
Similarities between the Shia and the jews

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Re: Similarities between the Shia and the jews
« Reply #20 on: October 08, 2017, 04:44:34 PM »
Salute comrades

I thought i open this thread for fact sharing and hopefully have a few discussions around it.

Both Jews and the Shia believe in Astrology and consulting the stars.
The Jews have their huge volume book The Talmud (73 volumes) while the Shia have their huge volume book Bihar al anwar 110 volumes)
Both Jews and the Shia believe in Esoteric(Batini) reading of the Holy Book.
Both Jews and the Shia believe in leadership passes divinely through linage.
Both Jews and the Shia pray 3 times a day.
Both Jews and the Shia have secret teaching they believe is forbidden for the laymen to learn.
Jews and The Shia share common belief such as the belief that Joshua stopped the sun from setting (shia also say Ali did the same).
Both the Jews and the Shia believe in authority of their leaders. Jews believe in rabbinic Authority while Shia believe in the authority of the Marja.
Both the Jews and the Shia believe in an end of time Messiah/Mahdi that will rule by the rule of David and pray in Hebrew.
Both Shia and Jews hate the Arabs.

The Jews don't hate the Arabs and the Arabs don't hate the Jews. Saudi Arabia and most of the Arab league have accepted and recognise Israel as a state and have good ties with them. How much do the Arabs raise concern and stand up for their Palestinian brothers. You failed to speak about how much the Arabs (the Sunis) stand up for the oppressed Palestinians and what's happening in Burma.

That's not true, what has Iran done for Palestinians? Supply weapons and make Hamas do the dirty work for hizbullah and the Shiite state of Iran?? The leadership supplies arms and the Shiites ask why should they as they are Shiites and Palestinians are Sunni, you help from one hand and curse from the other they don't need your hypocrisy Palestinian brothers themselves can see through your hypocrisy. All BS Shiite propaganda trying to make a name in the Muslim world off our Muslim sunni brothers suffering.......we know you from Karbala and how much you Shiites care.

As for rohingya Muslims what has any Shiite leader done? What has Iran done? Iraq? Any Shiite country leader? Any Shiite syed imam? I will mention 1 sunni name that got it highlighted and raised the issue on the international stage and got them to listen.......Erdogan.
Your just full of it full stop.

I do remember how Shiites of Iraq helped the Muslims oh yea they called the Satan to overthrow a leader just to be replaced by a Shiite one? he a divine one? Helping Satan? And yet you have the cheek to pick on someone else? It's ok when you can help usa but not when arabs do do stand up for the oppressed by the side of satan.

unbelievable hypocrisy.

Just stick to the vast amount of Suni Arabs. You couldn't come up with a response so you start jumping up and down about Iran. If they don't need our hypocrisy then ask the Suni Arabs why they have abandoned the Palestinians for such a long time. And what are the immense Arabs doing about Burma along with you?

Response? I gave it in the post haven't replied, what has shia leaders done for rohingya Muslims? Any Shiite syed? Or Are they hiding hiding? Where's the Mahdi? Muslims are dying getting killed and raped, where is he? shouldn't throw stones from glasshouses.

And you have the cheek to talk lol

It should be the other way around. We should be asking you. What have the Shia leaders done? Hang on a minute, we are zombies according to you so the question doesn't even arise. Lol. One Shia country which has been Isolated from revolution 1979. You can't even digest that. How many Suni countries do you have and what is the Muslim Ummah doing about Palestine, Burma etc? This is what you need to ask yourself. Make yourselves useful and engage in something positive rather than Shia bashing 27/7.


Re: Similarities between the Shia and the jews
« Reply #21 on: October 31, 2017, 03:29:59 PM »
Salute comrades

I thought i open this thread for fact sharing and hopefully have a few discussions around it.

Both Jews and the Shia believe in Astrology and consulting the stars.
The Jews have their huge volume book The Talmud (73 volumes) while the Shia have their huge volume book Bihar al anwar 110 volumes)
Both Jews and the Shia believe in Esoteric(Batini) reading of the Holy Book.
Both Jews and the Shia believe in leadership passes divinely through linage.
Both Jews and the Shia pray 3 times a day.
Both Jews and the Shia have secret teaching they believe is forbidden for the laymen to learn.
Jews and The Shia share common belief such as the belief that Joshua stopped the sun from setting (shia also say Ali did the same).
Both the Jews and the Shia believe in authority of their leaders. Jews believe in rabbinic Authority while Shia believe in the authority of the Marja.
Both the Jews and the Shia believe in an end of time Messiah/Mahdi that will rule by the rule of David and pray in Hebrew.
Both Shia and Jews hate the Arabs.
both sunnis and jews fast on Ashura


Re: Similarities between the Shia and the jews
« Reply #22 on: October 31, 2017, 03:31:54 PM »
sunnis and jews pray with hands on their stomach


Re: Similarities between the Shia and the jews
« Reply #23 on: November 02, 2017, 01:51:28 PM »
Salute comrades

I thought i open this thread for fact sharing and hopefully have a few discussions around it.

