
Rules of Mutah Marriage Revealed! (Video)

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Re: Rules of Mutah Marriage Revealed! (Video)
« Reply #40 on: July 20, 2016, 10:49:05 PM »
You need to ask Sabra al-Juhanni and Rabi'bin Sabra since they have a lot of hadith sahih-e-sitta about this.
I am asking you, first you said:
Nikah Muwaqqat: should be done in extreme circumstances; preference is permanent marriage
Mutah: should be done in extreme circumstances; preference is permanent marriage
suggesting that an extreme situation is needed, then you say:
We too say that it is not the norm but by exception. Also there are ahadith that this was performed by the Prophet's approval at his last hajj so that was not an extreme situation.
suggesting that it can be done without an extreme situation, so what is it?
For the Prophet or a layman such as yourself?
Nothing stops you from answering and explaining for both cases. We already know that you make excuses for the Prophet to reject things because of his mercy, I am eager to know what it is this time. Whether you consider visting all wives merciless or it is because of another reason.

As for the whole "mut'ah with the goal of seeking a permanent marriage", would you mind telling me if a person who has four permanent wives(ie the max number of wives one can have) is prohibited from engaing in mut'ah marriages? And also if it is allowed to permanently marry a wive with the intention of divorcing her, whether that is allowed or not?
Unfortunately for you, you have no idea what you are talking about or are careless in your lies. Sayyid Sadiq Hussaini al-Shirazi was literally asked this question whether it's allowed to have mut'a if you have four permanent wives and he allowed it:
المتزوّج من أربعة وزواج المتعة

شخص متزوّج من أربعة بالزاوج الدائم، فهل يجوز له الزواج مرة خامسة ولكن بالزواج المؤقت؟


نعم يجوز في فرض السؤال، ولكن ينبغي للرجل والمرأة مراعاة المصالح التي أهم ومواردها تختلف.


Re: Rules of Mutah Marriage Revealed! (Video)
« Reply #41 on: July 21, 2016, 01:40:00 AM »
Misyar is Haram if it does not comply with Islamic law. Urfi is irreligious marriage.

You on the other hand, cannot reject Mut`ah like we can easily reject Misyar or Urfi.
So if a marriage is not done according to islamic law, it is haram? Thank you captain obvious.
Are you rejecting just urfi or misyar as well?
Why would I reject mutah?

Here's one of Sistani's old popular Fatwas saying it's Mustahabb:

الرقم: 16
السؤال:هل زواج المتعة حلال أم حرام؟ الرجاء منكم التوضيح.

الجواب:من أقبح الذنوب وأكبر الكبائر أن ينسب الانسان التحريم والتحليل الى الله بغير علم قال تعالى: (ولا تقولوا لما تصف السنتكم الكذب هذا حلال وهذا حرام لتفتروا على الله الكذب). وليس كل حلال يجب أن نقبله لأنفسنا ومن يتعلق بنا فلو خطب بنتك مسلم أفريقي شديد السواد نتن الرائحة قبيح الوجه هل تقبله؟! هذا مع أن ذلك حلال بل مستحب. وأما دليل الجواز فهو الروايات الكثيرة جداً الواردة عن طرق أهل البيت (عليهم السلام) والعامة أيضاً لا ينكرون تجويزه في عهد من الرسالة المجيدة وانما يدعون نسخه في ما بعد.

Here's one of Ayatullah Roohani's Fatwas declaring Mut`ah Mustahabb (Liked):

 ل الزواج المنقطع يعتبر امراً مستحباً بالتشريع ام مباحاً ؟

وهل ان الفتاة متعددة النكاح المنقطع وماتقوم به من عمل مشروع يعيبها المجتمع عليه ويعتبرها منحرفة فهل يعتبر عملها مكروهاً اذا صار هكذا زواجاً منقطعاً مكرراً بحكم الاعراف والتقاليد المنظورة بمنظور غير اسلامى ام انه يبقى مستحباً لصيانة النفس من خطر الانحراف والوقوع فى الحرام ؟

الجواب: باسمه جلت اسمائه
 بإسمه جلت أسمائه

الزواج المنقطع امر مستحب شرعاً و هذا مالم ينطبق عليه عنوان ثانوي ككونه هتكاً و اهانة لأهلها عرفاً و إلا فقد يصل الى حد عدم الجواز وعلى كل حال ان امكن اخفائه عن المجتمع ـ فلا اشكال في استحبابه ولو بنحو التعدد والله العالم .
Both questions are specifically asking if mutah is halal or haram and they answer it is mustahab. All that means is that it is okay to do. In now way are they telling people to run around mutahing all over the place.

