th hiding in a cave etc etc. So look who's talking.

"Then tell us what the Iranian narrative is"

Untiy amongst Muslims which your kind are a threat to. This is something the rest of the Muslims don't understand. And this is exactly where the west is taken advantage of and has been for sometime.

:the problem for you, and Iran at large, is that the Saudis have wisened up"

All the Saudis and the gulf states are about is fatness and money on oil. They by and get things done for them. They get protection from the West because they can't defend themselves. When Saddam invaded Kuwait the Saudis shivered and begged the west to come to their aid. Iran is more than capable of protecting itself. There is no comparison with Iran in that region. A country (Iran) that is isolated by the West and by its own in the region is so strong compared to Saudi which is well looked after. Let these facts sink in to you.

:I said this earlier and I will say it again.  By 2030, the vast majority of Ummah who sees Iran as the sole voice of resistance will pity themselves for believing that at some point in their lives"

There's no harm in dreaming. Keep dreaming.

"Iran is NOT supporting the Houthis because it wants the best for the Ummah.  Iran is supporting a Zaydi group the leader of which lived in Iran and pledged allegiance to Iran"

The Houthis have every right to be protected when they're attacked by Saudi Arabia or who ever. Iran has every right to protect the oppressed. Pledging allegiance to Iran is no crime just as being a puppet or poodle to the west. Everything goes when it comes to others. That's how I think Iran should start seeing it.

"Thanks to the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Saudi Arabia, I finally got a chance to see their side of the story and after doing my own research"

Now listen to the other side and get to see their side of the story. Take off those bias goggles.

"It is pretty clear that Iran is no better than Saudi Arabia, possibly worse"

Better or worse, good or bad, Iran needs to start protecting itself and its interest within the region. Those who don't play fair and just and by principles that's how you need to deal with them.


All the Saudis and the gulf states are about is fatness and money on oil. They by and get things done for them. They get protection from the West because they can't defend themselves.

So then why does your kind cry foul when Saudi fighter jets bomb the crap out of the Houthis in Yemen?  Which is it?  Can the Saudis defend themselves or can they not?

Not to mention that they have successfully intercepted an overwhelming majority of the 100+ ballistic missiles launched at them from Yemen, courtesy of Houthis and Iran!

There's no harm in dreaming. Keep dreaming.

It is not a dream.  Mohammed bin Salman is making it a reality in a hurry so if anything, Iran is living its own nightmare - a wiser Saudi Arabia.

The Houthis have every right to be protected when they're attacked by Saudi Arabia or who ever.

Houthis started this mess - it is a well-known fact no matter how hard you try to deny it - and those who start a war should not be protected for they are transgressors.  They must be defeated and anyone who comes to their defense (Iran) is just as rogue.

Iran has every right to protect the oppressed.

If this is your standard then why do you deny US the same right?  USA was protecting the oppressed in Syria, Lebanon and Iraq when it took out Soleimani.  What is the problem?

Now listen to the other side and get to see their side of the story. Take off those bias goggles.

I was all ears from 2007.....would watch every UN address and CNN interview of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, someone I admired.  But when I saw Iran dance to a different tune when the chickens came home to roost in Syria - after I had watched Iranian officials even cite their own revolution as an inspiring model for the "Arab Spring" - I realized that there was more to the whole thing than what meets the eye.
"Our coward ran from those in authority" - Iceman (admitting the truth regarding his 12th Imam)


So then why does your kind cry foul when Saudi fighter jets bomb the crap out of the Houthis in Yemen?  Which is it?  Can the Saudis defend themselves or can they not?

Not to mention that they have successfully intercepted an overwhelming majority of the 100+ ballistic missiles launched at them from Yemen, courtesy of Houthis and Iran!

It is not a dream.  Mohammed bin Salman is making it a reality in a hurry so if anything, Iran is living its own nightmare - a wiser Saudi Arabia.

Houthis started this mess - it is a well-known fact no matter how hard you try to deny it - and those who start a war should not be protected for they are transgressors.  They must be defeated and anyone who comes to their defense (Iran) is just as rogue.

If this is your standard then why do you deny US the same right?  USA was protecting the oppressed in Syria, Lebanon and Iraq when it took out Soleimani.  What is the problem?

