
ShiaChat shivering in their boots

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Abu Ammar

ShiaChat shivering in their boots
« on: July 26, 2017, 02:11:34 AM »
Assalamu alaykum,

Please take a look at the attachment.

This probably isn't the most interesting topic, however I really did want to point this out.

Brothers in this forum who know me, know me for being very moderate with our fellow Shia counterparts.

I am utterly disappointed about being banned from ShiaChat, solely for questioning their concept of Imamah (it was a while back I must admit).

This goes to show that not only these people cannot take criticism, but are genuinely petrified of facing us. Their reality might just shatter in front of their eyes.

I challenge ShiaChat to produce a good enough case to justify my banning.

I understand if brothers here have been through a similar experience, but this level of cowardice must be exposed.

If by any means you were banned for rebelling against the establishment somehow in their website, please do share your story.
لا تعتقد دين الروافض إنهم أهل المحال وحزبة الشيطان

'Do not Believe [in] the religion of the Rawafidh, for they are people of distortion and the party of Satan'

Nooniyah Al-Qahtani


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  • Religion: Sunni
Re: ShiaChat shivering in their boots
« Reply #1 on: July 26, 2017, 02:28:20 AM »
You are Arab, Ex-Shia, a new phenomenon they are not used to, their backsides are burning, may Allah fight these Mushrikeen and preserve you akhi. It's the age of the Ex-Shias, one is more dangerous to them than 1000 of their useless self-beating cattle.


Re: ShiaChat shivering in their boots
« Reply #2 on: July 26, 2017, 11:54:13 AM »
You are Arab, Ex-Shia, a new phenomenon they are not used to, their backsides are burning, may Allah fight these Mushrikeen and preserve you akhi. It's the age of the Ex-Shias, one is more dangerous to them than 1000 of their useless self-beating cattle.

Perhaps not exactly related to the topic 100%, but I have also read that in places like Iraq, there are many "Mulhid" (i.e. fully Atheist/Agnostic) people among the historically Twelver population. Of course, that is not something we look forward to, but do you have any more information about this matter?


Re: ShiaChat shivering in their boots
« Reply #3 on: July 27, 2017, 01:37:15 PM »
On Shiachat the mods and admins always make sure they are on the winning side. So they will ban anyone who they think will not become a 12er or slows down their dawah.


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