
Rules of Mutah Marriage Revealed! (Video)

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Re: Rules of Mutah Marriage Revealed! (Video)
« Reply #60 on: August 01, 2016, 09:45:53 PM »
There are more discussions on events - Karbala, Tragedy of Thursday, Saqifah, Ghadeer Khum, et cetera - because your usool (Imamat in particular) and furoo are complete concoctions.  I am glad you made this statement because it shows that the group involving in discussions over these "other topics" seem to overlook the important factors (like usool and furoo).  So, that group is the culprit and it is a known fact that culprits hide the truth and hide from it too.  This is the same group that regurgitates falsehood regarding "Tragedy of Thursday", imitates scenes from Karbala and celebrates "Eid al-Ghadeer" (claiming that it is the most important Eid when no such thing was ever declared or practiced by anyone, not even Ahlul Bayt [ra]).
Can you point what group is giving precedence of 'others' over usul/furuh. What you are saying is that because I am talking about math, I am ignoring english.

I hope you are not confusing narrations pertaining to Mutah of Hajj with temporary marriage.
Nope. - allowed during the Victory of Mecca - allowed during the last hajj
Both narrations from Rabibin Sabra
Again - I am just trying to figure when exactly this act was forbidden. And since it was forbidden at some time then it must mean that it was also allowed before being forbidden.
I need the exact ayah that allows it followed by the exact ayah that prohibits it.

taha taha

Re: Rules of Mutah Marriage Revealed! (Video)
« Reply #61 on: August 05, 2016, 02:00:12 AM »
The Shia and the Legalization of Prostitution (Mut`a Marriage),
with Refutation

The Shia have claimed the permissibility of a type of marriage called mut`a, which means "enjoyment," or prostitution; indeed, they recommend it as much as possible. They have called for it with the loudest voice, violating the authentic, authoritative saying of Allah's Messenger (sws), in blatant violation of the sanctity of the prohibitions of Allah (Mighty & Majestic).
     Allah (Glorified & Exalted) did not lay down this law (concerning mut`a marriage) as an eternal law to be implemented until the coming of the Hour, due to the great harm and serious corruption that would result therefrom.
     Allah's Messenger (sws) would not have permitted what is called mut`a marriage as a law to be acted upon by Muslims until the coming of the Hour, and that is because the source of the law with which Prophet Muhammad (sws) came was the Wise, Divine Creator: Allah (Glorious & Exalted), Who sent him with upstanding legislation, to bring His slaves out of the darknesses and into the light.
     As a result, the permission for mut`a marriage was only for a limited period of time, as a matter of urgent need, to ease the hardship in the beginning. Thereafter, it was banned forever until the coming of the Hour. That was due to the harm and corruption it would cause, the loss and confusion of patrimony, the lack of family stability, and therefore, the lack of social stability as a whole.
     The truth of what we have said is shown in a hadith from the Messenger of Allah (sws), in which he says,

«يا أيها الناس إني قد كنت آذنت لكم في الاستمتاع من النساء، وأن الله قد حرّم ذلك إلى يوم القيامة – أي صار محرّمًا من الله تعالى بعد أن مُحلّلا منه-، فمن كان عنده منهن شيء فليخل سبيله، ولا تأخذوا مما آتيتموهن شيئًا»

It means, "Oh people, I was going to permit you to seek the enjoyment (mut`a) of women, but Allah has prohibited that until the Day of Judgment (meaning: it has become prohibited by Allah Almighty after it had been permitted by Him), so whoever has any of them (mut`a wives), let them go (divorce them), but do not take any of what you gave them (as mahr, or dowry)."
[Reported by Muslim]

