Praise be to the One who puts fear into the hearts of the Mushrikeen and may the peace and blessings of Him be upon our master Muhammad, his family and companions, ameen.
Shiachatters (for the x time) are trying to suppress the truth by getting our channel removed, they have started a thread calling on their miskeen followers to flag our videos:
What they dont get it: We already have multiple accounts set up and ready ALL over youtube, we are fully experienced and ready, our channels have been shut down multiple times in the last decade (!) by coward Rafidah who to this day are shaking knowing how bad their religion is exposed by just showing translations of their learned (!) and scholars, including top Ayatullats!
If anything, all these reports/flagging and eventual shut downs of our channels made us only stronger, more passionate and more popular, walillahu alhamdulillah walminnah.
Every time they got us removed it only encouraged us to work HARDER and INCREASED our popularity, it's like push for us. So go on, you pagan 5 star mushrikeen, do what you good at (suppressing the truth) and we, by Allah, won't stop until death departs us from this world. The people deserve the truth, the Ahl Al-Bayt and Sahaba deserve to be defended from the lies your heretical sect has attributed to them.
Note: Some of them have admitted that the actual problem lies in the kufri speeches of their "scholars", their fitra is rebelling deep inside but it takes pure ikhlas/sincerity and courage to admit that the problem is not just "some" scholars but the very essence of Imamism which is built upon exaggeration with the cousin of the Prophet (saws) and his descendants (primarely from a Persian princess).
Ultimately, all Anti-Majos does - if you agree or disagree with its harshness or not - is to translate, even they know that and bitterly admit to that, they know how powerful and effective Anti-Majos is otherwise they wouldn't give a Shiite ... just like us who never call anybody to flag their pathetic channels full of corrupted Tajweed (useless Turban wearers who can't even recite the first verse of Fatiha with decent Tajweed), "scholars" who speak Arabic with ugly Persian accent and barely speak about the essence of Islam (Tawheed) but primarely about catholic style miracles and saint/Imam invocation.
Finally, dear brothers and sisters, be part of the struggle against these polytheists, it's easy, subscribe to our channels (ALL OF THEM), like/follow our other social media account and recommend it to your friends, if you have large (or small) following on social media it won't cost you but some clicks to support the da3wa!
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http://www.anti-majos.comMalay/Indo channel: channel: