
Makkah vs Karbala

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Makkah vs Karbala
« on: October 13, 2015, 03:38:37 AM »
Alsalam alaykum,

The anonymity of the internet has once again exposed the hearts of those that prefer the creation over the Creator.

Is there a point of return from this? Or are they destined to be cursed by Al Hussain on the day of judgment?


Re: Makkah vs Karbala
« Reply #1 on: October 13, 2015, 03:59:30 AM »
shia narration about ziyara to karbala being thousands time better than hajj, is it authentic?


Re: Makkah vs Karbala
« Reply #2 on: October 13, 2015, 04:03:46 AM »
Good stuff:

If we recognize the essence of Hajj as being intertwined with the tragedy of Karbala, we can then understand why Allah’s mercy encompasses the pilgrims visiting the holy shrine of Imam Hussain on the day of Arafah, even before the pilgrims of Hajj! We will then understand why a special Ziyarat is to be recited for Imam Hussain on the day of Arafah, which is one of the most important deeds that one can do. We will then realize that it is not a coincidence that one of the key recommended deeds to be performed on the day of Arafah is to recite the special beautiful supplication of Imam Hussain for the day of Arafah, which speaks volumes of the level of Irfan and wisdom which Imam Hussain possesses as he summarizes to us in concise words the fundamentals of Tawheed.
إن يتبعون إلا الظن وما تهوى الأنفس

Bolani Muslim

Re: Makkah vs Karbala
« Reply #3 on: October 13, 2015, 04:06:02 AM »
I was taught that Ziyarat is better then Umrah, since the 'infallibles' are out channel to Allah (swt). When the shia-mullah saw I was feeling uncomfortable, he told me "But I wouldn't say this to my Sunni friend if I were you."

Their was also a video on FaceBook on this were 2 Shias moulanas say Ziyarat to Karbala is 1000*1000 better then Hajj, though I have no idea about the authenticity.


Re: Makkah vs Karbala
« Reply #4 on: October 13, 2015, 04:37:32 AM »
@ Hado:

Go to Kamil Al Ziyarat.

First: Ten narrations saying it is like one Umra.

Second: Ten narrations saying it is like one Hajj.

Third: Fifteen narrations saying that it is like one Hajj and Umra.

Finally: Twelve narrations saying it is equal to many Hajj.

The last chapter has an authentic hadith according to Shias saying it is worth a thousand Hajj and a thousand Umra.

May Allah give the fabricator what he deserves. May Allah give those that promote Al Hussain over Him what they deserve.

Wallahi, if a man from the corner of the earth were to accept Islam and live a pious life, then he would enter heaven through the mercy of Allah, even if he never heard of Al Hussain.

Allah has sent a meesenger to guide people from the darkness, to worship Him alone and disassociate from false idols. He did not want this! I do not think a Kaffir from Quraish ever said this!

He wanted them to say Labaik ya Allah, but they wanted to say Labaik ya Hussain! "It is a thousand times better," they said.
« Last Edit: October 13, 2015, 04:50:17 AM by Farid »


Re: Makkah vs Karbala
« Reply #5 on: October 13, 2015, 09:57:20 AM »
@ Hado:

Go to Kamil Al Ziyarat.

First: Ten narrations saying it is like one Umra.

Second: Ten narrations saying it is like one Hajj.

Third: Fifteen narrations saying that it is like one Hajj and Umra.

Finally: Twelve narrations saying it is equal to many Hajj.

ok, i just skimmed thru and what i got so far are 20, 25, 80, 100, 1000 times hajj also equivalent to 30 & 50 times hajj with Rasulullah shallallahu alaihi wasallam. Which one is correct?

Its like trying to work out if mahdi's mother was narjis or saqil or sawsan or khamat or maryam or rayhana or hakima or hahahaha :P

Optimus Prime

Re: Makkah vs Karbala
« Reply #6 on: October 13, 2015, 02:13:06 PM »
@ Hado:

Go to Kamil Al Ziyarat.

First: Ten narrations saying it is like one Umra.

Second: Ten narrations saying it is like one Hajj.

Third: Fifteen narrations saying that it is like one Hajj and Umra.

Finally: Twelve narrations saying it is equal to many Hajj.

The last chapter has an authentic hadith according to Shias saying it is worth a thousand Hajj and a thousand Umra.

May Allah give the fabricator what he deserves. May Allah give those that promote Al Hussain over Him what they deserve.

Wallahi, if a man from the corner of the earth were to accept Islam and live a pious life, then he would enter heaven through the mercy of Allah, even if he never heard of Al Hussain.

Allah has sent a meesenger to guide people from the darkness, to worship Him alone and disassociate from false idols. He did not want this! I do not think a Kaffir from Quraish ever said this!

He wanted them to say Labaik ya Allah, but they wanted to say Labaik ya Hussain! "It is a thousand times better," they said.

They've lost the plot totally.

Also, AntiMajos released old videos they did a while ago exposing such beliefs.


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