
Rules of Mutah Marriage Revealed! (Video)

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Re: Rules of Mutah Marriage Revealed! (Video)
« Reply #20 on: July 14, 2016, 05:35:48 AM »
Quick question: while mutah was allowed during G the life of the Prophet, was it okay or do you find it to be wrong then too?

You Shias ask too many questions to introduce new angles to a discussion whereas we nip your concerns in the bud.  I will make it very simple.  I will become a Shia tomorrow if you find me one decent Shia brother who is willing to give me his sister, wife or daughter in mutah.  I'm ready, bismillah!
"Our coward ran from those in authority" - Iceman (admitting the truth regarding his 12th Imam)


Re: Rules of Mutah Marriage Revealed! (Video)
« Reply #21 on: July 14, 2016, 06:17:47 AM »
Quick question: while mutah was allowed during G the life of the Prophet, was it okay or do you find it to be wrong then too?

You Shias ask too many questions to introduce new angles to a discussion whereas we nip your concerns in the bud.  I will make it very simple.  I will become a Shia tomorrow if you find me one decent Shia brother who is willing to give me his sister, wife or daughter in mutah.  I'm ready, bismillah!
Too many questions/angles? It was a pretty simple question. When discussing the rules of mutah, the natural question that came to my mind was how did it compare to the rules during the Prophet's time. It is okay if you can't answer but this video becomes  quite pointless.

Now as your claim that you will become shia if you can find a shia girl to do mutah with. What makes you think any shia girl would have you? They have standards. Also I just confirmed from our secret mutah organization. There is a waiting list for your kind to enter the mutah club. To date none of you have qualified to enter. Failed the minimal IQ test.

Back to the question - rules of mutah during the life of the Prophet and was it okay to do while it was allowed?
New question - the women who entered into mutah back then, we're they anyone's daughter or sister?


Re: Rules of Mutah Marriage Revealed! (Video)
« Reply #22 on: July 14, 2016, 04:22:03 PM »
While Noor-Us-Sunnah may disagree with my line of questioning, we have to start from basics to get to the truth as I am sure you will agree.

Translation, I will perform logical gymnastics, pull-off semantics and hopefully you will give up.  Whereas our approach is simple; you catch a lie, you nip it in the bud.  Basic common sense dictates that liars and those who are guilty wish to buy as much time as possible.

If Hani wasn't biased, he would compare mutah as performed during the time of the Prophet to how it is performed by the shia today. Even if it was banned during the Prophet's life, he would have compared pre-banned mutah to today.

Quick question: while mutah was allowed during G the life of the Prophet, was it okay or do you find it to be wrong then too?

Regardless of the rules. When it was allowed it wasn't Zinah, after the ban it's considered Zinah.
عَلامَةُ أَهْلِ الْبِدَعِ الْوَقِيعَةُ فِي أَهْلِ الأَثَرِ. وَعَلامَةُ الْجَهْمِيَّةِ أَنْ يُسَمُّوا أَهْلَ السُّنَّةِ مُشَبِّهَةً. وَعَلامَةُ الْقَدَرِيَّةِ أَنْ يُسَمُّوا أَهْلَ السُّنَّةِ مُجَبِّرَةً. وَعَلامَةُ الزَّنَادِقَةِ أَنْ يُسَمُّوا أَهْلَ الأَثَرِ حَشْوِيَّةً

Religion = simple & clear


Re: Rules of Mutah Marriage Revealed! (Video)
« Reply #23 on: July 14, 2016, 04:24:17 PM »
Quick question: while mutah was allowed during G the life of the Prophet, was it okay or do you find it to be wrong then too?

You Shias ask too many questions to introduce new angles to a discussion whereas we nip your concerns in the bud.  I will make it very simple.  I will become a Shia tomorrow if you find me one decent Shia brother who is willing to give me his sister, wife or daughter in mutah.  I'm ready, bismillah!
Too many questions/angles? It was a pretty simple question. When discussing the rules of mutah, the natural question that came to my mind was how did it compare to the rules during the Prophet's time. It is okay if you can't answer but this video becomes  quite pointless.

Now as your claim that you will become shia if you can find a shia girl to do mutah with. What makes you think any shia girl would have you? They have standards. Also I just confirmed from our secret mutah organization. There is a waiting list for your kind to enter the mutah club. To date none of you have qualified to enter. Failed the minimal IQ test.

Back to the question - rules of mutah during the life of the Prophet and was it okay to do while it was allowed?
New question - the women who entered into mutah back then, we're they anyone's daughter or sister?

We already gave you one of its rules, as stated by ibn Abbas. It already conflicts with your Shia circus.
عَلامَةُ أَهْلِ الْبِدَعِ الْوَقِيعَةُ فِي أَهْلِ الأَثَرِ. وَعَلامَةُ الْجَهْمِيَّةِ أَنْ يُسَمُّوا أَهْلَ السُّنَّةِ مُشَبِّهَةً. وَعَلامَةُ الْقَدَرِيَّةِ أَنْ يُسَمُّوا أَهْلَ السُّنَّةِ مُجَبِّرَةً. وَعَلامَةُ الزَّنَادِقَةِ أَنْ يُسَمُّوا أَهْلَ الأَثَرِ حَشْوِيَّةً

Religion = simple & clear


Re: Rules of Mutah Marriage Revealed! (Video)
« Reply #24 on: July 14, 2016, 05:54:00 PM »
Too many questions/angles? It was a pretty simple question. When discussing the rules of mutah, the natural question that came to my mind was how did it compare to the rules during the Prophet's time. It is okay if you can't answer but this video becomes quite pointless.

What is natural is to know and accept is that the practice is haraam.  The real question is, why do you defend a haraam practice?

Now as your claim that you will become shia if you can find a shia girl to do mutah with. What makes you think any shia girl would have you? They have standards. Also I just confirmed from our secret mutah organization. There is a waiting list for your kind to enter the mutah club. To date none of you have qualified to enter. Failed the minimal IQ test.

Again, a logical fallacy.  You built your own premise in the very first sentence and then attacked it as though you were refuting me.  I did not say I want to find a Shia girl to do mutah with; I asked you (since you are a man, at least anatomically) to find me a Shia brother who would happily allow me to enter into a mutah contract with his wife, sister or daughter.  And the reason why I asked such a question is to appeal to gheera of those who seem to have lost it. 

It is easy to claim for something to be halaal when you are on the receiving end of pleasure with money being the only liability and after intercourse, "Allah creates for every drop (of water) that drops from him seventy angels seeking forgiveness for him until the day of the resurrection and cursing the avoider of it (i.e. of mut`a) until the Hour rises". 

If mutah is Sunnah, I want to see Shia brothers motivate their women as much as they motivate their men (to take part in this Sunnah).  After all, it is another Shia hadith which states, "And by the isnad from Ibn `Isa from Ibn al-Hajjaj from al-`Ala from Muhammad b. Muslim from Abu `Abdillah عليه السلام. He said: He said to me: Have you done mut`a?  I said: No.  He said: Do not leave the world until you have revived the Sunnah."

New question - the women who entered into mutah back then, we're they anyone's daughter or sister?

I repeat, I am willing to become Shia today if a Shia brother happily allows for me to enter in mutah with his daughter, sister or wife tomorrow.
« Last Edit: July 14, 2016, 05:55:39 PM by muslim720 »
"Our coward ran from those in authority" - Iceman (admitting the truth regarding his 12th Imam)

Abu Muhammad

Re: Rules of Mutah Marriage Revealed! (Video)
« Reply #25 on: July 14, 2016, 06:09:07 PM »

You want the rules during the lifetime of Rasulullah s.a.w., please take your time to read this...

(For full article,  go to this link...

The Reality of Mut`ah in the Early Years of Islam

The form of Mut`ah that was permitted in the earlier years of Islam is in no way the same as the Mut`ah described in the books of the Shi`ah. The Mut`ah practiced by the Shi`ah is zina and has never been permitted for any individual in this ummah. Zina is a vile and immoral act, which is detested in the shari`ah of Islam. In fact, the shari`ah has stipulated severe punishments for the perpetrators of zina, in order to safeguard one’s honour and chastity, and put an end to this illicit practice.