As for the permissibility of mut`a marriage during one limited period of time, during the age of Prophet Muhammad's (sws) mission, the significance of that will become clear in the following way:
     Zina, or extra-marital sex, was widespread and open in pre-Islamic Arabian society and elsewhere before the coming of Prophet Muhammad (sws) with the Final Message from Allah (Blessed & Most High), since it was the time of ignorance (before Islam) with all its corruption, especially in such a hot climate which advances puberty and stirs up the sexual instincts.
     Then, after the coming of Prophet Muhammad (sws) with the Message and the traveling of the Islamic army in battle after battle, over long days and months, defending Islam and protecting it from the onslaught of its enemies, which made it too much for the Arab to handle—to restrain his desire and hold back his natural instinct towards women for such a long time after that had been so easy for him most of the time (by way of having many wives or because extra-marital affairs were so widespread before the coming of Islam and the prohibition of them) before the coming of Islam—and it was really hard on him.
     Consequently, this urgent need was eased by permitting mut`a marriage which was allowed in the time before Islam, but that was only for a limited amount of time until it became prohibited eternally until the coming of the Hour.
     Thus, the permissibility of mut`a marriage resembled what is called 'gradual legislation,' as was the case with alcohol, which was also among the habits of the Arabs and others in the days of ignorance before the coming of Islam, when they used to drink alcohol like water, or even more, until Islam came and prohibited intoxicating substances of all sorts, for all time to come, until the coming of the Hour.
     However, it is from the wisdom of Islamic legislation that alcohol was not banned all at once as a means of easement from Allah (Blessed & Most High), of compassion, and of mercy towards His slaves. Hence the gradual nature of the prohibition until it became forbidden to pray while drunk and incoherent (in other words, one is not allowed to pray when one has been drinking and has lost his reason, due to the loss of awareness). This closely resembles the prohibition of drinking alcohol before the time of the obligatory prayer due to the loss of awareness and the impairment of reason, until it became impermissible thereafter to imbibe and drink it, whether it was time for the prayer or near to it or at any other time, and whether the intoxicating substance was a lot or a little.

-   The Islam which is the law of the Most Beneficent did not neglect to prohibit what is known as mut`a marriage permanently. It did so from the lips of the one who came with it, inviting people to it, Muhammad (sws), and that was a protection from Allah (Blessed & Most High) for the Islamic nation from the vice of zina, or extra-marital sex, and a shield for them against getting mired in such a quagmire.

From what we have shown, it is clear that mut`a marriage became prohibited permanently, and no one advised it but for two reasons:

1.   Either he was unaware of what had been established authoritatively from Allah's Messenger (sws) about his prohibition of what Allah Almighty had forbidden in terms of mut`a marriage, permanently, until the coming of the Hour.
     As testament to that fact: this type of marriage (known as mut`a marriage) used to take place during the time of Abu Bakr and Umar when they still did not know of its prohibition, but as soon as the Commander of the Faithful, Umar ibn al-Khattab, learned that this type of marriage was prohibited after it had been allowed for a period of time, he began to forbid it.
     And there is nothing strange about one of the companions not knowing about any of the laws for a period of time, since not all of the noble companions accompanied Prophet Muhammad (sws) all the time; rather, some of them would go to work and then come to learn from Allah's Messenger (sws) and some of them Prophet Muhammad (sws) would send on missions and into battles. Yet others would stay to learn from him or otherwise do as we have said before. So the companions of Prophet Muhammad (sws) used to ask amongst themselves about what their messenger (sws) had said while they were gone and they would teach each other, but they might not get to an issue like mut`a marriage and the rules related to it until a particular case came up.
2.   Or it could be that they were simply following their whims and vain desires, rejecting the Commands of Allah (Mighty & Majestic) and of His messenger (sws). This is exceedingly clear about the Shia since it was founded on wicked principles set by Ibn Saba', the Jew, following what conforms to their vain desires and personal interests.
Thus, we find that the Shia scholars falsely allege that the son born of mut`a is better than the son born in permanent wedlock, in order to promote this form of 'marriage' which is repellant to those of pure, upstanding nature and which clashes with those of sound, righteous mind.
     The Shia do not stipulate any specific number of women that can be contracted into a mut`a marriage at the same time, nor do they stipulate the presence of witnesses or maintenance. In Furoo` al-Kaafi wa al-Tahdheeb (one of the standard Shia references), it says that mut`a marriage is not dissolvable by divorce, and it does not have any inheritance rights, for it is a rental contract.
     To what extent are women humiliated in the light of Shia beliefs, with its abominable message and corrupt legislation??
      Could those who promote this illegitimate form of 'marriage' from among the Shia scholars and jurists condone it for their womenfolk and accept it for themselves??
     Certainly not. No one could accept this type of 'marriage' except swine who do not have any sense of protectiveness over their women.
We can prove this point with those who call for the likes of this 'marriage' (known as mut`a marriage) from among the Shia scholars themselves and likewise their jurists and people of high position and status within the ranks of Shia society, since they reject this type of 'marriage' for their own daughters. They merely permit it for the rest of the girls and women of Shia society since they find therein a crucial means to satisfy their desires, ambitions, and sexual instincts.
     In other words, Shia scholars and jurists, and other men of rank and status, use the rest of the masses of Shia society as a means of satisfying their sexual needs through their women, by way of calling for this wicked fornication (known as mut`a marriage) which they reject for their own daughters and refuse for their own mothers. Reality bears witness to this fact, for this is a true story, as shown in some of what we have mentioned, and it goes as follows:

A Sunni (one of the followers of the Sunnah of our beloved prophet, Muhammad, sws) argued with a Shiite over mut`a marriage: is it permissible or prohibited?
     The Sunni presented the authentic, authoritative hadiths from Prophet Muhammad (sws) showing his prohibition of mut`a marriage, permanently, until the coming of the Hour, while the Shiite said it is permissible according to the sayings of Shia scholars and jurists.
     So the two young men agreed to ask al-Kho'i, one of the Shia scholars. The Sunni boy asked him what he says about mut`a marriage: is it permissible or is it forbidden?
     Al-Kho'i looked at him, for he sensed something behind the question, so he asked him, "Where do you live?"
     The Sunni boy replied, "I live in Mosul, but I have been staying here in Najaf for about two months."
     Al-Kho'i said to him, "So you are Sunni, then?"
     The boy replied, "Yes."
     Al-Kho'i said in response to his question, "Mut`a to us (in Shia jurisprudence) is permissible, and to you (in Sunni jurisprudence) is prohibited."
     So the Sunni boy said to him (advancing towards him), "I have been here for almost two months as a stranger in your lands, so why haven't you married me to your daughter that I might enjoy her until I return to my family?"
     Al-Kho'i stared at him for a little while and then said, "I am a sayyid (a noble descendent of Prophet Muhammad, sws). That is forbidden for a sayyid, and permitted for the Shia masses."
     Then both young men rose, and it was not long before the Shiite boy exploded in a rage, saying (about the Shia jurists and scholars), "You criminals! You permit yourselves to enjoy our daughters, and you tell us it is permitted and that you are drawing near to Allah by doing so, but you forbid us to enjoy your daughters??"
     And he began to curse and hurl insults, and he swore that he would become a Sunni  (the people of the Sunnah of our beloved prophet, Muhammad, sws).
From this true testimony, the enormity of what the Shia call for and promote (namely, mut`a marriage) becomes clear, and it is repellant to anyone of sound human nature and a pure, righteous soul.
     The form of marriage approved of by Islam and condoned by Allah (Blessed & Most High) for this final nation (that of Prophet Muhammad, sws) is that which protects its stability, which is achieved because one of the conditions of its validity is that the individual aims for permanence in his marriage, not just to fulfill his desire and satisfy his needs at a particular time, and not refusing to acknowledge the consequences of that in terms of vagrancy for his progeny and helplessness (as in mut`a marriage).
     Had Islam not forbidden the type of 'marriage' known as mut`a marriage, which does not stipulate the presence of witnesses, financial provision, or stability, it would have been possible for us to see the vast majority turning away from the marriage which achieves family stability, and therefore, stability for society as a whole, as well as for the good of mankind, to the type of 'marriage' (mut`a marriage) which does not have the least factors of stability and uprightness.
And from what we have presented briefly so far, it has become clear to us that:
     What is known as mut`a marriage, as claimed and promoted by the Shia, is nothing but obscene fornication, and it has been prohibited by Allah's Messenger (sws), permanently, until the coming of the Hour, in a final law that abrogates any laws before it that permitted it, as a deep solution for eradicating the vice of extra-marital sex, and to stop its spread.
     If someone were to say that mut`a marriage happened after the death of Prophet Muhammad (sws), that could only be explained to be someone who had not yet heard of the permanent prohibition of such a marriage, someone whom the religious ruling had not yet reached, especially since, at that time, the Muslims were busy with the task of spreading the religion of Allah Almighty (Islam) throughout the world, so they would have to teach each other the religious rulings because there was no means of communication at that time which would allow them to reach each other quickly.
     All of this can be sorted out by going back to the authenticated, authoritative hadiths from Prophet Muhammad (sws) through whom people of sound human nature, pure souls, and righteous minds can find guidance.
      Therefore, it is clear to see that: the adherents of the Sunnah of our beloved prophet, Muhammad (sws), are the keepers of the truth and its followers.
     So, all praise is due to Allah Almighty for the blessing of Islam, and all praise is due to Him for the gift of guidance and righteousness.


Re: Rules of Mutah Marriage Revealed! (Video)
« Reply #62 on: August 05, 2016, 04:48:38 PM »
The Shia have claimed the permissibility of a type of marriage called mut`a
It doesnt even make sense, the mere fact that it has been prohibited at some point should be enough reason for people to think about it. While there could be many reasons why this practiced was allowed for a specific period of time(like war etc.), I cant think of any reason why it should be prohibited for a specific period of time. Why should the Prophet s.a.w. prohibit it for only specific periods of time, why not leave it allowed for his entire lifetime? So if it can be established that it has been prohibited at some point in time, and it can be authentically established both from Sunni's and Shia's, then you dont even need to know exactly when it was permanently prohibited.


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