
Imam Birgivi and random verdicts

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Imam Birgivi and random verdicts
« on: March 10, 2017, 04:17:16 PM »
as Salam Alaykum.

1) It is well known that in accordance to majority of modern 12-ers Imams have superiority upon Prophets.
In the understanding of majority of Muslims - Imams, like Jafar as Sadiq, al-Baqir or Ali ibn Husayn are without any doubt awliyah of Allah.

As for the matter of superiority, Imam Birgivi, one of the well known Hanafi scholars of Ottoman world (died 1573 m), said in "Tariqatul Muhammadiyah":
"In the books Sharhul Mawaqif and Sharhul Maqasid it is stated that there is agreed opinion (ijma) that prophets are superior to awliyah.
In Sharhul Aqaid it is stated - belief that wali is superior to prophet is heresy and disbelief. How is it possible to be in other way, if such belief belittle prophet and rejects agreed opinion (of Muslims)". Source: Tariqatul Muhammadiyah p 63, Printed by Mualim Nashriyat.

2) Imam Birgivi said (same book page 61): "It is obligation to attribute to disbelief Muhammad ibn Ali Numani, known as "Shaytanu Tak", for his words that Allah doesn't know things till He wants them (to happen) and bring them (to existence)".

3) At page 60, he quoted Fatawa Tatarkhaniya, known Hanafi book: "Who would reject that Allah would be seen in the heaven becomes disbeliever".

4) Page 66, imam quoted book Zuhayriyah: " Whoever would reject Imamate of Abu Bakr would become kaafir in accordance to more correct opinion. In accordance to soundest opinion same would be ruled on person who would reject caliphate of Umar".

I say: Last opinion is well known and accepted in the books of our mazhab. Main reason for such ruling, that this type of rejection means rejection of Ijma, and this is kufr.

Wa Allahu Alam


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Re: Imam Birgivi and random verdicts
« Reply #1 on: March 11, 2017, 09:02:04 PM »
Walaikum Salam wr wb,

Thanks for sharing the info.
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