Nikah Muwaqqat: should be done in extreme circumstances; preference is permanent marriage
Mutah: should be done in extreme circumstances; preference is permanent marriage
suggesting that an extreme situation is needed, then you say:
We too say that it is not the norm but by exception. Also there are ahadith that this was performed by the Prophet's approval at his last hajj so that was not an extreme situation.
suggesting that it can be done without an extreme situation, so what is it?
First option is always permanent marry and if there is a situation where it is not possible then one can do mutah.

For the Prophet or a layman such as yourself?
Nothing stops you from answering and explaining for both cases. We already know that you make excuses for the Prophet to reject things because of his mercy, I am eager to know what it is this time. Whether you consider visting all wives merciless or it is because of another reason.
so first of all, I reject the hadith that he visited all his wives for sexual pleasure in one night. Remember you worship Bukhari such that you accept this hadith at the expense of offending the Prophet.
Since I do not even accept the hadith, I shouldnt have to answer it but I will. No, it was not merciful of the Prophet nor anyone to have sex with all 9 permanent or temporary wives. Perhaps having sex with 1 wive 9 times in a night would be great, but once each with 9 wives not so much.

As for the whole "mut'ah with the goal of seeking a permanent marriage", would you mind telling me if a person who has four permanent wives(ie the max number of wives one can have) is prohibited from engaing in mut'ah marriages? And also if it is allowed to permanently marry a wive with the intention of divorcing her, whether that is allowed or not?
Unfortunately for you, you have no idea what you are talking about or are careless in your lies. Sayyid Sadiq Hussaini al-Shirazi was literally asked this question whether it's allowed to have mut'a if you have four permanent wives and he allowed it:
المتزوّج من أربعة وزواج المتعة

شخص متزوّج من أربعة بالزاوج الدائم، فهل يجوز له الزواج مرة خامسة ولكن بالزواج المؤقت؟


نعم يجوز في فرض السؤال، ولكن ينبغي للرجل والمرأة مراعاة المصالح التي أهم ومواردها تختلف.

Ok, Shirzai says it is okay to do mutah if one has 4 wives. I answered:

As for the whole "mut'ah with the goal of seeking a permanent marriage", would you mind telling me if a person who has four permanent wives(ie the max number of wives one can have) is prohibited from engaing in mut'ah marriages?

And also if it is allowed to permanently marry a wive with the intention of divorcing her, whether that is allowed or not?
Niyah for mutah and niyah for permanent marriage are different.

The only discussion to be had is whether mutha is permissible or not. For a fact it used to happen during the life of the Prophet. The only issue is whether the Prophet banned it or someone else (caliph Umar).

Another quick question: While mutah was permitted in Islam, was it still a wrong practice?


Re: Rules of Mutah Marriage Revealed! (Video)
« Reply #42 on: July 21, 2016, 05:36:29 AM »
Discussing the rules around mutah and discussing its permissiblity are two different things.

Changed goal posts?  No problem!

This topic is about the rules and as such the rules are not too different between Nikah Muwaqqat and Mutah. Couple that with misyar and urfi and we can debate all day long which is better or worse.

Take it from me, there is no better or worse.  In fact, I did not even know about misyar until Shias started making noise.  You know what that should tell you?  That misyar is not encouraged among Sunnis.  Instead, it is highly discouraged.  I would challenge you to bring us a narration - even if weak - from our books saying that doing misyar will enable us the status of Imam Ali [ra], let alone the Prophet [saw].  Bismillah!

As for mustahab, there are conditions such as in order to avoid falling into sin, it is advisable to permanently marry. If that is not possible, the mutah until the possibility of permanent marriage.

How can you avoid sin when you are sinning?  Avoiding zina by reaching out to prostitution is neither mustahab nor avoiding sin.
"Our coward ran from those in authority" - Iceman (admitting the truth regarding his 12th Imam)


Re: Rules of Mutah Marriage Revealed! (Video)
« Reply #43 on: July 21, 2016, 05:59:48 AM »
Hey ShiaMan, judging by your answers to me you're just here to argue and waste time. Listen punk, you wrote some nonsense about retarded forms of marriages, `Urfi is outright rejected Islamically, it's a civilian secular marriage. Misyar is of two kinds, what agrees with Islamic laws and what breaks Islamic laws, if the conditions placed in any Misyar marriage oppose the rules of Islamic legal marriage, then that "Misyar" is Haram and would be Zinah without a doubt. You little man cannot reject Mut`ah, which is actually a lot worse than both Misyar and `Urfi. Mut`ah according to your sect's rules opposes the laws of Islamic marriage, so it's Zinah, the Prophet (saw) forbade it and that's more than enough reason for you to reject it, furthermore, the Shia Mut`ah (Zinah) is the number one source of lewdness and bastard children abandoned by their fathers, it creates huge social problems and causes people disgrace and shame. Don't hide behind your finger, we are VERY familiar with Shia societies and know full well what Mut`ah marriages lead to.
As for Sistani and Ruhani, their Fatwas are VERY CLEAR, don't argue like a godless pagan, they didn't say "It's allowed" rather they said "Mustahabb" meaning "Preferred" or "Liked", big difference and this is direct encouragement.
عَلامَةُ أَهْلِ الْبِدَعِ الْوَقِيعَةُ فِي أَهْلِ الأَثَرِ. وَعَلامَةُ الْجَهْمِيَّةِ أَنْ يُسَمُّوا أَهْلَ السُّنَّةِ مُشَبِّهَةً. وَعَلامَةُ الْقَدَرِيَّةِ أَنْ يُسَمُّوا أَهْلَ السُّنَّةِ مُجَبِّرَةً. وَعَلامَةُ الزَّنَادِقَةِ أَنْ يُسَمُّوا أَهْلَ الأَثَرِ حَشْوِيَّةً

Religion = simple & clear


Re: Rules of Mutah Marriage Revealed! (Video)
« Reply #44 on: July 21, 2016, 09:22:26 PM »
Changed goal posts?  No problem!
All I am saying is the rules of mutah is 1 discussion; the permissibility of mutah is a different discussion.

Take it from me, there is no better or worse.  In fact, I did not even know about misyar until Shias started making noise.  You know what that should tell you?  That misyar is not encouraged among Sunnis.  Instead, it is highly discouraged.  I would challenge you to bring us a narration - even if weak - from our books saying that doing misyar will enable us the status of Imam Ali [ra], let alone the Prophet [saw].  Bismillah!
I am quite comfortable in stating the same thing about mutah - you only knew of misyar from shia and I came to find out about mutah from sunnis. As a matter of fact, you guys are really infatuated with it.

For a fact it happened during the lifetime of the Prophet. The only issue is whether it was abrogated during his lifetime or not. All other discussions are pointless unless this is resolved.

How can you avoid sin when you are sinning?  Avoiding zina by reaching out to prostitution is neither mustahab nor avoiding sin.
For you it is a sin so by all means do not do it and stick with misyar and/or urfi.

Hey ShiaMan, judging by your answers to me you're just here to argue and waste time. Listen punk, you wrote some nonsense about retarded forms of marriages, `Urfi is outright rejected Islamically, it's a civilian secular marriage. Misyar is of two kinds, what agrees with Islamic laws and what breaks Islamic laws, if the conditions placed in any Misyar marriage oppose the rules of Islamic legal marriage, then that "Misyar" is Haram and would be Zinah without a doubt. You little man cannot reject Mut`ah, which is actually a lot worse than both Misyar and `Urfi. Mut`ah according to your sect's rules opposes the laws of Islamic marriage, so it's Zinah, the Prophet (saw) forbade it and that's more than enough reason for you to reject it
What answers did you not like? The one where I asked for the rules around mutah during the lifetime of the Prophet to compare it to current mutah rules. As it turned out, they were not too different.
Misyar if done according to Islamic law is permissible - ok. But can I not say the same thing about mutah. Can I get a hadith from the Prophet allowing/prohibiting misyar? Whose sunnah is it?

