It is funny how the likes of Ex-Sufis such as Tijani call the Shias the "true Sunnis", that's what all Shias do, they are so brainwashed they don't even see that in literally every aspect they are far away from the Sunnah. Let me give an example to prove to you how accursed the Rafidah are and how Allah removed the Barakah and even the ETIQUETTES of Salah from them.
Their Salah is a joke, wallahi when I used to be a Shia I felt ashamed, because even IGNORANT Sunnis (rightfully) mocked our prayer. Why? Because even the ignorant Sunni is literally FILLED with the etiquettes of various Sunan (plural of Sunnah) such as:
1. NOT to do any action in prayer before the Imam. Wallahi look at ANY Shia prayer, they always go in ruku3 and Sujood before the Imam and I can post HUNDREDS of evidence, Arab, Persian, Asian i.e. all sort of Rawafidh. Ya3ni they are so far away from the Sunnah that such a simple (but important) etiquette is not being observed by them. They look like laughing stocks.
Yasser Al-Khabeeth clown jama3at lol these are the true Ahlus-Sunnah! Watch how they race and go into Sujood way before him! Sujood!!!
And no, as I said, this is not exceptional this is THE rule you see that with ALL their laymen AND scholars (including Ayadollar$). This one is one of the top joke videos Arabs watch when they wanna have a laugh, the prayer of the "true followers of the Sunnah" where they (as usual) oppose the Sunnah. Look how HALF the jama3a goes to Sujood (!) before the Imam. Something that you won't ever ever see even in the most jahil Sunni jama3a:

Here the clip:
2. I remember once few Lebanese Sunnis came to our Masjid. Average dude, not in dashaadish/thobes and shmaagh, just average Lebanese Sunnis. Even they were SHOCKED when they saw the massive gaps in in the "prayer row" of the "real followers of the Sunnah" (the accursed Rafidah). And no, I am not talking about feet to feet (there is difference of opinion about that, shoulder to shoulder is sufficient acc. to most scholars) but I am talking about a gap as big as a baby Elephant!

3. Not to forget to mention the ugly UN-SUNNAH/ISLAMIC way of reciting the Qur'an. They "recite" the Qur'an as if it is a newspaper (Arab and Persian Rawafidh alike, including the biggest jokes, the "miracles of Allah"/"Ayatullahs"!), wallahi watch any IBADHI/Zaydi or even QADYANI prayer, they all recite better than every single Ayatullat and Rafidah (few exceptions among the Rafidah PROVE the rule and not otherwise!). This is another clear sign that Allah took the sweetness of Iman and Barakah of religious acts from them, whatever they do they look like retards and laughing stocks:
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