Mowlana Muhammad Idris Khandhlawi rahimahu Llah writes:

The Mut`ah that was permissible, i.e. not prohibited, in the early years of Islam was actually Nikah Muwaqqat. Nikah Muwaqqat is when a person marries a woman for a fixed period, in the presence of witnesses and with the permission of the representative of the bride. When the stipulated period expires then she was separated from him without talaq but it was incumbent upon her to observe a period of waiting of one menstrual cycle, in order to confirm that no child was conceived from this marriage. This form of nikah had a doubtful status, between that of an orthodox marriage and zina.

In Nikah Muwaqqat it was essential for it to be performed before witnesses and with the permission of the representative of the bride. If another person wished to marry her thereafter then he would have to wait until the period of waiting of one menstrual cycle was completed, and marriage before that was not permissible.[6]

This makes it clear that the Mut`ah which was permitted in the early period of Islam is not the same as the Mut`ah propagated by the Shi`ah. They are entirely different and in fact contradict each other. This was in actual fact Nikah Muwaqqat and not the Shi`ah Mut`ah. The words of nikah and marriage are clearly mentioned in narrations.

1. `Abd Allah ibn Mas`ud radiya Llahu `anhu says:

فرخص لنا ذلك ان نتزوج المرؤة

We were permitted to perform nikah (Mut`ah) with a woman.[7]

In another narration it is mentioned:

نهى عن نكاح متعة

Nikah al-Mut`ah was prohibited.[8]

Imam al-Bukhari rahimahu Llah, Imam Muslim rahimahu Llah, Imam al-Tirmidhi rahimahu Llah and other Muhaddithin have all dedicated separate chapters to the topic of Nikah al-Mut`ah, where they prove that it was a formal nikah. The words of marriage mentioned in these narrations prove beyond doubt that this Mut`ah is not the same as the Mut`ah of the Shi`ah, and in fact this was Nikah Muwaqqat.

المتعة المذكورة هى نكاح الموقت

The Mut`ah mentioned (in these narrations) is actually Nikah Muwaqqat.[9]

Mowlana Shabbir Ahmad `Uthmani rahimahu Llah writes:

ان المتعة التى ياثرها من الصحابة انما كات لبى اجل اعنى النكاح الموقت و هكذا وقع فى حديث بسرة عند ابن جرير بلفظ تزوجتها كان هو النكاح الموقت

The Mut`ah which the Sahabah radiya Llahu `anhum mention is in actual fact Nikah Muwaqqat. The narration of Busrah radiya Llahu `anhu, reported by Ibn Jarir rahimahu Llah, which contains the words tazwij (to wed) proves that this was Nikah Muwaqqat.”[10]

One can easily conclude that the Mut`ah which was permitted in the early years of Islam was in actual fact Nikah Muwaqqat. According to the elucidation of the `ulamaʼ of Ahl al-Sunnah in this form of nikah it was incumbent upon the husband to provide maintenance and shelter to the wife as opposed to the Mut`ah which the Shi`ah describe. Once again one should bear in mind that this very Nikah Muwaqqat was also prohibited by Rasulullah salla Llahu `alayhi wa sallam through divine decree, yet the Shi`i Mut`ah continues to remain permissible.

اِنَّا لِلّٰهِ وَ اِنَّا اِلَيْهِ رَاجِعُوْنَ

To Allah do we belong and unto him shall we return.

2. In addition, Nikah Muwaqqat was not permitted for a long period. Instead it was permitted for only three days under extreme circumstances. Allamah al-Qurtubi rahimahu Llah writes:

الروايات كلها متفقه على ان زمن اباحة المتعة لم يبطل

All the narrations are agreed on one point that the period when Mut`ah was permitted was extremely short.[11]

This means that all the ahadith support the fact that Nikah Muwaqqat was permitted only for a few days. Some narrations mention that it was permitted for three days only, after which it was announced that it has been forbidden perpetually. After Rasulullah salla Llahu `alayhi wa sallam has decreed its prohibition then no person has the authority to issue a ruling of its permissibility.

Whichever person or group issues a ruling of its permissibility will in other words be claiming to have the right of nubuwwah and will be defying the din of Islam, after which it is impossible to include such a person in the fold of Islam.

3. Nikah Muwaqqat would take place in the presence of witnesses and with the permission of the representative of the bride. This did not take place in secret and was not a covert affair. Instead it was public and made known to all that a certain woman had entered into Nikah Muwaqqat with a certain man.

On the contrary those who perform Mut`ah do not have the courage to make such a public announcement nor will they ever have because they are committing zina and fornicators lack such ability. Mowlana Shabbir Ahmad `Uthmani rahimahu Llah writes:

كان هو النكاح الموقت بحضرة الشهود كما يدل عليه حديث سليمان بن يسار عن ام عبد الله بنت ابلا خيثمة عن رجل من اصحاب النبى (صلى الله عليه و سلم) فى قصة عند ابن جرير و فيه فشارطها و اشهدوا على ذلك عدولا

This was Nikah Muwaqqat which took place before witnesses, just as the narration of Sulayman ibn Yasar, reported by Umm `Abd Allah, the daughter of Abu Khaythamah, from a Sahabi of Rasulullah salla Llahu `alayhi wa sallam and which Ibn Jarir referred to, proves that this condition was made with a woman and two reliable individuals witnessed this.[12]

Mowlana Muhammad Idris Khandhlawi rahimahu Llah writes:

In this form of Nikah al-Mut`ah was necessary for the proposal and acceptance as well as the permission of the representative to occur before witnesses.[13]

Ibn `Atiyah rahimahu Llah writes:

و كانت المتعة ان يتزوج الرجل بشاهدين و اذن الولى الى اجل مسمى

Mut`ah was when a man married a woman before two witnesses and the permission of the bride’s representative until a stipulate time.[14]

When differentiating between Nikah Muwaqqat and Mut`ah, the fuqaha’ write:

و عدم اشتراطها للشهود فى المتعة و فى الموقت الشهود

Mut`ah (of the Shi`ah) witnesses are not required and in Nikah Muwaqqat they are.[15]

Mowlana Muhammad Hasan Samali rahimahu Llah writes:

ان حضور الشهود غير مشروط فى المتعة و امدنما هى فى الموقت و هذا هو الفرق بينهما

Witnesses are not a condition (for it to be valid) in Mut`ah whereas it is a condition in Nikah Muwaqqat, and this is the difference between the two.[16]

It is evident from these references that in Nikah Muwaqqat, which was permitted in the early years of Islam, witnesses, permission of the bride and public announcement were all essential whereas it is not required in the Shi`i Mut`ah. Ponder deeply over the differences between the two.

If you are unsatisfied with the statements of the `Ulamaʼ Ahl al-Sunnah then listen to the Shi`i scholar Shaykh al-Tusi, who affirms our substantiation. Mu`alla ibn Khunays says that he asked Imam Ja`far al-Sadiq rahimahu Llah:

و جعلت فداك كان المسلمون على عهد النبى (صلى الله عليه و سلم و أله) يتزوجون بغير بغية؟ قال لا

May I be sacrificed for you! Did the Muslims marry without witnesses during the time of Rasulullah salla Llahu `alayhi wa sallam? Imam Ja`far al-Sadiq replied: “No!”[17]

Shaykh al-Tusi writes:

انهم ما تزوجوا الا ببينة و ذلك هو افضل

Verily they would not marry without witnesses and this is best.[18]

We learn from this that the Nikah Muwaqqat that was permitted in the early period of Islam would occur in the presence of two witnesses and they never performed a nikah without witnesses being present. However, despite them adhering to this, Rasulullah salla Llahu `alayhi wa sallam still announced its prohibition. Where is Mut`ah from Nikah Muwaqqat? Mut`ah was never permitted before or after and nor can it be ever permitted.

4. The permission that was granted for Nikah Muwaqqat was given in extreme circumstances and not permitted for every single individual. `Abd Allah ibn `Abbas radiya Llahu `anhu, whom the Shi`ah cite as proof the most, explained the circumstances in which it was permitted and the level of its permissibility, when the ruling of its permissibility was attributed to him. He said:

و الله ما بهذا افتيت ولا اردت ولا احللت منها الا ما احل الله من الميتة و الدم و لحم الخنزير

I take an oath by Allah, I never issued any such ruling nor have I intended to do so. I have not permitted anything from it except to the extent of what Allah has made permissible from carrion, blood and the meat of pigs.