Both Jews and the Shia believe in Astrology and consulting the stars.
The Jews have their huge volume book The Talmud (73 volumes) while the Shia have their huge volume book Bihar al anwar 110 volumes)
Both Jews and the Shia believe in Esoteric(Batini) reading of the Holy Book.
Both Jews and the Shia believe in leadership passes divinely through linage.
Both Jews and the Shia pray 3 times a day.
Both Jews and the Shia have secret teaching they believe is forbidden for the laymen to learn.
Jews and The Shia share common belief such as the belief that Joshua stopped the sun from setting (shia also say Ali did the same).
Both the Jews and the Shia believe in authority of their leaders. Jews believe in rabbinic Authority while Shia believe in the authority of the Marja.
Both the Jews and the Shia believe in an end of time Messiah/Mahdi that will rule by the rule of David and pray in Hebrew.
Both Shia and Jews hate the Arabs.
both jews and sunnis lies like you nawasib


Re: Similarities between the Shia and the jews
« Reply #24 on: May 03, 2018, 02:48:45 AM »
(By Jamiatul Ulama Gauteng)

— The Jews said only the progeny of David has the authority to rule likewise the Shiites stated that only the descendants of Ali (radhiyallahu anhu) should be the Imams or leaders.

— The Jews stated that there can be no fighting in the way of God unless the Messiah (Dajjal) comes and the sword descends. Similarly the Shi’ites stated that that there can be no fighting in the way of God unless Qaem appears and an announcer will call from the sky.

— The Jews delay the Dusk until the stars appear, likewise the Shi’ites delay the maghrib prayer until the stars appear. The Prophet is reported to have said, ”My Ummah will remain in the state of Fitra unless they delay their maghrib till the stars appear.” He further stated: ”Hasten to the maghrib prayer before the appearance of the stars and don’t be similar to the Jews for they pray when the stars appear.”

— The Jews distorted the Torah similarly the Shi’ites distorted the Qur’an (by giving wrong explanation and misusing of the verses-like those of tafseer al-Qummi-and alleging that parts of the Quran are changed, missing and deleted out by the Sahabah. Examples of such allegation is that of the respected Shi’ite scholar at-tabarasi, when he regarded that two surahs: Wilayah and an-Nuraiyn, were deleted out of the official Quranic text by Uthman ibn Affan).

—  The Jews wrote the book with their own hands and stated that this is from God, likewise the Shi’ites wrote down lies and stated that this is from God. (al-Kulyani’s al-Kafi is full of it). They also fabricated lies and attributed them to the Prophet and his family. It is also well known to the hadith scholars that the Rafdhis/Sh’iites form the bulk of those narrators who are weak, unreliable and abandoned.

— The Jews don’t wipe on their slippers or light shoes (for ablution) likewise the Shi’ites abandon the same thing. (it should be noted that the Jewish ablution is similar to that of the Shi”ites)

— The Jews regard Al-Jari and Al-Marmahi (two kinds of fishes) forbidden and the Rafidhis regard the same.

— The Jews forbid the eating of rabbits and spleen and likewise the Shi’ites regard the same.

— The Jews had slandered the chaste and pure Mary the mother of Jesus (as), whereas the Shi”ites slandered and accused Ayesha (radhiyallahu anha) the wife of the Prophet. It should be known that Imam Malik issued a fatwa of kufr on the Shiites for this reason.

— The Jews stated that the daughter of Prophet Jacob left rebellious and was held by a polytheist man, whereas the Shiites state that Umar forcefully took hold of the daughter of Ali(ra).

— And there are some of the Rafidhis who don’t pray in congregation or they don’t observe Jumu’ah stating that this has to be done only once the Mahdi appears. Likewise the Jews pray solely stating that congregation should be held once the Jewish Messiah appears.

— The Jews abandoned Musa (alayhissalaam) against the Cannanites stating that, ”go and fight You and your Lord, whereas we remain here sitting.” Similarly the Shi’ites abandoned Ali , Hussein (radhiyallahu anhum), and Zayd ibn Zainel Abideen (rahimahullah) when they were in the battlefield fighting against the oppressors.

— The Jews exalt some their Prophets and Holy men so much that they regard them as deities (in terms of obedience and attachment), whereas they degrade some of the other Prophets and the holy men to such an extent that they call them whores, unchaste, drunkards, corrupt, and idolaters. similarly the Rawafid exalt Ali (radhiyallahu anhu) and his descendants to a status they don’t reserve and on the other hand they regard the other companions of the Prophet to be corrupt, hypocrites, idolaters, unchaste (as in the case of Mugheerah ibn Shuba) and whores(as in case of Muawiyah, Amr ibn Al-As, and Umar ibn al-Khattab).

— Disgrace and cowardice befell the Jews wherever they were and similarly disgrace and cowardice caught the Rafidhis in so much that they resurrected Taqiyya out of extreme fear and humiliation.

— The Jews pray three times a day, similarly the Shi’ite pray three times a day such that they combine Asr and Dhuhur and pray them at the same time, and they combine Maghrib and Isha and pray them together

— An extinct sect of the Shi’ites used to believe that Gabriel made an error by revealing to prophet Muhammad instead of Ali, and thus Gabriel should be hated, and similarly the Jews, they abhore and hate Angel Gabriel.


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