
Is Bakri an offensive term?

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Re: Is Bakri an offensive term?
« Reply #20 on: February 19, 2018, 08:50:31 PM »
Allah (swt) is capable of giving knowledge to who he wants even if they are a new born. Prophet Isa (as) was given Prophet as a newborn, this isn't an issue for Allah (swt).
Let's start of what the term Al Baqir. Al Baqir means to scrutinize. So, let's scrutinize the references around Prophet Isa (as). Prophet Isa (as)  was given the ability to defend him self. Also there are miracles where Allah spoke through him. This is debate which started between the Mutazilla and the Ahle hadith. Shaykh Saduq himself made Imam Al Rida look like he was jahil in this area.
Next the knowledge that Prophet Isa (as) got was again limited. He again had to rely on Allah for knowledge of the injil. It wasn't like he got knowledge as a baby and then Allah revelation never came to him.
On the contrary for your Imams you believe once they became Imams they access to jafr which is the entire knowledge of the Bible and Israeli Prophets combined. So what you are doing is using qiyas. Yet in your own aqeeda Imam Jafar cursed those who used qiyas. See the irony.

This is among the stories he knew of. Bukhari is filled with stories on the Prophets that were not in the Holy Qur'an. Why is this an argument?
The reason is I am looking at the narrations in your books which define Imamate. Al Jafr gives a problem, and the childhood imamate of the Imams you number 9, 10, 11 and 12.

Yes, Shi'a fought each other and they were subject to criticism. When your sahaba fight, both groups remain adil.

No you are wrong to paint all the Bakri with one brush.
Those who fought against Imam Ali (as) they are regarded as transgressors.

أقوال أئمة أهل السنة والجماعة رضي الله عنهم وتسميتهم البغاة بغاة :

- قال الإمام الحافظ أحمد بن حجر العسقلاني في كتابه تلخيص الحبير ج4\44:

"ثبت أن أهل الجمل وصفين والنهروان بغاة". اهـ.

-Imam Ibn Haj’ar Al-Asqalani in his book “Talkhis AlHabir”, Vol.4 page 44:

“It is established that the people of Jamal, Siffin, and Nahrawan, are transgressors”.

The battel of Siffin was between Ali and Mu’awiya.

- قال الإمام الحافظ أحمد بن حجر العسقلاني في شرح صحيح البخاري ج13ص67:

" وقد ثبت أن من قاتل علياً كانوا بغاة". اهـ.

- Imam Ibn Haj’ar Al-Asqalani in his book : Shar’h Sahih Al-Bukhari, Vol. 13, page 67, said: “It is an established fact that all those who fought against Ali were Transgressors”.

- قال ابن خزيمة فيما روي في" الإعتقاد والهداية" ص248:

" وكل من نازع أميرالمؤمنين علي بن أبي طالب في إمارته فهو باغ , على هذا عهدت مشايخنا وبه قال ابن ادريس-يعني الشافعي-رحمه الله". اهـ.

- Hafeth Ibn Khuzaymah said in his Book “ Al-I’tiqaad”, page 248:

“Everyone who fought Amirul’Muminin Ali bin Abi Taleb during his Khalafah, is a transgressor. On this belief were all our Mashayekh, and this is what ibn Idris (Imam Shafi’iy) said”.

- قال الإمام الحافظ البيهقي رحمه الله تعالى في كتاب مناقب الشافعي ج1ص451:

" قال يحيى: إني نظرت في كتابه –يعني الشافعي- في قتال أهل البغي فإذا به قد احتج من أوله إلى آخره بعلي بن ابي طالب". اهـ. أي بقتال عليّ لأهل البغي.

- Imam Bayhaqi said in his book “manaqeb Al-Shafi’iy”, Vol. 1, page 451:

“ I looked in his book ( Imam Shafi’iy’s book) about fighting Transgressors, and found that he substantiated it all the rules based on Ali bin Abi Taleb”. i.e. Based on his dealings with them.

- قال الإمام الحافظ ابن حجر الهيتمي المكي في فتح الجواد بشرح الإرشاد , باب البغاة وأحكامهم 2\295:

" وقد قال الشافعي رضي الله عنه: أخذت أحكام البغاة من قتال علي لمعاوية". اهـ.

- Imam Ibn Haj’ar Al-Haytami in his book “Fat’h Al-Jawad” Vol.2/295:

“ –Imam- Shafi’iy radiya’Allahu anhu said: I took all the rules of transgressors from Ali fighting Mu’awiyah”.

- قال الامام الحافظ ابن حجر في "الاصابة في تمييز الصحابة" ج3ص508:

"وظهر بقتل عمّار أن الصواب كان مع عليّ واتفق على ذلك أهل السنة". اهـ.

-Imam Ibn Haj’ar in his book “Al-Isabah”, vol.3, page 508, said:

“By killing Ammar, it appeared clearly that the truth was with Ali, and Ahlus Sunnah consent on that”.

"وأما في حرب الجمل وحرب صفين وحرب الخوارج، فالمصيب عليّ، لما ثبت له من الامامة وظهر من التفاوت، لا كلتا الطائفتين على ماهو رأي المصوبة ولا احداهما من غير تعيين".

- The speaking power of Ahlus Sunnah, Imam Sadduddin At-Taftazani ( 793H.) in his infamous book “ Al-Maqased” in elucidation of the Aqidah of Ahlus Sunnah, Vol. 3, page 534, said:

“ as for the battles of Jam’al, Siffin, and Khawarej, the one on the truth is Ali, as the khilafah was already established for him, and the difference between –him and the other side- appeared. It is not that both are right, and not that neither is right”. i.e. the Sahaba with the leadership of Ali are the ones who are right.

Recall Bakris still hold the opinion that Ali was the rightly guided Calipah and not Ayesha, Talha, Zubair or Muawiyah.
« Last Edit: February 19, 2018, 08:51:39 PM by Rationalist »


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