It is narrated that his servant once asked him regarding this, that if it was only permitted in extreme conditions and he replied that it was.[19]

Ibn Abi `Amrah radiya Llahu `anhu also says:

انها كانت رخصة فى اول الاسلام لمن اضطر اليها كالميتة و الدم و لحم الخنزير ثم لحكم الله الدين و نهى عنه

Nikah Muwaqqat was permitted in the early years of Islam for those in extreme circumstances, just as carrion, blood and meat of pigs (is permitted in extreme circumstances), then Allah established the laws of din and forbade it.[20]

One learns from this that Ibn `Abbas radiya Llahu `anhu denied the outright permissibility of Nikah Muwaqqat and that it was never his intention to rule on its permissibility. Instead he only regarded it as permissible in extreme circumstances, just as it is permissible for a person to consume carrion, blood or swine in extremes circumstances, and there will be no admonishment for doing so.

However, not one single person claims that they are halal in all circumstances. These laws pertain to extreme circumstances and not in normal conditions and Ibn `Abbas radiya Llahu `anhu even went as far as displaying his abhorrence to its permissibility by including it with the likes of carrion, blood and swine.

Nevertheless, one should keep in mind that when Ibn `Abbas radiya Llahu `anhu heard the proofs and substantiations of `Ali radiya Llahu `anhu and the other Sahabah radiya Llahu `anhum he withdrew his previous opinion and ruled that it is forbidden in all circumstances. In doing so he removed any chance of its permissibility.

5. This permissibility of Nikah Muwaqqat was only allowed when on journey and was not permitted for those residing in the town. Imam Tahawi rahimahu Llah writes:

كل هؤلاء الذين رووا عن النبى (صلى الله عليه و سلم) اطلاقها اجزوا انها كات فى سفر و ان النهى لحقها فى ذلك فمنع منها و ليس احد منهم يجز انها كانت فى حضر و كذلك روى عن ابن مسعود

All those who narrated that Rasulullah salla Llahu `alayhi wa sallam had permitted Mut`ah, narrate that it was permissible on journey and it was prohibited in that very same journey. Not one single narrator reported that this permissibility was when residing at home, as is apparent from the narration of Ibn Mas`ud radiya Llahu `anhu that this applies only while on journey.[21]

Imam Hazimi rahimahu Llah says:

و انما كان ذلك فى اسفارهم و لم يبلغنا ان النبى (صلى الله عليه و سلم) اباحة لهم عى بيوتهم

This permissibility was only while on journey and not one single narration has reached us that Rasulullah salla Llahu `alayhi wa sallam permit it for them while residing in their homes.[22]

One learns from the narrations of hadith that its prohibition was revealed whilst on that very journey and Rasulullah salla Llahu `alayhi wa sallam ordered the Sahabah to separate from those women. This makes it clear that

This was restricted to that journey and was not permitted while at home.
Its prohibition was announced in this very journey.
Since Rasulullah salla Llahu `alayhi wa sallam announced its prohibition until the Day of Qiyamah in accordance to Allah’s decree, whether on journey or at home it is forbidden in all circumstances.

The Iranian president Rafsanjani, abandons all these proofs and permits it entirely, saying that one can perform Mut`ah wherever one pleases. Whereas this permission was only granted for a short period of time whilst on a journey and thereafter prohibited. The level to which the Iranian president has stooped to defame the noble teachings of Rasulullah salla Llahu `alayhi wa sallam is indeed disgusting.

6. It was incumbent in Nikah Muwaqqat that when the couple separates, the woman should observe a period of waiting equivalent to one menstrual cycle. She should not marry any other during this period of waiting so that there will be no doubt to the parentage of the child had she conceived. `Ammar says that he asked `Abd Allah ibn `Abbas radiya Llahu `anhu:

هل عليها عدة قال نعم حيضة

Does she have to observe a period of waiting and he replied: “Yes, one menstrual cycle.”[23]

This implies that if she did conceive then the child will be named after his father. This is the reason why witnesses and the representative of the bride were necessary, so that they will be able to bear witness that it is his child.

However, according to the Shi`ah definition of Mut`ah there is neither need for witnesses, representative of the bride nor any need for public announcement. This would imply that if the woman does conceive then the child will have no father. It is uncertain with how many men she might have performed Mut`ah with, in nine months. Will any person be willing to take responsibility in such a case?

Even the initial condition of Nikah Muwaqqat has been abrogated and its prohibition announced until the Day of Qiyamah. Now if any person were to rule on its permissibility then it will be direct contradiction with the law of shari`ah, which will open the doors of sin, shamelessness and immorality, which Islam strictly opposes.

In essence the narration of `Abd Allah ibn `Abbas radiya Llahu `anhu permitting Mut`ah should be read with the explanations mentioned above and then one should decide whether Ibn `Abbas radiya Llahu `anhu actually regarded it as permissible or not. The truth of the matter is that he did not, especially after hearing the proofs from `Ali radiya Llahu `anhu, Muhammad ibn Hanafiyyah rahimahu Llah as well as the other Sahabah. He then withdrew his previous opinion regarding Mut`ah and announced his repentance from his previous opinion.

Now for anyone to claim that Ibn `Abbas radiya Llahu `anhu regarded it as opinion is a great injustice and a complete fabrication.


Re: Rules of Mutah Marriage Revealed! (Video)
« Reply #26 on: July 14, 2016, 09:34:46 PM »
Regardless of the rules. When it was allowed it wasn't Zinah, after the ban it's considered Zinah.
glad you clarified that. so then the discussion is whether it was disallowed or not?

We already gave you one of its rules, as stated by ibn Abbas. It already conflicts with your Shia circus.
Which one?

I repeat, I am willing to become Shia today if a Shia brother happily allows for me to enter in mutah with his daughter, sister or wife tomorrow.
Perhaps in your world, you force women into marriages and submision. Not in shia world. Find a shia girl who is willing and then we can talk.


Re: Rules of Mutah Marriage Revealed! (Video)
« Reply #27 on: July 14, 2016, 09:47:43 PM »

You want the rules during the lifetime of Rasulullah s.a.w., please take your time to read this...

(For full article,  go to this link...

The Reality of Mut`ah in the Early Years of Islam

The form of Mut`ah that was permitted in the earlier years of Islam is in no way the same as the Mut`ah described in the books of the Shi`ah. The Mut`ah practiced by the Shi`ah is zina and has never been permitted for any individual in this ummah. Zina is a vile and immoral act, which is detested in the shari`ah of Islam. In fact, the shari`ah has stipulated severe punishments for the perpetrators of zina, in order to safeguard one’s honour and chastity, and put an end to this illicit practice.

Mowlana Muhammad Idris Khandhlawi rahimahu Llah writes:

The Mut`ah that was permissible, i.e. not prohibited, in the early years of Islam was actually Nikah Muwaqqat. Nikah Muwaqqat is when a person marries a woman for a fixed period, in the presence of witnesses and with the permission of the representative of the bride. When the stipulated period expires then she was separated from him without talaq but it was incumbent upon her to observe a period of waiting of one menstrual cycle, in order to confirm that no child was conceived from this marriage. This form of nikah had a doubtful status, between that of an orthodox marriage and zina.

In Nikah Muwaqqat it was essential for it to be performed before witnesses and with the permission of the representative of the bride. If another person wished to marry her thereafter then he would have to wait until the period of waiting of one menstrual cycle was completed, and marriage before that was not permissible.[6]

This makes it clear that the Mut`ah which was permitted in the early period of Islam is not the same as the Mut`ah propagated by the Shi`ah. They are entirely different and in fact contradict each other. This was in actual fact Nikah Muwaqqat and not the Shi`ah Mut`ah. The words of nikah and marriage are clearly mentioned in narrations.