I am not rejecting mutah at all. It was definitely allowed during the life of the Prophet. The only issue to discuss is if the Prophet abrogated it or someone after him.
furthermore, the Shia Mut`ah (Zinah) is the number one source of lewdness and bastard children abandoned by their fathers, it creates huge social problems and causes people disgrace and shame. Don't hide behind your finger, we are VERY familiar with Shia societies and know full well what Mut`ah marriages lead to.
So where exactly does this problem exist? Please let me know names of cities and any stats on the number of 'mutah' children. Also if this is a problem in shia cities, who made you in-charge of fixing our plight???

As for Sistani and Ruhani, their Fatwas are VERY CLEAR, don't argue like a godless pagan, they didn't say "It's allowed" rather they said "Mustahabb" meaning "Preferred" or "Liked", big difference and this is direct encouragement.
lets take it 1 step at a time. What was question asked of Sistani/Rouhani?

If you are going to try to insult me, at least do that right. A pagan is someone who worships alternate/multiple deities. A godless person is an atheist. So calling me a godless pagan is an oxymoron which in turn makes you look like a little immature moron. So am I godless or pagan?
Since I have been called a clown by some, I would like to quote the joker, "Why so serious?"
« Last Edit: July 21, 2016, 09:57:02 PM by ShiaMan »

learning boy

Re: Rules of Mutah Marriage Revealed! (Video)
« Reply #45 on: July 22, 2016, 12:53:27 PM »
damn hani you are looking hella silly right now, you made a friggin 30 minute video about this stuff mann!!

 umar ibn khattab would not be proud
« Last Edit: July 22, 2016, 12:55:04 PM by learning boy »


Re: Rules of Mutah Marriage Revealed! (Video)
« Reply #46 on: July 22, 2016, 01:30:53 PM »
I am quite comfortable in stating the same thing about mutah - you only knew of misyar from shia and I came to find out about mutah from sunnis. As a matter of fact, you guys are really infatuated with it.

Without an ounce of disrespect or the intention to drop a zinger, if you learned about mutah from Sunnis then you do not belong here.  You should be the last person to discuss mutah and the first one to enroll yourself in a Shia religious school.

For a fact it happened during the lifetime of the Prophet. The only issue is whether it was abrogated during his lifetime or not. All other discussions are pointless unless this is resolved.

Cut the nonsense!  You know that it was prohibited at the time of the Prophet [saw] and the report came via none other than but Imam Ali [ra] himself.

For you it is a sin so by all means do not do it and stick with misyar and/or urfi.

You do not understand the concept of misyar but needless to say, I think the legal marriage (described in the Qur'an) is what I will opt for.

lets take it 1 step at a time. What was question asked of Sistani/Rouhani?

Gosh darn it!  You challenge us to prove that mutah is encouraged within Shiaism and when we do so, instead of providing your own rebuttal, you present another red-herring by requiring from us the question posed to your scholars.  Please forward my humble request to your hawzas around the world.  This tactic of answering a point by posing another question is no longer funny and is getting old.  ShiaChat members dragged this tactic to its death and now it is in its overkill stages.
"Our coward ran from those in authority" - Iceman (admitting the truth regarding his 12th Imam)


Re: Rules of Mutah Marriage Revealed! (Video)
« Reply #47 on: July 22, 2016, 01:34:41 PM »
umar ibn khattab would not be proud

Umar ibn Khattab [ra] is not watching us as you claim your hiding Imam is!  I must say that your hiding Imam is lamenting over your failure.  If anything, your immaturity might delay his appearance by another 1000 years (that is if he exists as defined within the Shia paradigm).
"Our coward ran from those in authority" - Iceman (admitting the truth regarding his 12th Imam)

learning boy

Re: Rules of Mutah Marriage Revealed! (Video)
« Reply #48 on: July 22, 2016, 02:31:38 PM »
umar ibn khattab would not be proud

Umar ibn Khattab [ra] is not watching us as you claim your hiding Imam is!  I must say that your hiding Imam is lamenting over your failure.  If anything, your immaturity might delay his appearance by another 1000 years (that is if he exists as defined within the Shia paradigm).

and your ignorance could be doing the same. maybe we should both work on ourselves?

immature or not, i found it hilarious, and I also see you aren't very educated with english language and linguistics; any normal minded person would have understood my little umar ibn khattab poke as a present tense. To make it more clear of what my joke was referring to, i meant ' if umar al khattab was still here, he would not be proud ', and it can only mean that, ya bonehead!