I was all ears from 2007.....would watch every UN address and CNN interview of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, someone I admired.  But when I saw Iran dance to a different tune when the chickens came home to roost in Syria - after I had watched Iranian officials even cite their own revolution as an inspiring model for the "Arab Spring" - I realized that there was more to the whole thing than what meets the eye.

"So then why does your kind cry foul when Saudi fighter jets bomb the crap out of the Houthis in Yemen?"

Since when did my kind cry foul? Your kind are crying foul when Iran decides to help and aid those who are attacked. Get it. Iran helps those who are oppressed and or attacked.

"Which is it?  Can the Saudis defend themselves or can they not?"

How on earth are Saudis defending themselves by bombing Yemen? You've got nothing left in you.

"Not to mention that they have successfully intercepted an overwhelming majority of the 100+ ballistic missiles launched at them from Yemen, courtesy of Houthis and Iran"

Nope. Courtesy of America and the West. Without the West Saudi Arabia is nothing. They can't make or produce. The Saudis don't have it within them. Neither do the Gulfstates.

"It is not a dream.  Mohammed bin Salman is making it a reality in a hurry so if anything, Iran is living its own nightmare - a wiser Saudi Arabia"

Iran has been isolated and underseige since the revolution. No other country would have survived if it was put through what Iran has been. Dig it.

"Houthis started this mess - it is a well-known fact no matter how hard you try to deny it"

Nope. No other country Saudi) has a right to interfere in the affairs of another country (Yemen). If you have an issue then the United Nations are there. And that's exactly what they're there for. There was no war. The Saudis started it. You're just a sick individual based on prejudice towards Shias. Nothing can be done about your sickness.

"and those who start a war should not be protected for they are transgressors.  They must be defeated and anyone who comes to their defense (Iran) is just as rogue"

Really. Where was the Muslim community, infact the international community when Saddam attacked and invaded Iran in September 1980. Was Iran protected. Was Saddam defeated by the Muslim and international community. You're having a laugh. Your kind are full of double standards.

"If this is your standard then why do you deny US the same right?  USA was protecting the oppressed in Syria, Lebanon and Iraq when it took out Soleimani.  What is the problem"

Nope. In Syria the aim of the US was to topple Assad. In Lebanon US has a problem with Hizbullah, not because they're a threat to the US but a threat to Israel, an ally and friend of the US. They took out Soleimani because he was working on bringing Iran and Saudi Arabia to the table. He was working on a merger between the two. The US saw that as a great threat to its interests within that region.


How on earth are Saudis defending themselves by bombing Yemen? You've got nothing left in you.

Saudis are defending themselves, and a neighboring ally, by neutralizing the Houthis.  And because they owe their ally protection and stability, they have been subjected to ballistic missile attacks which they are successfully thwarting.

Nope. Courtesy of America and the West. Without the West Saudi Arabia is nothing. They can't make or produce. The Saudis don't have it within them. Neither do the Gulfstates.

Keep telling yourself that!  When I went for my post-graduate degree, I was surprised at the number of Saudi students in one of my classes, all of whom now have jobs in Saudi Arabia.  As I said, Vision 2030 is moving the Kingdom towards progress by causing them to utilize their resources wisely and invest in their own citizens.

Iran has been isolated and underseige since the revolution. No other country would have survived if it was put through what Iran has been. Dig it.

Whatever you say, Booker T!

Nope. No other country Saudi) has a right to interfere in the affairs of another country (Yemen).

Then why is Iran actively supporting and training the Houthis?  "No other country has a right to interfere" must also be applied to Iran unless you have double standards, which you do!

Really. Where was the Muslim community, infact the international community when Saddam attacked and invaded Iran in September 1980. Was Iran protected.

What has this got to do with our discussion?

Nope. In Syria the aim of the US was to topple Assad. In Lebanon US has a problem with Hizbullah, not because they're a threat to the US but a threat to Israel, an ally and friend of the US. They took out Soleimani because he was working on bringing Iran and Saudi Arabia to the table. He was working on a merger between the two. The US saw that as a great threat to its interests within that region.

I don't care about your analysis.  I am comparing your standard to America's standard and they are the same.  You claim Iran has a right to defend itself and protect it's interests.  USA says the same and they took out Soleimani.  Why do you not afford US the same rights (to defend itself and protect it's interests) that you give to Iran?
« Last Edit: February 11, 2020, 08:21:46 PM by muslim720 »
"Our coward ran from those in authority" - Iceman (admitting the truth regarding his 12th Imam)


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