1. `Abd Allah ibn Mas`ud radiya Llahu `anhu says:

فرخص لنا ذلك ان نتزوج المرؤة

We were permitted to perform nikah (Mut`ah) with a woman.[7]

In another narration it is mentioned:

نهى عن نكاح متعة

Nikah al-Mut`ah was prohibited.[8]

Imam al-Bukhari rahimahu Llah, Imam Muslim rahimahu Llah, Imam al-Tirmidhi rahimahu Llah and other Muhaddithin have all dedicated separate chapters to the topic of Nikah al-Mut`ah, where they prove that it was a formal nikah. The words of marriage mentioned in these narrations prove beyond doubt that this Mut`ah is not the same as the Mut`ah of the Shi`ah, and in fact this was Nikah Muwaqqat.

المتعة المذكورة هى نكاح الموقت

The Mut`ah mentioned (in these narrations) is actually Nikah Muwaqqat.[9]

Mowlana Shabbir Ahmad `Uthmani rahimahu Llah writes:

ان المتعة التى ياثرها من الصحابة انما كات لبى اجل اعنى النكاح الموقت و هكذا وقع فى حديث بسرة عند ابن جرير بلفظ تزوجتها كان هو النكاح الموقت

The Mut`ah which the Sahabah radiya Llahu `anhum mention is in actual fact Nikah Muwaqqat. The narration of Busrah radiya Llahu `anhu, reported by Ibn Jarir rahimahu Llah, which contains the words tazwij (to wed) proves that this was Nikah Muwaqqat.”[10]

One can easily conclude that the Mut`ah which was permitted in the early years of Islam was in actual fact Nikah Muwaqqat. According to the elucidation of the `ulamaʼ of Ahl al-Sunnah in this form of nikah it was incumbent upon the husband to provide maintenance and shelter to the wife as opposed to the Mut`ah which the Shi`ah describe. Once again one should bear in mind that this very Nikah Muwaqqat was also prohibited by Rasulullah salla Llahu `alayhi wa sallam through divine decree, yet the Shi`i Mut`ah continues to remain permissible.

اِنَّا لِلّٰهِ وَ اِنَّا اِلَيْهِ رَاجِعُوْنَ

To Allah do we belong and unto him shall we return.

2. In addition, Nikah Muwaqqat was not permitted for a long period. Instead it was permitted for only three days under extreme circumstances. Allamah al-Qurtubi rahimahu Llah writes:

الروايات كلها متفقه على ان زمن اباحة المتعة لم يبطل

All the narrations are agreed on one point that the period when Mut`ah was permitted was extremely short.[11]

This means that all the ahadith support the fact that Nikah Muwaqqat was permitted only for a few days. Some narrations mention that it was permitted for three days only, after which it was announced that it has been forbidden perpetually. After Rasulullah salla Llahu `alayhi wa sallam has decreed its prohibition then no person has the authority to issue a ruling of its permissibility.

Whichever person or group issues a ruling of its permissibility will in other words be claiming to have the right of nubuwwah and will be defying the din of Islam, after which it is impossible to include such a person in the fold of Islam.

3. Nikah Muwaqqat would take place in the presence of witnesses and with the permission of the representative of the bride. This did not take place in secret and was not a covert affair. Instead it was public and made known to all that a certain woman had entered into Nikah Muwaqqat with a certain man.

On the contrary those who perform Mut`ah do not have the courage to make such a public announcement nor will they ever have because they are committing zina and fornicators lack such ability. Mowlana Shabbir Ahmad `Uthmani rahimahu Llah writes:

كان هو النكاح الموقت بحضرة الشهود كما يدل عليه حديث سليمان بن يسار عن ام عبد الله بنت ابلا خيثمة عن رجل من اصحاب النبى (صلى الله عليه و سلم) فى قصة عند ابن جرير و فيه فشارطها و اشهدوا على ذلك عدولا

This was Nikah Muwaqqat which took place before witnesses, just as the narration of Sulayman ibn Yasar, reported by Umm `Abd Allah, the daughter of Abu Khaythamah, from a Sahabi of Rasulullah salla Llahu `alayhi wa sallam and which Ibn Jarir referred to, proves that this condition was made with a woman and two reliable individuals witnessed this.[12]

Mowlana Muhammad Idris Khandhlawi rahimahu Llah writes:

In this form of Nikah al-Mut`ah was necessary for the proposal and acceptance as well as the permission of the representative to occur before witnesses.[13]

Ibn `Atiyah rahimahu Llah writes:

و كانت المتعة ان يتزوج الرجل بشاهدين و اذن الولى الى اجل مسمى

Mut`ah was when a man married a woman before two witnesses and the permission of the bride’s representative until a stipulate time.[14]

When differentiating between Nikah Muwaqqat and Mut`ah, the fuqaha’ write:

و عدم اشتراطها للشهود فى المتعة و فى الموقت الشهود

Mut`ah (of the Shi`ah) witnesses are not required and in Nikah Muwaqqat they are.[15]

Mowlana Muhammad Hasan Samali rahimahu Llah writes:

ان حضور الشهود غير مشروط فى المتعة و امدنما هى فى الموقت و هذا هو الفرق بينهما

Witnesses are not a condition (for it to be valid) in Mut`ah whereas it is a condition in Nikah Muwaqqat, and this is the difference between the two.[16]

It is evident from these references that in Nikah Muwaqqat, which was permitted in the early years of Islam, witnesses, permission of the bride and public announcement were all essential whereas it is not required in the Shi`i Mut`ah. Ponder deeply over the differences between the two.

If you are unsatisfied with the statements of the `Ulamaʼ Ahl al-Sunnah then listen to the Shi`i scholar Shaykh al-Tusi, who affirms our substantiation. Mu`alla ibn Khunays says that he asked Imam Ja`far al-Sadiq rahimahu Llah:

و جعلت فداك كان المسلمون على عهد النبى (صلى الله عليه و سلم و أله) يتزوجون بغير بغية؟ قال لا

May I be sacrificed for you! Did the Muslims marry without witnesses during the time of Rasulullah salla Llahu `alayhi wa sallam? Imam Ja`far al-Sadiq replied: “No!”[17]

Shaykh al-Tusi writes:

انهم ما تزوجوا الا ببينة و ذلك هو افضل

Verily they would not marry without witnesses and this is best.[18]

We learn from this that the Nikah Muwaqqat that was permitted in the early period of Islam would occur in the presence of two witnesses and they never performed a nikah without witnesses being present. However, despite them adhering to this, Rasulullah salla Llahu `alayhi wa sallam still announced its prohibition. Where is Mut`ah from Nikah Muwaqqat? Mut`ah was never permitted before or after and nor can it be ever permitted.

4. The permission that was granted for Nikah Muwaqqat was given in extreme circumstances and not permitted for every single individual. `Abd Allah ibn `Abbas radiya Llahu `anhu, whom the Shi`ah cite as proof the most, explained the circumstances in which it was permitted and the level of its permissibility, when the ruling of its permissibility was attributed to him. He said:

و الله ما بهذا افتيت ولا اردت ولا احللت منها الا ما احل الله من الميتة و الدم و لحم الخنزير

I take an oath by Allah, I never issued any such ruling nor have I intended to do so. I have not permitted anything from it except to the extent of what Allah has made permissible from carrion, blood and the meat of pigs.

It is narrated that his servant once asked him regarding this, that if it was only permitted in extreme conditions and he replied that it was.[19]

Ibn Abi `Amrah radiya Llahu `anhu also says:

انها كانت رخصة فى اول الاسلام لمن اضطر اليها كالميتة و الدم و لحم الخنزير ثم لحكم الله الدين و نهى عنه

Nikah Muwaqqat was permitted in the early years of Islam for those in extreme circumstances, just as carrion, blood and meat of pigs (is permitted in extreme circumstances), then Allah established the laws of din and forbade it.[20]

One learns from this that Ibn `Abbas radiya Llahu `anhu denied the outright permissibility of Nikah Muwaqqat and that it was never his intention to rule on its permissibility. Instead he only regarded it as permissible in extreme circumstances, just as it is permissible for a person to consume carrion, blood or swine in extremes circumstances, and there will be no admonishment for doing so.

However, not one single person claims that they are halal in all circumstances. These laws pertain to extreme circumstances and not in normal conditions and Ibn `Abbas radiya Llahu `anhu even went as far as displaying his abhorrence to its permissibility by including it with the likes of carrion, blood and swine.