Re: Rules of Mutah Marriage Revealed! (Video)
« Reply #49 on: July 22, 2016, 03:03:48 PM »
and your ignorance could be doing the same. maybe we should both work on ourselves?

My ignorance is doing what?  Delaying his appearance?  The last thing I would want is to be accused for the failure in reappearance of a non-existent human being who is recognized in fables.  However, I do agree that we should both work on ourselves.  While I prepare for Imam Mahdi [ra], maybe you should quit peeking into cellars and caves hoping to find "Imam Mahdi" pop out with the the Laws of David [as] in hand, ready to unleash his rage.

immature or not, i found it hilarious, and I also see you aren't very educated with english language and linguistics;

Pardon me for my style and the inconvenience it may cause but English is my 5th language and I seem to be doing quite alright.  By the way, since you have decided to go that route, the phrase you were looking for was "educated in English" not "educated with English".  I will forgive your second error (typing the word "English", which is a proper noun, with lower case "E").

any normal minded person would have understood my little umar ibn khattab poke as a present tense.

In case you did not notice, the name of this website is not "Comedy Central" or "Stand-up Live Performance".  Unfortunately for you (and Shias like yourself), for every one of your pokes, we have at least three.

To make it more clear of what my joke was referring to, i meant ' if umar al khattab was still here, he would not be proud ', and it can only mean that, ya bonehead!

Lowercase "I", lower case "U and K".  Don't lose sleep; we are not keeping count.  My point, however, still stands!  Umar ibn Al-Khattab [ra] is not around whereas you believe your 12th Imam is.  If Umar [ra] was here, he may or may not have been proud.  Actually, if he was here, your kind would not have been here, lol.  But supposedly your 12th Imam is here and yet you are helpless while his reappearance is uncertain.
« Last Edit: July 22, 2016, 03:06:26 PM by muslim720 »
"Our coward ran from those in authority" - Iceman (admitting the truth regarding his 12th Imam)


Re: Rules of Mutah Marriage Revealed! (Video)
« Reply #50 on: July 22, 2016, 03:34:23 PM »
damn hani you are looking hella silly right now, you made a friggin 30 minute video about this stuff mann!!

 umar ibn khattab would not be proud

Silly? Lol it's the shiiteman that's find a nose bone and to answer on legal prostitution (mutah)

this is what keeps your sect small and will never grow............coz your answers are in stupidity

and it's stupid boys like you who find comfort in stupidity



Re: Rules of Mutah Marriage Revealed! (Video)
« Reply #51 on: July 26, 2016, 07:13:51 PM »
Nikah Muwaqqat: should be done in extreme circumstances; preference is permanent marriage
Mutah: should be done in extreme circumstances; preference is permanent marriage
suggesting that an extreme situation is needed, then you say:
We too say that it is not the norm but by exception. Also there are ahadith that this was performed by the Prophet's approval at his last hajj so that was not an extreme situation.
suggesting that it can be done without an extreme situation, so what is it?
First option is always permanent marry and if there is a situation where it is not possible then one can do mutah.
Again, avoiding the question, is an extreme situation necessary or not?

For the Prophet or a layman such as yourself?
Nothing stops you from answering and explaining for both cases. We already know that you make excuses for the Prophet to reject things because of his mercy, I am eager to know what it is this time. Whether you consider visting all wives merciless or it is because of another reason.
so first of all, I reject the hadith that he visited all his wives for sexual pleasure in one night. Remember you worship Bukhari such that you accept this hadith at the expense of offending the Prophet.
Since I do not even accept the hadith, I shouldnt have to answer it but I will. No, it was not merciful of the Prophet nor anyone to have sex with all 9 permanent or temporary wives. Perhaps having sex with 1 wive 9 times in a night would be great, but once each with 9 wives not so much.
Again, not the main question, is it allowed or not?

As for the whole "mut'ah with the goal of seeking a permanent marriage", would you mind telling me if a person who has four permanent wives(ie the max number of wives one can have) is prohibited from engaing in mut'ah marriages? And also if it is allowed to permanently marry a wive with the intention of divorcing her, whether that is allowed or not?
Unfortunately for you, you have no idea what you are talking about or are careless in your lies. Sayyid Sadiq Hussaini al-Shirazi was literally asked this question whether it's allowed to have mut'a if you have four permanent wives and he allowed it:
المتزوّج من أربعة وزواج المتعة

شخص متزوّج من أربعة بالزاوج الدائم، فهل يجوز له الزواج مرة خامسة ولكن بالزواج المؤقت؟


نعم يجوز في فرض السؤال، ولكن ينبغي للرجل والمرأة مراعاة المصالح التي أهم ومواردها تختلف.

Ok, Shirzai says it is okay to do mutah if one has 4 wives. I answered:

Good for you, but we are discussing the rules as laid out by shia scholars. If your rules differ from that, then this thread is not for you

The only discussion to be had is whether mutha is permissible or not. For a fact it used to happen during the life of the Prophet. The only issue is whether the Prophet banned it or someone else (caliph Umar).

Another quick question: While mutah was permitted in Islam, was it still a wrong practice?

I guess for you, if the children of Adam were given a Rukhsa to marry from their siblings, then incest is permissible to do under all circumstances, right?


Re: Rules of Mutah Marriage Revealed! (Video)
« Reply #52 on: July 27, 2016, 03:17:41 AM »
Without an ounce of disrespect or the intention to drop a zinger, if you learned about mutah from Sunnis then you do not belong here.  You should be the last person to discuss mutah and the first one to enroll yourself in a Shia religious school.

Here is what they teach at Shia School:
Day of Judgement

Once the above are understood, then they teach about:
Amr bin Maroof
Nahiyan Al-Munkir

Then, there is Karbala and Ghadeer, etc. Contrary to your beliefs, mutah is not taught.

Cut the nonsense!  You know that it was prohibited at the time of the Prophet [saw] and the report came via none other than but Imam Ali [ra] himself.
The narrations from Imam Ali, do they mention when/where mutah was banned? At Khaybar?

Gosh darn it!  You challenge us to prove that mutah is encouraged within Shiaism and when we do so, instead of providing your own rebuttal, you present another red-herring by requiring from us the question posed to your scholars.  Please forward my humble request to your hawzas around the world.  This tactic of answering a point by posing another question is no longer funny and is getting old.  ShiaChat members dragged this tactic to its death and now it is in its overkill stages.
So I ask for a proof that a recent scholar is encouraging the shia to do mutah to their hearts' content.
You bring a Q/A post from someone who is asking about the permissibility of mutah and the scholar responds that yes it is allowed (mustahab). He is not encouraging but simply responding to a question. Take off the blinders...


Re: Rules of Mutah Marriage Revealed! (Video)
« Reply #53 on: July 27, 2016, 01:26:52 PM »
Here is what they teach at Shia School:


Amr bin Maroof

Then, there is Karbala and Ghadeer, etc. Contrary to your beliefs, mutah is not taught.

Quite a list you have there!  Just a side-note, unlike Tawheed, Adl, Prophethood and Day of Judgment, Imamat cannot be established from the Qur'an.  Also, it is Amr bil Maroof, not Amr bin (the son of) Maroof.  My Arabic is really weak but there is a huge gap between "bil" and "bin".  I will excuse that as a typo.  However, you lie so beautifully when you place Karbala at the bottom of the list when it is an annual commemoration making it an event the details of which every Shia can repeat but they do not know their own books of hadith.

The narrations from Imam Ali, do they mention when/where mutah was banned? At Khaybar?

Does it matter when consumption of donkey meat was banned?  Or do you eat donkey meat because you might be uncertain since certain narrations state that eating donkey meat was forbidden in 7th century while the remaining mention that doing so was banned in 8th century?

