Misyar is Haram if it does not comply with Islamic law. Urfi is irreligious marriage.
You on the other hand, cannot reject Mut`ah like we can easily reject Misyar or Urfi.
So if a marriage is not done according to islamic law, it is haram? Thank you captain obvious.
Are you rejecting just urfi or misyar as well?
Why would I reject mutah?
Here's one of Sistani's old popular Fatwas saying it's Mustahabb:
الرقم: 16
السؤال:هل زواج المتعة حلال أم حرام؟ الرجاء منكم التوضيح.
الجواب:من أقبح الذنوب وأكبر الكبائر أن ينسب الانسان التحريم والتحليل الى الله بغير علم قال تعالى: (ولا تقولوا لما تصف السنتكم الكذب هذا حلال وهذا حرام لتفتروا على الله الكذب). وليس كل حلال يجب أن نقبله لأنفسنا ومن يتعلق بنا فلو خطب بنتك مسلم أفريقي شديد السواد نتن الرائحة قبيح الوجه هل تقبله؟! هذا مع أن ذلك حلال بل مستحب. وأما دليل الجواز فهو الروايات الكثيرة جداً الواردة عن طرق أهل البيت (عليهم السلام) والعامة أيضاً لا ينكرون تجويزه في عهد من الرسالة المجيدة وانما يدعون نسخه في ما بعد.
Here's one of Ayatullah Roohani's Fatwas declaring Mut`ah Mustahabb (Liked):
ل الزواج المنقطع يعتبر امراً مستحباً بالتشريع ام مباحاً ؟
وهل ان الفتاة متعددة النكاح المنقطع وماتقوم به من عمل مشروع يعيبها المجتمع عليه ويعتبرها منحرفة فهل يعتبر عملها مكروهاً اذا صار هكذا زواجاً منقطعاً مكرراً بحكم الاعراف والتقاليد المنظورة بمنظور غير اسلامى ام انه يبقى مستحباً لصيانة النفس من خطر الانحراف والوقوع فى الحرام ؟
الجواب: باسمه جلت اسمائه
بإسمه جلت أسمائه
الزواج المنقطع امر مستحب شرعاً و هذا مالم ينطبق عليه عنوان ثانوي ككونه هتكاً و اهانة لأهلها عرفاً و إلا فقد يصل الى حد عدم الجواز وعلى كل حال ان امكن اخفائه عن المجتمع ـ فلا اشكال في استحبابه ولو بنحو التعدد والله العالم .
Both questions are specifically asking if mutah is halal or haram and they answer it is mustahab. All that means is that it is okay to do. In now way are they telling people to run around mutahing all over the place.
Nikah Muwaqqat: should be done in extreme circumstances; preference is permanent marriage
Mutah: should be done in extreme circumstances; preference is permanent marriage
suggesting that an extreme situation is needed, then you say:
We too say that it is not the norm but by exception. Also there are ahadith that this was performed by the Prophet's approval at his last hajj so that was not an extreme situation.
suggesting that it can be done without an extreme situation, so what is it?
First option is always permanent marry and if there is a situation where it is not possible then one can do mutah.
For the Prophet or a layman such as yourself?
Nothing stops you from answering and explaining for both cases. We already know that you make excuses for the Prophet to reject things because of his mercy, I am eager to know what it is this time. Whether you consider visting all wives merciless or it is because of another reason.
so first of all, I reject the hadith that he visited all his wives for sexual pleasure in one night. Remember you worship Bukhari such that you accept this hadith at the expense of offending the Prophet.
Since I do not even accept the hadith, I shouldnt have to answer it but I will. No, it was not merciful of the Prophet nor anyone to have sex with all 9 permanent or temporary wives. Perhaps having sex with 1 wive 9 times in a night would be great, but once each with 9 wives not so much.
As for the whole "mut'ah with the goal of seeking a permanent marriage", would you mind telling me if a person who has four permanent wives(ie the max number of wives one can have) is prohibited from engaing in mut'ah marriages? And also if it is allowed to permanently marry a wive with the intention of divorcing her, whether that is allowed or not?
Unfortunately for you, you have no idea what you are talking about or are careless in your lies. Sayyid Sadiq Hussaini al-Shirazi was literally asked this question whether it's allowed to have mut'a if you have four permanent wives and he allowed it:
المتزوّج من أربعة وزواج المتعة
شخص متزوّج من أربعة بالزاوج الدائم، فهل يجوز له الزواج مرة خامسة ولكن بالزواج المؤقت؟
نعم يجوز في فرض السؤال، ولكن ينبغي للرجل والمرأة مراعاة المصالح التي أهم ومواردها تختلف.
Ok, Shirzai says it is okay to do mutah if one has 4 wives. I answered:
As for the whole "mut'ah with the goal of seeking a permanent marriage", would you mind telling me if a person who has four permanent wives(ie the max number of wives one can have) is prohibited from engaing in mut'ah marriages?
No!And also if it is allowed to permanently marry a wive with the intention of divorcing her, whether that is allowed or not?
Niyah for mutah and niyah for permanent marriage are different.
The only discussion to be had is whether mutha is permissible or not. For a fact it used to happen during the life of the Prophet. The only issue is whether the Prophet banned it or someone else (caliph Umar).
Another quick question: While mutah was permitted in Islam, was it still a wrong practice?