Nevertheless, one should keep in mind that when Ibn `Abbas radiya Llahu `anhu heard the proofs and substantiations of `Ali radiya Llahu `anhu and the other Sahabah radiya Llahu `anhum he withdrew his previous opinion and ruled that it is forbidden in all circumstances. In doing so he removed any chance of its permissibility.

5. This permissibility of Nikah Muwaqqat was only allowed when on journey and was not permitted for those residing in the town. Imam Tahawi rahimahu Llah writes:

كل هؤلاء الذين رووا عن النبى (صلى الله عليه و سلم) اطلاقها اجزوا انها كات فى سفر و ان النهى لحقها فى ذلك فمنع منها و ليس احد منهم يجز انها كانت فى حضر و كذلك روى عن ابن مسعود

All those who narrated that Rasulullah salla Llahu `alayhi wa sallam had permitted Mut`ah, narrate that it was permissible on journey and it was prohibited in that very same journey. Not one single narrator reported that this permissibility was when residing at home, as is apparent from the narration of Ibn Mas`ud radiya Llahu `anhu that this applies only while on journey.[21]

Imam Hazimi rahimahu Llah says:

و انما كان ذلك فى اسفارهم و لم يبلغنا ان النبى (صلى الله عليه و سلم) اباحة لهم عى بيوتهم

This permissibility was only while on journey and not one single narration has reached us that Rasulullah salla Llahu `alayhi wa sallam permit it for them while residing in their homes.[22]

One learns from the narrations of hadith that its prohibition was revealed whilst on that very journey and Rasulullah salla Llahu `alayhi wa sallam ordered the Sahabah to separate from those women. This makes it clear that

This was restricted to that journey and was not permitted while at home.
Its prohibition was announced in this very journey.
Since Rasulullah salla Llahu `alayhi wa sallam announced its prohibition until the Day of Qiyamah in accordance to Allah’s decree, whether on journey or at home it is forbidden in all circumstances.

The Iranian president Rafsanjani, abandons all these proofs and permits it entirely, saying that one can perform Mut`ah wherever one pleases. Whereas this permission was only granted for a short period of time whilst on a journey and thereafter prohibited. The level to which the Iranian president has stooped to defame the noble teachings of Rasulullah salla Llahu `alayhi wa sallam is indeed disgusting.

6. It was incumbent in Nikah Muwaqqat that when the couple separates, the woman should observe a period of waiting equivalent to one menstrual cycle. She should not marry any other during this period of waiting so that there will be no doubt to the parentage of the child had she conceived. `Ammar says that he asked `Abd Allah ibn `Abbas radiya Llahu `anhu:

هل عليها عدة قال نعم حيضة

Does she have to observe a period of waiting and he replied: “Yes, one menstrual cycle.”[23]

This implies that if she did conceive then the child will be named after his father. This is the reason why witnesses and the representative of the bride were necessary, so that they will be able to bear witness that it is his child.

However, according to the Shi`ah definition of Mut`ah there is neither need for witnesses, representative of the bride nor any need for public announcement. This would imply that if the woman does conceive then the child will have no father. It is uncertain with how many men she might have performed Mut`ah with, in nine months. Will any person be willing to take responsibility in such a case?

Even the initial condition of Nikah Muwaqqat has been abrogated and its prohibition announced until the Day of Qiyamah. Now if any person were to rule on its permissibility then it will be direct contradiction with the law of shari`ah, which will open the doors of sin, shamelessness and immorality, which Islam strictly opposes.

In essence the narration of `Abd Allah ibn `Abbas radiya Llahu `anhu permitting Mut`ah should be read with the explanations mentioned above and then one should decide whether Ibn `Abbas radiya Llahu `anhu actually regarded it as permissible or not. The truth of the matter is that he did not, especially after hearing the proofs from `Ali radiya Llahu `anhu, Muhammad ibn Hanafiyyah rahimahu Llah as well as the other Sahabah. He then withdrew his previous opinion regarding Mut`ah and announced his repentance from his previous opinion.

Now for anyone to claim that Ibn `Abbas radiya Llahu `anhu regarded it as opinion is a great injustice and a complete fabrication.

Finally something of value on this site. Thank you brother. Here are my brief notes. I have color coded (green where similar and red where different). Please feel free to make corrections and then we can have a proper adult conversation.

Nikah Muwaqqat: Limited time period (max of 3 days possibly)
Mutah: Limited time period (days not determined)

Nikah Muwaqqat: should be done in extreme circumstances; preference is permanent marriage
Mutah: should be done in extreme circumstances; preference is permanent marriage

Nikah Muwaqqat: iddah
Mutah: iddah

Nikah Muwaqqat: re-marry only after iddah complete
Mutah: re-marry only after iddah complete

Nikah Muwaqqat: husband to provide maintenance and shelter to the wife
Mutah: husband to pay a set amount determined by wife

Nikah Muwaqqat: if conception, child takes name of father and proper inheritance
Mutah:  if conception, child takes name of father and proper inheritance

Nikah Muwaqqat: permission of the representative (guardian) of the bride required
Mutah: permission of the representative (guardian) of the bride required if she is a virgin.

Nikah Muwaqqat: need for witnesses
Mutah: no need for witness

Nikah Muwaqqat: Permissible while on journey only
Mutah: permissible anywhere


Re: Rules of Mutah Marriage Revealed! (Video)
« Reply #28 on: July 15, 2016, 04:40:58 AM »
Regardless of the rules. When it was allowed it wasn't Zinah, after the ban it's considered Zinah.
glad you clarified that. so then the discussion is whether it was disallowed or not?

We already gave you one of its rules, as stated by ibn Abbas. It already conflicts with your Shia circus.
Which one?

I repeat, I am willing to become Shia today if a Shia brother happily allows for me to enter in mutah with his daughter, sister or wife tomorrow.
Perhaps in your world, you force women into marriages and submision. Not in shia world. Find a shia girl who is willing and then we can talk.

Extreme situation of war, when fighters are away from home. that's when it was made a Rukhsah according to ibn `Abbas.

This in no way agrees with your modern Shia rules.
عَلامَةُ أَهْلِ الْبِدَعِ الْوَقِيعَةُ فِي أَهْلِ الأَثَرِ. وَعَلامَةُ الْجَهْمِيَّةِ أَنْ يُسَمُّوا أَهْلَ السُّنَّةِ مُشَبِّهَةً. وَعَلامَةُ الْقَدَرِيَّةِ أَنْ يُسَمُّوا أَهْلَ السُّنَّةِ مُجَبِّرَةً. وَعَلامَةُ الزَّنَادِقَةِ أَنْ يُسَمُّوا أَهْلَ الأَثَرِ حَشْوِيَّةً

Religion = simple & clear


Re: Rules of Mutah Marriage Revealed! (Video)
« Reply #29 on: July 15, 2016, 05:23:02 AM »
Perhaps in your world, you force women into marriages and submision. Not in shia world. Find a shia girl who is willing and then we can talk.

Mutah is not "marriage".  Plus, the women who are offered in mutah to your brethren do it out of necessity, not pleasure or willingness to uphold the "sunnah".

My point still stands: you find tons of Shia (scholars and laymen) encouraging mutah but none would offer their own womenfolk.  Double-standards much?
« Last Edit: July 15, 2016, 05:24:36 AM by muslim720 »
"Our coward ran from those in authority" - Iceman (admitting the truth regarding his 12th Imam)


Re: Rules of Mutah Marriage Revealed! (Video)
« Reply #30 on: July 16, 2016, 12:29:26 AM »
My point still stands: you find tons of Shia (scholars and laymen) encouraging mutah but none would offer their own womenfolk.  Double-standards much?
Encouraging mutah??? Who? Cite me a recent scholar who has encouraged it?

That is like me saying Sunni women are offered to breastfeed adult males in order to make them mahram. It is a widespread shenanigan and even recommend by Sunni scholars.

or I can cite you the case of a Sunni scholar who abused halala by marrying a woman, then divorcing her and marrying her to his friend, then divorce and he married her...5 times.

