
Shia making takfir and insulting each other

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Shia making takfir and insulting each other
« on: March 03, 2016, 08:40:55 PM »
Came across this topkek video. The Twelver Rafidite Usulis go hard after each other.

Also if anybody can find the hadith Yassir al Khabit narrates in the start of the video please post it here  ;)
An ant from the valley of the ants possesses more intellect than a Rafidhi - Fakhr Al-Din Razi


Re: Shia making takfir and insulting each other
« Reply #1 on: March 04, 2016, 09:03:03 AM »

I think it is best to categorize the speakers: For example, Yasir al-Habib is of the Shirazi group, and they will do unmitigated abuse on other Shias, and this is known, so it can be dismissed as one fringe, crazy group [like a 'Shia ISIS' type of lunatics].

If we can see who is who in the video, who are those who they are abusing, that would be better and more beneficial.

Re: Shia making takfir and insulting each other
« Reply #2 on: March 04, 2016, 05:19:52 PM »


Re: Shia making takfir and insulting each other
« Reply #3 on: March 05, 2016, 11:24:33 PM »

I think it is best to categorize the speakers: For example, Yasir al-Habib is of the Shirazi group, and they will do unmitigated abuse on other Shias, and this is known, so it can be dismissed as one fringe, crazy group [like a 'Shia ISIS' type of lunatics].

If we can see who is who in the video, who are those who they are abusing, that would be better and more beneficial.

They believe the best generation ever is full of apostate, so no surprise shia will do the same among themselves. Shia is the largest takfiri group on earth. They hide their takfir on sahaba from public, hence most Muslim think shias are  brother. Its not that shirazi is fringe group, its just that other shias are better at taqiyya. Shia is born & bred takfiri.

Ibn Yahya

Re: Shia making takfir and insulting each other
« Reply #4 on: March 07, 2016, 01:04:58 AM »
This brings back memories lol. I remember waking up and seeing notifications of Shias doing takfir or tabdi' on one another lol and even myself at one point


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