This is a tahqiq/research by myself, I've gathered Arabic original sources and fatwas and some English material (I posted it on another forum first) proving the sheer nifaq of the Rafidah. Every Shia and Sunni researcher should read the following research and judge for himself:
In the world of Rafidism everything is upside-down. It's a religion of evil. Persian Fireworshippers (such as Abu Lo'lo'a Al Majoosi) are praised as heroes, whereas the son in law of Ali (Omar Ibn al-Khattab) is considired a homosexual kafir bastard (this is what Ayatullats exactly are). Apostates and REAL MUNAFIQS such as Malik Ibn Nuwayrah: and his fellow Beduin apostate Arab tribes are hailed as true Sahaba (with the lies that is based on ZERO evidence i.e. that they wanted to give the pledge of allegiance to Ali!) whereas those who fought them (i.e. the SAHABA such as Abu Bakr, Khaled etc.) are regarded as Munafiqs and apostates!
Heck, even when it comes to actually noble personalities such as Muhammad Ibn Abi Bakr (whom the Shia ONLY revere because he was a loyal COMPANION of Ali and NOT because he was a companion of the final Messenger of Allah!!!), even in such cases the Rafidah are dishonest to say the least. They exaggerate with Muhammad Ibn Abi Bakr (who was of a much lower status then his father Abu Bakr Al-Siddique) and call him a 'true Sahabi' while at the same time they say that his father Abu Bakr was a kafir apostate (something neither Ali nor Muhammad Ibn Abi Bakr ever claimed, quite the opposite!). Now another personality Shias love (in fact misuse) and have even raised to the status of a Sahabi (although most scholars and evidence clearly suggests that he was not a Sahabi i.e. he never saw the Prophet) is the the Tabi3i Hujr Ibn Adi (رحمه الله). Remember some criminals (either extremist groups in Syria or the Rafidah themselves in order to cause hysteria) destroyed his grave (it was a shrine built by Sufis, nevertheless randomly destroying it is neither Sunnah nor Hikma. The Prophet didn't destroy and violated graves, he LEVELED them) last year in 2013 in Syria (where the Rafidah are allied with the Yazeed of our time Bashar).
(relevant articles)
Hujr bin Adi picture - Real or Fake? Muawiya kill Hujr bin Adi? Muawiya killed Hujr bin Adi, a companion of Prophet(Sawa) for refusing to abuse Hazrat Ali(RA), when that incident happened the Rafidah suddenly turned into lovers of the Sahaba (!) and witnessed reports by them such as the following:
Indeed, it is wrong to violate graves and completely destroy them (except if there is a shar3i reason), nevertheless even some Shias themselves were shocked at the love of their follow Rafidis for (empty) graves and shrines and their disinterest for the lifes of millions of innocent Syrian people who have been butchered by Khamenei's lapdog Bashar:
(post by a wet-dog i.e. Waqifi Rafidi):
But those with sickness in their hearts do not reflect nor do they bother (except for the golden shrines!)! it doesn't even matter if the grave was EMPTY in the first place and built by Iranian Majoos who have taken the Arab Shias as their donkeys, as long as the Shrine business works everything is fine to them:
So now you can see what the REAL reason for all the drama about the demolished shrine of Hujr Ibn Adi was about. Now what is interesting is that Hujr Ibn Adi (may Allah have mercy upon him) was nothing but a full blown Nasibi (according to Shia standards)
who did not just dare to question the Imam of his time but actually insulted him in public. Remember, Shias love to quote left and right from our history books, now let us give them a taste of their own medicine:
Abu Ja'far Muhammad Ibn Jarir Al-Rustum Al-Tabari (the Rafidi one, not to be confused with Abu Ja'far Muhammad Ibn Jarir Ibn Al-Yazeed Ibn Jarir Al-Tabari, the famous Sunni Muslim historian and scholar from Tabaristan/Northern Iran) says in his 'Dalaa'il Al-Imamah':
'I have seen Al-Hassan Ibn Ali (Ibn Abi Talib) when he gave
the authority to Mu'awiyah (pledged allegiance). Hujr Ibn 'Adi approached (Al-Hassan) and said: “Peace be upon you
who humiliated the believers.”Upon that Al-Hassan replied: "Whatever I am, I did not harmed them, rather I'm the one who honoured the believers [...]
And there is more!
Ayatullat Al-Radhi (Saudi) also acknowledges it, he even mentions a similar narration, with the difference that Hujr addressed Al-Hassan with "You who
have BLACKENED (brought shame) the face of the believers." (Source is 'Bihar Al-Dhulamaat' i.e. 'Al-Anwaar'):
And more ...
في رواية (شرح نهج البلاغة لابن أبي الحديد : 16 /15) نقلها السيد المرتضى ـ رحمة الله عليه ـ أنّ حجر بن عدي اعترض على الإمام (عليه السلام) بعد موافقته على الصلح وقال له : « سوّدت وجوه المؤمنين » فأجابه الإمام (عليه السلام) : « ما كلُّ أحد يحبُّ ما تحبّ ولا رأيه كرأيك ، وإنّما فعلتُ ما فعلتُ إبقاءً عليكم »
Al-Mortadha in his 'Sharh' of Nahj Al-Balagha (15 / 16) narrated that Hujr Ibn 'Adi
OBJECTED when Al-Hassan Ibn Ali (Ibn Abi Talib)
gave the authority to Mu'awiyah (pledged allegiance to Mu'awiyah!). He said to him: “
You have BLACKNED (i.e. humiliated) the face of the believers."
^Imagine ANY Sahabi would have said said something similar to the Prophet. Rafidah would make Takfir on him with every breath they have, giving him no excuse, yet Hujr Ibn Abi is a GREAT SAHABI to them (all for the sake of grave veneration and to oppose Sunnis!)
As for us Ahl Al-Sunnah, then Al-Hassan did not humiliate anyone. His grandfather the Messenger of Allah صل الله عليه و على آله و سلم informed us that Al-Hassan will make peace between two LARGE Muslim groups (supporters/Shias of Al-Hassan and follow supporters/Shias of of Mu'awiyah. The Prophet described the group who fought Ali as Muslims) and hence Al-Hassan saw it befitting to hand over the CALIPHATE to Mu'awiyah (and Al-Hassan was surrounded by wretched Shi'ites who would back stab him as they did to his father) to finally make peace between the Muslim. He would have never given Bay'ah to a kafir, only a kafir would insult Al-Hassan and say that he handed over the affairs of the Muslims to a Najis Kafir.
وروى الكليني عن أبى جعفر عليه السلام قال : والله ، للذى صنعه الحسن بن على عليهما السلام كان خيرا لهذه الامة مما طلعت عليه الشمس . ( الكافي 8 / 330 وراجع ايضا بحار الا نوار 44 / 25 )
Abi Ja'far (Muhammad Al-Baqir) said: 'By Allah, what Al-Hassan Ibn Ali, peace be upon him, has done (given pledge to allegiance)
was better the best that could have happen to this Ummah' (Al-Kafi 330 / 8 and in Al-Bihaar 25 / 44)
What is important is that the followers of Mu'awiyah did not believe in any alien Rafidi believe, starting from infallibiliy, Imamah up to an 'hidden Mahdi', same goes for the followers of Al-Hassan, both were Muslims, and Al-Hassan is way superior than Mu'awiyah but they did not follow two different religions or creeds! The issue was political and the case is close, except for the enemies within this Ummah, the Rafida who always side with the Kuffar or with REAL Nasibis (as per Shia history since they have reported what I've quoted).