If you want to go down this road, I will oblige with the statement that I am apologizing to all the other sunni brothers in advance if you get offended by what I relay to you for that is not my intent but muslim720 desire. So by all means please feel free to pick the filthy road or the decent and upstanding road.

Extreme situation of war, when fighters are away from home. that's when it was made a Rukhsah according to ibn `Abbas.
This in no way agrees with your modern Shia rules.
We too say that it is not the norm but by exception. Also there are ahadith that this was performed by the Prophet's approval at his last hajj so that was not an extreme situation.


Re: Rules of Mutah Marriage Revealed! (Video)
« Reply #31 on: July 16, 2016, 01:33:25 AM »
My point still stands: you find tons of Shia (scholars and laymen) encouraging mutah but none would offer their own womenfolk.  Double-standards much?
Encouraging mutah??? Who? Cite me a recent scholar who has encouraged it?
I will site your Imams.

Desirability of mut`a and what is befitting to intend by doing it

[ 26388 ] 1 ـ محمد بن علي بن الحسين بإسناده عن بكر بن محمد ، عن أبي عبدالله ( عليه السلام ) قال : سألته عن المتعة ؟ فقال : اني لاكره للرجل المسلم أن يخرج من الدنيا وقد بقيت عليه خلة من خلال رسول الله ( صلى الله عليه وآله ) لم يقضها .

ورواه الحميري في ( قرب الاسناد ) عن أحمد بن إسحاق ، عن بكر بن محمد ، مثله .

1 – Muhammad b. `Ali b. a-Husayn by his isnad from Bakr b. Muhammad from Abu `Abdillah عليه السلام.  He said: I asked him about mut`a.  So he said: I dislike that the Muslim man should leave the world and there remains upon him a habit from the habits of the Messenger of Allah صلى الله عليه وآله which he has not carried out.

And al-Himyari narrated it in Qurb al-Isnad from Ahmad b. Ishaq from Bakr b. Muhammad likewise.

2 – as-Saduq said: As-Sadiq عليه السلام said: I dislike that the man should die and there remain upon him a habit from the habits of the Messenger of Allah صلى الله عليه وآله which he has not carried out.  So I said: So did the Messenger of Allah صلى الله عليه وآله do mut`a?  He said: Yes, and he recited this verse “And when the Prophet disclosed a matter to one of his wives” – until His saying – “previously married and virgins.” (66:3-5)

[ 26390 ] 3 ـ وبإسناده عن صالح بن عقبة ، عن أبيه ، عن أبي جعفر ( عليه السلام ) قال : قلت : للمتمتع ثواب ؟ قال : ان كان يريد بذلك وجه الله تعالى وخلافا على من أنكرها لم يكلمها كلمة إلا كتب الله له بها حسنة ، ولم يمد يده إليها إلا كتب الله له حسنة ، فإذا دنا منها غفر الله له بذلك ذنبا ، فاذا اغتسل غفر الله له بقدر ما مر من الماء على شعره ، قلت : بعدد الشعر ؟ قال : بعدد الشعر .

3 – And by his isnad from Salih b. `Uqba from his father from Abu Ja`far عليه السلام.  He said: I said: Is there reward for the one who does mut`a?  He said: If he had intended by that the countenance of Allah تعالى and opposition against the one who denied it, he does not speak a word but that Allah has written ten good deeds for him by it, and he does not extend his hand to it but that Allah has written ten good deeds for him.  So when he has approached it, Allah has forgiven him a sin by that, and when he has done ghusl, Allah has forgiven him by the measure of what has passed of water upon his hair.  I said: By the number of hairs?  He said: By the number of hairs.

[ 26391 ] 4 ـ قال : وقال أبو جعفر ( عليه السلام ) : إن النبي ( صلى الله عليه وآله ) لما أسري به إلى السماء قال : لحقني جبرئيل ( عليه السلام ) فقال : يا محمد ( صلى الله عليه وآله ) ، إنّ الله تبارك وتعالى يقول : اني قد غفرت للمتمتعين من أمتك من النساء .

ورواه في ( المقنع ) أيضا مرسلا .

4 – And Abu Ja`far عليه السلام said: When the Prophet صلى الله عليه وآله did the night journey to Heaven, he said: Jibra’il عليه السلام reached me and said:  O Muhammad صلى الله عليه وآله, Allah تبارك وتعالى says: I have forgiven the doers of mut`a of the women from your Umma.

And he also narrated it in al-Muqni` in a mursal fashion.

[ 26393 ] 6 ـ وفي ( الخصال ) : عن أبيه ، عن سعد ، عن حماد بن يعلى بن حماد ، عن أبيه ، عن حماد بن عيسى ، عن حريز بن عبدالله ، عن زرارة بن أعين ، عن أبي جعفر ( عليه السلام ) قال : لهو المؤمن في ثلاثة أشياء : التمتع بالنساء ومفاكهة الاخوان ، والصلاة بالليل .

6 – And in al-Khisal from his father from Sa`d from Hammad b. Ya`la b. Hammad from his father from Hammad b. `Isa from Hariz b. `Abdillah from Zurara b. A`yan from Abu Ja`far عليه السلام.  He said: The amusement (lahw) of the believer is in three things: Mut`a with women, joking with brethren, and salat at night.

[ 26394 ] 7 ـ محمد بن الحسن في ( المصباح ) : عن ابن أبي عمير ، عن هشام ، عن أبي عبدالله ( عليه السلام ) قال : اني لاحب للرجل أن لا يخرج من الدنيا حتى يتمتع ولو مرة ، وأن يصلي الجمعة في جماعة .

7 – Muhammad b. al-Hasan in al-Misbah from Ibn Abi `Umayr from Hisham from Abu `Abdillah عليه السلام. He said: I love that the man should not leave the world until he does mut`a even if once, and that he prays the jum`a in congregation.

[ 26395 ] 8 ـ وقد تقدم في الحج حديث زرارة عن أبي عبدالله ( عليه السلام ) قال : المتعة والله أفضل وبها نزل الكتاب وجرت السنة .

8 – And the hadith of Zurara from Abu `Abdillah عليه السلام has preceded in (the book of) hajj (wherein) he said: Mut`a, by Allah, is best, and the Book was sent down with it and the Sunna brought it about.

[ 26396 ] 9 ـ محمد بن يعقوب ، عن محمد بن يحيى ، عن أحمد بن محمد ، عن علي بن الحكم ، عن بشير بن حمزة ، عن رجل من قريش قال : بعثت إلى ابنة عم لي كان لها مال كثير : قد عرفت كثرة من يخطبني من الرجال فلم أزوجهم نفسي ، وما بعثت اليك رغبة في الرجال غير أنه بلغني أنه أحلها الله في كتابه و وبينها رسول الله ( صلى الله عليه وآله ) في سنته فحرمها زفر ، فأحببت أن أطيع الله عز وجل فوق عرشه وأطيع رسول الله ( صلى الله عليه وآله ) وأعصي زفر فتزوجني متعة ، فقلت لها : حتى أدخل على أبي جعفر ( عليه السلام ) فأستشيره ، قال : فدخلت عليه فخبرته ، فقال : افعل صلى الله عليكما من زوج .

9 – Muhammad b. Ya`qub from Muhammad b. Yahya from Ahmad b. Muhammad from `Ali b. al-Hakam from Bashir b. Hamza from a man of Quraysh.  He said: The daughter of an aunt of mine who has a lot of wealth sent to me:  I had known that many men had sought my hand and I have not married myself to them and I have not sent to you desiring men except that it has reached me that Allah has made mut`a halal in His book and the Messenger of Allah صلى الله عليه وآله سلم stated it in his Sunna, then Zufar made it haram, so I love that I should obey Allah عز وجل  above His Throne and obey the Messenger of Allah صلى الله عليه وآله and disobey Zufar.  So marry me in mut`a.  So I said to her: (Wait) until I enter upon Abu Ja`far عليه السلام and take his counsel.  So I entered and sought his counsel.  So he said: Do it, Allah bless you (two) from a spouse (?).