Or do you skip prayers because you are not sure when salah was made obligatory?

So I ask for a proof that a recent scholar is encouraging the shia to do mutah to their hearts' content.
You bring a Q/A post from someone who is asking about the permissibility of mutah and the scholar responds that yes it is allowed (mustahab). He is not encouraging but simply responding to a question. Take off the blinders...

There are ample videos on YouTube by Shia scholars encouraging mutah.  You have narrations that guarantee you the status of the first three Imams [ra] and the Prophet [saw] in exchange for mutah performed once, twice, thrice or four times.  That is not encouragement? 
"Our coward ran from those in authority" - Iceman (admitting the truth regarding his 12th Imam)


Re: Rules of Mutah Marriage Revealed! (Video)
« Reply #54 on: July 28, 2016, 04:07:40 AM »
This lying ape, wrote:
You bring a Q/A post from someone who is asking about the permissibility of mutah and the scholar responds that yes it is allowed (mustahab). He is not encouraging but simply responding to a question.


No, Mustahabb is not (allowed), it's is Liked and Preferred.

You should be banned for your ignorance if anything.
عَلامَةُ أَهْلِ الْبِدَعِ الْوَقِيعَةُ فِي أَهْلِ الأَثَرِ. وَعَلامَةُ الْجَهْمِيَّةِ أَنْ يُسَمُّوا أَهْلَ السُّنَّةِ مُشَبِّهَةً. وَعَلامَةُ الْقَدَرِيَّةِ أَنْ يُسَمُّوا أَهْلَ السُّنَّةِ مُجَبِّرَةً. وَعَلامَةُ الزَّنَادِقَةِ أَنْ يُسَمُّوا أَهْلَ الأَثَرِ حَشْوِيَّةً

Religion = simple & clear


Re: Rules of Mutah Marriage Revealed! (Video)
« Reply #55 on: July 30, 2016, 02:11:39 AM »
Quite a list you have there!  Just a side-note, unlike Tawheed, Adl, Prophethood and Day of Judgment, Imamat cannot be established from the Qur'an.  Also, it is Amr bil Maroof, not Amr bin (the son of) Maroof.  My Arabic is really weak but there is a huge gap between "bil" and "bin".  I will excuse that as a typo.  However, you lie so beautifully when you place Karbala at the bottom of the list when it is an annual commemoration making it an event the details of which every Shia can repeat but they do not know their own books of hadith.
Typo. Thanks for the free pass. :)

By all means Imamat is in our Usul-e-deen and is up for discussion. I truly wish more discussions were held on the Usul-e-deen followed by furh-e-deen rather than the other topics.

Karbala, Ghadeer, etc were placed at the bottom because you said "Shia School". Now if you said shia majlis, then I would start with karbala. And before you take off points, I put them there because these things are taught too. If I wanted to lie, I would not even write them there.

Does it matter when consumption of donkey meat was banned?  Or do you eat donkey meat because you might be uncertain since certain narrations state that eating donkey meat was forbidden in 7th century while the remaining mention that doing so was banned in 8th century?

Or do you skip prayers because you are not sure when salah was made obligatory?
Good point about donkey meat. In the hadith, mutah and donkey meat are banned at the same time - at Khaybar. Yet we do not find the sahaba confused about donkey meat being banned or not. However, there are several hadith that state that sahaba did mutah during the last hajj which was after Khaybar. And they did so with the permission of the Prophet. So you can see why I do not question donkey meat but question when mutah was banned?

There are ample videos on YouTube by Shia scholars encouraging mutah.  You have narrations that guarantee you the status of the first three Imams [ra] and the Prophet [saw] in exchange for mutah performed once, twice, thrice or four times.  That is not encouragement? 
There are ample videos of Sunni scholars encouraging halala (they are first in line for it), encouraging adult male breast feeding, etc. Let's not rely on YouTube...

This lying ape, wrote:
You bring a Q/A post from someone who is asking about the permissibility of mutah and the scholar responds that yes it is allowed (mustahab). He is not encouraging but simply responding to a question.


No, Mustahabb is not (allowed), it's is Liked and Preferred.

You should be banned for your ignorance if anything.
Lying Ape??? Really? Is that the best you can do? I must be getting to you.

