Everybody who seeks the truth must realise that the reality which is that the kufr that you can see by the representatives of Sistani, being preached next to the shrine of Ali Ibn Abi Talib (RA).... :
.... IS mainstream Shiism. The reason why some Shias might apparently reject this kufr has several reasons, some are given by the Shias in the very thread on Shia chat:

What the Rafidi admitted is exactly what Shiism is all about. It's a Batini/esoterical sect with semi-hidden beliefs and satanic rituals. Many ugly beliefs are practiced at an advanced level (of shirk) hence you might see a Shia following sextani as a marja3 yet believing that Sistani opposes asking the Imams for children, wealth directly like Catholics do with their saints. It is however still common that the Shias (especially in the west) are not really aware of the pagan reality of their Ayatollats and books hence you will find desperate posts like this one:

Now let's show every truth seekers the justifications and sources for the prayer of ٍ"Seeking Help From Fatimah (whilst prostrating)"
which has never been criticised by a single Grand Ayatollat (Marji'), remember these are the same Ayatollats who consider the Tarawih prayer (where you pray to Allah alone) as an evil. These are the same Ayatollats (Wilayat Al-Faqih camp and their opponents alike) who waged a war against the likes of Fadhlallah for spreading "evil things" such as avoiding prayer to Imams/calling upon them, doubting the myth of the broken rib etc. yet not a single of them has ever said a word about this kufri prayer of seeking aid from Fatimah whilst in prostration. Why should they anyway, they endorse it, including their top ones as the Rafidi in the screenshot of my previous post admitted. And did you know that this shirki prayer is so much propagated by their scholars and laymen that it can technically be found in every religious 12er Shia household? How you might ask, well:
In our times we have many books of Du'a, compilations of Sahih supplications of the Prophet (peace be upon him). The most compact and famous one today is probably
Hisn Al-Muslim. It can be found in most, if not many Sunni-Muslim households around the world. From the first till the last page it is Tawhid, the worship/invocation of Allah alone, no batiniyyah, no obviously fabricated supplications (one sign of fabrication as the scholars say are extremely long prayers and other bizarre, sihr/magical formula like contents such as repeating a Surah a few hundred times, or saying some gibberish, or asking saints a few hundred times for help etc. all which you can find in Shia books such as Mafatih Al-Jinan), just pure Tawhid.
As for the Rafidah, they have a book of evil called
Mafatih Al-Jinan (Keys to the gardens of Paradise) which amongst Arabs is known as Mafatih Al-Jaheem (keys to the Hellfire). It was compiled by an extremist Mushrik who is revered by every single Shia Marji' today, without exception. The Author Abbas Al-Qummi is a 19th century scholar (i.e. lived roughly a hundred years ago), he has been showered with all praises and "raziyallahu anhos" in the Shia world. One of the titles they have given to him is "Khatim Al-Muhadditheen" i.e. the seal of the Muhaddiths. His Mafatih is widely popular in the Twelver world and is widely available at Shi'a shrines in much of Iran & Iraq. The book was originally in Persian translation & commentary accompanied with Arabic text, but later on was translated into Urdu, English and Hindi. In his Mafatih, which by far is the most popular and praised compilation of Shia supplications by learned and laymen Shias alike, he selected chapters from Quran, fabricated Ziyarat (where you can basically visit an Imam from your living room!) and the most hardcore stuff such as:
-Tahrif Al-Qur'an: Therein he explains how to read AYAH AL-KURSI correctly (different from the CURRENT QUR'AN), with a completely different content, on every Friday.
- A'mal for the day of Norooz (yes, they have attributed Norooz to the Ahl Al-Bayt and fabricated special prayers and deeds such as taking Ghusl on that day. Yet many Arab Shias thing it is "just" the 'Id of Iranic people, not realising that their own religion has been Persianised to an extent were Norooz is not just cultural but an essential part of Shi'ism)
- A'mal for visiting the PURE (yes, in the Arabic original you can read السرداب الطاهر) cellar/basement. It is the alleged cellar/basement where the 12th Imam went into occultation as a kid! They get offended when you mentioned their 12th Imam with the cellar/cave, yet they actually do ziyarat do that place (videos on youtube) and actually believe it is a sacred place! Their Mullahs know how to make money out of a rotten basement.
- SEEKING HELP from Imam Zaman at the Jamkaran Mosque in Qom (a massive "Mosque" built based on a dream of a Shia cleric who claimed that Imam Zaman i.e. Shia Mahdi ordered him to build the Mosque. Such fairy tales and dreams and innovated prayers are good and Islamic but Tarawih is an "evil Bid'ah"! Double standards of the Rafidah can boil ones blood easily)
and of course (and here I'll post a scan from my personal copy):

- THE PRAYER of SEEKING HELP from Al-Batul (Fatimah), may Allah's peace be upon her:
It's exactly the same prayer the Shia Ayatollats in the ANTI-MAJOS video are teaching to thousands of Shias next to the alleged grave of 'Ali Ibn Abi Talib (AS)! As you can see, it IS mainstream and it is a calamity for the Rafidah as they acknowledge themselves (yet not realising the core problem, which is the Wilayah/Dhalalah lie of 12 Imams that lead to all the mess):
It is not a calamity for the noble Ahl Al-Bayt, as Allah protected their them from being worshipped at their graves by the tomb seeking Rafidah and this is how:
- 'Ali's grave in Najaf his highly controversial. He was killed in Kufa and ordered his sons not to tell anybody about his grave (as the Nasibis would have destroyed it and the Rafidis would have worshipped him). It doesn't make sense at all, that somebody slained is carried hundreds of miles up north to a random town called Najaf. Hence the Rafidah came up with all sorts of weird narrations claiming that based on this dream or that order his grave was suddenly discovered. Ibn Taymiyyah even argues that what Rafidah worship in Najaf is actually the grave of Mughira Ibn Shu'bah, which is hilarious if true, since they make Takfir of him. Funnily enough the Sufis and Rafidah in northern Afghanistan, Mazair E Sharif also claim that 'Ali is buried in their town. Each one trying to get their customers to their shrines ...
- Al-Hussein's grave is also not confirmed i.e. it's exact location. In fact, the Sufis of Cairo claim his head is in their Al-Hussein Mosque, others claim it's in the Umayyad Mosque in Damascus, then there are the Rafidah with their twin-temples (Baynol-Haramayn ...). A complete joke.
In Madinah we have:
Levelled (purely Islamic) graves of Al-Sadiq, Al-Baqir, Al-Sajjad and Al-Hassan Ibn Ali
Five "Shia" Imams are buried in there and the Rafidah are prevented from buidling 5 star hotel-like looking palaces (mausoleums) like the recently renewed mausoleum of Khomeini, the kafir enemy of Islam and Tawhid:

(millions of dollars spent on the grave, while people are starving. If one says that he would disagree with that, than this is simply wrong, because his likes propagated ghuluww and revered shrines of dead Ayatollats, Imams, Imam Zadehs etc. in the first place!)
On the other hand, the lands of Tawhid, Makkah and Madinah in particular are guarded from this sort of paganism, yet the lands of Shirk like Najaf and Karbalah are plagued with it, so much that even some sensible Shias are starting to throw up ...