[ 26397 ] 10 ـ محمد بن محمد بن النعمان المفيد في ( رسالة المتعة ) : عن جعفر بن محمد بن قولويه ، عن سعد بن عبدالله ، عن أحمد بن محمد بن عيسى ، عن هشام بن سالم ، عن أبي عبدالله ( عليه السلام ) قال : يستحب للرجل أن يتزوج المتعة وما أحب للرجل منكم أن يخرج من الدنيا حتى يتزوج المتعة ولو مرة .

10 – Muhammad b. Muhammad b. an-Nu`man in Risalat al-Mut`a from Ja`far b. Muhammad b. Qulawayh from Sa`d b. `Abdullah from Ahmad b. Muhammad b. `Isa from Hisham b. Salim from Abu `Abdillah عليه السلام. He said: It is recommended for the man to marry in mut`a, and I do not love that the man from you should leave the world until he marries in mut`a even once.

[ 26398 ] 11 ـ وبالاسناد عن ابن عيسى ، عن ابن الحجاج ، عن العلا ، عن محمد بن مسلم ، عن أبي عبدالله ( عليه السلام ) قال : قال لي : تمتعت ؟ قلت : لا ، قال : لا تخرج من الدنيا حتى تحيي السنة .

11 – And by the isnad from Ibn `Isa from Ibn al-Hajjaj from al-`Ala from Muhammad b. Muslim from Abu `Abdillah عليه السلام. He said: He said to me: Have you done mut`a?  I said: No.  He said: Do not leave the world until you have revived the Sunna.

[ 26399 ] 12 ـ وبالاسناد عن أحمد بن محمد بن خالد ، عن سعد بن سعد ، عن إسماعيل الجعفي قال : قال أبو عبدالله ( عليه السلام ) : يا إسماعيل ، تمتعت العام ؟ قلت : نعم ، قال : لا أعني متعة الحج ، قلت : فما ؟ قال : متعة النساء ، قلت : في جارية بربرية ، قال : قد قيل يا إسماعيل تمتع بما وجدت ولو سندية .

12 – And by the isnad from Ahmad b. Muhammad b. Khalid from Sa`d b. Sa`d from Isma`il al-Ju`fi.  He said: Abu `Abdillah عليه السلام said: O Isma`l, have you done mut`a this year?  I said: Yes.  He said: I do not mean the mut`a of hajj.  I said: So what then?  He said: The mut`a of women.  I said: With a Berber slave girl?   He said: It had been said, O Isma`il, do mut`a with what you find, even a Sindhi woman.

[ 26400 ] 13 ـ وبالاسناد عن أحمد بن محمد ، عن ابن أشيم ، عن مروان بن مسلم ، عن إسماعيل بن الفضل الهاشمي قال : قال لي أبو عبدالله ( عليه السلام ) : تمتعت منذ خرجت من أهلك ؟ قلت : لكثرة ما معي من الطروقة أغناني الله عنها ، قال : وإن كنت مستغنيا فإني احب أن تحيي سنة رسول الله ( صلى الله عليه وآله ) .

13 – And by the isnad from Ahmad b. Muhammad from Ibn Ashyam from Marwan b. Muslim from Isma`il b. al-Fadl al-Hashimi.  He said: Abu `Abdillah عليه السلام said to me: Have you done mut`a since you have gone out from your family?  I said: Due to the abundance of what is with me of wives, Allah has made me needless of it.  He said: And even if you are needless, for I love that you should revive the Sunna of the Messenger of Allah صلى الله عليه وآله.

[ 26401 ] 14 ـ وبالاسناد عن أحمد بن محمد بن عيسى ، عن عليّ بن أبي حمزة البطائني ، عن أبي بصير قال : دخلت على أبي عبدالله ( عليه السلام ) فقال لي : يا أبا محمّد ، تمتعت منذ خرجت من أهلك ؟ قلت : لا ، قال ولم ؟ قلت : ما معي من النفقة يقصر عن ذلك ، قال : فأمر لي بدينار ، قال : أقسمت عليك إن صرت إلى منزلك حتى تفعل .

14 – And by the isnad from Ahmad b. Muhammad b. `Isa from `Ali b. Abi Hamza al-Bata’ini from Abu Basir.  He said: I entered in upon Abu `Abdillah عليه السلام, and he said to me: O Abu Muhammad, have you done mut`a since you have gone out from your family?  I said: No.  He said: And why?  I said: What is with me of expenditure is short of that.  He said: So he commanded me (to be given) a dinar.  He said: I adjure you if you end up in your house until you do it.

[ 26402 ] 15 ـ وعن ابن عيسى ، عن محمد بن علي الهمداني ، عن رجل سمّاه ، عن أبي عبدالله ( عليه السلام ) قال : ما من رجل تمتّع ثمّ اغتسل إلاّ خلق الله من كل قطرة تقطر منه سبعين ملكا يستغفرون له إلى يوم القيامة ويلعنون متجنبها إلى أن تقوم الساعة .

15 – And from Ibn `Isa from Muhammad b. `Ali al-Hamdani from a man whom he named from Abu `Abdillah عليه السلام.  He said: There is not a man who does mut`a then does ghusl but that Allah creates for every drop (of water) that drops from him seventy angels seeking forgiveness for him until the day of the resurrection and cursing the avoider of it (i.e. of mut`a) until the Hour rises.


Re: Rules of Mutah Marriage Revealed! (Video)
« Reply #32 on: July 18, 2016, 02:40:47 PM »
JazakAllah khair, brother Rationalist.  I do not like to confront Shias with their own hadiths but I provided him two narrations (encouraging mutah) but Shiaman likes to bury his head in sand thinking that doing so makes our posts disappear.
"Our coward ran from those in authority" - Iceman (admitting the truth regarding his 12th Imam)


Re: Rules of Mutah Marriage Revealed! (Video)
« Reply #33 on: July 18, 2016, 09:00:21 PM »
My point still stands: you find tons of Shia (scholars and laymen) encouraging mutah but none would offer their own womenfolk.  Double-standards much?
Encouraging mutah??? Who? Cite me a recent scholar who has encouraged it?
I will site your Imams.

Desirability of mut`a and what is befitting to intend by doing it

JazakAllah khair, brother Rationalist.  I do not like to confront Shias with their own hadiths but I provided him two narrations (encouraging mutah) but Shiaman likes to bury his head in sand thinking that doing so makes our posts disappear.

I am well aware of the hadith and question some of them myself. however, I did state very clearly "Cite me a recent scholar who has encouraged it?"


Re: Rules of Mutah Marriage Revealed! (Video)
« Reply #34 on: July 19, 2016, 05:51:26 AM »
All of them encouraged it, while digging through your scholar's Fatwas I found Ruhani and Sistani saying it is Mustahabb (preferred). If saying it's preferred isn't encouragement I don't know what is.

« Last Edit: July 19, 2016, 05:55:01 AM by Hani »
عَلامَةُ أَهْلِ الْبِدَعِ الْوَقِيعَةُ فِي أَهْلِ الأَثَرِ. وَعَلامَةُ الْجَهْمِيَّةِ أَنْ يُسَمُّوا أَهْلَ السُّنَّةِ مُشَبِّهَةً. وَعَلامَةُ الْقَدَرِيَّةِ أَنْ يُسَمُّوا أَهْلَ السُّنَّةِ مُجَبِّرَةً. وَعَلامَةُ الزَّنَادِقَةِ أَنْ يُسَمُّوا أَهْلَ الأَثَرِ حَشْوِيَّةً

Religion = simple & clear


Re: Rules of Mutah Marriage Revealed! (Video)
« Reply #35 on: July 19, 2016, 12:26:01 PM »
Nikah Muwaqqat: should be done in extreme circumstances; preference is permanent marriage
Mutah: should be done in extreme circumstances; preference is permanent marriage

We too say that it is not the norm but by exception. Also there are ahadith that this was performed by the Prophet's approval at his last hajj so that was not an extreme situation.

So is there a need for an extreme situation or not? Also, just in another thread you were attacking a narration of the Prophet visiting his wives in one night and now you are defending mut'ah here? Would you mind telling me if it is permissible to have nine temporary wives and visit them in one night?