Wajib - must do
Mustahab - ok to do
Makrouh - better to avoid
Haram - must avoid.


Re: Rules of Mutah Marriage Revealed! (Video)
« Reply #56 on: July 30, 2016, 03:07:43 AM »
This lying ape, wrote:
You bring a Q/A post from someone who is asking about the permissibility of mutah and the scholar responds that yes it is allowed (mustahab). He is not encouraging but simply responding to a question.


No, Mustahabb is not (allowed), it's is Liked and Preferred.

You should be banned for your ignorance if anything.
Lying Ape??? Really? Is that the best you can do? I must be getting to you.

Wajib - must do
Mustahab - ok to do
Makrouh - better to avoid
Haram - must avoid.

Sunnat, Mustahab -- recommendable, desirable. The acts whose neglect is not punished, but whose performance is rewarded, e.g., the call for prayers (adhan).


Re: Rules of Mutah Marriage Revealed! (Video)
« Reply #57 on: July 30, 2016, 04:56:44 AM »
This stubborn ape doesn't know the difference between Mubah and Mustahabb.
عَلامَةُ أَهْلِ الْبِدَعِ الْوَقِيعَةُ فِي أَهْلِ الأَثَرِ. وَعَلامَةُ الْجَهْمِيَّةِ أَنْ يُسَمُّوا أَهْلَ السُّنَّةِ مُشَبِّهَةً. وَعَلامَةُ الْقَدَرِيَّةِ أَنْ يُسَمُّوا أَهْلَ السُّنَّةِ مُجَبِّرَةً. وَعَلامَةُ الزَّنَادِقَةِ أَنْ يُسَمُّوا أَهْلَ الأَثَرِ حَشْوِيَّةً

Religion = simple & clear


Re: Rules of Mutah Marriage Revealed! (Video)
« Reply #58 on: July 30, 2016, 07:06:54 AM »
By all means Imamat is in our Usul-e-deen and is up for discussion. I truly wish more discussions were held on the Usul-e-deen followed by furh-e-deen rather than the other topics.

There are more discussions on events - Karbala, Tragedy of Thursday, Saqifah, Ghadeer Khum, et cetera - because your usool (Imamat in particular) and furoo are complete concoctions.  I am glad you made this statement because it shows that the group involving in discussions over these "other topics" seem to overlook the important factors (like usool and furoo).  So, that group is the culprit and it is a known fact that culprits hide the truth and hide from it too.  This is the same group that regurgitates falsehood regarding "Tragedy of Thursday", imitates scenes from Karbala and celebrates "Eid al-Ghadeer" (claiming that it is the most important Eid when no such thing was ever declared or practiced by anyone, not even Ahlul Bayt [ra]).

Good point about donkey meat. In the hadith, mutah and donkey meat are banned at the same time - at Khaybar. Yet we do not find the sahaba confused about donkey meat being banned or not. However, there are several hadith that state that sahaba did mutah during the last hajj which was after Khaybar. And they did so with the permission of the Prophet. So you can see why I do not question donkey meat but question when mutah was banned?

I hope you are not confusing narrations pertaining to Mutah of Hajj with temporary marriage.

There are ample videos of Sunni scholars encouraging halala (they are first in line for it), encouraging adult male breast feeding, etc.

...with the promise that one can attain the rank of Imam Hussain [ra], Imam Hassan [ra], Imam Ali [ra] and the Prophet [saw]?
« Last Edit: July 30, 2016, 07:08:43 AM by muslim720 »
"Our coward ran from those in authority" - Iceman (admitting the truth regarding his 12th Imam)


Re: Rules of Mutah Marriage Revealed! (Video)
« Reply #59 on: August 01, 2016, 09:38:11 PM »
This stubborn ape doesn't know the difference between Mubah and Mustahabb.
Mubah is an Islamic Arabic term denoting an action as neither forbidden nor recommended, and so religiously neutral
Mustahabb actions are those whose status of approval in Islamic law falls between mubah (neither encouraged nor discouraged) and wajib (compulsory).

well now that we have that clarified.

what is your fascination with apes? I know Yazid was a monkey lover but I didnt know it is a hereditary trait.


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