As for the whole "mut'ah with the goal of seeking a permanent marriage", would you mind telling me if a person who has four permanent wives(ie the max number of wives one can have) is prohibited from engaing in mut'ah marriages? And also if it is allowed to permanently marry a wive with the intention of divorcing her, whether that is allowed or not?


Re: Rules of Mutah Marriage Revealed! (Video)
« Reply #36 on: July 19, 2016, 03:02:13 PM »
I am well aware of the hadith and question some of them myself. however, I did state very clearly "Cite me a recent scholar who has encouraged it?"

Brother, are you in denial?  You seem to say things that make me go, "is he serious or is he in loser denial?"  Does your madhhab not believe that mutah is Sunnah?  Of course!  Is Sunnah encouraged or discouraged?  Couple that point with endless videos defending mutah (with speakers as recent as Ammar Nakshawani lying upon Sahih Muslim to establish its legitimacy) and Shia hadiths asking people to uphold this Sunnah, your request backfires.  Maybe Ayatollah Khamenei was misquoted but he himself stated that not only mutah is permissible but also mustahab (but not obligatory).

Furoo al-Kafi states: "One who engages in Mutah once in his lifetime reaches the status of Imam Al-Hussain.  One who engages in it twice becomes equal in status to Imam Al-Hasan.  The one who performs it three times reaches the position of Imam Ali.  And he who practices it four times acquires the level and position of the Prophet Muhammad."
"Our coward ran from those in authority" - Iceman (admitting the truth regarding his 12th Imam)

Optimus Prime

Re: Rules of Mutah Marriage Revealed! (Video)
« Reply #37 on: July 19, 2016, 03:06:08 PM »
I am well aware of the hadith and question some of them myself. however, I did state very clearly "Cite me a recent scholar who has encouraged it?"

Brother, are you in denial?  You seem to say things that make me go, "is he serious or is he in loser denial?"  Does your madhhab not believe that mutah is Sunnah?  Of course!  Is Sunnah encouraged or discouraged?  Couple that point with endless videos defending mutah (with speakers as recent as Ammar Nakshawani lying upon Sahih Muslim to establish its legitimacy) and Shia hadiths asking people to uphold this Sunnah, your request backfires.  Maybe Ayatollah Khamenei was misquoted but he himself stated that not only mutah is permissible but also mustahab (but not obligatory).

Furoo al-Kafi states: "One who engages in Mutah once in his lifetime reaches the status of Imam Al-Hussain.  One who engages in it twice becomes equal in status to Imam Al-Hasan.  The one who performs it three times reaches the position of Imam Ali.  And he who practices it four times acquires the level and position of the Prophet Muhammad."

That narration cracks me up, LOL.

This ShiaMan has been delerious from day 1.


Re: Rules of Mutah Marriage Revealed! (Video)
« Reply #38 on: July 20, 2016, 12:23:30 AM »
All of them encouraged it, while digging through your scholar's Fatwas I found Ruhani and Sistani saying it is Mustahabb (preferred). If saying it's preferred isn't encouragement I don't know what is.
care to point out where/when they did this?

So is there a need for an extreme situation or not?
You need to ask Sabra al-Juhanni and Rabi'bin Sabra since they have a lot of hadith sahih-e-sitta about this.

Also, just in another thread you were attacking a narration of the Prophet visiting his wives in one night and now you are defending mut'ah here? Would you mind telling me if it is permissible to have nine temporary wives and visit them in one night?
For the Prophet or a layman such as yourself?

As for the whole "mut'ah with the goal of seeking a permanent marriage", would you mind telling me if a person who has four permanent wives(ie the max number of wives one can have) is prohibited from engaing in mut'ah marriages? And also if it is allowed to permanently marry a wive with the intention of divorcing her, whether that is allowed or not?
Brother, are you in denial?  You seem to say things that make me go, "is he serious or is he in loser denial?"  Does your madhhab not believe that mutah is Sunnah?  Of course!  Is Sunnah encouraged or discouraged?  Couple that point with endless videos defending mutah (with speakers as recent as Ammar Nakshawani lying upon Sahih Muslim to establish its legitimacy) and Shia hadiths asking people to uphold this Sunnah, your request backfires.  Maybe Ayatollah Khamenei was misquoted but he himself stated that not only mutah is permissible but also mustahab (but not obligatory).

Furoo al-Kafi states: "One who engages in Mutah once in his lifetime reaches the status of Imam Al-Hussain.  One who engages in it twice becomes equal in status to Imam Al-Hasan.  The one who performs it three times reaches the position of Imam Ali.  And he who practices it four times acquires the level and position of the Prophet Muhammad."
Discussing the rules around mutah and discussing its permissiblity are two different things.

This topic is about the rules and as such the rules are not too different between Nikah Muwaqqat and Mutah. Couple that with misyar and urfi and we can debate all day long which is better or worse.

As for mustahab, there are conditions such as in order to avoid falling into sin, it is advisable to permanently marry. If that is not possible, the mutah until the possibility of permanent marriage.

That narration cracks me up, LOL.
This ShiaMan has been delerious from day 1.
Haven't heard from you in a while. I thought you blew yourself up.

In other news, misyar is a widespread reality now:
« Last Edit: July 20, 2016, 12:42:56 AM by ShiaMan »


Re: Rules of Mutah Marriage Revealed! (Video)
« Reply #39 on: July 20, 2016, 05:04:52 AM »
Misyar is Haram if it does not comply with Islamic law. Urfi is irreligious marriage.

You on the other hand, cannot reject Mut`ah like we can easily reject Misyar or Urfi.

Here's one of Sistani's old popular Fatwas saying it's Mustahabb:

الرقم: 16
السؤال:هل زواج المتعة حلال أم حرام؟ الرجاء منكم التوضيح.

الجواب:من أقبح الذنوب وأكبر الكبائر أن ينسب الانسان التحريم والتحليل الى الله بغير علم قال تعالى: (ولا تقولوا لما تصف السنتكم الكذب هذا حلال وهذا حرام لتفتروا على الله الكذب). وليس كل حلال يجب أن نقبله لأنفسنا ومن يتعلق بنا فلو خطب بنتك مسلم أفريقي شديد السواد نتن الرائحة قبيح الوجه هل تقبله؟! هذا مع أن ذلك حلال بل مستحب. وأما دليل الجواز فهو الروايات الكثيرة جداً الواردة عن طرق أهل البيت (عليهم السلام) والعامة أيضاً لا ينكرون تجويزه في عهد من الرسالة المجيدة وانما يدعون نسخه في ما بعد.

Here's one of Ayatullah Roohani's Fatwas declaring Mut`ah Mustahabb (Liked):

 ل الزواج المنقطع يعتبر امراً مستحباً بالتشريع ام مباحاً ؟

وهل ان الفتاة متعددة النكاح المنقطع وماتقوم به من عمل مشروع يعيبها المجتمع عليه ويعتبرها منحرفة فهل يعتبر عملها مكروهاً اذا صار هكذا زواجاً منقطعاً مكرراً بحكم الاعراف والتقاليد المنظورة بمنظور غير اسلامى ام انه يبقى مستحباً لصيانة النفس من خطر الانحراف والوقوع فى الحرام ؟

الجواب: باسمه جلت اسمائه
 بإسمه جلت أسمائه

الزواج المنقطع امر مستحب شرعاً و هذا مالم ينطبق عليه عنوان ثانوي ككونه هتكاً و اهانة لأهلها عرفاً و إلا فقد يصل الى حد عدم الجواز وعلى كل حال ان امكن اخفائه عن المجتمع ـ فلا اشكال في استحبابه ولو بنحو التعدد والله العالم .
عَلامَةُ أَهْلِ الْبِدَعِ الْوَقِيعَةُ فِي أَهْلِ الأَثَرِ. وَعَلامَةُ الْجَهْمِيَّةِ أَنْ يُسَمُّوا أَهْلَ السُّنَّةِ مُشَبِّهَةً. وَعَلامَةُ الْقَدَرِيَّةِ أَنْ يُسَمُّوا أَهْلَ السُّنَّةِ مُجَبِّرَةً. وَعَلامَةُ الزَّنَادِقَةِ أَنْ يُسَمُّوا أَهْلَ الأَثَرِ حَشْوِيَّةً

Religion = simple & clear


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